The Rise of Brazil

It's purely for story and for another reason too. A secret reason.
There will be two more updates. One wrapping up the story, and one that's basically the credits.
In dark times like this, we need a little bit of cheering up though. I shall play the Brazilian national anthem!

Link to video.
I don't mean to keep maing false alarms that it updated, but I've estimated this will stay stable at about 33rd in views but if you guys comment on this *nudge nudge* we might be third in replies :D I'm not trying to be like this but being so close gives me anxiety and hurts my head and once it's done I'll stop pushing it :lol: We did the same thing for views for America :)
I don't mean to keep maing false alarms that it updated, but I've estimated this will stay stable at about 33rd in views but if you guys comment on this *nudge nudge* we might be third in replies :D I'm not trying to be like this but being so close gives me anxiety and hurts my head and once it's done I'll stop pushing it :lol: We did the same thing for views for America :)

This is the only comment I could think of that is not O-T.


My teacher always used to say that last part when he was angry.
This is the only comment I could think of that is not O-T.


My teacher always used to say that last part when he was angry.

DKVM has spoken!

looks like i need to update now too, or otherwise attract is ire *begins typing furiously*
I will eventually :p I have a lot of writing to do because I have a bunch more pictures. And I also have to make the credits and finalize them. I want to do this properly and make sure I cover all my bases.
CATERPILLAR! I'm you from the future! There's no time to explain.

Follow me to make the update and... OH CHRIST...!
SHARKTOPUS! Also we are third in replies!
NOW we're third in replies! Previously, we were tied. Yahoo! I took the comment that pushed us to third!
Wooo! :dance: thank you everyone! :goodjob:
Hey guys. It's CK here, but you know, not really. Since CFC bugged out I can't get on my original account. I'm going to post the last update on this account, just because I want to.
A'Okay! :salute:
The End

Everyone sat around anxiously, watching the televisions and the clock. The world had been told that, at approximately two hours after noon in the capital, the rocket would be launched. Brazilians prepared to celebrate around the world for this momentous occasion. The first Southern Hemispherical nation to send a group of people to another solar system. This would create pride among the entire Republic and all of its allies. Only three minutes to launch, the primers were set into action. The building had to be evacuated because being within so many miles would instantly kill anyone, because of the extreme acoustics. The engineers and scientists sat in their mobile stations with the heat on full, watching in excitement as their most-groundbreaking achievement would soon be underway.

Ten… Nine… Eight… Seven… Six… Five… Four… Three… Two… One… And we have ignition! The voice stated over the audio, and in an instant, silence turned to hell as the massive rocket kicked its engines into full throttle. Ripples in the snow were visible from the shockwaves, and the main office buildings around were all but destroyed. It was worth it though. The skyscraper sized behemoth rose out of the ground like a monolith to all that is civilized. The rocket began to gain more and more speed as it rose higher and higher into the sky. It was then seen turning in the air so as to go out of the atmosphere at a more efficient angle. Citizens and scientists alike screamed and cheered for their nation. People were screaming in excitement and children banged pots with spoons. Nothing could dampen the spirits of the nation. The rocket stayed visible for a long time, due to its massive rockets. Then, it placed itself in orbit, out of the visibility of the people, where it would ignite once more on its way to the stars.

Author’s suggestion: Listen to This

After almost an hour of just watching their magnificent creation, the rocket team of a few dozen and the thousands of workers crowded into the town that was built as a home for them. They would be shipped out later, for now all that mattered was that they had done it. The bars were all filled with singing, happy patrons, and the radio played the Brazilian national anthem over and over again. Chief of the Brazilian Astronautics Agency, Pedro Bianchi, sat at his desk, sighing in relief that he and his crew had finally done it. He pulled out his mug and poured himself a celebratory cup of Colombian coffee. As he took a sip, his distressed secretary threw the door open. She ran to him with makeup running down her face and tears following. She sobbed uncontrollably as she sat a paper down on his desk. She stumbled out where coworkers asked her what was wrong. Bianchi picked up the paper and began to read it. Only halfway through, he sat the paper down gently. He then took a seat at his desk and picked up his mug. In a fit of blind rage he flung his ceramic mug through the window, creating a flurry of shattered glass and scorching coffee. Curse words emanated from his mouth as he kicked his own door open and stormed down the hallway. Some of his employees stepped in his office and picked up the paper. The top read, “We are truly sorry to inform you that America has landed on Alpha Centauri.”

