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Potentially Historic Tuesday

Just flurries right now, but the outbound traffic outside my office window is getting heavy, and the grocery store where I went for a sandwich was a madhouse.
Snowed for a bit this morning before getting washed away by freezing rain here in South Jersey. Roads are **** but at least I don't have to drive, thank god for living on campus. Really supposed to start around 7 tonight. 10-18 inches projected here.
As an ex New Englander living in the wild western hinterlands of California, I was amused a few weeks ago when every school in San Francisco closed down because of a heavy rain forecast. It was also very windy and cold, poor dears.

I suppose my daughter has a long life of "when I was your age" stories mocking the relative sensitivity of San Franciscans to actual weather.
Projections are getting worse by the minute. I expect the snow-tsunami to sweep through the streets destroying everything in its path within literally minutes. Woe be unto us!

Spoiler :
Actually, nothing but a few flurries in Boston.
God bless the South. It's sunny and temperature is on the mid 60's here in South Louisiana.

And every time there is a slight snowfall, work is off. Which didn't happen at all this winter, and I very much doubt it will. Last year I had 2 "snow days" off work in Houston, due to a snowfall that could be hardly described as such.
I was amused a few weeks ago when every school in San Francisco closed down because of a heavy rain forecast.

Not that this diminishes the point in any way, but up here if it rains it will almost certainly mean a day off school - because all the hard packed snow on the roads will become solid sheets of ice. But it was amusing to have school no problem with 10 inches of snow falling, yet closings for a little rain.

I fit into the "live in a place with tons of snow" category and thankfully live in a smaller town that knows how to deal with it. last year we got a record 187 inches or so for the season, and only had a handful of closings mainly due to the bitter cold and wind. Not accumulations of snow.
[...]because all the hard packed snow on the roads will become solid sheets of ice.
I had a psychology professor in college who had been a Minneapolis police officer. She had some exciting tales of Winter-time automotive adventure. I think moving to New England to teach was a kind of retirement for her. :lol:
Little children will be whipped up by snow tornadoes and impaled on trees. Oh, the humanity!
This was East Providence about 3:10. Clear visibility out to about one quarter mile before it gets foggy / snowy.

Why people don't brush off their cars' rear windows is beyond me.

Busy local road.

Less busy local road / back road.

My house, as I returned at about quarter of four.

Yeah snowpocalypse/snowmageddon. The 2013-2014 winter was great too. Iirc public schools in Arlington had 13 days off.

snowpocalypse/snowmageddon, that's wht they called it, I remember. Greatest winter break ever. We get +1.5 weeks of extra time added to Chrismas Break, and then we get 3.5 weeks off in February. couldn't be beat.
You know, it does kind of amuse me to watch people freak out about HISTORIC SNOWSTORM, considering that unless it way outperforms the two-feet-of-snow forecast, itS' not even going to be close to the worst winter storm faced by cities in the state of New York *this winter*.

(okay, technically it was November so not winter yet).
Latest forecast is for literally 60 feet of snow. Most small houses will be completely buried.
East coast media bias.
1,783 children have already been killed by frostbite. Or have had a cup of hot chocolate.

One of the two.
East coast media bias.

Mostly my pet theory is that since they act like every two inches of snow that fall is a major snowstorm worth the news cycle's attention, they have to get reaalllllly creative about covincing people that "this time it really is bad" when an actual big storm comes along.
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