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The Succession Game


Alien Bean
Feb 8, 2013
Japanese Mainland
Required DLC: G&K, BNW, Explorer's Map Pack
20 turn lifespan

We will be accepting more than six players, but that is minimum. "Registration" never closes, except of course when the game ends.

Sign up list

1) Arexander
2) Pydgie
3) Gurra09
4) Putchuco


May 14, 2009
I'm in, and I'm quite indifferent about the settings seeing as I'm quite of a newbie in succession games and in CiV in general. King seems fine, although I'm fine with upping it with a level if other players so want. :)


Alien Bean
Feb 8, 2013
Awesome. Updated op. Could you help me recruit people, maybe, cause this be going a little slow.


Sep 24, 2011
Sorry, I am very tempted to join, but I honestly shouldn't get involved in more civ games during the school year. It was probably a mistake to join the pitboss game actually, but I'm already way too deep in it now to drop out. My spring break is from March 16-23. If you can't get enough people to start by then (I really hope that's not the case, it's weird how some games get people and some don't), then I'll join if I could maybe play my first session during that week, but otherwise... Well, actually, if you are playing during that week I'll step in and take a turn. Otherwise though, I don't really want to join another game right now.


Jan 1, 2008
I have never played a succesion game before but having read some of the other threads it seems like a fun way to play so I'd like to join! :) Your civ suggestions sounds good, I personally haven't had the chance to play a game as Morocco yet so they would have my vote at least.


Alien Bean
Feb 8, 2013
Hey, gurra, arexander. Y'all want to just get started wit the game, and just recruit peoples as we go?


Alien Bean
Feb 8, 2013
Alright let's get this going, just give me a hand wit the settings so I can start it tomorrow.

Huge map
Random map type/highlands/inland sea (wasn't sure about this)
DLC: GnK, BNW, ???


May 14, 2009
Random map type is my favorite as it keeps me guessing and adapting. Not sure about the difficulty though, I'm a Prince player myself as I prefer casual playing instead of trying my hardest to win something but I've heard people say that one could up the difficulty level by a notch or two from one's usual in SGs.

Everything else seems good and I have all DLCs possible so any combination goes.


Jan 1, 2008
Carthage does have an advantage in the Highlands mountains but they also have a harbor bonus and a boat UU, so maybe we should play a map that also has water on it? I don't know how the Inland Sea map is but Huge map sounds good and difficulty level too. I'm usually playing King (sometimes Prince) when on my own, and Emperor would probably be fine in a succession game.

I also have all the DLCs so anything goes. Playing Carthage we don't really need the civ DLCs on unless we really want to play against them, this would allow people without some of them to join in later too. :)


Alien Bean
Feb 8, 2013
Ok, I'm not going to put any DLC except for the explorers map pack so we can use the Japanese mainland map. I think that fits Carthages ability very well. I'm also a Prince player, so emperor should be enough to offset the advantages we will have on this map.

Updated OP


Alien Bean
Feb 8, 2013
Will do writeup in a while. Here are screenshots and save.


  • Mt. Fuji.jpg
    Mt. Fuji.jpg
    142.2 KB · Views: 314
  • The World, 3200 BC.jpg
    The World, 3200 BC.jpg
    178.4 KB · Views: 424


Jan 1, 2008
Wow, we're really close to both America and Siam. Are we in a crowded area or did you put in more civs than the map size of Japanese Mainland has by default? And we're playing in the sign up list's order? Arexander up next, then. :)


Alien Bean
Feb 8, 2013
The beginning: When the Romans destroyed the old Carthaginian empire, a young man by the name of Pydgie succeeded in rallying the survivors in a last stand. The rebellion was easily quashed by the ruthless Roman legions, so the remaining Carthaginians set sail once again, this time from the Red Sea. They sailed eastward until through monsoon and tropic, until they reached what seemed like the end of the world, an endless ocean unbroken by any land. Fearing for their lives, they resolved to continue northward until they happed upon a beautiful island. What they did not know was that this small island was densely populated with a dozen or so tiny feudal kingdoms constantly at war with each other, along with smaller city-states who sometimes sided with the larger kingdoms.

Foreign Relations: As soon as the Carthaginians debarked, Pydgie, who was now an old man, organized the party into two factions: one to establish and maintain a town, and the other to defend the town and scout the surroundings. The latter found some weapons, the like of which they had never seen before. They were long sticks with pointy pieces of metal and stone attached at the end. They collected these and moved on, where they encountered kingdoms by the names of America, Siam, Greece, Songhai, and the Netherlands (I can't remember if there were more), as well as a city which seemed to not be part of any kingdom, by the name of M'banza-Kongo. The warriors also noted a very tall snowcapped mountain in Siamese territory which the locals called Mt. Fuji.

