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Romance of The Three Civilizations


Jan 16, 2013
Hi! Just joined civfanatics and wanna share my gameplay story. I'm not very good at english, so don't be so rude with my grammars ;)


Romance of The Three Civilizations

It is one morning in a world’s history class in university of Seoul in 2080. The professor told a story of how the romance of the three civilization had shaped our world’s history. So here goes the long long story of the three civilizations :

It is a general truism of this world that anything long divided will surely unite, and anything long united will surely divide. At the end of 4,000 BC, only few of civilizations had survived the harsh competition for existence, either with another civilization or with nature.

People of Carthage

In the very far west of the world, there live the people of Carthage, who sustained themselves with gifts of the ocean and where the sun rests each evening. Carthagian were led by their beloved ruler, Queen Dido.

After centuries of settling the land of the west, the people of Carthage seek their fortune to the east, where the big adventure was already waiting for them, knowing that the west of them was only endless ocean. So in about 3,900 BC, the adventure of Carthage people was started…

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Russian Encounter

After over 10 century living in isolation, through journey to the east, they met people of great Russia in around 3,000 BC. They said that to look to the east, there live the people of the corn who cultivated the land and where the sun rises each morning. The land of great Russia, where the crops could flourish all year long, land of the fertile soil and rivers.

The people of Carthage learned from the history that, the russian had unified the east with their mighty military power centuries ago under leadership of lady Catherine of Russia. After the rivalry of seven leader of the east, Catherine, with her iron hand and her war orchestra, managed to unify the east under the name of great Russia. Though, the unification was paid with a heavy price, which was blood of most population of the east.

Knowing that, people of Carthage believe that the people of russian were expansionist and very good at war, they neither friend or foe. People of Carthage believe that them, the russian, someday would seek challenge to conquer the west, and someday, would arrive in homeland of Carthage to challenge their military power. Since the encounter, people of Carthage was preparing and expecting for the worst. Never in Carthage history that the warriors and archers were so focused on their training like tomorrow or any day that they could be wiped off from the planet.

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Korean Literacy

The year was 2,500 BC, 500 years after russian encounter, Carthage adventurer had found another great civilization in central of the world, just between the west and the east. The civilization was known as Korea. The land of peace, where literacy and art flourished, where the culture were rich, where the young generation of the korean civilization was so spirited to make change to reach their golden age.

They almost have no military to protect them from Barbarian. Often their farms were pillaged by barbarian and they should maximize their limited military power to wipe out near barbarian encampment.

People of Korea was led by ‘Sejong the great’ through their unification. Sejong unify land of the central with encouragement of advancement in scientific technology and culture.

People of Carthage saw korean civilization as a much friendlier nation than Russia. Korea had no intention of world conquest and building up military, instead they build better sciences and art which was good for humanity.

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Edge of The World

In 1,500 BC, the Carthagian adventurer made their way back home to the capital and informing the population that they had reach the ‘edge of the world’, where there were only 3 great civilization and 6 minor city-sized civiliation exist in this world. But they weren’t sure what was across the endless ocean might be. People of Carthage believe that across of the endless ocean were the place where their long dead ancestor who gave Carthagian people blessings to live each day.
Race For Faith

In the year around 1,000 - 500 BC, People of Carthage heard that there were great prophet in Korea, spreading messages from God, in the holy city of Seoul. Later, it was known as Confucianism as an oldest religion as mankind ever known.

Over 500 years of time, Confucianism spread like a wildfire. Starting from Seoul, then into the neighbouring cities. At the start of 1 AD, it was the majority and the only religion in the world. The effect for Korean civilization was huge, they receive some treasury and boost in science and culture, made the holy city, Seoul, one of the greatest city at that time.

In 400 AD, another great prophet arrive in city of Carthage, the capital city of Carthagian Empire. In that year, Shinto was founded and Carthage become the holy city of Shinto religion. In 600 AD, another religion, Christianity, was founded in capital of Russia, Moscow. But unlike Confucianism, Shinto and Moscow were hardly spread, often pressured by well established Confucianism in cities all over the world.

