Really furious!

I really have no idea how to fix this latest problem... (if I had access to the DLL code then it would be easy, but since that isnt available I have no clue at the moment, and I dont know how long it will take me to figure it out) ..
If you want to continue in a timely manner, then I would suggest replaying the last turnset.
I really have no idea how to fix this latest problem... (if I had access to the DLL code then it would be easy, but since that isnt available I have no clue at the moment, and I dont know how long it will take me to figure it out) ..
If you want to continue in a timely manner, then I would suggest replaying the last turnset.

Thanks for the effort Gyathaar :) It is really appreciated.

@team: what do we do? I see only two alternatives:

1) Replay and hope (honnestly not fan of this as we will feel spoiled and Estarioll will go nut :D And there is no guaranty we won't have this kind of troubles after each set)...
2) Put the variant on hold while we wait for some patch fixing the compatibility issue. :(

Hm, I'll try to do something - another turn, previous turn, something.

I currently don't have time to replay my turn, so we can skip it and continue from the previous turn-set if I can't fix mine. But let me try first.

Off-top: Life is going crazy these days, sorry for not being here for quite some time.


Try this one, its one turn forward, with AH on the way and an archer from Tyre. And it works for me.


  • furious 925 BC_converted.Civ5Save
    843 KB · Views: 81
This one is working! :goodjob:

OK I'll post a plan later in the evening, it's dinner time here :)
Really strange.. perhaps it was a city in the process of being razed, and the data was in a temporary corrupt state for a turn?
Well, all this deluxe/non-deluxe/Mongolia stuff really makes the game work in mysterious ways. The simplest ways for Firaxis would be a save-check before loading if there is any DLC active in the save or not, and some notification "Hello, you can't play Babylon".

And, definitely, I don't get it why you can't even play against Babylon on the first place. Well, it should be player's choice - if you want to play as Babylon, purchase the DLC. But not being able to play against Babylon is just an abuse.

And, guys, I'm so sorry, should have played my turn fully, and this problem would have never occurred. :blush:

Really strange.. perhaps it was a city in the process of being razed, and the data was in a temporary corrupt state for a turn?

Gyathaar, I suspect that the problem was about next tech not set. The game takes it very seriously for some reason, and maybe when you don't choose what to research next converter corrupts the save.
Gyathaar, I suspect that the problem was about next tech not set. The game takes it very seriously for some reason, and maybe when you don't choose what to research next converter corrupts the save.

hey don't need to apologize... your findings are rather interesting, though that bug looks ridiculous :lol:

Anyway, I finally had a look at the save:

->It's more than time to attack our old friend Iroquois :goodjob: They are about to whip out the chinese (Shangai is done for in a turn or two).

I would thus:

  • Bring back most of our troops, baring two exploring brutes.
  • Hook up the iron resources (first buying the third tile for 65 gold). Upgrade to get 6 swords.
  • Attack Grand River to remove the iron from Iroquois dirty hands... His capital should be the target of kaizer Iustus! His units are on the opposite side of its empire so if we are quick it should be easy.

doctrines: none in sight. I wonder about the opportunity to take Warsaw as ally for a few turns. Close to Iroquois and get us faster to patronage. THough I am not sure we have the gold for upgrades, keeping our military alllies, and this :)

Diplo: will sell the new encence once it's online. I don't see any other noticable things.

Micro: grow till happy cap then farm a scientist?

Tech path: AH -> wheel -> trapping -> coliseum tech?

Will play tonight if everybody can chime in in the meantime or tmr morning :)

I wonder about the opportunity to take Warsaw as ally for a few turns. Close to Iroquois and get us faster to patronage. THough I am not sure we have the gold for upgrades, keeping our military alllies, and this :)

Agree, I think cost of one upgrade for brute is about 150g, so we have no spare money. And keep in mind: Budapest is OK, but there is a problem with Tyre - our influence decreases 1.5 faster for some reason. :confused:

Also, the plantation near Munich is only half-done - after IW discovery I sent the worker to get iron first. In 5-6 turns there will be two more workers, so please consider finishing this plantation and get our loved incense. :D
Agree, I think cost of one upgrade for brute is about 150g, so we have no spare money. And keep in mind: Budapest is OK, but there is a problem with Tyre - our influence decreases 1.5 faster for some reason. :confused:

Someone isn't reading my posts :lol: (it's because they are hostile -they have a "mentality" attribute- which makes the decrease faster. irrationals ones are like regular ones, ie 1 pt per turn decrease, friendly ones are the best with a 0.5 pt/turn decrease).

