To The Great Beyond - Space Empires!

Deadline is in a about 8 hours. Thanks for the early orders!

It's come to my attention that I made a boo-boo with the Flallore last turn; they should have a fighter squadron on the map, at Desmong, and they should have more development on their colonies. I'm at work right now so unable to fix it just yet :/
I'll be late but it will be a measure of hours, not days.

“And finally bemusement on the Halo as the Tac visitors discovered the pneumatic delivery system. For those who haven't visited the Halo the system is used to transport small to medium sized items rapidly throughout the Halo. A curious Tac investigating an elevator top was inadvertently sucked into a tube which had not been designed with the existence of sentient beings much smaller and less dense that a Kowlint as a consideration. Fortunately the Tac was not harmed by its experience, in fact it enjoyed the ride it did let others of its species know and soon they all wanted a turn. Dozens of inhabitants of the Halo have been having unexpected meetings with Tac coming out of their pneumatic receptors and the Halo maintenance department has been forced to shut down the system until it can be Tac proofed for the safety of our guests and the correct delivery of the inhabitants parcels.

Yes, sure. It was by accident, we promise!

lol. Just lol. I'm glad everyone got the point about who the Tac are :p And that is possible only cause they are small, as daft said, the won't freely float in an atmosphere not like their own. But flying through those pneumatic stuff... that doesn't require floating. That design will be copied back home for sure.

Also, I'm not exactly back, just wanted to lol at that, Daft is free to do as he pleases with the Tac until I return, if they still exist. They would probably agree to pretty much any deal offered to them in which they get something of some worth in return. (Worth includes fun and new aliens, and gifts).

Also I totally see an exploding Tac exodus from the homeworld to any world they are allowed on that has aliens :p and since they are quickly becoming translators of the galaxy, they probably would push their own culture and words into that translation. Gifting is totally a thing.

$20 to spend.

$2 to compensating the Syru for the loss of their freighter.

$2 to paying the repair bill.

$2 to building a new freighter of our own.

$4 to studying recovered alien technologies (effectively research investments, but using what we've recovered from Hyleen Station).

$8 to colonizing Hyleen, Queeoohee Zan-81A (christened Qooqee)and DM-1A (henceforth known as Mreef), to be distributed according to the areas that can best host further populations at this juncture.


Contact the Pirates of the Guayeem Circle and request them to stop raiding Syru and Hlur-Baiheen. We will point out to them that if there is anywhere that a viable world can be found that is unknown to us but conceivably within our reach, it is in the area of space to the galactic north, around the Lurmee Anomaly. They would do better searching there, rather than dragging war into space against their fellow singing animals. It is viable for us to coexist peacefully in this universe. Hopefully our 'trader' trait can come in handy here.

Keep our wing of Hooheeoo fighters (I thought of them not a single warship, but actually a fleet of fighters) ready in Hyleen, prepared to defend our recently-captured installation and colonies. Keep a cautious, defensive stance.

Dispatch a first contact probe to the Hyleen Anomaly (Beast's Crusade).

Dispatch a first contact probe to the Hooyah Anomaly (Hurunn Agreement).

Move the repaired explorer Hreegur from our seized base near Hyleen to KAT-55.

Move explorer Hmeeur from Ilon to SER-66.

Ferry goods and dissident Hlur-Baiheen to the colonies with our freighter fleets.

Independent groups of Hlur-Baiheen may make their own migrations to any of the remotely habitable worlds in range of Seeoo, regardless of the presence of other alien lifeforms in such areas.


A wave of new outer sphere colonies has helped to present a release valve for the internal pressures facing the Directorate, but concerns now swing towards outside concerns. The Hlur-Baiheen are now confronted with alien life on all fronts, and must adapt to their rapidly-evolving reality. It is the hopes of the Directorate that we can continue to develop during this expansive phase, until such time as we can begin to conduct major Seeooforming projects, and artificially increase the number of viable, habitable worlds in the galaxy.

If something can sing, we'll cherish it and welcome it to our sphere of civilization. If it cannot, we'll use it for what it's worth, or clear it away. This policy applies to indigenous lifeforms, robots, and the like. If they can provide something of value to us, they stay. If not, they will be replaced.