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2000 Years of Peace

World was never been so peaceful by the age of three aliances of Carthage, Korea, and Russia from 200 AD to 1200 AD. No single war was happened since the first encounter. But eventually, inside the alliance itself, Korea served as a buffer zone between Carthage-Russia cold war, because people of Carthage still believe Russia ambition, and Russia still believe they had chance to conquer the west.

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From the year around 1 AD, the civilizations started to trade luxuries from their unique region, which Carthagian, jungle and sea resources, Korean, mountanious and plantation resources, and Russia, desert and animal resources. It shows that good and peaceful relationship would result in mutual benefits.

Eventhough religion were dominated by Korean, Carthage and Russian saw that not as a big thing. Every 10 year, research agreements of the three civilization were made. Korea was leading in science, Russian was leading in military, and Carthage was leading in treasury.

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Over this period, the population and science was significantly increased. The world had become a much better place than 1000 years ago. But still, Carthage saw the increasing numbers of military in Russia was worrisome, and smell there would be a very big war ahead. Carthage started to increase their military as well, but still feeling safe because there was still Korea as a buffer zone, while Korea itself still focused on their science and religion, not knowing that there was a very big threat in their east border.

Nice story here.Korea better watch out for them Russians!

Welcome to the forums, btw.
Catherine’s Conquest of West

The world had enter the renaissance era of 1500 AD, both Korea and Russia had found gunpowder technology, while Carthage still struggling to catch up with the science, eventhough their economy and infrastructure was very great. The russian itself had cross the endless ocean with their mighty ship and just found out that the world was round, and no other great civilization out there.

Realized that a war would break soon, with no.1 literacy in the world, Korea made an instant troop made of several musketman and big naval fleet, instantly made Korea as the biggest military power in the world, surprassing Russia. It made Catherine of Russia think twice stacking their military units in Korea’s border.

In 1515 AD, the three alliances were expired. While Sejong of Korea offer an alliance with Dido of Carthage. Dido gladly accepted the alliance while still struggling to catch up with science.

Finally, in 1520 AD, history had been made. Catherine’s army was marching throughout Korea’s border into the ‘Stalingrad’ of central front, which is city of Pyongyang. Being the most eastern city of Korea, Pyongyang would be the gate of Catherine’s Invading forces from the east, so Sejong wouldn’t want this important geographical city to Catherine.

While millions of life were in danger in Central front, Dido were supplying Sejong with free luxuries and golds. Those extra golds were used efficiently by Sejong to made alliances with City-states and to constantly upgrading unit. Carthage army itself was not going to the war front itself because lack of technology compared to Korea and Russian army.

Nice story here.Korea better watch out for them Russians!

Welcome to the forums, btw.

thanks! :)
Fall of Pyongyang

Sejong was slightly winning the war, especially because 4 city states alliances he made, but after 50 years of Battle of Pyongyang, Catherine had made a big step toward conquering the central front by occupying Pyongyang. Catherine’s constant stream of forces from Moscow outnumbered Sejong defense on the last minutes.
Meanwhile in the west, Dido finally catch up the technology and even, leading in technology.

The war was still going, and even Russia push harder than ever before. Seoul was not far away for Russian troops to reach. But, after 30 years of struggle toward Seoul, stalemate occurred. Dido give larger and larger support to Sejong while Sejong finally gain its momentum to counter attack to take back Pyongyang. But it turned out to be stalemate over and over again. After great struggle into Seoul, Catherine halt her dream of conquering the west, temporarily. Korea and Russia then signed a peace treaty which ended around in 1580 AD.

Post-Pyongyang War

1600 era, Carthage turned out to be the major power. Russia had taken great damage on its economy, deficiting their treasury, while being the largest nation in the world cost managing unhappiness of population across the country. Korea, slow but sure regaining its science lead and modernizing their army to surprass Russia.
Another cold war began, between Carthage-Russia. Russia started to ask for tribute over Sejong’s city state alliances, which made some of them bankrupt.
Bad Russians.:nono:
Korean Restoration

The great Russia was declining. Its mighty military eventhough great in number, but lack of technology. Meanwhile Carthage-Korea alliances had lead on science and economy. During peacetime in 1600s, Sejong made that as a momentum of restoration for his empire. In the end of 1600s, suprisingly, Korea had surprassed Dido in technology.