Also, the plantation near Munich is only half-done - after IW discovery I sent the worker to get iron first. In 5-6 turns there will be two more workers, so please consider finishing this plantation and get our loved incense. :D

Don't worry, I am capable of nuking my own troops (see SGOTM10 :D) but very cautious with workers :lol: Will finish the plantation ;)
Someone isn't reading my posts :lol: (it's because they are hostile -they have a "mentality" attribute- which makes the decrease faster. irrationals ones are like regular ones, ie 1 pt per turn decrease, friendly ones are the best with a 0.5 pt/turn decrease).

Thanks, I guessed so, but didn't know for sure. :cool:
Sorry for the delays, was waiting for more comments then missed my window to play.

Here is the save, I am working on a report!

preview: no war started :blush: (troops way too far away and 10 turns to put a mine on a forest lead to this :lol:)


  • FURIOUS_0088 BC-0675.Civ5Save
    580.1 KB · Views: 87
Here we go:

I hit enter and Shanghai falls:

Spoiler :

Our troops up north (too far away to be upgraded) takes care of the nearby barb camp. We loose one brute but get a fresh one. THe most eastern guy is set to explore egyptian land while the scout goes up north. Remaining troops rally friendly territory in order to be upgraded and stop the Iroquois (renamed "the growing menace").

Spoiler :

As Iustus noted, another city-state wasn't far from one of our brute, say hello to Bucharest.

Spoiler :

We finish AH (which reveals horses in the cap) and start on the wheel.

Spoiler :

We meet Kuala Lumpur the next turn.

Spoiler :

The plantatino near city 2 is done so we sell it to the french.

Spoiler :

The first iron mine is done. We proceed to upgrade a couple of warrior/brute (I think I noticed a difference in the price of upgrading a brute compared to a warrior but maybe I was dreaming -need to check this).

Spoiler :

A couple of workers are in range of the two remaining iron tiles the same turn (funny what the hazard can do), we thus buy the southern one.

Spoiler :

Our OBs with Iroquois ends but we need them to use their roads (thus fastening up the come back of our brutes)

Spoiler :

We finally find Egypt, mother of all wonders, a bit later...

Spoiler :

And yeah, we got another GG from a random fight against barbies.

Iroquois, sorry, the Growing Menace, are in golden age. Seeing those yields is annoying, don't pay attention to it...

Spoiler :

We discover Japanese border, up north.

Spoiler :

And completes the wheel. Research is set on trapping. We will be able to finish all 4 turns techs before the research agreement with Ramses ends... baring some micro (Iustus should hire two scientists in Berlin the 3 first turns of his round).

Spoiler :

Here is an overview of our progress (or lack of ;))

Spoiler :

Selling some more to the french (no, no favor here... they just are the only one with monney baring the Growing Menace -I didn't check but I feared signing deals with Iroquois would prevent a dow with the new patch-).

Spoiler :


Spoiler :

Askia wants us to sign a screcy pact, no way.

Spoiler :

The growing Menace keeps... growing, annoyingly. Two more cities settled. We really need to strike. (though as I said in last post, it appears a mine + cutting forest is 10 turns... it is so sad)

Spoiler :

We complete trapping and I stop.

Spoiler :

We found the japanese capital in another news:

Spoiler :

Our ally wants us to find another natural wonder... why not but that' no priority.

Spoiler :

Our workers completed 2 mines, a plantation. I didn't get the worker turns to do something about Munich unfinished plantation though. I think roading (to get the gpt) is more important right now (since we can hardly sell that many resources, and this being nerfed by the patch -150 gold instead of 300- ), so that's what I started (one tile done from city 2, in directin of Berlin). Additionally I did two turns of farm north east of city 2 (waiting for the wheel). Most troops in need of upgrades are closing our territory (3 brutes and 2 swords are witin our borders already). I think we need to move asa we get those 6 swords.

Finally a city near the dye, deer, and iron resource (south east of Iroquois) could be usefull (maybe buying a settler once we are done with upgrades?).

THoughts, comments?


Ras -> finally got to play.
Iustus -> up!
Ungy (if I remember the roster right) -> on deck!


edit: oops I didn't mention the builds: a monument in the capital and a couple of libraries iirc.
Looks good. I will take a look at the save when I get home tonight.

I think the basic plan is to start the war, does anyone have any other thoughts before I start? I either have to play tonight, or wait until Wednesday, as I do not think I will have any time to play tomorrow.

keep in mind we have to buy the friendship of our allies (the eastern one will need 250 or 500 gold soon), so beware when spending cash outside of this and upgrades (we have 4 irons incoming, well iron for 4 more troops exactly). As I said I would think at a settler if the war pillaging allows. I think there will be a new civic unlocked in your round, so that could warant a bit of discussion (though as we have already two GGs to use - maybe we can hold on the military branch-, we can prolly keep for patronage). That's all I can think of right now (bit late here :p). The fight will be close!

