SGOTM 13 - Unusual Suspects

Deckhand asked me to post this for him: “I was away for the weekend and my home computer con tinues to have internet access problems, I was unable to access civfanatics on Sunday. Assume I am unavailable until you see me post. Go team.”
Deckhand asked me to post this for him: “I was away for the weekend and my home computer con tinues to have internet access problems, I was unable to access civfanatics on Sunday. Assume I am unavailable until you see me post. Go team.”
^ What he said.

Sometimes my internet works and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know what is going on.
So, if you don't hear from me, either a) I am too busy to post or b) I am unable to post.

Green Light. Whip that galley. Do we know where to send it?
Spoiler :
Be sure to stop where you said, with sailing discovered but galley unwhipped.
OK... turnset played. We have met Joao (his wb approached from the stone). We hav met Victoria (our wb3 met her wb next to the jungle-copper). Those two have met each other and Vicky is "pleased" with Joao.

Game status: I have just 2-pop whipped the settler when sailing had 1t left. I ended the turn and put galley in queue to get overflow from settler whip. I set the tech to Animal Husbandry, but that can be changed to whatever. I explored south, but have not found any bridge to England/Portugal yet. I attach a screenshot via Photobucket.

So... who's up? Who's "On-deck"? And where do we go from here????

Here is your Session Turn Log from 2900 BC to 2500 BC:

Spoiler :
Turn 45, 2875 BC: The revolution has begun!!!
Turn 45, 2875 BC: Napoleon adopts Slavery!
Turn 45, 2875 BC: The anarchy is over! Your government is re-established.

Turn 58, 2550 BC: Paris can hurry Settler for 2? with 21? overflow and +1? for 15 turns.

Turn 59, 2525 BC: You have discovered Sailing!

Turn 60, 2500 BC: Paris has become healthy.

Here are some screeshots:
Spoiler :

:goodjob: Swede. I would put a couple of turns of research into mystisism and move the workboat to scout the stone spot to see if there is any seafood.

If yes then settling spot choice is easier I feel.

or is anyone having thoughts of settling on copper and axe rushing?
:goodjob: Swede. I would put a couple of turns of research into mystisism and move the workboat to scout the stone spot to see if there is any seafood.

If yes then settling spot choice is easier I feel.

or is anyone having thoughts of settling on copper and axe rushing?

I agree that the stone spot would be very interesting if there is some seafood. Less interesting if not. I think the mapmaker is rather evil to give us copper that requires ironworking to use, unless we settle directly on it. Settling on the copper makes for a pretty lousy city, though.

Mysticism makes sense esp if we anticipate a run at the Oracle. AH is rather useless right now, even if it revealed a horse to aid settling decision, we're still not ready to use horses for anything useful.

Axe rush seems problematic because (1) amphibous axe attack is hardly a true "rush", and (2) we don't yet know where we would rush to. :lol:

I think your original plan of mace/cat is still best, but we should definitely keep our eyes out for any opportunity for advantage that might arise. If we can support the stone site with seafood, that should be city2. By the time we're ready for city3, we should have a better idea of whether settling on the copper or somewhere else gives the best outcome.

I think Narri was going to be slotted at #4 turnset, so lets say he's up. I haven't heard from TSM since he was gone for last week... lets say he's on deck. Vra... he's on deck after that.

But basically, I'd suggest that whichever of those three is ready to go first can take the next set. (And if none of them report in before Friday, we go back to the top of the roster). :satan:

BTW--- next player should put a sign on map on the forest that there is only 1t chop left. I forgot to do so.
Axe rush seems problematic because (1) amphibous axe attack is hardly a true "rush", and (2) we don't yet know where we would rush to. :lol:


This is not true necessarily. If we plant on copper (which is by no means a crap city when you want to slave a few axes to serve your purpose) we can have an army of 12 axes pretty fast, possibly before the ai's have enough archers to protect their capital.

Taking an ai capital early will make a huge impact.

We will know soon where the ai's so we will be able to reach direct our galleys there.

BUT this is a risky thing to do as if it fails, your game is broken beyond repair.

So it is a question of being adventurous or not.

The more I see of this map the more I think we need to be adventurous, economy will suck and getting to maces before the ai's have counters will not be easy.

So I am still very open to axe rush, or at worst cata/axe rush.
This is not true necessarily. If we plant on copper (which is by no means a crap city when you want to slave a few axes to serve your purpose) we can have an army of 12 axes pretty fast, possibly before the ai's have enough archers to protect their capital.

Taking an ai capital early will make a huge impact.

We will know soon where the ai's so we will be able to reach direct our galleys there.

BUT this is a risky thing to do as if it fails, your game is broken beyond repair.

So it is a question of being adventurous or not.

The more I see of this map the more I think we need to be adventurous, economy will suck and getting to maces before the ai's have counters will not be easy.

So I am still very open to axe rush, or at worst cata/axe rush.

Well, we definitely should stay open to this possibility. A lot could depend on what our exploring reveals. If it shows we're going to have to fight to get any decent land... sooner is better.
I agree with the majority - this is a SGOTM, the spoils will go to the bold - once we don't call boldness what is really stupidity.