After 100 years of peace, 1700s era began. Korea started to be as a superpower nation surprassing Carthage and Russia almost in everything. Russia was still keep declining. The alliances between Carthage and Korea was about not to be renewed, as Korea could stand by itself to face Russia, even conquering Russia.

People of Carthage started to saw signs of hostilities from Korea, like stopping trades, stealing territory, converting holy city of Carthage, suffocating borders and not renewing friendships. It wasn’t all clear until… Korean spy got caught in Catherage (the capital city).

It was all clear for Dido, and the rest of Carthagian, that the 1500 years of alliances was about going to end. The friend had become foe.

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Sejong’s Ambition

Dido findout that the sources of superpowerness of Korea was in Sejong’s religion and city state alliances. Confucianism had about 80% of the world, while Shinto was just about 20%, and Christianity was long gone over. Sejong hold up 4 of 6 city states in the world, while Dido only hold up 1, and Russia recently lose influence on its sole city state alliance.

To prevent anyone else get on his ambition, Sejong had made up strategy to keep him on top. He place top spy agents in every city state so it was difficult for anyone to get influence except from direct approach. He also keep sending missionaries into Russia and Carthage territory to get advantages from religion he spread.

While Dido couldn’t do much other than building up her armies for preparing the worst, Dido started to contact Russia by intention to make war alliance to backstab Sejong. Because Dido sure that she could not handle Sejong by herself.

Despite a long sworn enemy and years of cold war, Catherine must agree for the alliance, that Korea had been too impossible to fight alone. And Korea itself was much more a bigger threat than Carthage at that time. Korean armies were larger than Carthagian and Russian armies combined in the late 1700s. So the war alliance had been made between Carthage and Russia.

Entering 1800s, Sejong had advanced so much in technology, leaving behind Dido and Catherine far. Dido wouldn’t have another time to backstab Sejong before he was too far away.

For Dido, it was once and for all, or never at all.
Fate of Carthage

Just before Dido started to planning a backstab, Sejong had done it first for Dido. He said to Dido that his empire require more living space. Unprepared armies of Dido was soon ordered to defend the capital, as Korean armies started to march toward Carthage.

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Dido thought it was the end for her and Carthage empire. Lasting for 5000 years, ended up on 1802 AD. She lined up any musketman she had and waiting for Sejong’s armies march toward Carthage, and raze it till very ground. The battle happened, as expected, Carthage losing badly. Carthage’s musketman was no match for Korea’s rifleman and cannons. Just before Carthage was besieged by Korean armies, miracle happened, Catherine was finally declaring war and moving a huge army from Pyongyang directly into Seoul. Korean invading forces in Carthage was still fighting, but Carthage knew that there was no more constant reinforcements by Korea.

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With economy surplus, Dido spend all Carthage’s treasury to conscript troop from all over the nation to defend Carthage at all costs. By defensive and fortification advantages, Carthage overruned Korean invading forces and let some of the korean forces flee from battle, to made up sometime to gather her forces into one huge armies.

The great war of the world had just begun.

The Great Korean War Campaign

Korean forces, with its strength almost 8 million soldier, fought against 4 million Carthagian soldier in the west front and 3 million Russian soldier in east front. Korean forces also backed up by their 4 city state alliances troops. Korean and its city state alliances surely had better technology, and in theory, it was a decisive victory for Korea. But nothing could be more bad in war if you should fought a multifront war.

The morale was high, Carthagian soldier marching through Korean homeland who was their alliance 3 centuries ago and turned out to be enemy. After defeating the invading forces, Carthagian forces had enough time for upgrading their weaponry and healing the wounded. In 6 years, the battle of Carthage turned upside down for Korean and its allies.

