• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .
1 (1): How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?! National industry grinds to a halt as too few resources are spread over too many projects. -$30 million; supply shortages worsen to -8 industrial production, -4 civilian happiness, -20% wealth taxable; construction time for all units is DOUBLED from original estimate!

With that out of my system....time for the orders.

Action 1: Train up A Battalion of Storm Commandos for use in covert operations.

Action 2:
Intensify forward firepower onto the Mutator!

Given the limited choices that I have that won't cripple myself and doesn't involve any of my techs falling into foreign hands. I'm gonna have to end up taking the Svenskt Stål option. Though diplomacy is in order to give my staff an update on the world situation outside Oceania.

To: Sweden
From: Kiwi Empire

As you are aware, that both the Australian Capital Territory, the Khmer Effervescent Thalassocracy, and the Kiwi Empire are currently battling against Yuri. Given our isolationist past, we are unaware of the situation between Sweden and the Yuri Crisis and we would like to know if South Sweden would be willing to join up in the coalition against Yuri.
To: Volksreich der Frau, Majterre, Egypt, the Crusaders
CC: Ireland, Namibia, any interested European, Middle-Eastern or North African parties

A general European war over Crete is not in anybody's interest. I therefore propose a summit on neutral territory, perhaps in Dublin, to sort the matter out before the lamps go out all over Europe and so on. We are prepared to invite Namibia as a major ally of the Volksreich, as well as any other states in the region who have interest in this matter.

We do not want the violence in North America to be repeated here, or indeed anywhere in the world. Peace and railway construction for all.

The Prime Minister


To: The ACT

If we find the sword, we'll let you know.


Action One: We must support the garrison in Port Stanley! Task Force Turner will immediately turn south to relieve (or as it may be, liberate) the islands.

Action Two: Excalibur is somewhere, god damn it! Keep looking. If it's not in Tintagel, try Wales.

Action Three: Send Lapis on towards Langley, see if we can't do some damage to Christos there. Maybe even find some Agency secrets!
FROM: South Sweden
TO: Kiwi Empire
SUBJECT: RE: Prerequisites to international intervention
We refer Wellington to our official position as elucidated at the United Nations. Provided Wellington honours its obligations, we will be able to investigate commitment of a task force to overseas operations.

FROM: Volksreich der Frau
TO: Kingdom of Britain
SUBJECT: Eleventh-hour conference
We applaud Britain's tireless effort to preserve some modicum of political stability within the continent. As the Volksreich is most definitely on the line for any containment operations that would arise from out-and-out belligerence, we implore all affected parties to take this opportunity to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Terra I

FROM: Egypt
TO: Kingdom of Britain
CC: Majterre
SUBJECT: One last desperate lifeline
Britain's desperate attempt to prevent its ally from committing ritual suicide is misguided but commendable, and we will honour the invitation. This is Majterre's last chance to demonstrate it is willing to negotiate in good faith. Pray it isn't squandered.

FROM: Ireland
TO: Kingdom of Britain
SUBJECT: International summit
We are prepared to act as host for this conference.

FROM: European Federation
TO: Kingdom of Britain
SUBJECT: Emergency intervention
It is reassuring to know London remains committed to continental peace. With your permission, the European Federation will send an observer delegation to the summit. Majterre seems to have done everything it can to paint itself a rogue actor, and we hope this intervention will finally turn the ship around before the Demons of the Twentieth Century are borne fresh upon the shoulders of the Demons of the Twenty-First.

Martin Schulz
President, European Federation

FROM: Greece
TO: Kingdom of Britain
CC: Majterre
SUBJECT: Majterran Rescue Committee
Britain's noble soldiering on against such hopeless odds is admirable. We will afford Paris this opportunity to prove it is committed to peace.

FROM: Tani I, Emperor of All Faxum, King of the Effeduppage
TO: Esther Solomon, Empress of Majterre
SUBJECT: Peace in our time?
Your Grace,

Far be it from me to presume expertise over what is best for your own realm, but should this proposed summit come to fruition, I strongly encourage you to consider the interests of all sides in your negotiations. While we remain in the moral right, of course, it is dangerous to be so vocal when rival governments are wrong. Discretion is the better part of valor, after all, and a tactical retreat now may yet carry the war in the long run.

Your friend vorever more,
Tani I

P.S.: I couldn't help noticing Leon-boo has not yet received medical attention. Remember: a stitch in time saves nine.

