SGOTM 13 - Unusual Suspects

Got the save & will test exploring with wb no2 v wb no3. Hopefully post a plan later today.

Cool. This is going smooothly and fast.... I'm a little suprised that other teams are going as fast as us. I guess the objectives are simple. OK, we have the lowest posts/turn count there is. Lets keep it that way. Not too many jokes then.

Spoiler :

It has come to our attention recently that many of you have been turning in timesheets that specify large amounts of "Miscellaneous Unproductive Time" (Code 5309). However, we need to know exactly what you are doing during your unproductive time.

Attached below is a sheet specifying a tentative extended job code list based on our observations of employee activities.

The list will allow you to specify with a fair amount of precision what you are doing during your unproductive time. Please begin using this job-code list immediately and let us know about any difficulties you encounter.

Thank you,

Attached: Extended Job-Code List
Code and Explanation
5316 Useless Meeting

5317 Obstructing Communications at Meeting

5318 Trying to Sound Knowledgeable While in Meeting

5319 Waiting for Break

5320 Waiting for Lunch

5321 Waiting for End of Day

5322 Vicious Verbal Attacks Directed at Coworker

5323 Vicious Verbal Attacks Directed at Coworker While Coworker is Not Present

5393 Covering for Incompetence of Coworker Friend

5400 Trying to Explain Concept to Coworker Who is Not Interested in Learning

5401 Trying to Explain Concept to Coworker Who is Stupid

5402 Trying to Explain Concept to Coworker Who Hates You

5481 Buying Snack

5482 Eating Snack

5500 Filling Out Timesheet

5501 Inventing Timesheet Entries

5502 Waiting for Something to Happen

5503 Scratching Yourself

5504 Sleeping

5510 Feeling Bored

5511 Feeling Horny

5600 Complaining About Lousy Job

5601 Complaining About Low Pay

5602 Complaining About Long Hours

5603 Complaining About Coworker (See Codes #5322 & #5323)

5604 Complaining About Boss

5605 Complaining About Personal Problems

5640 Miscellaneous Unproductive Complaining

5701 Not Actually Present At Job

5702 Suffering From Eight-Hour Flu

6102 Ordering Out

6103 Waiting for Food Delivery to Arrive

6104 Taking It Easy While Digesting Food

6200 Using Company Resources for Personal Profit

6201 Stealing Company Goods

6202 Making Excuses After Accidentally Destroying Company Goods

6203 Using Company Phone to Make Long-Distance Personal Calls

6204 Using Company Phone to Make Long-Distance Personal Calls to Sell Stolen Company Goods

6205 Hiding from Boss

6206 Gossip

6207 Planning a Social Event (e.g. vacation, wedding, etc.)

6210 Feeling Sorry For Yourself

6211 Updating Resume

6212 Faxing Resume to Another Employer/Headhunter

6213 Out of Office on Interview

6221 Pretending to Work While Boss Is Watching

6222 Pretending to Enjoy Your Job

6223 Pretending You Like Coworker

6224 Pretending You Like Important People When in Reality They are Jerks

6238 Miscellaneous Unproductive Fantasizing

6350 Playing Pranks on the New Guy/Girl

6601 Running your own Business on Company Time (See Code #6603)

6602 Complaining

6603 Writing a Book on Company Time

6611 Staring Into Space

6612 Staring At Computer Screen

6615 Transcendental Meditation

7281 Extended Visit to the Bathroom (at least 10 minutes)

7400 Talking With Divorce Lawyer on Phone

7401 Talking With Plumber on Phone

7402 Talking With Dentist on Phone

7403 Talking With Doctor on Phone

7404 Talking With Masseuse on Phone

7405 Talking With House Painter on Phone

7406 Talking With Personal Therapist on Phone

7419 Talking With Miscellaneous Paid Professional on Phone

7425 Talking With Mistress/Boy-Toy on Phone

7931 Asking Coworker to Aid You in an Illicit Activity

8000 Recreational Drug Use

8001 Non-recreational Drug Use

8002 Liquid Lunch

8100 Reading e-mail

8101 Playing SGOTM13 ;)
An update on the computer front: I had to get a new computer because various parts of my laptop broke. Luckily, my hard drive is still functional enough to try transferring data. Unluckily, I can't get BUFFY to work with Win 7 64-bit without a "Hof can't write settings, thus games are invalid" warning. Will keep working on that.
I was very frustrated last year when my computer died and I bought win 7 64 bit.
You have to run with admin privileges, described at HoF link kcd posted.
Spoiler :
problems at civ fanatics wouldn't let me post this sooner
It looks like I'm back. Managed to attach the old hard drive and boot from it. After some agonizing driver installations for the new hardware, it looks like everything is sane.

By the way, I had already tried everything from the Vista/Win7 fixes page to no avail. Well, doesn't matter now anyway!
@ narri, Grats! :goodjob:

So, you are On Deck.

If you haven't already, start and play some turns on a recent BOTM game with current BUFFY mod to ensure saves and everything works properly.
It looks like I'm back. Managed to attach the old hard drive and boot from it. After some agonizing driver installations for the new hardware, it looks like everything is sane.

By the way, I had already tried everything from the Vista/Win7 fixes page to no avail. Well, doesn't matter now anyway!

Don't forget to check your .ini file to autosave every turn! Sometimes it reverts to default (4 turns) when you make changes to the system.