Stabilizing Directorate of the Hlur-Baiheen: Lord_Iggy

Brooder Traders; Hlur-Baiheen race with a small Syru population; prefers thick air, warm, forested/mountainous habitat
Economy: 5 + 13 + 2 (Syru) EP
Freighters: 2 / 2
Tech Level: 2 (13)
Repair Bill: 2EP
Strengths: megastructures, geo-engineering and aeroculture (aeroplankton)
* Like several other races, the Hlur-Baiheen have suffered the tragedy of overpopulation, resource shortages and even full-scale nuclear war. Though Seeoo’s environment has since been repaired somewhat, populations have also bounced back, and the planet has returned to carrying capacity. The pressing need of the Stabilizing Directorate is to establish colonies to act as a pressure release valve for the angry, excess population of Seeoo. Due to misunderstandings, first contact with the Flallore turned hostile, but the experience helped to ensure a peaceful contact with the the Iqahtu Andu. A confused engagement has now taken place with the Beast’s Crusade among the relics of a native civilization in the vicinity of a world dubbed Hyleen.
To: Beast's Crusade (Near Hyleen) and Hurunn Agreement (Over Hooyah)

A tiny item leaps superluminally in a series of microjumps, like a flat stone over water, touching reality only briefly as it approaches. It halts a non-threatening distance away, constantly broadcasting a strange noise, burbles hums and whistles. The tiny vessel's engine reverses and fuses itself into a ruined lump of metal, but its cargo is unharmed.

The probe that reaches you is teardrop-shaped, made out of a polymer, with raised, ridged symbols and embedded chemicals of varying complexity. At the center of the probe is a long spiralling recessed groove. Much of its geometry exhibits self-similarity, and its dimensions follow harmonic ratios. Lateral force application will cause it to slide open, revealing a device that projects solid, three-dimensional images by remotely moving a cloud of microparticles around itself into different patterns. When it is within a non-vacuum environment, it produces a broad range of sound, whistling, burbling and warbling in a complex manner with highly variable pitch. It also generates scents, providing a complex sensory experience. From the projections, you can see shelled creatures with 5 flexible limbs, making the same noises played by the probe when it was first encountered. By rotating an embedded sphere that was revealed when the probe opened, you can move from one moving image to another. Some of the scenes include an image of the alien vessel that dispatched the probe, an image of an orange and pink world cloudy world orbiting a bright white star, and a broad collection of floating dots and simple geometric figures in specific patterns, illustrating an understanding of prime numbers, mathematical constants (pi, e and others), and several logical axioms. The solid projection then proceeds to show several objects, including rocks, drops of fluid, celestial phenomena, and a wide variety of things that are utterly unfamiliar and unidentifiable to you. Distinct sounds, more chirps, burbles, hums and whistles, are made alongside each of these images. They start off simple and clearly enunciated, but the longer you remain on each image, the more elaborate and complex the noises become.

Depressing a large, flat, circular button that appears when the device is open projects a circle onto the floor. If you step into the circle, a small solid projected copy of yourself appears in the smaller circle on the probe. Your sensor readings suggest that this is accompanied with the object activating some sort of broadcast, transmitting data from itself back to its point of origin.
Meant to write this at least two updates ago, but it timed out rather well given recent developments:

SCEDA couldn't have prevented news leaking out even if it tried. Backyard astronomers could see the crisis unfolding first-hand through their longeyes. Few knew what to make of it—the Rozu had never experimented with weaponized atomics, so mushroom clouds were a novelty. Some thought the planet was breaking apart. Others feared it was surface launches of hitherto-unknown megaships for a second age of invasions. And some few oblivious souls regarded the seemingly-unending light show as a scene of awe and beauty.

Military brass held no such illusions. The Sentinel matrix, a satellite-based early warning and spy network put in place at war's end, tracked the unfolding catastrophe in acute detail. Even more horrific than the revelation the Gelians possessed such weapons was their over-eagerness to use them on themselves: for a species honed on a planet where water conservation was a religion and whose very weather was the deadliest predator of all, the lush marshes of Antalya looked like paradise to the Rozu—that the natives would so gleefully rend it asunder was, until quite recently, utterly inconceivable.

