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[Thanks Firaxis!] Siam is not so weird anymore!!!

Don't build it? Done!

Or play the game then decide if it's a big deal. Just a thought. :crazyeye:

Are you saying I should not bother building a gdr and just let my enemy build it and destroy me as I try to finish a science/culture/time victory? Maybe

I don't need to play the game to know the gdr is a ridiculous concept. The option makes 100% of players happy with the end-game unit. If you want to share more thoughts that I will shoot down, pm me instead.
not directly related to the topic, but i do want to thank firaxis for making this game.
even though i haven't played it yet.
the possibility warrants the kudos, and tomorrow i'll know that it's earned.
Portraying cultures right is important. Americans like myself would be annoyed if Washington spoke with a Canadian accent, looked like osma bin laden, and had the Mexican flag in the background. To them, that is about how bad it was messed up. Grats to them for fixing some of the issues.
Siam will never be in a civ game again ...

Why is that? Because people won't accept half arsed work?

I am glad to made some positive changes after listening to the community.

I am sure if the game sells well in Thailand that you'll see them again in Civ VI.
Why is that? Because people won't accept half arsed work?

I am glad to made some positive changes after listening to the community.

I am sure if the game sells well in Thailand that you'll see them again in Civ VI.

Because all the people do is complain, complain, complain. In other words, not accepting their half arsed work! I doubt they'd want to explore Thai culture as thoroughly that the Thai people won't come up with something to complain about. I doubt they'd want to revisit that.
Because all the people do is complain, complain, complain. In other words, not accepting their half arsed work! I doubt they'd want to explore Thai culture as thoroughly that the Thai people won't come up with something to complain about. I doubt they'd want to revisit that.

This isn't and wasn't frivolous complaining.

Firaxis did a half arsed job and obviously did little in depth research on the subject.

Thai people and other people knowledgeable on the subject should be commended for pointing out that they did a bad job and that it should be corrected.

Hopefully Firaxis learns from the experience and does a better job next time.
This isn't and wasn't frivolous complaining.

I'm not saying it was, but it's still complaining. Or at least pointing things that went wrong. No other civ has had this many posts and this many discussions about what's wrong with the civilization.

Firaxis did a half arsed job and obviously did little in depth research on the subject.


Thai people and other people knowledgeable on the subject should be commended for pointing out that they did a bad job and that it should be corrected.

Who likes being told they did a bad job? Firaxis isn't going to be like 'Oh, sorry Thai people, next time we'll devote days to reasearching your great country :)'. They just won't care about Siam in the future. It's not like there was a parade commemorating Firaxis for putting Siam in the game. On the contrary, people screeched like birds about all the things that were wrong. And they were wrong, but who likes to be wrong? No one.

Hopefully Firaxis learns from the experience and does a better job next time.

There's not going to be a next time for the Siamese civilization. It isn't like China or England or one of those civs that must be in the game. It's relatively minor. And since it seems be so difficult to properly reasearch Siamese culture, I'd be very suprised if Firaxis gives a flying pancake about Siam in future games.
Fair enough. Still, in the end $$$ counts. If the game sells well in Thailand then I'm sure they'll make it into Civ VI.

Time will tell.
nice to hear they changed it, signs that they are actually listening to the community.

mmmh I might make a bit of a plea to get Montezuma to look Aztec in the next civ. because he's always been portrayed like a mesoamerican dancer in civ games rather than an aztec emperor.
Are you saying I should not bother building a gdr and just let my enemy build it and destroy me as I try to finish a science/culture/time victory? Maybe

I don't need to play the game to know the gdr is a ridiculous concept. The option makes 100% of players happy with the end-game unit. If you want to share more thoughts that I will shoot down, pm me instead.

I actually had my doubts until I saw how it fit into game balance. Uranium is a scarce resource, and with each uranium, you can either build a GDR, which takes lots of production but gives you a superunit, a nuke, which is extremely powerful but you have to build them over and over because they have one use, or a power plant, which gets rid of that uranium resource permanently but improves your economy and production.

Also, I agree with the last post: more Aztec Emperor-like Montezuma. Also, less Light-skinned Arabic Ramesses.... the ancient Egyptians were African. I also want to see Napoleon waving a white flag as Panzers approach slowly from the other side of the screen if you're beating him in war and he asks for peace.
Well. Mr.Thor and Mango. I guess having some Thais complain about thing they seem not right are causing dispute about you. I think that I didn't care much about similarity between Ramkhamhaeng in the game and RL Thaksin, It's no matter through.

But about Khmer statue, It is pretty ridiculous in Siamese garden, As Siam has their OWN culture. And just throw it into an oblivion could not use that much work for Firaxis.

I think I never do a "half-wai" in my life, and I never find someone done that. So I find it offense to me.

About "Walk" instead of "Travel"? Well, It's quite "not in my ear". I don't sure if there are more mistake in the game. But I think it's fine overall.

