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[RD] Russia Invades Ukraine--Act 3: Ride of the Valkyries

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voyvoda from history books , but wikipedia leads back to R-36 with the NATO name of SS-18 Satan , a silo based weapon as it would be in tech-savvy usage . Now , can't tell if Russians carry all their missiles in such trucks but isn't it something more like a Topol ?
It seems like RS-24 Yars, but maybe I am checking too much car and not a rocket:)
was not wasting time , so like Satan is from 1960s and should be like a cylinder mounted on this , while on the road to the silo thing . And yeah , nobody will be fixing the twitter thing . Of Russians blessing the Satan . Even if one could say a bit about the need to bless some ICBM ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Reputed Girlfriend Sanctioned by U.K.
London moves against Alina Kabaeva, citing her alleged close relationship to Russian president

U.S. officials believe Ms. Kabaeva, pictured in 2017, is the mother of at least three of Mr. Putin’s children.PHOTO: SAVOSTYANOV SERGEI/ZUMA PRESS
By Max Colchester
Updated May 13, 2022 10:38 am ET

LONDON—The U.K. sanctioned Alina Kabaeva, a retired Olympic rhythmic gymnast who several Western governments believe to be Vladimir Putin’s girlfriend, as part of a crackdown on people close to the Russian president.

The move is part of a wider attempt by Western allies to raise pressure on Mr. Putin to end the war in Ukraine. After initially targeting Russian oligarchs and other high-profile business figures, Western governments are increasingly turning their focus to individuals who are personally close to Mr. Putin or financially connected with him. The European Union also plans to hit Ms. Kabaeva with sanctions when the bloc moves to further penalize Russia, according to two EU diplomats. The U.K. Foreign Office said that it had also sanctioned Ms. Kabaeva’s grandmother and Mr. Putin’s ex-wife, Lyudmila Ocheretnaya, along with several of Mr. Putin’s cousins. The British government said Ms. Kabaeva was alleged to have “a close personal relationship” with Mr. Putin and was rumored to be his partner.

The move puts London ahead of the Biden administration, which has held off on sanctioning Ms. Kabaeva out of concern that it could further escalate hostilities between Russia and the U.S., A Biden administration official said Friday the U.S. was continuing to look into sanctioning Ms. Kabaeva, but declined to comment further. The U.S. government believes Ms. Kabaeva to be the mother of at least three of his children, The Journal has reported.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pushed allies to take a hard-line against the Kremlin and Mr. Putin in particular over the war in Ukraine. The U.K. was initially slow to sanction Russian oligarchs but changed its laws to make it easier to freeze their assets.
The Kremlin has long denied any romantic relationship between Mr. Putin and Ms. Kabaeva. It didn’t immediately reply to requests for comment Friday. In 2008, Mr. Putin said in response to newspaper reports: “I have always disliked those who, with their snotty noses and erotic fantasies, break into other people’s private affairs.”

The U.K. government said that official Russian records show that Mr. Putin holds few valuable assets. These include a small flat in St. Petersburg, two Soviet-era cars from the 1950s and a small garage. It says much of his wealth is spread among a web of close friends and business associates.

“In reality, Putin relies on his network of family, childhood friends, and selected elite who have benefited from his rule and in turn support his lifestyle,” the U.K. said. “Their reward is influence over the affairs of the Russian state that goes far beyond their formal positions.”

Others targeted Friday include Anna Zatseplina, grandmother of Ms. Kabaeva. The British government said she had received a luxury flat in Moscow from another sanctioned ally of Mr. Putin. Mr. Putin’s ex-wife, Ms. Ocheretnaya was targeted, the U.K. said, for benefiting from preferential business relationships with state-owned entities. The government also sanctioned Igor and Roman Putin, two of the Russian leader’s cousins, and his close friend, Alexander Plekhov, who the U.K. alleged benefited from state patronage. The Russian leader has two daughters from his marriage to Lyudmila, which ended in 2014. The U.K., U.S. and EU have all sanctioned those two daughters.

The 69-year-old Mr. Putin has never acknowledged a relationship with Ms. Kabaeva, a 39-year-old former Olympic gymnast once famed for her extreme flexibility. British officials say Ms. Kabaeva is part of a group of Putin confidants with links to Bank Rossiya, an entity sanctioned by the U.S. and U.K for its close ties to the Kremlin.

After Ms. Kabaeva retired from gymnastics, she entered politics as a lawmaker for Mr. Putin’s ruling United Russia party. Ms. Kabaeva left parliament in 2014 to become chairwoman of Russia’s New Media Group, which controls major pro-government TV, radio and news websites. She was appointed by NMG owner Yuri Kovalchuk, the largest shareholder in Bank Rossiya.

British officials point to NMG and its connection to Bank Rossiya as evidence of Ms. Kabaeva’s financial links to Mr. Putin. Among others targeted Friday, the U.K. sanctioned Mikhail Shelomov, Mr. Putin’s first cousin once removed, due to his shareholding in Bank Rossiya. British officials believe he is a proxy for Mr. Putin. Mikhail Klishin, an executive at Bank Rossiya was also sanctioned Friday.
I don't recall any Russian obsession with Ukrainian satanism, but Satan is a NATO designation of SS-18 ICBM.

