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Smiley addition suggestion!

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a 41 KB smily? No, thank you. :D

That said, I probably will remove a few Christmas smilies and add some smilies mentioned in this thread in a day or two.
Can you give some examples of the ones you are adding:)?
Suggestion! Could somebody make a webpage or something with all of these proposed smilies on, so I don't have to make bookmarks to all my favourites whenever I want to insert a random extra one? :)D I'd do it myself but I have no idea how.)
I'd still like some of the old smileys back.

(like :soldier:, :cavalry:, :tank: (not spear vs. tank), etc.)
Heehee, thanks to vbraun I now know how to copy cool smilies:). Thunderfall you must say to: 1) 2) 3) 4) and especially 5) !!! Because life would be oh so boring without :D!
All must worship the sheep bomb!:worship::worship:
CivFan91 said:
The jaw drop one may have had... issues... but this one's more usable, perhaps?

that's scary as hell, add it!

Oh, and Bring back :mwaha:
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