There was thus a vernacular spirit of triumphalism when news broke that the greenskins were in the process of annihilating themselves. Some thought it a poetic bookend to their thwarted ambitions on Sureya, evidence of the folly of greed and technocratic determinism (never mind it was their equipment SCEDA's predecessor had reverse-engineered). The political leadership, however, was anything but happy: the civil war, at its core, was over Antalya's collective response to the Sureyan overture. If Antalya survived even partially intact and if the hawks won out, no doubt the fires now engulfing the planet would spread across the system entire. Thus an All-Summons was made, the second-ever direct conference between all Sureya's national leaders, to determine how the Rozu race would respond to an apocalypse in every sense of the word. Either they would decide Antalya's fate, or it would dictate theirs.

A white-robed figure sits a little ways ahead of the cave entrance, watching the arc of the growing exhaust cloud as the distant rocket pushes on through the sky. The Gelian crisis notwithstanding, orbital shipyards are still several years away and the new star cruiser Uell is being assembled in modular stages. Launches from the spaceport are frequent; but that isn't why the figure watches with such seeming indifference.

A shuffle from within the cave. The robe rustles as an ear pivots, but the figure otherwise remains still. "What is that?" calls the new arrival, the butt of an antique rifle thumping the dirt as its owner takes a seat, "Fifth? Sixth?"

"Twelfth," he mutters, "Probably be finished in a couple more shua."

"Think it'll come here?"

"The war?" The figure turns, good eye fixing on his companion. "Maybe. Maybe not." He turns back to the smoke trail that stretches like a finger reaching into the heavens. "Darkies think it might; that's why they're building ships."

Iwej is his name. He knows, intimately, what the Gelians are like in the field. He'd barely come of age when the early expeditions hit his tribe. He'd fought them ever since: the tribe had been living on one of two unlucky longitudes between the equator and the poles that fell victim to both the initial probes and the focused landings. Once Shra-Zuiei and Neyero began responding in force and Antalya upped the ante, he joined one of the so-called Unity Battalions, volunteer units comprising veteran nomads, supposedly established as a show of racial solidarity but that really served to bring the national armies up to scratch—Iwej was only in it to kill greenskins. There was widespread suspicion the battalions would later be used in expeditionary forces against Antalya itself, but to many a nomad's relief no-one was seriously conscioning a counterinvasion and armistice was reached once the Gelian home fleet was blown out of orbit.

The Unity Battalions disbanded the next day. Some pursued careers in the poles but most returned home; Iwej lost an eye, but reclaimed most function in his right arm thanks to a prosthetic brace given as compensation for his services. Rather than a hero's welcome, many vets found themselves 'marked': nomadic politics was a jumbled mess at the best of times, and those hardline elders that idolized the Line War considered any collaboration with the darkies tantamount to treason—never mind the whole of Sureya had been at stake.

And yet, by some strange stroke of fate, now he is an elder himself. He hadn't paid much attention to the details—the Old Guard had returned to the sands, he'd actually been well-regarded by several people though they'd never had the courage to say so—nor does he have much to say regarding the minutiae of daily affairs. Once he'd overcome the immediate shock of the war, he'd developed a philosophical streak, became a bit of a recluse, though how much of that was a response to his social stigma no-one could tell. Though he doesn't dispense life-guiding pronouncements, Iwej is regarded as a mystic and something of a spiritual authority.

He returns to his companion, not quite young, not quite old, a little like himself back in the day, save that the younger's rifle has seen far less action. "What do they say?" he asks abruptly, "About the war?"

"A lot say it was inevitable. Couldn't sate themselves on us so they're cannibalizing each other." After a moment he adds: "Not literally, I think."

"They upset the equilibrium," he mutters, facing forward.

"Tsi," nods his companion.

"We should not be celebrating." The younger nomad turns, but Iwej sits still, gazing-but-not-watching the pillar, the rocket itself now a barely-visible speck of light. "We chide the greenskins with one side of our mouth, and with the other we commission these probes, these ships, these fighters... We call them expansionist while the darkies beat them at their own game, live with six-leggers on distant suns..." He remains silent for some time, but the other figure knows better than to interject, recognizing the quasi-meditative bobbing of the elder's head.

Eventually Iwej continues: "The greenskins forced our hand, expanded our awareness beyond the sky. We bested them out of necessity, but we chose to step further, and now..." His right arm creaks as the brace straightens out toward the heavens. "What becomes of a race that no longer sees limits? They talk of what boons await us on these other worlds, riches beyond measure, an end—an end!—to the Eternal Rhythm. Of course, they'll need to work those lands, the workers will need mirzhaan of their own, new worlds will be sought out..." Pivoting to face his tribesman, Iwej fixes him with a meaningful look. "How long 'til they run out of rich worlds, and start landing troops on the poor worlds?"