I wasn't aware there's different patriarchates for Satanism in Russia and Ukraine too. I thought the split only occurred to the Orthodox Church.

But I suppose it'd make sense for Russians to be obsessed with Russian Satanism instead of Ukrainian Satanism. After all, the former's doing a great job covertly recruiting members over there with Vladimir Gundyayev being a more high profile convert.

Regardless of Ukraine's fate, the biggest winners of this war are Satan and the Ukrainian sunflowers. The former gets the souls of brave warriors. The latter gets the nutrients of brave warriors.
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^ At least they got decent picture of her, usually the ones posted in western press are the ugliest they are able to find :)
I don't know... she looks like femme fatale to me.

Don't know what red elk is talking about with 'usually' posting the worse pictures they can find. This is probably the worse one I found (and not all that easily found), which isn't that bad for someone almost 40. Some news stories used pics from 20+ years ago during her olympic days, which is silly if not talking about her gymnastics career.

We seem to get a steady stream of blown up Russian equipment from drones, and hand held cameras. Do Russians get the same kind of pics of destroyed Ukrainian equipment?
^ At least they got decent picture of her, usually the ones posted in western press are the ugliest they are able to find :)

That hasn't been my experience. On the contrary when I saw pictures of her in the media I thought "well it's obvious why Putin went for her." Plus when you consider the gymnast muscles and flexibility? Lawdhamercy
Less equipment, more captured positions with lots of civilian corpses.


Ua loses are estimated at 1:1 with Russians, with the Territorials (milita) bearing the blunt.
Generally the Russian material, equipment advantage counted for a lot
The real meat grinder will happen once Russians exhaust themselves and it will come down to Artillery and drones
Less equipment, more captured positions with lots of corpses.

I find that to be appropriately practical too. After all, the well-informed Russia audience are only interested in results. In this case:
  • More land for Mordor :c5happy:
  • Lots of dead Ukrainians :c5happy:
  • Glory of Mother Russia confirmed :c5happy:
Those Ukrainian photos of captured equipment are pretty laughable too. The true strength of the Russian army is its unlimited manpower. Russia had won its wars against other Europeans by having its soldiers bravely tanking all incoming bullets until the enemies run out and surrender.

If the cost of a Stinger missile is a whooping $30K USD and the lives of the targets are worth... well. I mean, jokes are on the capitalist Americans. Let us thank the brave Russian soldiers for bankrupting the Americans


Ua loses are estimated at 1:1 with Russians, with the Territorials (milita) bearing the blunt.
Generally the Russian material, equipment advantage counted for a lot
The real meat grinder will happen once Russians exhaust themselves and it will come down to Artillery and drones

I don't think putting soldiers into meat grinder would be much of a concern for nations with some very brave warriors.
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Russia using their artillery advantage, pooled them and use them to grind up Ukraine positions
Longer ranged and precision NATO artillery arriving now, which a fraction of what Russia has, more lazer, rocket assisted and gps controlled munitions

Trial by fire: Ukraine war becomes gruelling artillery duel

But on the rolling steppe here, geography denies the Ukrainian military some of the advantages that allowed its forces to humble Moscow’s troops around the capital. Soldiers rarely get close enough to fight face to face or deploy the western anti-tank missiles that helped them save Kyiv. Instead, their artillery guns face off across vast open fields, dug in with mazes of trenches that could have come from the last century, pounding each other with shells while jets occasionally scream overhead.
Many Russian guns shoot further than the ones Ukraine’s military had at the start of the war, so while they wait for western weapons with a longer range – such as the M777 howitzers dispatched by the US and just starting to arrive at the frontline – they must live under constant bombardment.

Every day they collect casualties from the frontlines, or civilians from bombed-out homes, and stabilise them and send them on to safer hospitals. They know they are targets, because the Ukrainian government says more than 500 healthcare centres have been hit. Like the troops they support, they are supplementing limited, outdated equipment with courage and determination.

“What’s interesting about this bridge is the Russian tactics: they built it, tried to bring over the weapons, we got them, and they built it again and we got them again,” he said. “It shows they are trying to win not with military intelligence but with sheer force of numbers.”

Russia using their artillery advantage, pooled them and use them to grind up Ukraine positions
Longer ranged and precision NATO artillery arriving now, which a fraction of what Russia has, more lazer, rocket assisted and gps controlled munitions
So Russia is hoping to in this war via Zerg Rush...
I don't think that is effective when the war is stalling. Even in RTS games like AOE series Zerg Rush isn't a good strategy when you are faced with stone wall opponents.
That hasn't been my experience. On the contrary when I saw pictures of her in the media I thought "well it's obvious why Putin went for her." Plus when you consider the gymnast muscles and flexibility? Lawdhamercy
Had anyone portrayed her as just a beautiful woman whose personal life is none of anybody's business?
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