So how exactly does one deal with the reloading after every turn in MP?


Jan 27, 2014
I've found plenty of threads complaining about that across many different forums, many different fixes none of which have success rate much beyond the original poster, but no actual, solid answers. It seems to be an extremely common problem but given that this subforum exists and has actual good amount of activity, there has to be some sort of workaround. Am I missing something vital here? Is there some sort of a magic solution? Or does that only happen to some certain hardware specification? Is that even a connection issue? Does DLC affect that?

I have hard time believing nobody minds turns taking 5-6 times as much as they should, since this is pretty much unplayable as far as me and my friends are concerned.

Thanks in advance.
You and your friends could try smaller games. Sometimes getting a smaller map will make reloads a lot easier to pass by and get the game back to work. Saving games and coming back with everyone can also help to keep the game going.
From experience it happens a lot when people are furiously clicking at the end of the turn. I advise you to avoid shift clicking, to avoid last second moves, and to avoid doing operations at the last second
Played 100+ hours of MP, normally only reload every hour or so.

But that is with 3-4 people + 3-4 AI.
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