FROM: Novus Imperiumvs Romanorumvs
TO: Kingdom of Britain, Empire of Majterre, Volksreich der Frau, Greece, Egypt
SUBJECT: Escalating tensions
Rome has no immediate stake in this dispute and trusts the countries to be able to settle it themselves, We warn, however, that foreign aggression against Roman lands, however incidental, will not be tolerated.

First Citizen Flavius Augustus

FROM: Heretics' Crusade
TO: Kingdom of Britain
SUBJECT: Deus Vult
We're on a mission from God.

FROM: Hugo Chávez
TO: Kingdom of Britain
SUBJECT: The definition of insanity
You are wasting your time if you think the criminal empire that belches sulphur is interested in settling its dispute with words. I guarantee you the talks will have barely started before Paris will demonstrate its contempt. Just make sure all attendees are several rungs removed from national leadership. I should hate to learn Europe's heads of state had all disappeared under mysterious circumstances...
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To: Robert_Can't
From: Kiwi Empire

I ask you that you cease this senseless desire to peruse revenge against our nation. Unless you are unaware, . The more you seek to harm us, the more you are allowing Yuri to win. Cease this senseless action at once, or you will face severe consequences. We do not see eye-to-eye, but i'd be super great if you'd targeted Yuri instead of me.

"Curses! The sovereign nation of the Kiwi Empire has somehow learned of an incredibly secret plan to enact non-specific revenge upon them made by, us, a group of lunar explorers mostly unknown outside of the Brony community and have decided to act upon this knowledge by sending us a communique about a perceived greater threat!"

"So who is this Yuri?"

"I have no idea James - keep driving."
From: NinjaCow64, Prime Minister for Life of Canberra, on a helicopter
To: All of Europe and any other interested parties in the Majitera Conflict

Firstly I’d like to thank the Kingdom of Great Britain for their commitment to keep us Saberists in the loop in regards to the search for Excalibur. We Canberrans consider Great Britain to be a true friend due to our shared cultural heritage of Saberism and due to Great Britain’s stabilising prescence on Europe and the world. However, as a friend we feel it like it is our responsibility to intervene when our friends are making a poor relationship choice and look I’m just going to say it - Harry should seriously consider getting a divorce.

Hugo Chavez is right - everyone should take security, especially magical security, as paramount importance at this summit if it goes ahead. Knowing Magiterra they’ll summon a demon portal above Dublin (possibly on accident, possibly on purpose) and said demons will end up eating everyone. Dublin and other nations should heavily invest in magical security for this conference.

Even if that happens, I don’t think that this conference should go ahead without assurances given by Majiterra. While I think that the Kingdom of Great Britain proposed this conference entirely in good faith, Majiterra has not shown any desire to negotiate in good faith. For [tier-2 swear word]ing sake they’re planning to teleport the entire Egyptian and Greek navies to the Great Victorian Desert, simultaneously sabotaging my efforts to combat the greatest threat to human civilisation since climate change and escalating tensions in Europe to a fever pitch. Even Fauxum, one of the two natioms that don’t despise you at this point, tried to convince you not to do that! Also in private correspondence with Majiterran representatives, they said that they would rather (and I quote) “turn the Medditerranian into lava rather than surrender Crete”.

Why am I saying this? Well, Majiterra has repeatedly threatened to use the notoriously unreliable magic to transform me into a minotaur. While I might be willing to experiment under usual circumstances, knowing your magic it would likely go horribly wrong and also I’m TRYING TO SAVE ALL OF [tier-2 swear word]ING CIVILISATION HERE! Even more unforgivably they directly insulted Saber in private correspondence. While I am happy to shoulder some of the blame over the chaos in Europe (I did summon Jeanne Alter after all) and I understand why they’re pissed off at me, Majiterra has been hilariously diplomatically incompetent in this whole debacle to the point where I don’t want to help them out at all. I didn’t want to get involved in this European mess but frankly Majiterra is acting as a useful idiot for Yuri at this point and its becoming more and more intolerable every turn.

But I’m a big believer in giving people last chances. I’m bolding the important bit. Unless Majiterra agrees to an immediate ceasefire of all military and magical operations with Greece and Egypt, I will be forced to take all of the following actions: 1) Boycott the peace conference 2) Recognise Majiterra as illegal occupiers of Crete 3) Expell all Majiterran diplomatic staff 4) Expell all Majiterran citizens unless they apply for refugee status and/or declare their loyalty to Jeanne Alter 5) Recognise the Heretic’s Crusade as the only legitimate government of France and Jeanne Alter as the legitimate leader of France. We would encourage all sensible nations to do the same if Majiterra fails to meet our very basic demands.
Canberra gets +10 to all rolls this turn for invoking sustained laughter.