In 1808 AD, Carthage had arrived at most west Korean’s city, Suwon. Un-upgraded old korean troops were left there to guard the city, but it wasn’t a challenge for high moraled Carthagian troops to handle. With modern-era technology defense, city defenses of korean surely hard to handle by Carthagian troops, but Carthagian already had more advanced artilerry than Korean, which was, crucial thing.

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After great artilerry bombardment, city of Suwon had been captured by Carthage. Dido think that was the end of the war, so Dido send a peace negotiation and a message to give Sejong a lesson he never forget. But Sejong didn’t surrender yet, he would fight till the end, eventhough he was struggling in two front simultaneously.
Dido take that as a sign of march of her troops to the Seoul.

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Campaign of West Korea

During its height of industrialization all over the world, factories were built in many of the world’s major cities. Korean led the highest production per-year in the world, because of Korean restoration years ago. Meanwhile in Carthage, factories in major cities of Carthage had been completed and made the production rate much higher than ever before. So was Russia, Pyongyang had been turned from center science and art into city of industrialization.

After taking Suwon, Dido march her army toward Seoul, but then intercepted by Korean great war infantry, which was no competition for Carthage’s rifleman. But with artillery superiority, Dido could bombarded smaller cities outside Seoul into ground with no hard struggle.

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The east front with Russia still was the bloodiest of all front, with millions of lives were dead from both sides, but then Sejong noticed that he couldn’t let Dido’s high technology artillery set their fire on Seoul. The three pillar of industrious cities of Korea, which was Seoul-Busan-Kaesong were in danger. Keasong was lightly defended in the west from Dido, while Busan and Seoul on the east defended heavily by Sejong. This made Dido take the oppurtunity to march her troops toward Kaesong.

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But, just before industrious Kaesong was set on fire, Sejong trigger a surprise attack from the sea by his naval fleet. Dido’s fatal decision was letting Carthage’s homeland with no defending troops. Carthage’s coastal city of Hippo Regius was bombarded by Korean ship, until half of its defense. But lack of greater naval technology made Sejong’s fleet couldn’t done more than that.

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The news of homeland victory had been arrived among soldiers in the Korean front, made them had much higher morale.

Russia’s Expansion of The West

But the bad news still wasn’t over. Russia had settled one of their city very close in border near Carthage’s capital city. The population of Carthage panicked, and started distrusted the alliance, even some of them were ready to fight the Russian at that time for the cost of their life. It was a diplomatic hit by Dido, she knew that she couldn’t fully trust Catherine, and her ambition of conquering the west. But at that time, the bigger threat was Sejong. Dido promised herself after Sejong was defeated, she would take care of Russia, once and for all.

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Meanwhile no significant change in eastern front beside more bloodshed, Carthagan armies succesfully occupied Korean industious city of Kaesong. It made a huge impact for Korean armies, and Sejong started to negotiate for Peace with Dido and Catherine.

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The Judgement

Sejong had no hope, he should accept the unconditional peace, or he would let his homeland crushed both by Carthage and Russia. He accept the surrender of all of his treasury to Dido to make sure he wouldn’t build his army again and made peace with Carthage and Russia. So in 1860, Treaty of Seoul had been signed by Carthage, Korea and Russia, and the international world as the witness of this great moment of world’s history.

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For Dido it was all end for Sejong’s ambition, Dido shouldn’t had take over Seoul to teach Sejong a lesson. But Russia’s expansion of the west became bigger problem. After 50 years of peace of Great Korean War, Russia settled not just one, but three coastal cities in the west. Peacefully population of Carthage started to be threatened by Russia.

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Modern Era

In 1900s, over 40 years after the Great Korean War, the world had entered modern era, where the heavy industrialization revolution was over, and the pursue of great science discovery was started. Sejong’s brilliance leadership in science made Korea once again leading in literacy.

The heart of Korean people were crushed when they lost the great war in their homeland 40 years ago. They didn’t accept the idea that foreigner, which were Carthage and Russia controlled over their land and their living. Sejong answer his people’s prayer by, once again, building up his armies and form greater alliances with 4 of their city states.

It was a huge turmoil in international politics in early 1900s, where Carthage-Russia cold war was far from over, and once again, the great alliances of Korea was rising back to its great power.