Carthage: In remembrance of what had once been a great city, their former home, the settlers/refugees named their town Carthage. Also in honor of those who had died defending the old Carthage, a monument was constructed. After its completion, the workers began on a granary.

Technology: The kingdoms on this island possessed technologies completely alien to the Carthaginians. The first thing the Carthaginians learned from them was the sciences of pottery. Later, (I think, I'm not sure, but) a calendar was developed, and work is being made toward the creation of a language made of markings which some of the other kingdoms used to communicate.

Culture: The Carthaginians adopted a policy of liberty. They hoped that this would insure against invaders like the Romans. It also promoted the development of a new culture, as the survivors of the voyage who still remembered the old Carthage and her wonders were old and few as many had perished along the way, and the youth could care less about their ancestral home. Pydgie was installed as ruler due to his vital role in the salvation of their race, so he titled himself Dido Pydgie after the original founder of old Carthage. The younger generations, whose language, accent, and manner of speaking had already changed, began to refer to any leader as "Dido."

The end: Alas, Dido Pydgie fell ill with a strange disease native to their new home. He had become frail and old, and he passed his royal shoes (rank was not shown by crowns or headdresses, but by shoes) to a charismatic young man who came to be known as Dido Arexander.

OOC: The Japanese Mainland map is only available in Tiny, but I made it so there are still 12 players. It will be very squishy and we are going to need a military. I thought it was kind of cool, because it simulates the feuding Japanese shogunates. Unfortunately Dido Pydgie made no steps in improving our military. Nothing much happened really. Nothing much ever happens in the first twenty turns of a game :D


May 14, 2009
I've got it and will play shortly. I'll most likely just keep a turn log instead of a story as I'm usually busy :p


May 14, 2009
Turn log

Hit Next Turn


Turn 1 (21) - 3160 BC
Spear 1SE-1SW, reveals blue City State borders and a Jap Scout

Assyrian Scout moves near Carthage, greetings exchanged and we accepted an embassy for 1 GPT for 30 turns
:c5faith: Songhai founds a pantheon of Goddess of Protection (+30% :c5rangedstrength: for cities)

Turn 2 (22) - 3120BC
Spear 1SW
:c5culture: Adopt Republic (+1 :c5production: in cities, +5% :c5production: when constructing buildings)


Turn 3 (23) - 3080 BC
Spear 1SW, meet Sydney and get 15:c5gold: (maritime, has 1 Wine, 1 Silk and a mission to kill invading barbarians)
Set Carthage on Food :c5food: focus


Turn 4 (24) - 3040 BC
Buy a Scout for 140:c5gold:
Spear 1SE

Dead last on technologies

Turn 5 (25) - 3000BC
Spear 1SE, reveals a barbarian encampment 1SW of him
Scout 1E-1SE


Turn 6 (26) - 2960BC
Spear :c5war: Brute -> Spear @ 69HP, Brute @ 68HP
Scout 1SE-1SW, reveals Ivory S of Carthage :c5capital:

America connected second Ivory
:c5faith: Unknown civilization founds a pantheon of Oral Tradition (+1 :c5culture: for plantations)

Turn 7 (27) - 2920BC
Spear :c5war: Brute -> Spear @ 41HP, Brute @ 47HP
Scout 1NE-1E, reveal Pearl


Turn 8 (28) - 2880BC
:c5strength: Spear promotes Drill I, heals
Scout 2E, reveals another Pearl

:trade: America offers 1GPT for embassy, accept

Turn 9 (29) - 2840BC
:c5science: Finished Writing, Mining in 5
Scout 1NW-1NE
Spear loots the now-empty barbarian encampment for 25:c5gold:, reveals a Jap Warrior fighting against two Brutes


Turn 10 (30) - 2800BC
:trade:Establish embassies in all known civs except for Japan, which hasn't got Writing yet
Scout 2NE
Spear 1E


Turn 11 (31) - 2760BC
Spear 1E
Scout 1NE-1E

:trade: America sold 1 Ivory to someone

Turn 12 (32) - 2720 BC
Spear 2NE
Scout 1NE-1W
:c5production: Finished Granary, G. Library in 37

Siam has built a second city N of their capital at somepoint

American Settler approaches Carthage from N, protected by a Warrior

Turn 13 (33) - 2680BC
:c5strength: Spear heals in territory
Scout 2NW

American Settler moves 1SE

Turn 14 (34) - 2640BC
:c5science: Finished Mining, Animal Husbandry in 4
:c5citizen: Carthage has grown to 4, G. Lib. in 29
Scout 2NE, reveals Siamese Si Satchanalai
Netherlands has connected 1 Gold and 1 Gem
Japan has connected 1 Silk
:trade: Embassy for Embassy with Japan