Don't hesitate to wait for wednesday if you feel you need it, there is no rush ;) Good luck for the incoming war in anycase! :)


edit: oh, and hire those scientists in Berlin!!! (otherwise the RA could screw us and "gift" us sailing if we don't finish the tech before the agreement ends... )
I am going to wait until wednesday to play. I have the save.

Copenhagen (maritime) has dropped to neutral (28/30), it will cost us 500 gold to gain 70 influence and put them to allied, did we intentionally let it drop? Do we want to save our money for now? We are negative money, I think it may make sense to wait on this one for a bit.

Budapest (militaristic) is 42 turns (102/60 -1/turn) from needing money, if we discover a natural wonder, that time will increase.

Tyre (militaristic) is 10 turns (75/60 -1.5/turn) from losing allied, so this is the one either I or the next guy needs to do for sure.

4 turns to complete the last iron mine, I do not know if we can wait that long to attack, I doubt I will wait that long to take his first city. The pyramids would actually have come in handy here, I wish we did not miss it by one turn :( On the other hand, it did net us money which we will use for upgrades.

I see a double iron spot to the northwest by dyes and mountains, and potentially another iron spot right next to Warsaw on the inland sea, or we could just wait for Warsaw to eventually claim those both and befriend them.

We are one unit over our allocation, decreasing production 10%, but the war should solve that one way or another ;)

I see we have a couple brutes in the middle of the iroquois lands, so I may need to take a turn or two to get them out of danger. Any idea where his troops are that remain from the war? Osinika and Buffalo Creek seem to be free from garrisons.

Shanghai has iron, so we will not be able to rob him of iron until the war is about over. Osininka also has iron to the northwest.

Oh, here is a resave, with the patch, the question is can you open this without using the script? Here is a test. (This is not 100% identical, I did a couple worker actions, but it is very close).


  • Furious_resave_0088 BC-0675.Civ5Save
    579.9 KB · Views: 109
THis save works!

->there is a brute near the dye by one of Iroquois new city. Maybe he can lurk near the Iroquois capital prior to war to locate more troops. Last time I checked, the bulk of his army was there.

-> CS: yeah, I didn't pay Copenhaguen because of the low/negative gpt (sorry, should have mentionned that in the report). Once we drop scientists, it will be positive again, and with roads it will go in the double digit. (the contrary would be annoying :p). My priority was the militaristic ones. Furthermore with the incoming war and added unhappiness, I am not sure taking a maritime is the way to go. Culture for faster civcs and keeping the militaristic ones seems great. (maybe taking a third militaristic one?)

edit: (about Copenhaguen) furthermore, I doubt allying CS to sell their resource is efficient because the AI pay only 150 g for 30 turns. At least now that the city has only one gold to give us. it can still be good if they have many resources ofc.

-> resources: Once we get an army, our concerns will be to upgrade the army as 10/15 troops can conquer the world (if only we could get some range)... So I would focus on luxuries rather than iron quite soon. THough next spot having iron is a good idea, that double iron is what I mentionned as well (dye/deer/iron), I think we should go for it.

->Yeah I went over the unit limit but I guess 10% isn't bad. And you will fix that :p

The Growing Menace is really growing big, we need to act.

Saving the culture for the Patronage tree is best. It will save us gold. (If our great leader had played before the patch we would have 3x150g more from trades :gripe: j/k)
Professional Army would help but it's 2 SP's away, we can't wait with upgrading for that.

We can easily please Budapest by uncovering the rest of the great barrier reef. Moving a unit to the peninsula north of Warsaw should do it, it's not too far either.

oh, and hire those scientists in Berlin!!! (otherwise the RA could screw us and "gift" us sailing if we don't finish the tech before the agreement ends... )
Well spotted, 1 scientist is enough actually, there is no overflow
after that we should get construction (if we don't get it from RA) and then perhaps CS, we have enough riverside farms to not need a maritime CS for a while then
If our great leader had played before the patch we would have 3x150g more from trades :gripe: j/k

I usually need to be :whipped: to be in-time... next time use the whip beforehand, it works better! (though don't tell me you felt gaining 300 g for a resource was "normal" :p)

Good catch about the natural wonder opportunity and the micro of Berlin :goodjob: (was too lazy to check this yesterday)


edit: no comments on the rest as I agree ;)
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