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[Suggestion] Change to promotions from founding fathers


Oct 11, 2010

Small thing that "irritated" me slightly is that when you get FF that gives you free promotion, that you could and might have aquired through experience it is wasted on old veteran units.

So solution would be either:
a: When FF gives you free promotion existing free up, and players could choose another promotions instead
b: FF gives promotions / bonuses that are unique. For example the FF that gives hills combat fighting all units receive the bonus and they can still have the regular hill fighting promotion.
If somebody wants to have it, sure give it a try. Generally does not sound bad. :thumbsup:
Personally I have no problem with the current system and would not invest effort to change it.


It is most likely better to simply give some free XP if the Unit already has that Promotion.
(It is technically a lot easier than the solutions suggested above and more versatile for the player.)

Effort to implement a check if Unit already has Promotion and giving XP instead is something like 1h for a programmer.
It is a beginners task to learn modding and programming DLL changes. (It is really not difficult.)

Of course it is also not really spectacular either. :dunno:


The solution a) in starting post is at least 20h and requires programming (due to the new UI pop-up and also requiring additional AI logic)
The solution b) in starting post at least about 20h and can be done by XML and 2D graphics work only (having to come up and configure immersive new Promotions)


Solution a) however would in the end result in the same as "free XP", so probably not worth the effort.
Solution b) would offer a new gameplay element "Unique FF Promotions" and is thus probably more interesting than "free XP".


Well, the person that is interested to implement it should decide what he wants to invest his effort into. :dunno:
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