(Not really, just thought I'd highlight my appreciation. :cool:)
From: NinjaCow64, Prime Minister for Life of Canberra, on a helicopter
To: All of Europe and any other interested parties in the Majitera Conflict

Firstly I’d like to thank the Kingdom of Great Britain for their commitment to keep us Saberists in the loop in regards to the search for Excalibur. We Canberrans consider Great Britain to be a true friend due to our shared cultural heritage of Saberism and due to Great Britain’s stabilising prescence on Europe and the world. However, as a friend we feel it like it is our responsibility to intervene when our friends are making a poor relationship choice and look I’m just going to say it - Harry should seriously consider getting a divorce.

Hugo Chavez is right - everyone should take security, especially magical security, as paramount importance at this summit if it goes ahead. Knowing Magiterra they’ll summon a demon portal above Dublin (possibly on accident, possibly on purpose) and said demons will end up eating everyone. Dublin and other nations should heavily invest in magical security for this conference.

Even if that happens, I don’t think that this conference should go ahead without assurances given by Majiterra. While I think that the Kingdom of Great Britain proposed this conference entirely in good faith, Majiterra has not shown any desire to negotiate in good faith. For [tier-2 swear word]ing sake they’re planning to teleport the entire Egyptian and Greek navies to the Great Victorian Desert, simultaneously sabotaging my efforts to combat the greatest threat to human civilisation since climate change and escalating tensions in Europe to a fever pitch. Even Fauxum, one of the two natioms that don’t despise you at this point, tried to convince you not to do that! Also in private correspondence with Majiterran representatives, they said that they would rather (and I quote) “turn the Medditerranian into lava rather than surrender Crete”.

Why am I saying this? Well, Majiterra has repeatedly threatened to use the notoriously unreliable magic to transform me into a minotaur. While I might be willing to experiment under usual circumstances, knowing your magic it would likely go horribly wrong and also I’m TRYING TO SAVE ALL OF [tier-2 swear word]ING CIVILISATION HERE! Even more unforgivably they directly insulted Saber in private correspondence. While I am happy to shoulder some of the blame over the chaos in Europe (I did summon Jeanne Alter after all) and I understand why they’re pissed off at me, Majiterra has been hilariously diplomatically incompetent in this whole debacle to the point where I don’t want to help them out at all. I didn’t want to get involved in this European mess but frankly Majiterra is acting as a useful idiot for Yuri at this point and its becoming more and more intolerable every turn.

But I’m a big believer in giving people last chances. I’m bolding the important bit. Unless Majiterra agrees to an immediate ceasefire of all military and magical operations with Greece and Egypt, I will be forced to take all of the following actions: 1) Boycott the peace conference 2) Recognise Majiterra as illegal occupiers of Crete 3) Expell all Majiterran diplomatic staff 4) Expell all Majiterran citizens unless they apply for refugee status and/or declare their loyalty to Jeanne Alter 5) Recognise the Heretic’s Crusade as the only legitimate government of France and Jeanne Alter as the legitimate leader of France. We would encourage all sensible nations to do the same if Majiterra fails to meet our very basic demands.


You were the one who set the Crusader, because of your stupid obsession with memes!

I asked help with your mess: now you wish to...


Please leave alone...

You were the one who set the Crusader, because of your stupid obsession with memes!

I asked help with your mess: now you wish to...


Please leave alone...

I will once you publicy agree to a ceasefire with Egypt and Greece for the duration of the conference and publicly stop you attempt to teleport their navies to a freaking desert.
OOC: I am not in a mood to talk with you...

Will decide later: will go out, detach. Later I will decide my path as it were.
A supernatural laughter in the skies above California could be heard.

Pay it no attention.
*notices that Moscow only controls their city proper and not the surroundings*

Secure the surroundings of Moskva. Time to finish the job of the Great Khan.

