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The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread IV

How the hell do people become fluent from classes? I honestly can't see how I could get fluent without listening to people speak it, only from listening to my family members do I even still remember what little I was taught.

Speak it with your friends outside of class to say things you don't want other people to hear, or at work to talk about your boss, or to your woman as a romantic thing. You have to just keep speaking it.
I actually find classroom situations infinitely more helpful than self-study.
Same. With self-study, I'm more likely to slack off and post on CFC.

Regarding speaking Italian making Spanish easier, they're both Romance languages. Many words have the same Latin root, so it would definitely make things easier, but you wouldn't want to simply take a French guy, drop him in Madrid, and start asking him to translate for you. He could probably pick out quite a few words though, especially when written down. Several Rumanians on these boards can get by fine in Italian, for example.
Is it weird I barely understand anything written now, but listening to my dad and grandma or whoever speak Italian I can make out the gist of what they're saying.
How do you eat pop tarts? I don't eat them a lot, but when I do, I eat all of the crust first, then slide the two halves apart, eat the bottom half and then save the delicious top half for last. Does anyone else go through all of that trouble?
Scandinavian languages are very similar: enough for Scandinavians to joke about Danish pronunciation as if it were more of a dialect than a separate language.
How do you eat pop tarts? I don't eat them a lot, but when I do, I eat all of the crust first, then slide the two halves apart, eat the bottom half and then save the delicious top half for last. Does anyone else go through all of that trouble?
I haven't eaten a pop tart in years, but I basically just started at one end, nibbled the edges off, and kept going till it was done. Then licked my fingers clean, since those things are messy.
I once had a pack of pop tarts. After the first bite it all tasted the same, so it didn't matter what I ate when. If the filling had been less hot, perhaps I would have retained enough taste to care.
ive never had tosater strudels, been meaning to try it though.
How do you eat pop tarts? I don't eat them a lot, but when I do, I eat all of the crust first, then slide the two halves apart, eat the bottom half and then save the delicious top half for last. Does anyone else go through all of that trouble?

No. I try to avoid eating them. But I eat corn on the cob one kernel at a time. (Sometimes two at a time.)

ive never had tosater strudels, been meaning to try it though.

They're freaking delicious. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=251121
Toaster strudels are better than Pop Tarts when either is toasted, but you just plain can't eat toaster strudel untoasted, and might not have access to a toaster. I ate Pop Tarts every morning my senior year in high school - I took them to Seminary (early morning scripture study class) and ate them there.
Toasted Toaster Strudels taste much better than Pop Tarts, raw or toasted.

But they need to be taosted, and that is the rub. Thus I give the edge to Pop Tarts. My senior year of high school, I ate them every morning in early morning seminary (scripture class that started at 6 am).

Toaster strudels are better than Pop Tarts when either is toasted, but you just plain can't eat toaster strudel untoasted, and might not have access to a toaster. I ate Pop Tarts every morning my senior year in high school - I took them to Seminary (early morning scripture study class) and ate them there.

Score one for consistency.
I feel pretty strongly about what I did every morning of my senior year of high school too. ;)
Can I start the new thread?
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