Suggestion: Colony aura culture

Bad Brett

Sep 4, 2002
We all know by now that early liberty bells make the REF grow ridiculously powerful. We also know that liberty bell are what expands your borders. We also know that setting up a working economy is just a waste of time.

Then I thought: Is it really logical that liberty bells make your borders pop? Why would the indians give up their settlements just because a colonist is working at a nearby town hall?

My suggestion is, that if a colony gets really great at producing coats for example, this should increase the colony aura and make the borders expand.
This feature should scale, so that it takes longer for other coat producing colonies to have their borders expand. This would drive you to produce a lot of different goods and making your colonies more unique. The culture points generated from goods should also work as a production boost to that goods (A colony that has produced coats for 200 years has probably improved its efficiancy over the years).

Liberty bells should still work as production boosters and REF should increase (and decrease) depending och the percentage, not the bells generated. It's so stupid that you have your elder statesmen working as farmers until the very last turns before declaration of independence.

Anyway, what do you think?
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