And as Deckhand mentioned, we now have you in slot #4. So TSM is the ACTIVE player, and Narri is ON DECK.

TSM... how's the testing going? Let us know what variations you are looking at and we'd be happy to help you out some. :)
Hi Team,

My apologoes for not contacting sooner but I'm not going to be able to play this week due to a problem at work. Would it be possible to get a swap as I don't want to hold up play?
Hi Team,

My apologoes for not contacting sooner but I'm not going to be able to play this week due to a problem at work. Would it be possible to get a swap as I don't want to hold up play?

I don't know... Narri probl'y needs that long to get into the swing anyhow. We are not pressed for time at this point. I don't forsee any deadline issues coming up. So my vote is that we can wait for next week when you have more time. If you have tested and found that disaster is lurking... to bad. You don't get out of it that easy. :lol:

If you think you may be tied up longer than that, we'll punt to Narri though.

That's my vote. But let the captain decide for sure. ;)

Vra... you listening? :satan:
I don't see a reason to not swap turns? Swede you can play this set and then TSM can be on deck fro next one?

What are the current open questions?
Tech path? Sailing.
Builds? boat for exploring

If kcd has time, he could at least play until there is an open question.
OK... I can swap.

I have built a test save to check the wb2 vs wb3 (unfortunately did not load BUFFY mod first, but for this it should suffice). See attached if you want to play ... note the dates are wrong.

Are we already in Slavery? (NO) I assumed yes, so the game is at t45 status (i.e. after wb2 builds, with Sailing selected as next tech).

What I find with my test is that getting a galley + settler is tech-limited by sailing. That is to say, there is no reason to chop our only trees.

I have tested a variety of micromanagement techniques, but nothing improved the "galley plus settler" status better than 19t (or rather, turn 19 in my test game, which is actually 16 or 17 turns from now iirc... but I'll stick to the numbers in my test game for now)

wb2 exploring seems "smoother" and better timed (with appropriate MM), but the numbers don't lie... exploring with wb2 would cost us 1 turn.

Pre Play Plan for tech to Sailing:
1) Select Sailing... (t0)
3) Finish wb2 (t1) and improve clam with it (t2)
2) Revolt to slavery after wb2 completes (t1)
4) build wb3, working max food.
5) complete wb3 and explore (t9?)
6) build settler... 2-pop whip it when 1 turn left to Sailing. (t16) End turnset with eye to future:

7) overflow to galley (1t to let overflow get registered)
8) 1-pop whip galley at size 3, overflow to lighthouse (grow back to 3pop in 2t). (t18)
9) galley + settler ready to launch (t19)

10) "Other stuff": pause set for discussion if AI met or barb galleys spotted; worker will road the corn first, then pre-chop the forest down to 1-t... then road everything else (mostly useless tasks but we're paying him so lets make him work).

The only question about this is what to tech AFTER sailing. However, I would propose my actual set (which I swap places with TSM for this round) only go to sailing, whipping the settler and putting galley in queue and then end turn and save game so we can discuss the new questions). Well, the main question about this is whether "fastest settler + galley" is really what we should be doing. But none of us seem to have any better ideas for the moment, so we'll have to make it work.

If anyone wants to use my test game, they are welcome. If you want, you can make a worldbuilder save from it, then launch as a scenario AFTER you start the BUFFY mod, and you will have this in BUFFY, as that makes things more convenient.

PS-- to get the food right (I hope), I had to run a couple turns hammers into a baracks, (thats why the turn numbers are screwy) so any barracks build will be misestimated by my test save.

Ooops... the server isn't taking attachments, as you can see by the notice at the top of the page. :sad: I'll attach it whenever they get that fixed.
Do we have a test save? I could try some tests tonight if we do... Your plan Swede seems good generally, not certain about some details and would like to check.
Vra... you listening? :satan:

*mumbles something that sounds like "I approve.."*

In terms of a proposal, we should consider if we are looking to be building wonders - if so, Masonry next would be wise, and Wheel in there too.
Do we have a test save? I could try some tests tonight if we do... Your plan Swede seems good generally, not certain about some details and would like to check.

I have a test game, but due to forum problems (see "Notices" above) it is impossible to attach it to a post. Image hosting sites only allow you to attach images, not files.

I'm going to try some tricks using the staff pages to get it on the server from where I can link it. Give me a few minutes...

Nope... didn't work... I can get it on the server via FTP protocol, but don't know how to get the public link to work.

However, I have heard in the pre-game discussion Fifth Element (or was it XTeam) offer to let folks use their test map that they made for SGOTM13... its in their SGOTM12 thread which is open to the public now that SGOTM12 is done. Lets see if I can find you a link to that.

Here's a test game by another team... starts from turn 0 so you'll have to play it forward to our present position. (Or just edit it forward in WB).
4) build wb3, working max food.

Just want to point out that what I meant to say was working improved tiles, with food taking precedence over mines. Not literally "max food".

So... have you had a chance to test anything, Indiansmoke? Any comments on the plan, anybody?
Sounds good Swede Green from me.

I tested 3 pop slaving settler by growing to size 6 but it does not seem better. Also tested staying pop 4 and exploring but it does not seem better either.
Thx IS. I've got one "green" now, and if I interpret Vra's cryptic mumbling favorably, that's two. Anybody else want to turn me loose? :scan:
I'm still waiting for a green light... :sleep:
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