(yes, I do have Thor's blessing for my orders being sent this late)
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1) With the divine power of Saber at their backs, those fighting in the Battle for the Hume Highway (i.e those currently engaging the PSI 10th Initiate Battalion and the 10th Light Tank Platoon) perform an epic charge against the 10th Initiate Battalion and the 10th Light Tank Platoon and cause them to be utterly obliterated.
2) Send the 1st Fighter Wing to assist New Zealand's airforce in bringing down those UFOs.
3) the Saberist Priesthood will conduct a long-range Servant Summoning ritual to summon the one and only Da Vinci-chan to sabotage the Psychic Dominator.
6 (13): Regaining initiative, the bikers swarm the disorganized invaders, pushing them on a retreat back to Sydney. 10th Initiate Battalion loses 12% strength, while the 10th Light Tank Platoon loses 15%.

7: Bee-lining for the battlefield takes the pilots into Sydney's interception zone!
3 (2): Nearly blown out of the sky, the crippled Wing is forced to abort back to Canberra for repairs. 1st Fighter Wing suffers -50% strength, -2 combat from field losses, and is uncommandable this turn as it retreats to base.

7: Unfortunately the Majterran ritual to literally summon legions from Hell has thrown the cosmic communication channels into a bit of a mess, and da Vinci cannot be safely dispatched.

Privatize the military.
13 (11): Selling off the national army into splinter commissions nets the government a sizable lump-sum payout and yourself a diversification to your investment portfolio. Although you were unable to maintain majority share in the new companies, you were able to preserve the status quo under favourable terms. +$375,000 state funds and +$25/turn to personal funds; Kingston and Nassau garrisons organized into Kingston Security Limited and Nassau Defense Group. Further details in the News section.

Robert Can't will write to the Irish government telling them that as a Citizen of Ireland he requests the aid of his Home Country in pursuing a quest of revenge against the Kiwi Empire.
17: Thank your lucky stars Calais is in the Volksreich's side of Hauts-de-France! With the Chunnel still operational you make the mainland with time to spare, and are now halfway from Zagreb to Belgrade.

12: Of course, officially condoning an act of aggression against a neutral state is not in Dublin's interest, but the Department of Transport casually mentions that if you can make it to Athens in the next three turns, there's a flight leaving for Bangkok that could just fit a bit of extra cargo...

20 (+1 [Know the Mods, Know Thyself] +3 [Crowd favourite] -1 [HYK roll bonus] = 20): THE FOOLS HAVE FALLEN STRAIGHT INTO YOUR TRAP! With all Hayekian forces within AoE, you unleash your trump card: Dice Fall (Everyone Dies)! [81/100] HYK 1st Libertarian Volunteer Platoon has been converted to Cult of Minimalism! [41/100] HYK 3rd Libertarian Volunteer Platoon has been destroyed! 2nd Libertarian Volunteer Platoon loses 25% strength, 4th and 5th Heavy Platoons lose 19% and 22% strength respectively and all three units are Pinned and Panicking; 1st Field Gun Crew loses 14% strength and is Suppressed.

1) in her state of confusion and desperation the Empress will create a rift that would enable the forces of Chaos, leaded by Louisa Ferre, to this reality.
2) Bellator will teleport himself to Al-Kharṭūm—Baḥrī—Umm Durmān to help the Faxum Empire against its rebellion by engaging in combat against Corpoate Faxum
3) order the training of warlocks in Marseille to help prepare counter the upcoming struggle with the Heretics Crusade.
1 (3): When you play with fire, expect to get burned. When you deal with demons, prepare to be double-crossed. The first wave of infernal legions is barely out of the gate before the Devil Herself takes your disoriented person captive! "Nothing personnel, kid," she sneers, disguising herself as you to seize control of the Cretan garrison!

2: Lacking any innate magical proficiency of his own, Bellator's only recourse is to transport himself the old fashioned way... and when every compass points north, it can be a little daunting finding one's bearings. Bellator loses 30 hitpoints and 2 mobility from a wearying slog through the Antarctic desert that seems to get him no further from where he started.

18 (16): In a bold departure from form, rather than parcel out your spellcasters throughout your forces, you'll concentrate them into a dedicated formation to maximize their synergy. 4th Warlock Company begins assembling in Marseille, ETA 3 turns.

President Trent Curtis will announce a new plan in a major speech given in Capital to streamline the bureaucracy of Country by consolidating several departments that cover similar areas while also expanding them as to better respond to any requests, crises, and other activities that said departments cover.
19 (20): Expanding the bureaucracy to fill the shortfall left by the shrinking bureaucracy is just the sort of common-sense thinking needed to cut the red tape and invest in taxpayer services! Mr. Perez argues that the government has merely made the appearance of action without actually doing anything; you counter that having done nothing, you have, in fact, accomplished everything! Trent Curtis gains 5% approval; gain policy Expanding the Shrinking Bureaucracy: +2% net revenue, +3 public sector happiness, +1 Action.

