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Strategic View!! Screenshots!

2K Greg

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May 24, 2010
You'll have to excuse me for using two exclamation points and then another exclamation point later all in a single thread title, but the fact of the matter is that I am actually that excited to reveal this one to you guys. The first time I saw this feature in an early build of the game, I think I might have actually made this face: :drool:

This is, almost without a doubt, my favorite thing about the interface in Civ V. It's just that awesome. Here's the article:

And since people really appreciated it last time, here is the article for you iPhone dudes:

Spoiler :
I am very excited to reveal some screenshots of a really cool feature in Civilization V that has not been shown anywhere else. I present to you "Strategic View."

What is it, you say? Strategic View allows you to view your empire in a very clean, easy-to-read fashion. By default, each hex has icons for special resources, improvements, and any units in the tile. You can also customize the view by selecting only a single icon to be shown. So, if you want to get an overall view of how your military units are deployed, you can turn on the option to only show units and see the information you need without any extra noise.

In addition, you can enable different "overlays" in Strategic View to make it even easier to find what you need. For example, turning on the "unit type" overlay to have each hex colored based on if the unit in its square is melee, ranged, artillery, and so on.

Check out the screenshots below for examples of how this awesome feature looks in the early, middle, and late game and post your questions and comments about Strategic View in the Civilization V 2K Forums


Wow, that looks really cool. Seems fun if you're looking for a less crowded perspective.
I've been stalking your profile page, I had a feeling you'd be posting something! Thanks Greg!

Is it just me, or do the maps seem much bigger? Perhaps to show there will be larger maps, or just an effect from strategic view? Either way very cool indeed!

Also notice the golden age, one screen shows that there is one, another has a diamond looking graphic with 165/500 and another with 37/1000. So it's earned somehow I guess?

Also the last pic, the empire is unhappy by one.
Mmmm....I see a plethora of trading posts in that last screenie.
Thanks Greg!!!
Let the speculation on the meaning of all those icons begin!!!
The first screen I saw and the thing I thought of was BattleTech! Now only if we could build battlemechs for future tech or will be easy to mod in.

So is this the view to play in for people who don't have the specs to play Civ V? We will not have the same mess Civ IV was when it slowed our system even though we were told we could play with said specs?
Cool to have this feature. I would like to suggest to change the colors, which In my mind are a bit too light. Darker borders or land would make it easier to distinguish nations
As for improvements: camps, trading posts, mines, farms, pastures are all pretty easy to pick out.

There is a forest/woods improvement in the two tiles North East of Tenochtiitlan that I can't figure out. . .
I was honestly very disappointed :( You got my expectations up with your description, but seeing the screenshots was like looking back to the 1990's, why?

I can see it has some advantages, but I really hope there's more under the hood, than just a map overview. :sad:

Maybe it would help if you posted actual screenshots, instead of thumbnail sizes.
OMG that is soooooooo damn sexy!

I don't think I can wait wait until September! :cry:

EDIT: I just noticed on the second picture the city 'Vienna'. That's a city-state, right?

And on the last picture I noticed Oslo! that is sooooooo awesome. I love you guys! :love:
Is there any chance of having a "political map" overlay on this?
I'm guessing that is a Natural Wonder two hexes west of Osaka in the last screen shot (since it also there in the first screen shot).
are there any higher res versions of those screenshots
There are two wheat resources side by side. Also large amounts of elephants together but that's already possible. Rivers don't seem to ever merge/split.

I'm guessing that is a Natural Wonder two hexes west of Osaka in the last screen shot (since it also there in the first screen shot.
Looks like a marble resource.
are there any higher res versions of those screenshots
Not right now unfortunately.

I'm guessing that is a Natural Wonder two hexes west of Osaka in the last screen shot (since it also there in the first screen shot).
That is, in fact, not a Natural Wonder. Each Natural Wonder has unique art in strategic view.

Is there any chance of having a "political map" overlay on this?
There is a chance, and it's very high. I'd say it's somewhere between 94.6% and 100%, considering it's in the build I'm playing right now :)

The rest of the overlays are very cool as well; it makes it very convenient to get an overview of your empire, or a battlefield. I especially like the "Resources" overlay, which colors the tiles based on the type of resource that's in it. Trying to find a spot with a higher-than-average number of food-boosting resources? Just turn on the "Resources" overlay and look for the green spots!
cue people
1) claiming they need new pants
2) asking for higher res versions and finding what size map that is so they can figure out the number of tiles that maps size is
well one good thing is those screenshot show much larger maps than have been seen before, so that should be some relief to those who thought we could only play on small maps
So Greg, are you able to spill the beans about how Golden Ages are triggered this time? That counter suggests-as someone else here indicated-that they have to be earned like culture boosts, rather than triggered by Great People. Is this, in fact, correct?

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