Spoiler :

President Pedro had gotten the phone call about it before anyone else knew. He was asked if they should just give up now. They had no hopes of being the best or to be forever revered, as said by his panel of advisers. But to this he said nay. He said Brazil should know of America’s triumphs, but also that Brazil will not quit doing what it does best because the going gets rough. Brazil will move on into the future. He promised his people glory, and by god he would bring it.

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The soldiers fighting in Britain had not been told of what had happened just yet, the generals feared a rebellion, so it was decided they would be told once their mission was complete. The whole of the British Isles were now irradiated wastelands. Almost no resistance was put up against the radiation protected soldiers, as they made a beeline for the centers of the Commonwealth. Soon England as a whole fell to Brazil, giving in to the power of its superior military. Scotland soon followed suit as Edinburgh became Brazil’s main outpost of the island. The whole of Brittania was now Brazilian. What had been a glorious empire, was under the reign of nation previously spat upon as weak and insignificant. Brazil proved more dangerous than anyone else in the end, but Brazil wasn’t done yet.

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Pedro and his generals had a plan, a plan to eradicate any existence of British rule in Europe. They still had holding in Normandy, central France, and Northern Germany. This was unacceptable. Forces were landed on the beaches earlier, and were now ready to make their move on British soil. At this point the government had no control over its affairs in Europe. The whole regime had moved its capital elsewhere, and had escaped London before its destruction. Now only Paris and Hamburg were left. As was now custom, Paris was flattened to near dust, before being trounced upon by the boots of Brazilians. They marched into Paris, noticing the beautiful structures that still stood, and what was a military operation, soon became a tour it seemed. This appeared to be the closing days of the war though, with one stronghold left, Britain had no choice.

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Griffiths met with Pedro in Rio de Janeiro to discuss terms. The talk was in no way courteous or polite. It was brutal and to the point. Pedro demanded war compensations, and their last holdings on Europe. Britain, in fear of losing more, agreed to all terms put forth by the Republic. In North America, the United States continued its fight on Canada, but that was none of Pedro’s concern, as now, it was all over.

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The triumphant Brazilian soldiers took pictures of the beautiful landmarks of Paris. In particular the loved statue of Cristo Redentor, the massive structure that gave birth to the idea and construction of the Pedro Redentor. The statue that had been stolen from Rio de Janeiro and all of Brazil, was now in the hands of the rightful owner. Images of it now spread all over Brazil, with its soldiers and flags before it, proud of their glorious victory.

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The Brazilian controlled British Isles, now renamed to the Unity Isles, as homage to the Unity Party and New Unity Party that helped to lead Brazil to victory, were in complete disarray. Massive groups of refugees migrated across the land. Moving from city to city, slowly dying off from the radiation that had been forced upon them. Slowly the Anglo-Saxon natives were nearly extinct, across the islands only six-thousand now survived, making sure that Brazilian culture could dominate the region and that no one would ever challenge their superiority. The Unity Isles now stood as a reminder to the world, that when you spit on a small fire, it can consume you, Britain learned this the hard way. Pedro had made his final dream full and realized. He had removed the British out of Europe, isolating them to Canada and Australia, where their capital got relocated to. Griffiths was seen as weak by his citizens and his members of governance. A military coup d’état successfully removed him from power and isolated him to New Zealand. Britain and Brazil had fought the most damaging and catastrophic war in human history, all but obliterating an entire culture and Brazil had come out on top. Pedro was content.

