Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

I guess what pushes it over the edge for me is that it seems like there's a lot of work being done re-inventing mechanics compared with getting it stable and doing finishing touches such as the Civilopedia to explain how the game works.

Your not looking forward to the new mana system then?:mischief:
What is the point of making sure a mechanic is stable, or explained perfectly, when it is planned to be renovated entirely?

My point exactly, Valk. :sad:
Just wanted to point out that it will happen in the future though. ;)

As long as there isn't always yet more new design being added on the list to be done.

ps don't want to appear ungrateful, because I'm anything but. Just being honest that I'm losing heart.
I'm actually losing faith that the mod will ever be finished and bug free.

Why? It seems to be doing quite well as far as I can see.
After patch 1.4 is finished, I'm betting the RiFE team will probably have all or most of the bugs fixed in 3 days or less.:cooool:

Of course the balancing will take a few months longer...
As long as there isn't always yet more new design being added on the list to be done.

ps don't want to appear ungrateful, because I'm anything but. Just being honest that I'm losing heart.

There is not, actually. The goal is to implement what we want for 1.4, and then move to AI/Stability/MP, and some new civs.

Aside from one largescale mechanic which will come later, that won't impact any of those terribly much, while still heavily changing gameplay. :mischief:

And don't worry about it; I don't get that vibe at all. ;)

I've been rather busy with a new job, but am going to dive back in shortly (Friday or Saturday). Going to focus on adding tags the rest of the team needs, rather than large mechanics; Get more done that way. ;)

After patch 1.4 is finished, I'm betting the RiFE team will probably have all or most of the bugs fixed in 3 days or less.:cooool:

Of course the balancing will take a few months longer...

Doubtful, but we'll try. :lol:
Are there any lairs that can spawn 4 goblin archers every 2-3 turns? Or maybe Zarcaz can do this? I'm playing on a small map on epic.

I'm not sure if I have the latest svn update...yet.:mischief:

edit: Just checked and raging barbarians is off.


  • Civ4BeyondSword 2011-03-23 20-51-06-18.jpg
    Civ4BeyondSword 2011-03-23 20-51-06-18.jpg
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Are there any lairs that can spawn 4 goblin archers every 2-3 turns? Or maybe Zarcaz can do this? I'm playing on a small map on epic.

I'm not sure if I have the latest svn update...yet.:mischief:

edit: Just checked and raging barbarians is off.

There may be a spawngroup that does that, and you're just getting unlucky with what's spawning. :lol:
There may be a spawngroup that does that, and you're just getting unlucky with what's spawning. :lol:

Since my scout spotted a couple goblin forts up there and since they were all coming from one direction I'm guessing its from a lair...I just haven't been able to find one that spawns archers yet.:think:

At least I didn't get Orthus this time.:lol:
At least I didn't get Orthus this time.:lol:

Orthus is awesome. Catch him early before he levels up too much, and all you have to do is rush him with 2-3 units and you get his Axe.
Orthus is awesome. Catch him early before he levels up too much, and all you have to do is rush him with 2-3 units and you get his Axe.

Not if the 2-3 units are mechanos warriors.:mischief:
By the way, do you know if banishment works on shades?
edit:erm..nevermind found out what was happening.:lol:

The heavy mist(sidar) is crazy op, even with all sentry promos there are no standard units and very few hero units who can get 5 perception, and the heavy mist is in all sidar cities. There is almost no way for a human player, let alone the ai, to get enough units with perception 5 to take(or hold) one of these cities.
edit: Just checked and raging barbarians is off.
Does raging barbs even exist anymore? I always check this option, but I haven't had a decent swarm of barbarians since FfH v0.3x. What do people do to get some good barbarian horde action? I'm thinking I need to tweak some settings in the XML.

- Niilo
Does raging barbs even exist anymore? I always check this option, but I haven't had a decent swarm of barbarians since FfH v0.3x. What do people do to get some good barbarian horde action? I'm thinking I need to tweak some settings in the XML.

- Niilo

Someone give him the original 1.31 patch. :mischief:
Does raging barbs even exist anymore? I always check this option, but I haven't had a decent swarm of barbarians since FfH v0.3x. What do people do to get some good barbarian horde action? I'm thinking I need to tweak some settings in the XML.

- Niilo

Turn on lairs and don't send out scouts. On a remote island I once found literally 20 units(highwaymen mostly, but also bandit vigil, chiefs, and bandits) clustered in the two available land tiles around one bandit fortress. Imagine now if there were 3 or 4 fortresses. That could mean around 60 units; is that enough.:mischief:

Oh and I have seen that many fortresses in one place before; between a poor ai's cities.:lol: If raging barbs doesn't show up you can always edit C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise from Erebus\Assets\XML\Gameinfo\CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml, like Valk showed me, and set raging barbs to 1 so it isn't hidden.
I got the last patch. Reinvigorates me a bit. :D

Some questions.
-- We still have the problem of two game mechanics being named the same thing. There are quite a few such problems. Results in player confusion as well as mechanic problems such as a civilopedia reference linked to the wrong place (because it links to "Marksman" the unit rather than "Marksman" the promotion). Others include Plains (terrain type vs elevation type), Alignment (law axis vs moral axis), spell vs promotion, Train (educate a unit vs build a unit).
-- it's arguably a bug and definitely annoying that sometimes terrain can be improved and then modified, but not modified and then improved. e.g., you can camp a forest, but a forest can't grow to a camped/unforested tile. Same thing with swamps (e.g., cottaging a wetland tile), and others.
-- ditto on buildings etc. that give free promotions. It's annoying that a unit I've shepherded all game can't get some benefit that a green unit I just trained got. Ideally I should be able to take my veteran unit, go to that city, and pay/spend time training him to get that promotion (or added XP or whatever it is).

Thanks for listening.
Experiencing a repeatable No Combat with a Muris Clan Lord 0atk/5def. Just waltzes into my capital ignoring my defenders and ends my game at turn 29. I can get the save if you want. I've experienced this before with some 0atk units.
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