After several moments' contemplation, the addressed nods his head and both face forward. "Fair winds to the darkies," he mutters.

"Rao, not just the darkies," says Iwej, "Everything is one. The further we venture, the more fragile that balance becomes, here as much as anywhere else. The greenskins pushed their boundaries too far; pray we do not repeat their mistake."
Hello, just an update on the update:

So, we had a three-day weekend here in the UK, but I don't think I'm even halfway through the update. I haven't been feeling great, I also spent quite a bit of time on a job application. I just found out I've got an interview on the 15th and I have to give a 15-minute presentation. So I'm afraid I have to put the update on the back burner for now - it's unlikely I'll have it done until Sunday 21st at this rate.

If I get this new job, I'll be on a similar salary but I'll have much more free time - getting home for 5:30pm instead of 7 or later in the evenings, and even earlier on Fridays. I calculate 8.5 extra hours of free time during the week. Which will mean a healthier, happier moderator. So wish me luck :)
Good luck. :thumbsup:
Situational Briefing For The Esteemed Directors

What precedes is a depiction of the most recent astrographic knowledge of the Stabilizing Directorate, filtered for relevance to inhabitable worlds and alien entities. You will find habitable planets marked as the smaller filled circles, with richer hues indicating greater habitability. Prime worlds are indicated with additional highlighting rings and ranges from Seeoo. White rings indicate Hlur presence, forming the constituent entities of the Outer Sphere Civilization.

Of particular note are Mulu and Hyleen. Mulu's colonization efforts have failed with, based on our current understanding, no survivorship, although Directorate Xenoecologists and Seeooformers remain confident that the world may be rendered habitable by appropriate investment of efforts. Hyleen, in addition to being one of the four most habitable worlds yet surveyed, has only minimal Directorate surface presence; most of the Hlur population are non-affiliated groups, predominately Hlur-Guayeem, Haineem, Tugga and Koogoor. Additionally, populations of both the primary and secondary Hyleen Anomalies are present on the planet's surface, and have engaged in warfare against the Hlur-Baiheen. Directorate investment has provided us with significant orbital assets in the Hyleen-Queeoohee system, which are likely to prove useful in our future work to secure these two habitable planets.

Now, if I may draw your attention outwards, you can see our current understanding of the locations of the four alien anomalies that we understand to have the ability to travel superluminally, as well as our best knowledge of the regions that they control. Further progress has not been made in establishing communications with the Goaeem Anomaly, after our fraught first contact, and communication attempts are presently underway with both the Hooyah Anomaly and the Secondary Hyleen Anomaly. Of those two, the Hooyah Anomaly appears to be peaceful, while the Secondary Hyleen Anomaly has engaged in immediate violence.

The general message we take from this assembly of data is that the presence of habitable worlds is comparatively low, although much better than was believed a few years ago, before the discoveries of Hooyah, Hyleen and Qooqee. Additionally, alien entities are much closer and more densely packed than we had originally expected. It is probable that our opportunities for expansion are going to soon be limited by exopolitical astrography, and when that situation arrives, the Directorate will need to develop a plan, either internally to create a third Formulation to reduce the necessity for ongoing expansion, or externally to clear space to enable ongoing, unlimited expansion.
Hurrunn Exploration Ship #2 over Kar-2B:B

‘Those sounds - is that language?’

‘What’s going on?’

‘It sounds like it.’

‘Mullo pressed the spiral’

‘He doomed us all’

‘Very noisy!’

‘Shurrn, you don’t sound too sure.’

‘Don’t worry - we’re recording.’

‘What are we seeing?’

‘I can smell Rorruh berries’

‘Give me a year or two to analyse it...’

‘Don’t all rumble at once!’

‘Be careful!’

‘It is emitting scents’

‘That sphere is a control device?’

‘I’m not removing my breather!’

‘Wait - is that their biological form?’

‘I don’t want to touch it’

‘Arboreal. Climbers.’

‘There’s another button, here..’

‘Should… Should we evacuate the hangar?’

‘Possibly aquatic’.

‘Yes, yes - how do we say hello?’

