The very many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XXX

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Huh. That does make the coast sound a little scary. We call up a couple of the unarmed auxiliary to flash the lights and blast the sirens while highschoolers try to peg people with hard candy from the firetrucks.
Wait what?

I mean electing Trump is one thing but this is actual insanity.
For many years now, the US armed forces have found that it is easier (read: cheaper) to slug off their low-tech stuff to security services rather than destroy it. So, whenever the y need to make room for new equipment, they give them up. At first no one complained about some used revolvers and pistols being handed down, or a jeep, but I've recently read about the US military trying to hand off some sort of armoured vehicles to large-city police departments. This must have been 2-3 years ago.
Where is the latest Cool Pics thread? The search function only takes me to old, archived threads. I wanted to post this there:
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When I return from a month long absence I often have trouble finding old threads. Like if I have a new photo to post, and it's of me, the members' photo whatever thread can be hard to find. Or the cool pics thread. Or one of the other long-running threads that are.. sometimes seasonal almost. i.e. they are sometimes always popular enough to stick around on the first or second page, but sometimes they just go to the depths of hell and you can just never find them for some reason. Or maybe I'm just searching for them wrong
When I return from a month long absence I often have trouble finding old threads. Like if I have a new photo to post, and it's of me, the members' photo whatever thread can be hard to find. Or the cool pics thread. Or one of the other long-running threads that are.. sometimes seasonal almost. i.e. they are sometimes always popular enough to stick around on the first or second page, but sometimes they just go to the depths of hell and you can just never find them for some reason. Or maybe I'm just searching for them wrong

Makes me think it'd be a good idea for a sticky thread here in OT that has links to the latest serial threads...
You can use the thread tools to make a personal list of threads you may want to refer back to.
When I return from a month long absence I often have trouble finding old threads. Like if I have a new photo to post, and it's of me, the members' photo whatever thread can be hard to find. Or the cool pics thread. Or one of the other long-running threads that are.. sometimes seasonal almost. i.e. they are sometimes always popular enough to stick around on the first or second page, but sometimes they just go to the depths of hell and you can just never find them for some reason. Or maybe I'm just searching for them wrong
You're not searching wrong, the search function here is abysmal. Like, Ask Jeeve's level bad.
Actually, I've checked and now they're called ‘watched‘ threads. But the concept remains.
Is this a reason to start taking Mars One seriously?
Sounds like no new taxes to me.
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