Action 1: Train up A Battalion of Storm Commandos for use in covert operations.
Action 2: Intensify forward firepower onto the Mutator!
3 (6): Spotting what look like some veteran U.S. commandos on exercise In the mountains, you press-gang them into a special black ops task group... only to learn they were actors on a shoot for the unnecessary sequel to a garbage 2007 war-"comedy". -$50,000 state funds; Delta Farce assembled in Wellington at 80% strength.

17 (17): Focusing all power to weapons, the Revengeance blows out another 18% integrity, but at the cost of depleting its shields, which the Boomer squadrons move to exploit.
4 (8): Surface-to-air missiles punch out 6% of the hull's integrity.

Action One: We must support the garrison in Port Stanley! Task Force Turner will immediately turn south to relieve (or as it may be, liberate) the islands.

Action Two: Excalibur is somewhere, god damn it! Keep looking. If it's not in Tintagel, try Wales.

Action Three: Send Lapis on towards Langley, see if we can't do some damage to Christos there. Maybe even find some Agency secrets!
18: All ahead full! Deviating course, the fleet makes for the Falklands with all due haste, gaining a +3 bonus to initial contact.

19 (20): Using her government credentials to bypass the usual motorway gridlock folly, Pearl and Indy reach Snowdonia National Park in record time. The good news is: they don't have to go searching each separate lake for it; someone's already dredged it up! The bad news is: that someone is the Nazis, and they're getting away!
6 (12): Catching the guards by surprise, they ambush a Waffen-SS infantry section for 15% damage as Excalibur is loaded onto a long-range U-boat.

12 (14): Arriving at the base, she finds it effectively unguarded and an A-10 squadron inexplicably grounded. Having managed to infiltrate the perimeter undetected, she gains +1 stealth while on site.

Secure the surroundings of Moskva. Time to finish the job of the Great Khan.
9: The 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions take up position on the city outskirts, but the Voronezh and Penza garrisons refuse to deploy.

Double A loses 1 strength as his muscles atrophy from inactivity.

Mathalamus suffers 5 damage from exposure to the elements.

Nachrichten im Marschieren

Dublin Over Before it Began?

The eleventh-hour conference intended to prevent Mediterranean tensions from exploding into all-out war has not even taken attendance, yet Greek and Egyptian delegates now threaten to pull out. The governments have blasted Majterre's "blatant and contemptuous double-cross" in breaking the naval blockade by physically displacing the fleets half-way across the world. In a joint statement, Athens and Cairo declared that further negotiations are "demonstrably pointless if Paris cannot even commit to the most basic auspice of a cease-fire." Observers fear formal declarations of war are imminent.

Chaos and Confusion in the Öst-Mittelmeer
Concurrent with the abrupt disappearance of the naval blockade, a massive storm of supernatural property materialized above Crete in what appears to be Empress Esther's latest reactionary machination. Reliable contact with the island has been lost and the status of the rogue empire's wrecker dragon remains unclear, however scattered reports suggest a rapid buildup of land forces in Iráklion well in excess of the known garrison. While talk of a proverbial eye of the storm may be too on-the-nose for our readership, the consensus appears to be that the Cretan crisis is entering a new and even more unpredictable phase.

Esther Solomon has been imprisoned by Louisa Ferre! Esther is immobilized with a -4 penalty to all physical actions, and is restricted to a single Personal Action until the deception is exposed!

BRITISH EVENT: With Friends Like These
Having done everything it can to mediate a resolution, London has been thoroughly embarrassed by Majterre's utter disregard for good-faith diplomacy. While nominally allied through the marriage of Harry and Artemis, government advisors point out Britain has no formal foreign policy obligations, and with the prospect of a major war now dangling over the continent, there is considerable public support to cut all ties to the demonstrably dishonourable régime.