The animated jumble of conversations gradually died down. Excitement settled and protocol was enacted; some of the Hurrunn exited the hangar, leaving a small team of pressure-suited crew behind. The Captain looked on via video link from the bridge. The rounded form of the alien device rested at an awkward angle between capture-nets at one end of the small hangar bay. An animated particle projection continued to hover in the air to one side, showing what appeared to be five-limbed beings of some kind, with a solid central ‘shell’.

The explorer ship was at zero-g; magnetic boots clinked at irregular intervals as the investigation team checked their cameras and various other recording devices.

‘When you are ready’ the Captain rumbled over the intercom.

An open niche in the side of the device was brightly lit by spotlights. Team leader Shurrn readied his probing tool of choice - an ordinary long-handle cleaning broom, made of Hmmaian plant fibres - lightweight, flexible, and non-toxic. One edge of the broom made contact with a rounded panel. It moved inwards with a smooth, deliberate action. The crew held their breath; there was a faint humming for a few moments, before a new particle-projection appeared on the wall of the hangar. It was a simple circle. Beckoning, somehow.

‘What now?’

There was no immediate response, just a series of contemplative rumbles over the intercom. Shurrn went ahead and poked the end of the brush into the circle...
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Depressing a large, flat, circular button that appears when the device is open projects a circle onto the floor. If you step into the circle, a small solid projected copy of yourself appears in the smaller circle on the probe. Your sensor readings suggest that this is accompanied with the object activating some sort of broadcast, transmitting data from itself back to its point of origin.

Hooyah Anomaly - first pictures beamed back from the probe:

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(previous chapter)


A Hurrunn by the name of Marrannue Murra Hue woke from her narcotic-infused unconsciousness, rapidly becoming aware of several different flavours of discomfort; dehydration, stomach ache, sore eyes - and ouch! One digit on her left paw was really tender for some reason. Her antennae felt like they were being squished awkwardly. She was upside-down.

It was not the first time in recent memory that she had been in such a predicament. For a few moments her brain struggled to orientate itself in time and space; there had been that impromptu party after the Taccu* arrived at the dig site on the Gurrull Plateau, which had ended up being surrounded by parked-up VTOLs from all over Hmmaia, among them a full suite of audio-visual projectors from the Rollur-Mo retro-electronic artistry kinship; she could still feel the beats pulsing through the dirt, the fractal holograms dancing through the darkness, and smell that particularly beautiful fragrance of the desert after a rainshower. Aahh... And her over-eagerness with the smoking-herbs to calm her nerves. And her confused attempts at conversations with floating aliens.

Then there was that time after being invited to the launch of the Large Exploration Ship; onboard for the afterparty, she foolishly attempted to keep pace with a couple of esteemed Organisers for big-deal technological kinships she couldn’t remember the names of. But she remembered the name of that particular poison, ‘Uissa Errn’, a particularly strong distillation from the north pole region of Hmmaia, of the type consumed by refined individuals on special occasions. Her companions both had at least two hundred years practice on her - perhaps even three centuries each. It had showed.

With only her small-eyes open, she was able to register movement a short distance above her. One big-eye eased open for a better picture. A Hitarra*-made drone was doing the rounds - a hovering spherical object with small fins and antennae, otherwise almost featureless, but nonetheless managing to exude a judgemental aura; it paused briefly with its sensors open in her direction, before moving on. Evidently she was not in need of medical intervention. Good to know.

The air felt heavy, almost watery. She rolled upright without much effort. Taccu atmosphere; low gravity. The flow of consciousness returned to her brain; she was in the great new Taccu contact vessel, docked with the Hitarra station in orbit of planet Taccu itself. She wasn’t sure what time it was. Taccu didn’t seem to follow day/night cycles; lighting was warm and gentle in every part of the ship. There were small plants and cushions everywhere she ventured.

Somewhere close, she heard the excited buzzing of two groups of floating, fuzzy pink balls making contact. They went silent as they merged into one group; shifting their conversation to ultrasound, or at least beyond her range of hearing. She was pretty sure there was constant chatter in the background, but she only heard snippets here and there, whenever they dropped into wavelengths that the clunky mechanism of her inner ear could register. It was pleasing effect, however. Like a trip to the forest regions of Hmmaia and hearing the flying creatures occasionally chirping to each other.

Funny that she hadn't even enjoyed her first inter-moon trip as a child; all boredom and unpleasant vibrations, stuck in metal cans for hours. Now she’d been on the two biggest space ships in the known galaxy. She reflected on the absurdity of the past few years; archaeologist and space adventurer - not bad for a youngling from the southern wilderness who’d never held any serious ambitions. And still not even a century old!