American Settler disappears

Turn 15 (35) - 2600BC
Scout 2W
Spear 1SW-1SE


Turn 16 (36) - 2560BC
Spear 1SW
Scout 1NW-1NE

Holland connected 1 Wine
Americans settled New York NE of their capital

Turn 17 (37) - 2520BC
:c5culture: Adopt Collective Rule (+50% :c5production: when building Settlers, 1 free Settler in capital)
Spear 1SW
Settler 1NE
Scout 1NW-1SW

Siam announces it protects M'Banza

Turn 18 (38) . 2480BC
:c5science: Finished Animal Husbandry, Trapping in 8
Spear 1SW
Scout 1SE-1SW
Settler 2E

America settles Boston E of our capital and blocks our Settler from settling there :mad:
Japanese Settler approaches our Spear from SW, protected by a Warrior

Turn 19 (39) - 2440BC
Spear 1NW to block Jap Settler
Scout 1SE-1SW
Settler 2W
:c5faith: Found pantheon Fertility Rites (+10% faster growth rate in cities), Carthage growth 11 -> 9

Japanese Settler stays still

Turn 20 (40) - 2400BC
Spear stays in position
Scout 1W-1SW
Settler 1NW
:c5gold: Bought the two Silk tiles for Carthage so Boston won't get them.

Current map
City location 1 SE of the Copper
Japanese Settler

Game saved, note that the Spearman can be moved but shouldn't be. If the Jap Settler moves 1E, move our Spear 1E to block, then if the Jap Settler moves 1NW, move Spear accordingly. We can't block them, but we can slow them down a bit so we might get our own settler there, if lucky.

Save attached below


  • Dido of Carthaginian Japan.Civ5Save
    738.9 KB · Views: 228


Jan 1, 2008
When the reign of Dido Arexander had ended the throne was taken over by respected nobleman Gurra Uticus who promised to take good care of his people and during his time two of the most illustrious construction projects to date in Carthage's history were completed.

During Dido Arexander's reign a group of settlers had left the big city of Carthage in search of new territories and under the lead of Gurra Uticus a new Carthaginian city was founded in 2280 BC. He named it Utique, after himself, and the construction of a monument began. Unfortunately, this led to a wave of unhappiness throughout the country and in the coming years less babies were born in the lands of Carthage.

Spoiler :

Consul Washington of America was not pleased with this and he came twice to the court of Dido Gurra pointing angrily at a globe next to him while grumbling about construction of cities and purchase of land in his vicinity. While Dido Gurra was a great Dido he was also quite the coward and accepted Washington's demands to ensure no further conflicts would take place.

The small army of Spearmen in the forest south of Carthage had spent the recent years doing their best to hinder a party of Japanese Settlers to move too close to Carthaginian lands. At first, the Settlers seemed to be able to reach the coastline next to a herd of elephants but with the help of a Scout group coming down from the north the Spearmen were able to push the Japanese back into the mountains where they founded the city of Osaka. The Carthaginians will sadly not be able to construct a glorious city on this land but could by cultural expansion or by land purchasing make room for an elephant herd inside our territory.

Spoiler :

Not a long time after the settling of Osaka, the Carthaginian army found out that another party of Japanese settlers were on the move just to the west of Osaka. Determined not to allow another Japanese city in the nearby area, they positioned themself to not let the Settlers pass.

Spoiler :

In the year of 1680 BC the Great Library of Carthage was finished and scientists discovered the arts of Philosophy. Maybe the wonderful city of Carthage some day will be the birthplace of a great scientist?

Spoiler :

During his lifetime Dido Gurra had witnessed the construction of Utique and the Great Library of Carthage, and his scientists had researched the arts of Trapping, Archery, Philosophy and The Wheel, but his people was still unhappy. In 1640 BC he adopted Citizenship, and a band of workers began to build a Cotton plantation just outside of Carthage to make the citizens happy once again.

Spoiler :

Dido Gurra died in his sleep with a smile on his face, leaving the throne open for the next generation to make Carthage a happier and richer country than it had been in his lifetime.

Out of character
Okay, so we have a second city now and the Great Library will help us to raise in tech. When I began my turn we were last in tech and we're now on place 10 (out of 12) in the demographics.

Our army is still weak because most of these 20 turns went to the construction of the Great Library. We don't have a lot of GPT coming in, especially since the embassy deals were finished so I started training a Caravan in the capital. Utique is constructing a Granary, but I also queued a Library there in case we'd like to go for the National College before setting up a third city.

Also, that Japanese settler never moved so if we just keep the Spearman and the Scout down there they probably won't get around to found that city anytime soon. And Sydney wants us to connect truffles so when the Cotton plantation is done I would recommend a camp on the truffles, they are a Maritime city state so being friends with them would help us grow after my stagnant time of unhappiness. Reason I went for the Cotton is because the Worker spawned right there and we really need some happiness asap.

Current state of the empire:
Spoiler :


  • Dido of Carthaginian Japan.Civ5Save
    801.5 KB · Views: 181
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