I would say take a turn or two more, see what stone island reveals. Then we can decide if we want to try to pull off Pyramids there, and head for an Axe rush. As I said at beginning, just like Napoleon...we're NOT looking to make a home on Elba.
I guess I'll take up the turnset baton then.

Looking over the discussion so far, these islands are very interesting. If you saw both of the AI's workboats to the southeast, one can only conclude that they're both up in the northeast (southeast is bordered by ocean, and any other direction would have been caught by our city borders.

So the generic plan is to explore towards the northeast and find a capital or 2. I need a few days to set up a test game and figure out what to do with our current city. I think we'll need to rush, but logistics are going to be a toughie (need ceil(axeman/2) galleys!).
I guess I'll take up the turnset baton then.

Looking over the discussion so far, these islands are very interesting. If you saw both of the AI's workboats to the southeast, one can only conclude that they're both up in the northeast (southeast is bordered by ocean, and any other direction would have been caught by our city borders.

So the generic plan is to explore towards the northeast and find a capital or 2. I need a few days to set up a test game and figure out what to do with our current city. I think we'll need to rush, but logistics are going to be a toughie (need ceil(axeman/2) galleys!).

Great... you are UP! Your plan sounds reasonable, but please do test and get comfortable with the moves. Remember that we need to avoid Meditation in order to bulb the Astro line... so no unauthorized trading. (Its too early for trades to be available anyhow, but just a reminder to the team, if bulbing Astro is planned).

I'll attach my test save now that the forum is working properly again. You might want to open worldbuilder, save it as a wb save, then load BUFFY and load the wb save as a scenario (and make a new game save from that, so that its in BUFFY). You'll have to advance it to the point of the present save, though. Also, it will be no use at all for exploring and new revealed tiles, but you can update it with present revealed tiles if you have the time, patience, and inclination. (I don't) :lol: Note the turn numbers are all screwed up.

View attachment 284860
I agree with the majority - this is a SGOTM, the spoils will go to the bold - once we don't call boldness what is really stupidity.

I would say take a turn or two more, see what stone island reveals. Then we can decide if we want to try to pull off Pyramids there, and head for an Axe rush. As I said at beginning, just like Napoleon...we're NOT looking to make a home on Elba.

Lets say you are on deck, Vra. TSM may still be busy/away. Start thinking about how best to implement an axe rush, then. :D
How's it going? What's up?

Gotta post every now and then or the game admins will think we've dropped out of the game.:lol:
Hi Team,

Sorry for being m.i.a but things have been really hectic. It looks like I'll not have any civ time for the next week & a bit but should be available after that.


Hi Team,

Sorry for being m.i.a but things have been really hectic. It looks like I'll not have any civ time for the next week & a bit but should be available after that.



That's cool. Vra is definitely on deck then. And we're gonna give him about 200 turns, so take it easy and we'll be ready when you're ready. :mischief:

Anyhow, since Narri is taking so much time for testing, we're surely going to rock this next turnset. It's gonna be AWESOME!


More fun for "The Little General":
Spoiler :
Famous Quotes About The French
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." ~ General George S. Patton

"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure" ~ Jacques Chirac, President of France

"We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it." ~ Marge Simpson

"As far as France is concerned, you're right." ~ Rush Limbaugh

"You know, the French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s who was still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn't have the face for it." ~ John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona

"You know why the French don't want to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is French, people." ~ Conan O'Brien

I don't know why people are surprised that France won't help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France! ~ Jay Leno

"What do you expect from a culture and a nation that exerted more of its national will fighting against DisneyWorld and Big Macs than the Nazis?" ~ Dennis Miller

Did you see the new bomb the government came up with? It weights 21,000 pounds. The Air Force tested this bomb in Florida and the bomb blast was so strong at Disneyworld 25 French tourists surrendered. ~ Jay Leno

"Do you know it only took Germany three days to conquer France in WWII? And that's because it was raining." ~ John Xereas, Manager, DC Improv.

In response to the recent terror attacks in Spain, the French government have raised their terror alert status from "Run" to "Hide". If attacks continue on the continent they may be forced to further increase the alert to "Surrender", or even as high as "Collaborate". ~ Jay Leno

Testing has gone well so far. Nice to know that we get double hammers on lighthouses and courthouses (Organized). This will come in handy. So far it looks like I will go Galley>WB (scouting)>LH, but I have an issue in my planning:

It may make sense to whip the galley for good overflow into an instant lighthouse, or it may make sense to whip it ASAP if we want a Pyramids build (or just hand-build it). But it's maddening to not know whether the stone has some food associated with it. I propose to move the WB the remainder of this turn and the start of the next turn to figure out how much food is there first, then pause with screenshots. Any approvers for that?
^ ok w me

Since the stone and the copper are to the SE, should we get the settler/galley started moving in that direction, while the workboat continues to explore? Go ahead and explore two turns, put two turns into building the galley. Then whip it?
sounds good, Narri. Green from me as well. That's 3, which is a quorum. :king:
Well, the mapmaker was nice enough to give you some fish with that stone:

What should we do with this fact? Are we going to quick Pyramids (to tide our research over with specs)? More food to whip with using the axes?
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