And that is why she was here. You are ‘fun’, the Chief Organiser had told her. The Taccu are ‘fun’. The Agreement had plenty of esteemed old-brains to deal with the other alien races, but such old-brains didn’t get very far with the Taccu. Relations were in danger of stalling. The Hitarra had already figured it out; they had ‘opened the Taccu market’, or some such. The Agreement was moving too slow. It needed to stay relevant. Somehow that involved her getting intoxicated and talking inanely on occasion.

Another wave of unpleasant sensations stirred her primal brain into action. Six limbs pushed off the floor in a specific rhythm she’d learned for low-gravity. She went searching for a drink of water.

* Hurrunn often have difficulty with ‘t’, ‘w’ and ‘k’ sounds depending on which culture-clade they originate from. Words ending in sharp ‘i’ or ‘ee’ sounds are also very difficult. Many of their vocalisations are made from deep in the torso with no mouthpart movements at all.

NB: Its a slow week at work, I'm getting a little bit of sneaky time to write and catch up with NPC stories. I'm not rushing to update as I know I'll be occupied this weekend with prepping for that interview & presentation. Apologies but the update *will* come later this month!
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Just an update on the update - it's not going to happen today :o The past week has been pretty nerve-wracking. I really needed a break this weekend.

Update is now scheduled for Sunday 28th of May.

I'll be starting my new job from 19th of June, its based in the same city where I live, so no more commuting. It will be roughly 2 extra hours of free time per week day. Hopefully you should see some faster updates from that point on ;)
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Looking forward to it, and congrats on the new job. Commuting sucks all the balls.
I may have to delay even further. Sorry guys - its been crazy days recently.

It's also seriously warm and sunny here for the first time this year - the weather is so unpredictable that we Brits feel the need to make the most of any sunshine. Hope you can give me a break ^^

However it is another three-day weekend here, so there's a chance I'll be done by Monday night.

EDIT: as a side note, not to complicate things, but I'm thinking of introducing a 'warp gate' / 'jump gate' rule for fast travel between space stations or habitats. Does anyone have any thoughts or objections on that??

Looking forward to it, and congrats on the new job. Commuting sucks all the balls.

Thank you! Speaking from experience? It's not the best, especially with the state of public transport here in the UK.
as a side note, not to complicate things, but I'm thinking of introducing a 'warp gate' / 'jump gate' rule for fast travel between space stations or habitats. Does anyone have any thoughts or objections on that??
In principle no, but it's quite a big change so it should probably be unlocked by tech and have an associated structure/add on to actually use it.

RE: Jump Gates: Pretty much what filli said. Given how supply zones work, movement range is already pretty generous even at only Tech 2, but it'll be useful for cross-map transit.
Well, the above meme says it all ^^ apologies for this hiatus. I've been doing a lot of 'processing' in the wake of changing jobs. Even though its a positive change, I've been feeling a little down at times. I also wasn't able to take the last week on holiday as I'd hoped - had to keep working right up to the last hour of my last day. Though they did get me a crate of beers as a send-off present :)

Also throw in a summer heatwave here in the UK and various people's birthdays, it hasn't been a conductive time for my IoTNESing.

Anyhow; I've actually started the new job this week. Less stress and more time = confirmed. So this WILL be back.
IPO of the TTNP
It’s unknown how the rumors started. Was it an intrepid analyst who noticed the discrete movement of capital amongst the wealthiest members of society? Was it a lowly technician catching a glimpse of what is meant to be hidden? Was it, perhaps, one stakeholder or another breaching confidentiality through stealth or through mishap? Or was it simply a defensive mechanism of a collective consciousness inevitably desiring a full measure of itself, similar to how a toe can’t for long keep an itch secret from an idle finger.

Regardless of how they began, rumors do as rumors does, breeding and spreading like a mental virus, scattering itself across cyberspace swifter than any attempt at containment could hope to impose itself. Capital is flowing across Typhomorphin. The great space ships of the Skitari are gathering.The Xeno-Com Directors could not hide their movements. Great resources promise great effort, and great potential for great profit. But what could this effort be? Ten thousand theories bloomed, from conspiracy to simplicity.