Still catching up with science with Korea, Carthage and Russia knew what was coming. Korea planned another war with the support of their city state alliances. Korea was rising back to its power. Dido and Catherine didn’t want Sejong, once again, trigger a big war in the world and cost million of lives. Treaty of Seoul in 1860, was about to be ended by Sejong and his own people’s hand.

In 1910, Sejong and his rising power, completed Apollo program, which was signalling the international world that he was triggering a space race, or science race. In danger of Korea was going to back to its power and danger the world, Dido and Catherine agree it should be an end for Korea.

In 1910, Carthage declared war to Korea. The second great war had started.
The Second Great War

Unlike previous great war, where Korea almost heavily relied on their own military alone and their city state alliance aid them in logistics. In second great war, it was the other way around.

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Catherine was not yet joining the battle because her armies in eastern front wasn’t fully ready. So in the beginning of second great war, it was Carthage alone versus Korea and their four alliances.

Dido didn’t want to lose the momentum, she already lined her regiments of modern infantry and artillery in Korean’s border years earlier. So she declared war to Korea in 1910. Dido rushed her armies marching toward Seoul, with no big obstacle, realized Korea didn’t prepared for defending Seoul.

Meanwhile in the eastern front, big battle was about going to happen in Busan, industrious city of Korea. Pyongyang, under Russia possession, had growned into a big and high production city, which was a great war asset for Russia to crush its neighbor industrious Korean city, Busan.

Invasion of The Homeland

In just couple of years Sejong finally made a big armies to challenge Russian in the east, because of high production of Busan. Meanwhile Seoul itself was blockaded and pillaged by Dido’s army.

Just before entering Seoul, reinforcement from Singapore, one of Korean’s city-state alliance, had arrived. Dido then should divide its focus on Seoul and Singapore at that time, to make sure a certain victory.

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A turn point in war happened in early years of war when Singaporean army had just created another front in the western front, their army marching toward Chartegian homeland. Dido never thought city-state armies was a big problem, but it turned out to be wrong. With no preparation, Dido had to stretch her battleground from west to the central front. Defending the homeland, while marching through Seoul.
Catherine’s Help

Realizing her war allies struggling in two front, Catherine decided to joined the war in 1913. The bloody eastern battleground had been created. A historical battle with million of life in danger was once again came back to live. And in the first time of history, all part of the world was involved in war. Sejong put all of his focus, resources, and manpower mostly in eastern front. He knew that it one of the battle that couldn’t be lost. It was all about pride of the Korean nation.

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In the heat of eastern front war, Dido realized that she cannot miss the chance to take down Seoul at that time. Most Sejong’s forces was currently focused to take away Russia in eastern front. It was her golden oppurtunity. She had no time to pull her armies back to western front to challenge Singapore. So she decided to march toward Seoul and take the oppurtunity.

Meanwhile, the Singaporean forces had made it to Carthage’s capital city,. After defeating light guards of the capital city.

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In the eastern front itself, stalemate occurred. Catherine had a little forces to help Carthage people defending their capital city against Singapore. People of Carthage were grateful for Catherine’s help, gaining trust with Russia. Together Carthage and Russia crushed Sejong’s army in central and eastern front.

Battle of Seoul

With help of Russia in western front, Dido could focus on taking down Seoul to the ground. In the eastern front itself, it would be a huge morale impact if Seoul was taken down.

Seoul’s city defense was huge, but almost no significance troop stationed in Seoul, made the victory, certain for Carthage. Moreover, last research agreement between Carthage and Russia had grant both sides technology of flight. All over the country, cities of Carthage and Russia started producing war planes to help them win the war.

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Great war bomber was bombing Seoul for months until 1916, it was the fall of Seoul. Korea had lost its capital. But it was no surrender for Korean people. So Carthagian armies were pushing up the north of Korea. Capturing Korean cities one by one.

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After the fall of Seoul, Carthagian and Russian army fight in the same front, the eastern front, the battle of Busan. Carthage was pushing Busan from Seoul, while Russia was pushing Busan from Pyongyang. It was all stalemate for years. Both Korea and Carthage-Russia alliance was constantly sending soldiers to eastern front, but it keep stalemate.