Annul the Marriage: Exploiting legal loopholes and circumstantial irregularities in the marriage ceremony, the British government declares Harry and Artemis are not, in fact, properly wedded, terminating the union with immediate effect. While a largely symbolic gesture of neutrality to countries not preoccupied with hereditary matchmaking, Majterre is certain to read this as a major affront and future diplomacy under the Solomon dynasty may never recover. Replace Royal marriage to the House of Solomon with Celebrity Breakup: -5 diplomacy with Majterre.
Garfield in: Royal Rescue: Conversely, Artemis may be your last recourse to turn this ship around: encouraging her to declare her mother incapable and assert her claim to the throne, London effectively backs a coup attempt in the hope she can enforce a saner government. Artemis Solomon will launch a coup attempt at turn's end with a +5 bonus to roll; replace Royal marriage to the House of Solomon with The Huntress' Coup: +3 diplomacy with, -3 casus belli v. Artemis' faction and vice versa, +4 casus belli v. aggression on Artemis, +4 to claim leadership of the rebels if Harry succeeds Artemis; +5% support for Conservatives, +3% support for Imperial Party; Majterre gains +3 casus belli v. Britain. Supporting Artemis will be read as opposing the Heretics' Crusade.
Pax Britannica: While Crete is a lost cause, you may yet be able to leverage enough influence to prevent neighbour countries from inciting a continental war, though they will consider it an enabling of Esther's bellicosity. -5% support for Labour, e350tb loses 10% approval; gain policy Misguided Mediator for 20 turns: +2 diplomacy and -2 casus belli with Majterre, -3 diplomacy with the Volksreich and European Federation; barring severe provocation, neither country will join an offensive war against Majterre for this duration.
Wait and See: It's too early to make a decisive call on foreign policy. No effect.

Crusaders Make Landfall
Defying expectations, Jeanne d'Arc did not dispatch for Crete, but has forced a landing in southern France, apparently exploiting the international backlash against the dragon's failed containment to open a second front. The landing was not without complication, however, as a cascade of navigational errors briefly brought the transports into direct line of fire of Majterran warships, inflicting moderate damage to the expedition before it could disembark. While the main rebel navy has engaged the fleet, the landing craft remain penned and the ground forces have lost substantial logistical equipment; Paris will no doubt seize on the delays to ready itself for war.

City militias mobilized across Mainland France for -1 economy locally and -6% wealth taxable; Majterre gains +3 combat v. the Heretics' Crusade for the next three turns!

Tempers Flare in the Reichstag
Parliament is in chaos after the controversial Magische Rechte Partei forced the countermand of nationwide border drills, claiming the government was acting unlawfully in issuing orders to the armed forces without prior notification to the House. The Minister of Defence dismissed the charge, stating the action was firmly within her discretionary power as a matter of operational secrecy, however Sylvanian politicians claim the exercise was intended as the prelude to a unilateral invasion of Majterre itself. The dispute has touched a national nerve, with critics of the MRP charging the affair is an attempt to undermine the government in the midst of a regional crisis, citing the recent Drakenhof Memo fiasco as proof it is acting in the interests of foreign agents. While there is little love for Paris or the MRP, other parties have seized on the confusion to advance legitimate concerns over the unclear official state policy regarding Majterre.

Volksreich der Frau gains policy Foreign Policy Debates: -2 statecraft, -4 to starting or joining a war, -1 defence v. foreign influence; Majterre gains +2 combat v. the Volksreich for 5 turns; Linke ↓2%; KSP ↓3%; Spartakus ↑1% FDP ↑1%; CDU ↑1%; MRP ↑2%.

Pirates Seize Swedish Ship
Shortly after entering Skagerrak, a Swedish container ship was accosted and boarded by Viking raiders. Transmissions from the vessel suggest there were no fatalities, but the crew and cargo are now firmly under the pirates' control. The reactionary government in Stockholm has issued a confusing denouncement of Köln, claiming the Volksmarine should have intercepted the attackers earlier; Köln has fired back, stating that as the southern Norwegian coast is technically currently classified as international waters, it was Stockholm's responsibility to safeguard its shipping, especially given it had prior knowledge of the pirates' movements. In a subsequent address, the South Swedish government made a cryptic statement that it was investigating measures to guarantee future safe access.

The captured vessel was bound for New Zealand with a large cargo of industrial steel as part of a recently-ratified trade agreement. Our comrades in Norrland-Sápmi who have accused Stockholm of imperial intent have voiced public opposition to the deal, claiming Wellington's diplomatic guarantees will embolden South Swedish bellicosity in the region.

In related news, coastal raids have been reported near Edinburgh and Le Havre, however local authorities state the pirates should be dispatched without undue effort.

