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team pitboss

Boycotting a leader is fine with, but it should not then revert to the person who proposed it (or I should be allowed to change my choice). While I am not of Oyzar's opinion that de Gaulle is one of the worst leaders (Industrious is not my favorite, but without AI we actually have the chance to build some wonders; of course 18 civs will not make it easy, but still; charismatic is interesting as, while it is mostly a warmonger trait, it also has an economic side-effect (+1 happy)), and I would not mind drawing him, it is definitely not my preferred leader. Given Oyzar's reaction though I would suspect I would have higher odds than the others getting him, which I would not like. I thought part of this lottery thing is that you would not just pick the best leader around, so I can imagine better ones.

To be fair, I'd rate de Gaulle as one of the lesser leaders, but not the worst (Charlemagne, Sitting Bull, Kublai seem worse to me).
I agree with Celebithil. The point of the lottery is that some will slot in better leaders, some will slot in worse, and there's an element of excitement in that you don't know who gets what. If you have a significant chance of getting the leader you propose yourself, that would affect the choices detrimentally IMO. Let's just go with a straight non-vetoed lottery.
Alright, that's ok with me too (I didn't even have a problem with my own leader, but if no vetoes is fine that works).
I don't think people should chose a leader they wouldn't want to play themselves though :p The whole point is that this should be fun, not to play crappy leaders(though admitedly you can easily have fun with some lesser good leaders as well)... I am fine without using veto though. Celebithil it is not too late to change your leader you know ;).
I don't think De gaulle is very good. But he is not game breakingly bad on these settings or others really.

Granted Industrial is poor especially in large games where wonders have even more competition. But it still gives a lot of production bonuses. Most people build forges everywhere and will build most of the national wonders.

And Charismatic helps in wartime and although HR is a very strong play I find extra happiness always helps.

So I don't think we should allow vetos :) I am not really sure how they would work anyway in a fair manner. Which leader do you get instead? If you swap with the original picker then that is open to abuse.

As for settings. I like Barbarians, Events and Huts. But am happy with less of or none of them.
Celebithil and Calis how come you haven't come on msn yet? You are the only ones who haven't been on there yet. Though it is no hurry i guess, it is nice to be able to chat together in real time sometimes.
Celebithil and Calis how come you haven't come on msn yet? You are the only ones who haven't been on there yet. Though it is no hurry i guess, it is nice to be able to chat together in real time sometimes.

I am sorry. I am very well aware that I promised it several times already, but to be honest, I was rather busy with C3C recently playing for the HOF there, but I think I will lean back there a bit and meet you guys on MSN soon...
My wife and I will take the last spot if thats alright?

Excellent, welcome. :) That makes it a full house then... 18 players. And I'm certainly happy to scrap the veto idea since no-one seems to have any strong feelings in favour of it..

So I think we are just waiting for:
  • PurpleTurtle's leader choice
  • confirmation from Kuningas and PurpleTurtle that they can log into the test game ok
  • any final input on preferences for barbs / huts / events
Remember that the difficulty level is Deity, if that makes any difference. ;)
My settings preference: no events/ no huts/ barbs off (or are they nice for HE xp :confused:)...
DG is at least the crappiest french leader (in civ terms :p)

Cheers (can't wait for the game) :)
I prefer barbs/huts on (nice random at the start of the game)
I don't have opinion on events.

Hope to start soon too :)
Just to help out I'm posting what I've gathered from the thread about huts/barbs/events (there are still people left to vote). Maybe this will help discussion; at the least it may prevent someone else from having to go back and tally everything (of course I may have made mistakes or people can change their minds).

Barbs on: Munro, Earthling, Rusten, Niklas, Hoplosternum, Geronimo
Barbs off: Raskolnikov, Calis, oyzar

Huts on: Munro, Earthling, Rusten, Niklas, Hoplosternum, Geronimo
Huts off: Methos, Raskolnikov, r rolo1, Calis, oyzar

Events on: Munro, Hoplosternum
Events off: Rusten, Niklas, Methos, Earthling, Raskolnikov, Calis, oyzar

Noted as on the fence: King Morgan (all), Methos (barbs), Geronimo (events),Hoplo (maybe – you were unclear), r rolo1 (maybe again?)

Also, I think I’m deciding to vote events off for myself.

Edit: And it also seems that we could perhaps use some real discussion of opinions and all - I'll at least give you my reasons. I've said before and still stick with it that events have very little use, besides the ones that are unbalancing (free units, golden ages, and barb invasion). Humans don't use diplomacy modifiers, quests are irrelevant, and that is almost half the events. (Complete side note but I've seen some of our team are also FfH players - I picked it up recently and of course in there events are awesome like a lot of other things... but that's different).

I almost think a game without barbs is a bit unfair though, especially with humans who know how to abuse it, because expansion gets way too easy - this just makes imbalances in land more powerful. Huts are ok with me only because they work out right at this difficulty - I wouldn't be ok with huts if we were at a lower diff and they popped too much free stuff. But the mechanic of awarding scouts vs. warriors, plus the simple fact that at deity you have to be wary of barbs in popping a hut, makes them ok. No one is going to get to pop something amazing early on in this game, with 18 people around after all - you can't "save" huts (or if we have some New World I'm ok with that).
The problem with barbs on is that on diety they won't be pulling any punches. There will inevitably be a few or more civs without copper, facing diety barbarians and such capable human players without having the benefit of choosing our own civ would make for a very very difficult game.
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