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Great war bombers from Carthage and Russia had bombed Busan for months, but no significant progress were made.

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World’s Atomic Revolution

Mankind was never been so close to extinction since the creation of atomic bomb by Korea had dawned in city of Busan in 1920s. All over the world was in panic state, it was a bomb that could annihilate entire city in just minutes of time. Civilian population from all over the world doing revolutions against the governments, forcing the peace immediately. It was all the worst time in ever human history.

During pressure of her own people, Dido find a best and effective way to prevent Korea using nuclear bomb in the war. In the threat of annihilation, Carthagian spies from Korea informed that Korea had no uranium resources in their territory, instead they were supplied by their city-state alliances.

It was all countdown for leaders of the world to decide the future of the mankind. So Dido decided to sign a white peace with Sejong. Freeing Sejong in western front, from Carthagian army.

Meanwhile Sejong was in high production of his atomic warheads, and Russia try whatever they could to take Busan to prevent atomic bomb production, Dido take a diplomacy way with city-state world leaders around the world.

The Forming of United Nations

It was 1932, a high level international conference were held in Singapore city-states. It was attended by Carthage and 6 city-states all over the world. For 3 historical days, Dido, the leader of Carthage, convince all the city-states leader to stop made any alliances with any nation, for sake of future. Dido convinced that the world’s peace should be established no matter in what condition, no nation should be more dominant than any other nation. Human race from all over the world should cooperate each other to prevent the nuclear war.

The conference was ended in result, that all city-states agreed to establish an international organization called United Nations. It was aimed to be some sort of government of the world, where all of the member is equal, but led by one nation which was going to be voted in future conference. Also, any war alliances or factions by city-states were ended, to prevent further action in war.

Korea’s Interception

Starting to be defeated by Russia in eastern front, evenmore their city-states alliances were starting to abandon the alliance for united nations, Korea initiated a big espionage campaign in 4 city states around the world. Korea intended to continue its atomic bomb production to win the war, but recently lose its alliance influence with some of the source of uranium city-states by Dido. Therefore, coup attempt were happening all in 4 city states, but surprisingly, all of them were failed. After that, Korea’s position in international world had got worse year by year.

In 1935, war between Korea and Russia was ended. Korea wasn’t able to continue its atomic project due to lack of uranium resources. Sejong internationally declared gave a full support for United Nations project.
United Nations Election

In 1936, United Nations was founded in city of Utique in Carthage. The first voting was run in 1944, where majority of nations was agree with Dido as leader of the nations. But, to make a final decision, the second election were held once again in Utique in 1951.

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Once again, the majority of the votes show that Dido had agree that she was the right one to lead the nations of the world. It was a historical day for the world, for the mankind, that it finally the world had united as one, for humanity.

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victory! :)

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World’s Enduring Peace

Aftermath United Nations had founded, and led by Dido, the leaders of the world had work in cooperation in science and art. World’s economy finally get better in 1960s, and by 2050, after over 1 century of science cooperation between nations, a historical day that, a spaceship into Alpha Centauri had been launched.
Great story, sir!Very enjoyable to read.:)
Very nice!! Loved the story! Feel bad for Korea being right int he middle of it all :/
With the exception of misplaced words (that I didn't mind), that was probably one of the best stories I've read on here. Next time I see A story with you as the poster I will definitely be reading. Again, very good job
Great story, sir!Very enjoyable to read.:)

thanks. glad you enjoyed it. :)

That was awesome, good work!

good to hear that. thanks. ;)

Very nice!! Loved the story! Feel bad for Korea being right int he middle of it all :/

yeah, this was one of my first game in emperor, if only I was the one who spawn in the middle, the story could be ended differently. salute to korea!

nice read,

welcome to the forums :)

thanks :)

With the exception of misplaced words (that I didn't mind), that was probably one of the best stories I've read on here. Next time I see A story with you as the poster I will definitely be reading. Again, very good job

thanks for noticing, :) I'll change it right away.
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