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[R&F] Small things you have noticed on playing

First for me, how is this possible?

edit: That may be a flipped city, but civilian units don't stay in flipped cities I don't think.

Alexander takes Zanzibar.

Zanzibar flips to a free city from loyalty pressure.

I get the option to keep or refuse. I keep it, it's just another city. If I refuse, it remains a free city.

So, Zanzibar is just done with being a city-state? Didn't they cover this in the loyalty livestream and say players would have the option to let the CS return to its previous state?

Side Note: Let me join the bandwagon in noting how insanely aggressive the AI is about attacking city-states. Most CS's aren't worth having given their frequently-crappy locations.
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Side Note: Let me join the bandwagon in noting how insanely aggressive the AI is about attacking city-states. Most CS's aren't worth having given their frequently-crappy locations.
This is the case on Imm/Deity ... on King/emp its not so bad and mostly chill on prince

on a side note
Took a break from my Mongolia game and played Georgia. Got a religion and went after Gorgo who had conquered the Dutch. Got rid of the Dutch religion and then converted Sparta. By then, I had converted all the cities on our continent. A Religious emergency spawned because I converted Gorgo’s Holy City. However, Gorgo had no religious units and couldn’t generate any. She was the only one who participated in the emergency so nothing happened for 30 turns. Lol.
I then got 1,600 gold and a religious pressure bomb.

I guess the rest of the world, which was following another religion, didn’t care about Gorgo’s plight. The gold and a relic reward was not enough to entice them. :p
My first emergency happened in the Classical Era (I declined b/c too far away, but in retrospect i should have joined just to see if other Civs would pull their weight).
All right, I (IGhandi) just got targeted with an emergency after taking Greece's capital. The game claims I'm at the "forefront". Wish I really was.

Nobody except for Greece seems to have taken the bite. Looks like that will be quite a lucrative bit of warmongering (hey, it's Alexander).
Two things I noticed in my first game that bugged me for different reasons. First, my ally (Victoria) kept parking her Great Admirals on my sea resources, blocking me from improving them. Second, and I'll admit up front that this is the most nitpicky of complaints ever lodged against a video game - the Bread and Circuses project doesn't have the hexagon background that other district projects have.
This is the case on Imm/Deity ... on King/emp its not so bad and mostly chill on prince

on a side note
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I feel like disloyalty from unhappiness should increase quite a bit more, to the point where you need a garrison and a governor to counteract it at the highest levels of unhappiness. As it is you can mostly ignore your amenity level when it comes to loyalty it would seem.
I tried to find a spot for this because I didn't want to start a new thread. I'm midway through my first game, and I've not seen one turtle. Has anyone else seen them? They are in the game, right?
I tried to find a spot for this because I didn't want to start a new thread. I'm midway through my first game, and I've not seen one turtle. Has anyone else seen them? They are in the game, right?
Do you have abundant resources selected? There seems to be a bug with some of the sea resources not spawning if that option is selected.
I played the Mapuche a bit. Having a UI that's dependent on breathtaking only tiles is a bit difficult to use, especially since many breathtaking tiles are located under mountains that make ideal Campus/Holy Site... sites. Seems you have to sacrifice your best science/faith spots if you want to maximize your Chemamull.

Oh, and this isn't so much an R&F thing, but the Mapuche reminded me of it: has anyone ever managed to secure Earth Goddess as a pantheon? It's like the Divine Inspiration/Synagogue of pantheons. The AI loves to take it. They literally never pass it up. I thought since I was going to be building Chemamull on my high appeal tiles that adding faith would be a great idea, but it wasn't available.

I just started a game as Rome, in fact, and missed out on it too. Get this: I had my instant monument to get through Code of Laws faster and to activate God King sooner, plus I ran into Armagh on the first 5 turns and got +2 faith. I got my pantheon on turn 15, but two AI had already beat me to nabbing pantheons. Guess which one was already taken?

I realize Earth Goddess is a pretty good Pantheon to take, but they need to code the AI to occasionally skip it so that the player can try it every now and again...
I have only managed to grab Earth Goddess when I got lucky with faith resource in inner ring of capital or finding a relic on first goodie hut.

One thing I have noticed is that alliances WORK. I have been warmongering a tiny bit and Trajan has been my bro throughout the whole game. Always renewing alliance.
In my Georgia game, there was a decent sized island (perhaps 20-30 hexes) between my continent and the other one. I settled on the northern tip and fought a lot of barbarians. They were swordsman and musket barbs. I had infantry and a frigate but it was tough slogging. I eventually took their camp and finished off the last stragglers. Instantly after that, Japan pops up and thanks me for dealing with the barbarians. Then they promptly send an escorted settler towards the island. Lol.

I suppose they didn’t have the tech to effectively clear the barbs and took advantage of my hard work. It was nice of them to thank me, though. :p

One thing I have noticed is that alliances WORK. I have been warmongering a tiny bit and Trajan has been my bro throughout the whole game. Always renewing alliance.

A tiny bit of warmongering, yes. :goodjob:
In my Georgia game, there was a decent sized island (perhaps 20-30 hexes) between my continent and the other one. I settled on the northern tip and fought a lot of barbarians. They were swordsman and musket barbs. I had infantry and a frigate but it was tough slogging. I eventually took their camp and finished off the last stragglers. Instantly after that, Japan pops up and thanks me for dealing with the barbarians. Then they promptly send an escorted settler towards the island. Lol.

I suppose they didn’t have the tech to effectively clear the barbs and took advantage of my hard work. It was nice of them to thank me, though. :p

I love moments like that. Wish they happened more often. I don't think the ai even thanks you for liberating a city. In fact, they tend to tell you to take a hike.
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