Scenario in box


Oct 16, 2005
I know that there is going to be a WW2, Rev war and a world map. but in the preview it mentions others as well. Does anyone know what they are or if the info is lying to me.

Much appriciated.
There will be an Alexander the Great Scenario, and a scenario covering the Great Nordic War too.... ;)
whats the great nordic war?
The great war ca 1700 between Russia, Poland, Sweden, Denmark-Norway, and a few small german states! Great scenario material!
Philips beard said:
There will be an Alexander the Great Scenario, and a scenario covering the Great Nordic War too.... ;)

If true, that's a great scenario, although I find it interesting that Firaxis would pick that one, since it's a war I'm sure most Americans have never heard of (certainly Europeans will at least appreciate it if it's in there)
I look forward to play as Sweden, or Denmark-Norway! I love this period of history, and think it's only natural of Firaxis to make a scenario covering the northern parts of Europe too.... It's on time! :D
The Alexander the Great scenario should also be interesting.. I wonder what kind of map we'll see for that one? Certainly a Med. map would make no sense, I guess it would have to be just the Eastern Med. down to south asia, should be interesting since scenarios on Med. maps have been done into the ground.
Paranoid Eyes said:
The Alexander the Great scenario should also be interesting.. I wonder what kind of map we'll see for that one? Certainly a Med. map would make no sense, I guess it would have to be just the Eastern Med. down to south asia, should be interesting since scenarios on Med. maps have been done into the ground.

A perfect scenaro for warmongers, conquering the whole known world! ;)
I don't recall hearing anywhere but this thread that there would be such a scenario...
Alexander the Great, that would be interesting. I wonder if there will be special victory conditions for some scenarios, like for examle "Conquer Persepolis before 323 BC" or something like that, that would be great.
Alexander the Great and The Great Nordic War eh? The game Call to Power (might have been #2) had this scenario and it was amazing, it almost made up for the rest of the game sucking. As for the Great Nordic war, I've personally never heard of it, but it does sound like great scenario materal and like loads of fun.
I've heard of it. It'd be interesting to play as the Poles, and answer the question: Were they surrounded and had no chance to begin with, or did they make poor decisions. Nice scenario choice if it's true!
Masquerouge said:
These scenarios look terrific ! Northern wars should be a blast, you can't go wrong with Vikings fightings Germans ! ;)

You can't go wrong with anyone fighting Germans!
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