I'm bit sorry for Thor. I guess due to the prosperous piracy business in Thailand. It's (real box) sale wouldn't exceed 50,000. I think one's who pirate this game would not that proud to play as Siam. I don't sure if I can buy this as my mother think every video gane are "nonsense" (Man! All these video game make me can use english as you see, And I think ciV are REALLY SENSE) and I didn't have any money for my own. I don't sure if I could keep playing demo 'till my birthday on November. I will find some "better way" to get ciV. Like, Borrow it from friend?
Firaxis isn't going to be like 'Oh, sorry Thai people, next time we'll devote days to reasearching your great country :)'. They just won't care about Siam in the future.

I think this is a wild and baseless assumption that you're making here. Allow me to play the devil's advocate.

Firaxis obviously already did some amount research on Siam for Civ 5. They devoted time and development resources to include the civ and it's not like they're going to forget everything they learned.

It would cost more for them to research a previously unused Civ than to include Siam again in the future. Additionally they have a wealth of free feedback from Thai people that they could use to improve Siam in the future. Also the fact that so many complained so loudly lets them know that there is indeed a "market" for the Siam civ.
Come on, guys!

Ichibang obviously doesn't want to complain about Firaxis. He just clarifies that the translation isn't perfect. I know, it seems like a minor issue, especially as most of us wouldn't ever recognise it. But imagine if George Washington would speak a very bad English. I know, it's not possible to compare it, as we know it is an american game. However, at least it is worth mentioning that there is some bad wording/behaviour for the Leader of Siam.

I just can speak for myself: I would have never recognised it, but I do like to know that there are some minor (or even major?) mistakes, just to know it. It doesn't bother me at all, and I don't think bad at Firaxis due to that. It was a big job for them to include so many different cultures and languages for the sake of atmosphere and accuracy. So I don't mind if a native speaker just states some inconsistencies in verbal or nonverbal behaviour of a Civ-leader. I rather worship the knowledge I can gain out of his statement!


- First you should know that in Thailand we greet each other by "Wai"
Wai is a show of respect, indicated by pressing your palms together near your chest
and bowing.
The first Wai in the animation is good!
The second HALF Wai is...quite impolite. This is CHINESE monk Wai.
if I do this Wai in Thailand, I will be reprimanded.
I normally do this Wai for fun greeting with my friend.

For me, this is the very spirit of the great CIV-community! Thanks for clearing that up, ichibang! :) Especially your side note of the monk Wai with your friends was great fun for me to read! Once again it shows me how similar we all are. Of course, we don't have "Wai" in Germany, but my friends and I have sort of exaggerating/inaccurate symbols as well. In the very end it is all the same, just the shape is different! :)
exactly, its pretty cool that they are adding leaders speaking their natives languages, and since its the first time, mistakes have appeared (for me its Montezuma speaking terrible nahuatl, other will spot diferent things), they'll listen to what was popular amongst the community, what was offensive, what could be improved...or if it wasnt worth the trouble in the end.

we'll see, tho I hope they keep this feature and polishi it for next civ games.
exactly, its pretty cool that they are adding leaders speaking their natives languages, and since its the first time, mistakes have appeared (for me its Montezuma speaking terrible nahuatl, other will spot diferent things), they'll listen to what was popular amongst the community, what was offensive, what could be improved...or if it wasnt worth the trouble in the end.

we'll see, tho I hope they keep this feature and polishi it for next civ games.

I am pretty sure this will be a "modern standard". They just can't make a "step back" now.

PC games get more and more comlex. The same should count for the CIV-series. Next time (Civ6 - which is hopefully going to come in - let's say four/five years) they will make it even better (not to state it was bad now...!).

To be honest: To hear the voice/pronounciation of Bismarck was one of the biggest "want to see/hear" for me in Civ5. Especially as I know how badly german voices are pronounced in american movies/series. (Example: I've seen season 8 of "24" in English. there is one situation where 'Jack Bauer' "speaks" German. I had to turn on English subtitles to understand what he ist saying... It makes it extra fun, as "Bauer" actually is a german name... :crazyeye: ) ["Bauer" = "farmer"]

Little bit off topic now, however:
Bismarck is speaking a very well pronounced german. However it is a little bit hemming and hawing (I don't know if this is the accurate description... It's just not as fluent as it had to be, just like you would expect a computer to speak a language...). But it's really good after all! A- !
Instead of the GDR, I would so prefer it if you could change it to a Giant Poodle with frickin lasers coming out it's eyes.

See what you can do about it Firaxis, if you would be so kind.

AND In this statues case, when did they remove it? Did they only remove it in the Thai language version of the game because it's plain as day in my English language version game, so it doesn't seem to me they did diddly squat about the concers of the Thai people that let them know how they feel, at least not in my Steam version of the game.
No one is ever satisfied. Hey, you know what people? They didn't even HAVE to make them speak their own languages! QUIT COMPLAINING AND ENJOY THE DARN GAME! They could all be speaking complete nonsense and it wouldn't affect gameplay one bit..
Well it would be a little confusing to people who didn't know that. Also it's hard to argue that there needs to be a more accurate representation of a leaders history when in the game they are all leading their nation from the beginning of civilization, and they are immortal. Best not to call too much attention to the weirdity of that.

But the point is that the real Gandhi spoke a lot better than Civ V Gandhi, even when speaking in Hindi.

The voice they have given him is just wrong.
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