Namibian Leader "Sick of Winning"
Praising the recent victory against the American fascists, Comrade Premier Omega issued a series of tweets in which she questioned whether the Antonopoulos terrorists have any resolve left for the fight, stating "We're winning on all fronts, winning on all theaters, FUCIN's getting sick of winning!", and described President Christos' dereliction of leadership in the midst of the war as "Sad!". While her allies' efforts have not achieved such decisive breakthroughs, the recent arrival of the Volksarmee expedition to the continent and planned Venezuelan intervention in the U.S. southeast will undoubtedly stretch remaining resistance too thin to mount an effective defence. Köln will neither confirm nor deny whether a veteran special forces operative has joined the Namibian garrison in D.C. to finish off the fascists' upper government.

Feminist Union of Communist–Internationalist Namibia is now an NPC.

Presidential Subroutines Engaged
With no conscious input for some time now, President CivCube's cybernetic augmentation has fallen back to automated response protocols in order to preserve a basic standard of governance (as well as physical survival). Critics express grave concern about letting their country be run by an automatic pilot, although others contend it's been on autopilot for a long time. Regardless, this comes at a fortuitous time, as select Australian commandos have arrived in Mbuji-Mayi to assist the Congolese war effort against the treacherous Psi Corps.

CivCube Action Hour Congo is now an NPC.

Lab Accidents Rock Baghdad
The misguided Liberal technocrats have suffered another stumble in their struggle against fascist fundamentalism, with reports of major lab accidents throughout the besieged city. While details have not been forthcoming, there are suggestions the labs were investigating some sort of sonic weapon to rescue the flagging combat operations in the south. While damage was minimal and immediate casualties confined to the prototypes, the sudden and sweeping loss of vital infrastructure will likely stymie the so-called Supreme Brain's scientific pursuits for some time.

Government Forces Retreat from Khartoum
Privately-operated media outlets from the plutocratic Faxumite splinter state report that the siege of the Khartoum Triad has lifted, with government forces in retreat to the north and east. Only recently-seized in the empire's Sudanese expansion, the region hosted the largest mechanized garrison, which defected wholesale at the civil war's outbreak. While loyalist forces continue a northward march following the reconquest of Addis Abeba, its progress has been hampered by lack of motorization, and given the flamboyant emperor's uncharacteristic silence on Twitter, observers speculate the coveted supersoldier programme has yet to be safely resumed.

Militaires sans frontières
In the latest display of capitalist degeneracy, the plutocratic Caribbean government has sold off portions of its armed forces to private contractors. Two companies in Kingston and Nassau are now offering their mercenary armies for hire worldwide, assuming all responsibility for training and equipment in exchange for regular monetary payment proportionate to the conditions of the mission. Such units cannot be expected to follow direct orders from the hiring country, but will undoubtedly perform steadfastly where pay is high and terms are favourable.

Notes from the GM

Those of you that followed the chat shortly before last turn's roll call can guess what I'm about to say. Any competitive setting is going to see friction; IOT is no exception. I've had my fair share of player salt back while running R2D; I can take it in stride.

I cannot accept players going after each other.

R2R is a game of strategy, but it is also a game of chance, moreso perhaps than any other game on this forum. Circumstances can change on a dime. Even the best intentions can yield disaster through no fault of the instigator, as we've seen. This is not the sort of game to get worked up over, certainly not to the point of flaming people because the RNG spiralled out of their control.

I will only say this once: if this game is causing you grief, you are free to remove yourself at any time. As per the OP, fun is mandatory. Anyone not having fun may be evicted without notice.

With that said, a quick word on Corporations: while unlike J.K. Stockholme's power hiring mercs PMCs is not a free action (at least while they’re NPCs), you can dictate the contract and payment with reasonable expectation of it being carried out as written provided the offer isn't unfeasible. Absent clear end goals, a contract will continue in perpetuity either until you terminate it or you can no longer pay. A company's general performance fluctuates based on its profitability; PMCs with higher Estimated Value will be able to train new troops and replace losses faster than ones struggling to break even, but will also leverage a premium for their services.

