Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

considering that the golem still couldn't take promotions, i don't see why it would be important that it not be able to acquire the orc race, at least mechanically. story-wise, golem's don't have emotions so the event probably wouldn't happen right?

On a side note, my games are not spawning the Guardian of Pristin Pass, even with the 'all unique features' thing active. And the pieces of the triforce are more valuable themselves than the triforce itself imo.
considering that the golem still couldn't take promotions, i don't see why it would be important that it not be able to acquire the orc race, at least mechanically. story-wise, golem's don't have emotions so the event probably wouldn't happen right?

On a side note, my games are not spawning the Guardian of Pristin Pass, even with the 'all unique features' thing active. And the pieces of the triforce are more valuable themselves than the triforce itself imo.

How do you get the triforce by the way?
Put all three pieces of it on the same unit, give it the ability to climb peaks and sit it on Pristin Pass. Next turn, you'll be able to exchange the three pieces for the Triforce.
On the other hand, every time I've done that the unit with it disappears, and any fort commander appointed while there whether with pieces, triforce or neither also disappears again afterwards.
Pristin Pass keeps turning into a city (random barb barb name) in my games. Seems to happen before the guards spawn as well.
Put all three pieces of it on the same unit, give it the ability to climb peaks and sit it on Pristin Pass. Next turn, you'll be able to exchange the three pieces for the Triforce.
On the other hand, every time I've done that the unit with it disappears, and any fort commander appointed while there whether with pieces, triforce or neither also disappears again afterwards.

No I know about pristine pass, what I want to know is how to get the pieces of the triforce.:confused:
Thought I'd recheck the issue I mentioned with units disappearing on Pristin Pass, checked out the development version of RifE. Happens even without any of the triforce promotions. Any unit that can climb peaks can claim it like any other fort, but come next turn the fort commander vanishes. I WB'd Phoenix Blood onto the fort commander, and he reappeared in my capital, but died again the turn after.

All I did was start a new game, WB myself a dwarf scout, plonk him on the Pass and try to claim it.
Thought I'd recheck the issue I mentioned with units disappearing on Pristin Pass, checked out the development version of RifE. Happens even without any of the triforce promotions. Any unit that can climb peaks can claim it like any other fort, but come next turn the fort commander vanishes. I WB'd Phoenix Blood onto the fort commander, and he reappeared in my capital, but died again the turn after.

All I did was start a new game, WB myself a dwarf scout, plonk him on the Pass and try to claim it.

Maybe pristine pass isn't setup like a fort so the game removes him when it checks for a fort improvement in the tile? It happened in 1.30 RiFE with my overlords when I was playing as CoE and moved them off a fort for a turn or more.
Nope just checked; Marked as a fort. I'll check it out.

As for it disappearing... I think I have it figured out, thanks to Vivictus. Barb fort commanders have a chance each turn to remove their fort and place a city. No check was made for the pass, though... Which isn't supposed to be claimable normally anyway.
Nope just checked; Marked as a fort. I'll check it out.

As for it disappearing... I think I have it figured out, thanks to Vivictus. Barb fort commanders have a chance each turn to remove their fort and place a city. No check was made for the pass, though... Which isn't supposed to be claimable normally anyway.

There is also a Rinwell island that is claimable...could the waterwalking promotion or something be passed to the fort commander spawned when you capture Rinwell? My commander there had boarded onto my galleon and dissapeared next turn.
I've got a module I made just today that fixes that - the Rinwell-specific Water Walking promotion is only applied on one of the three different Rinwell Isles, so I fixed it so all provided it. No more disappearing commanders.
Would upload, but with the forums not taking new uploads for now...

Speaking of Rinwell Isle though, if I claim it, I get just the tile it's on as cultural control - but I've seen AIs (besides the Demon barbarian faction) take it and get the same control as a fully upgraded Dteshi Greater Mausoleum.
I've got a module I made just today that fixes that - the Rinwell-specific Water Walking promotion is only applied on one of the three different Rinwell Isles, so I fixed it so all provided it. No more disappearing commanders.
Would upload, but with the forums not taking new uploads for now...

Speaking of Rinwell Isle though, if I claim it, I get just the tile it's on as cultural control - but I've seen AIs (besides the Demon barbarian faction) take it and get the same control as a fully upgraded Dteshi Greater Mausoleum.

Have you tried uploading it on a different site and linking it to this site or the RiFE forums yet?:confused:

Maybe its an ai bonus from a higher diffaculty setting?
I could do, but I'm stubborn, and hate having to register for something that I'll probably never use again. I might try to figure out how Dropbox does it for the short term though.
Plus I got bored a few days ago when the boss cancelled work (due to his health), and made several other modules, so as soon as I can upload again I'm going to stick all my modules up on here in one thread so people do have to hunt for them.
But yeah... unless I figure Dropbox out, have to wait I'm afraid.
Gorilla's do not grant operational range when their blood is granted to recon units, making at least half of their effects obsolete, unless your austrin (windstones grant +1 range). Please fix it or remove it.
I've been having fun with my latest game - really enjoying the mod.

Unfortunately, I get a CTD about every second turn or so. It is triggered by the opening of a diplomacy window or any adviser screens. However, right after I load a save, neither of these is an issue. Quick memory leak?

I have my usual FFH settings - big-ass map with 19 starting civs (minus the ones who got knocked out by early spawns) and marathon game speed. I can post a save game if you want to poke at it.
I've been having fun with my latest game - really enjoying the mod.

Unfortunately, I get a CTD about every second turn or so. It is triggered by the opening of a diplomacy window or any adviser screens. However, right after I load a save, neither of these is an issue. Quick memory leak?

I have my usual FFH settings - big-ass map with 19 starting civs (minus the ones who got knocked out by early spawns) and marathon game speed. I can post a save game if you want to poke at it.

It's probably a memory allocation failure, everyone gets those from time to time. If it happens that often though, try toning down graphics or using a smaller map(large or smaller).

I'm pretty sure this question has been up here before too; I just couldn't find the post oddly enough...:confused:
I'm actually losing faith that the mod will ever be finished and bug free.
Just be patient. No mod is perfect, Orbis CTD's often for me, more often than RifE.
It'll make it. You just have to give it time. It's not like it'll happen overnight.
I guess what pushes it over the edge for me is that it seems like there's a lot of work being done re-inventing mechanics compared with getting it stable and doing finishing touches such as the Civilopedia to explain how the game works.
I guess what pushes it over the edge for me is that it seems like there's a lot of work being done re-inventing mechanics compared with getting it stable and doing finishing touches such as the Civilopedia to explain how the game works.

What is the point of making sure a mechanic is stable, or explained perfectly, when it is planned to be renovated entirely?

Once that renovation is done, then yes, stability/clarity become important. Until then, it is simply duplicated effort that is better spent elsewhere. ;)
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