Spoiler :

The history of Brazil could be tracked through the decades. From its humble beginnings as a sugar colony of Portugal, thrust into statehood by a revolution against its colonizers. Its stumbles as a nation and democracy were soon followed by rapid industrialization and modernization, which brought new light upon the country. Brazil became recognized in the international community as a respectable and powerful nation. Then the power grew exponentially, with the South American Unification War, driving out Europe from the continent, and bringing all of Latin America, excluding Mexico, together under one flag. The Alliance of the Americas soon began, with America in the North and Brazil in the South. Brazil had finally been awakened and was now a roaring lion. Its power only increasing greater and greater, Mali and South Africa were added to the ranks of Brazil, making it a global power and a true international threat to anyone who dare attempt to provoke the beast. Iberia was liberated from its cruel rulers and made a Brazilian controlled land, with Portugal being a culturally linked land. Japan and Iran also became provinces of Brazil, effectively landing Brazil power on every continent with the only exception of Australia and the frigid Southern reaches of Antarctica.

Through these trials Brazil was lead by the best government in the world. Its president executed the wills of parliament with precision. There were hiccups with riots and scandals, but the Republic could not have grown to its size without its incredible parliament. The Heads of Parliament played a crucial role in the building of an empire. In these final days Pedro grew old and sick, his immortality seeming to fail him. Still, no one knew of his long life, even to the end. Pedro made himself go on. He promised himself he would see the end, and he would be happy with it. In the end, he was. As was said nearly a century ago by the greatest minds of Brazil, the nation may not have the greatest achievements, but it would never be forgotten and would go down in history as the most powerful entity seen by the world. Pedro had done what he had set out to do, and he saw that he had no more will left. Pedro drew his last breath thinking back upon his life, and all of its many successes. They say that with death, you you’re your legacy fades, but to this Pedro said nay, his legacy, sat around him. And with that, it was over. Pedro took one last look at his world, and let himself fall into the inky blackness.

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  • adhiraj.bose
  • baseballpie
  • char81
  • citis
  • constantinople
  • cudfather
  • DKVM
  • Dumanios
  • Grifguz
  • Hojsimpson
  • jackelgull
  • Manuss
  • Matthias I
  • Moai_Spammer
  • Mrrandomplayer
  • Noyyau
  • pole475
  • Royal Tenenbaum
  • TheNoob
  • traius
  • VGL

  • adhiraj.bose
  • Atlantic Pacf.
  • baseballpie
  • char81
  • citis
  • constantinople
  • cudfather
  • DKVM
  • Dumanios
  • Greekanalyzer
  • Grifguz
  • Hojsimpson
  • jackelgull
  • Manuss
  • Matthias I
  • Moai_Spammer
  • Mrrandomplayer
  • Noyyau
  • pole475
  • Royal Tenenbaum
  • Spirictum
  • TheNoob
  • traius
  • Trexeric
  • VGL
  • warrior459
  • Yagon99

  • All who stayed the whole time
  • Those who read but aren’t members of civfanatics
  • Everyone gets a cookie
  • Sorry if I didn’t mention you.
  • My girlfriend, Jazi, for bearing with me while I was constantly talking about my story and even her reading and correcting it. Thank you very much :)
  • Dom Pedro II
  • Senator Richard Shelby
  • Shakira

I just wanted to say, this was an incredible journey. As my first real story (let’s not talk about my first attempt at a story) I thought this went very well. I learned many many things from it and that will help me in all future writings. You guys are the best and I couldn’t ask for a better group of people. Stay beautiful, all of you. If you hadn’t supported me through the past months, I don’t know how it could have been any different. Also, in that short amount of time we managed to create a story that is in the top 40 in views and is third overall for replies, that is impressive. Thank you all, I appreciate your support more than you could ever imagine. And with that, I bid you farewell. One last time, let us play the national anthem. Bra bra bra bra Brazil!

Link to video.
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