SheepNES: Settling Accounts

Story bonuses will start this turn.

Also Politicans can be used to rouse the populace and help increase certain stats through rousing speechs. Especially Patriotic Conscripts.
andis-1 said:
since when have neses been realistic?

So it goes like this:

1st turn: build orders, tactics
2nd turn: tactics
3rd turn: tactics
4th turn: new stuff ready, build orders, tactics
5th turn: tactics


No it goes

1st turn: (one we just had) tactics
2nd turn: tactics
3rd turn: Build orders tactics, new stuff ready (auto build orders this once)
4th turn: Tactics
will my story from before the last update count this turn or will i have to write another one
andis, orders are due very soon, so can you hold off on sending any until next turn. Could mess up my plans and everything since you don't know them... Sheep help me out, were all on tight schedules here!! Ha ha ha *cough* yeah wait until everybody's ready to greet you, we'll have a party or something....
Sheep, how about every three turns we get our economy to spend how we wish, throughout the next three turns. So if I take heavy tank casualties the first turn, I would buy tanks, and the next turn if I wanted I could recruit infantry and what not. But we only get more economy every three turns.
But we only get more economy every three turns.

I followed everything accept that, from what you just said we only get to spend the amount of economy we have for three turns without replenishing it... so what's this line??
i think the present system of purchasing every 3 turns is fine. Like in hearts of iron, everything you order to build takes about 9-12 months before they're ready.
Krimzon, send me your plans and I'll do my orders accordingly. I have plenty of time to write 'em...

edit: if you don't send, then I'll just write something which i see to serve myself the best.
Sent plans, thanks for understanding. Hope it turns out for the best... and when I mean the best I mean some dead silver on a stick roasting on my barbeque when this is over!! :evil: :devil:
The foreign minister cleared his throat, approaching the podium. The large chamber hall fell silent as all eyes of he Congreso Nacional fell on the tall, dark-haired man. In his sixties by now, Michel Garcia thought he had seen it all, thought that by now the world would have learned like he had to stop the wars and come to a peaceful understanding. Facing the Congreso, Garcia knew why the world hadn’t; it was because the world was full of men like these. Be they old or be they young, all were vying for power, playing a cruel game of backstabbing malice, wielding gossip as the prime choice fro advancement in this game. It had been years since Mr. Garcia had met a politician he truly trusted, that politician was his senior, President Enrique de Crozius. Mr. de Crozius had earned Minister Garcia’s respect long ago, and it was for him that the minister had retained his post.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but was in actuality but a few seconds, the chamber fell silent, awaiting the minister’s words. Minister Garcia again cleared his throat and began to talk, “Esteemed members of the Congreso Nacional, I am most pleased to see you today. I am going to be blunter than I have been in the past with you, my esteemed colleagues. Our beloved Chile is under attack. Our melting-pot land is threatened by the brutish Argentines and their allies both in South America and elsewhere.

“It is time, gentlemen that Chile asserts herself as the dominant force that she is! For much too long Chile has sat on the sidelines of Europe, happy to watch as Brazil and Argentina battle for supremacy. No longer! It is time, my friends, to reach into the plains of Patagonia, to reach into the mountains of the Andes, to reach into the jungles of the Amazon, to reach into the ports of the Atlantic and Pacific, and yes, to reach into the very hearts and souls of the Latin American people, into the kind, tender beings who wish for freedom from oppressive regimes and an escape from the torment of a life in poverty.” Minister Garcia continued to speak to the entranced crowd, shaping them to fit his needs as the potter shapes the clay and the black smith the iron.

Continuing, the foreign minister said, “My fellow Chileans, no longer can we stand idly by as the land that is ours and that which is rightfully ours is raped by the heartless minions of a fanatic criminal. Chile is one of the few, nay, the only one, who can remake our continent, and indeed, our world. And so, I ask you now, do Chile and the wellbeing of your fellow man reside in your heart, or in your mind? I ask you now, do charity and justice reside in your heart, or in your mind? I ask you now, do South America and the world reside in your heart, or in your mind? And, I ask you now, do the Bible and the teachings of Jesus reside in your heart, or in your mind?” Ending in a decrescendo, his words flowing out of his mouth like a drying river, slowly being absorbed into the air until the babbling of the brook dies out.

As Foreign Minister Michel Garcia stepped away from the podium, the Congreso Nacional exploded in a patriotic fervor, giving the minister a standing ovation. Garcia slowly turned to face his crowd, every one of them, focusing on random faces in the audience. After scanning the crowd, looking at the backstabbing men who had only a minute ago made his stomach turn, Minister Garcia saw something he had not expected to see, humanity. The people standing here were not the malicious sadists Garcia had thought of them to be, only truly patriotic men with a need o serve their country, even if that meant stabbing their friends in the back. And so, with a full bow, something Garcia had not done since he was quite young, Foreign Minister Michel Garcia left the Chamber halls to enter the car awaiting him outside the chambers.
Brazil Refuses to sit Idly By

"Any reply yet from the Argentine and Bolivian governments?" questions Emperor Don Pedro IV.

"No sir, their camps have remained silent and have chosen to not respond to our repeated requests for this war with the Chilean and Uruguayan people to end" replies Prime Minister Ferdinand Cruz.

"Well then, it is a sad state that I must take the next step in this decision. Given their acts of warmongering against a people that did not provoke this attack, we must step into this conflict on the side of the Chilean and Uruguayan people. It must be shown to the world that the Axis choose to warmonger. They choose to attack people for their own gains instead of creating a peaceful global community. These acts cannot be overlooked with a ho-hum response. Thus, it is with a heavy heart that I step into this war to help protect the sanctity of South America. Will you draw up the papers Ferdinand?" pronounced Emperor Don Pedro IV.

"Will do sir. We should have an official declaration of war by the end of the day" replied PM Ferdinand Cruz.

"Thank you, now if you'll call in General Armin Garcia, we'll begin the assault planning process" stated Emperor Don Pedro.

After PM Ferdinand Cruz exited the room Don Pedro continued, "We shall have to once again bring peace to the South America. It's unfortunate it came to this point, but we can not sit idly by as Argentina and Bolivia become aggressive nations as their nation's actions affect not only their futures, but Brazil's future as well."

Just about that moment, General Armin Garcia, a distinguished and experienced Army General, enters the room with a rolled up map along with a notebook armed with the country's military info. Emperor Don Pedro greets the General and they make camp on a large table at the side part of the room. From there, they begin to discuss their plans, of which the public cannot be made privy to as of yet.
I'm going in.
As what?? Nothing worthwhile is free... and if you try something against me I will crush you Cleric, I promise you. Don't cross me. :evil: But if your going to help a big slab of territorial pie will be sent to your room with my compliments. :D

Anyway I don't see why everyone's trying to fit in a story bonus, I don't see anything from the stories that are particularly helpful. If your gonna do something at least take the time to put in more effort and length. Though I suppose with Sheeps schedule that's kinda hard... ah well speeches give me hives. I'll see if I can't fill in a nice war story or something to spice this place up! :lol:
I'm in just for the war. A world where soldiers will always have a place. Outer Heaven.
Fight well, for the cause of righteousness then my friend!! :salute: Oh and be sure that when you get to outer Heaven it isn't by a Freedom Alliance bullet. :lol:
Politics are not so amusing as the battlefield.
:lol: Your weird Cleric, watch your back because I wasn't joking about putting your head on a pike if you do something against me. ;) Though I gurantee plenty of bloodshed if you work for me. :D
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