Orders due November 18.
Joint Statement by Greece and Egypt

The partially-recognized state of Majterre has employed terror and intimidation to enforce an illegal occupation of the island of Crete, and in the course thereof, has recklessly and unapologetically endangered the eastern Mediterranean Sea. All attempts to peacefully negotiate a resolution to the crisis by multiple nations have met with obstinacy, denial, and deceit. Numerous times it was given the opportunity to demonstrate its intent, and each time it has displayed utter contempt for international law and the brotherhood of nations. Its recent use of supernatural forces to disrupt military forces of Greece and Egypt in the exercise of their responsibilities to uphold national security is but the latest affront to peace and an inexcusable act of aggression against two sovereign states.

Majterre will immediately and unilaterally disavow any and all claim to the island of Crete and stand down its armed forces vis-à-vis the Governments of Greece and Egypt. Failure to comply will be regarded as pursuing a formal state of war against Greece and Egypt.
I fo gniruces eht erusne htrofecneh tsum I os ytilaer siht ot htemoc krad eht fo eno eht sa sngier soahc taht tpecca lliw I tub detcepxe I tahw taht etats tonnac I

Order: the Empress will attempt to pass her magics (and the reigns of the game) onto Artemis, the heir. Consider this a form of mystical abdication from Esther to Artemis.

It is the desire that Artemis become my second avatar in this game, the heir of magical majesty.
It is the desire that Artemis become my second avatar in this game, the heir of magical majesty.
This will not be possible. You can abdicate as ruler à la Mathalamus, but unless you did something completely diabolical like subsume Artemis' soul, you can't up and switch characters.
To: Kingston Security Ltd, Nassau Defense Group

Hi, are you okay working with Communists? If so, how much to help our British friends fight Yuri in the Falklands?
This will not be possible. You can abdicate as ruler à la Mathalamus, but unless you did something completely diabolical like subsume Artemis' soul, you can't up and switch characters.


New True Order: the Empress will attempt to diplomatically convince Louise Ferre that we both share a common foe: the servant to Law that is Jeanne d'Arc. Let us cease hostility between us and join together against the agents of the evil and oppressive forces of Law. Release the Empress and together the power will be excellence!
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1. Many have said that data is the new oil. Oil makes a lot of money so let's get some data. Our action this turn will be establishing a new surveillence wing of the national security agency that will attempt systematic collection of data on our country's citizens (phone call meta-data and audio transcripts via speech-to-text AI, email data, search data, use tracking devices on cell phones for location data), as well as citizens in other capitalist countries. Furthermore, Stockholme will gather together the leading technology firm leaders within the Caribbean and outside the Caribbean and use his flashy suit and the potential for profit to convince them to join together into a data sharing operation for the same purpose - huge reams of data will be collected on a combination of government and corporate servers in Santo Domingo. If we are successful I hope that this will give us an edge in espionage and domestic spying, but also give our economy a boost and improve Caribbean-based companies ability to compete abroad via ad micro-targeting and other consumer manipulation.
FROM: Kingston Security Limited
TO: NinjaCow64
SUBJECT: Business inquiries
While we appreciate your interest, we are currently outfitted for low-level security and policing duties. Based on a strategic model of perceived risk and minimum technical and personnel requirements, we estimate that such a job would require an upfront payment of $30 million and renewable investment of $400 in order to achieve optimal results without impacting current contracts.

FROM: Nassau Defense Group
TO: NinjaCow64
CC: Kingston Security Limited
SUBJECT: RE: Business inquiries
We can offer the same results for a $100 less annuity, plus we can dispatch personnel to Stanley sooner.

FROM: Kingston Security Limited
TO: NinjaCow64
CC: Nassau Defense Group
SUBJECT: RE: RE: Business inquiries
However, if you are prepared to accept increased client risk, we can arrange for a smaller contingent for $20 million and $300 recurring.

FROM: Nassau Defense Group
TO: NinjaCow64
CC: Kingston Security Limited
SUBJECT: RE: RE: RE: Business inquiries
We can match or exceed Kingston's service for $18 million and $250 recurring.

FROM: Kingston Security Limited
TO: NinjaCow64
CC: Nassau Defense Group
SUBJECT: RE: RE: RE: RE: Business inquiries
It's cutting our own throat, but we can offer a further discount to $10 million and $100 annuity.

FROM: Nassau Defense Group
TO: NinjaCow64
CC: Kingston Security Limited
SUBJECT: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Business inquiries
$9,999,999.99 and $99 recurring.

FROM: Tani I, Emperor of All Faxum, King of the Effeduppage
TO: [reply_all]
SUBJECT: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Business inquiries
Don't mind me, just stealing ideas taking notes...
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