The excitement of the Skitari rose to a feverish pitch, and so it is in this sweltering heat that the announcement was finally made: A new enterprise is to be initiated, to open an entirely new horizon for exploitation. The very same executives who masterminded the coup that is Space Mall Tac Home are throwing the weight of their experience and instinct behind a new effort… no, a new corporation.

The Trans- Tacci Nebula Partnership. TTNP.

To be granted a Monopoly.

Over all Skitarii trade to that corner of the galaxy.

And so the internet exploded.

Birth of new companies are not rare within the Skitari. The Conglomerate oversees the application and licensing of many enterprises -- indeed, it is appropriate and right for an individual, mastering one’s hobby, to provide the skills in their favorite activities in the pursuit of profit and progress. After all, what is a company, but an engine of progress?

However, for such an effort to be sponsored by The Conglomerate, but not of the Conglomerate, is unprecedented in recent history. Indeed, the official stake, the seed, the core of Conglomerate influence, is merely as a two-bit shareholder of TTNP. Many shares were already sold or exchanged, to acquire the stake for the unimaginable fleet of resources represented by two exploration ships, their entire warfleet, and a spread of freighters.

The rest, over half of the shares, are to be sold to the general public of the Skitari during a grand Initial Public Offering - IPO - a date that is swiftly approaching.

With the reveal, were invitations to great expositions across Typhomorphin -- even one at the busy construction-yards of Pyrodin. For those without the resources, will, or inclination to physically contribute their capital or seek employment, vast VR servers were prepared --modeled after the Situation Room of the venerable exploration vessel, The Dynanimus; or the grand ballroom of Space Mall Tac Home; or even the Suite offered to the Skitarii Delegation at the Huruun “Type 1”. A Public and Investor Relations stunt of incredible proportions, designed to harness the capital and willpower of an entire people to a yoke of great expectations.

And the one to lead TTNP to greatness as CEO? None other than the economic and cultural icon Gyr-03 “Gyrotron.” Young Gyr-03 : 73-Tro became famous as the youngest Skitari to have paid off their Cloning Bill in full, at the young age of 9 cycles, after inventing the first pseudo-random Tac-Com module to achieve widespread adoration. Even after her company “GyrSyk Comms” was acquired by the Conglomerates’ TacComms Division, she rose swiftly within the company to become CEO of the entire Division at the age of 13 cycles.

And so, as the countless thousands walked into the atriums and auditoriums, and as the countless millions signed onto their websites and servers, the entire Conglomerate waits with bated breath as the young CEO, clad in a common steel blue chassis except for three tasteful titanium stripes, and a platinum icon of TTNP, walked onto the stage, her image and her voice electronically woven into holograms projected across Skitari space.

“Breathe.” A word that reminded them of the breath they were holding back. She smiles.

“Every breath we take is manufactured. Collected, cleansed, filtered, transported. An aspect of life, unquestioned for so many generations. And yet out there...” she pointed upward “Life. Breathes. Free. Air.”

“The Programmers have never looked beyond Typhomorphin. They never looked above the horizon - why should they, when all the pleasures could be manufactured in bits and bytes, dribs and drabs? Why should they, when the closest star is infinitely out of reach?”

“For countless generations, our productivity and our population have been stagnant, our excesses spent on luxury and on whimsy, pushing boundaries to find more of the same. Why should we, when we could relax with our current efforts?”

“Even in the first days of our space-borne expeditions, finding naught but barren worlds of metal and minerals, this same question echoed. Why should we, invest so much, to travel so far, to find nothing but reminders of home?”

“But then we found them. And the glass ceiling is broken.” She held out her arms in an embrace of alien cultures.

“I speak of wealth. I speak of profit. I speak, of course, of opportunity.”

She produces a tablet, attached to an oversized and old-fashioned data drive. “My consultants wished me to quantify this opportunity with numbers.” With a casual toss, it flew up, before it disintegrated under a directed beam. “Allow me instead, to draw a picture with words.”

She extended her arm, and a small projection of Tacci was produced.

“The Tac have lived for countless generations. They are a gift-based culture, but the basis of economics escapes no peoples. They have reached a limit.”

Tac shrunk and another appeared next to it.

“The Huruun have lived countless generations. They are a consensus-based culture, unable to adapt to the rapidity of change in our modern times. They have reached a limit.”

She lowered her hands, and the two planets slowly zoomed out… revealing more planets, then stars, then systems, until the local region was in view, oversized models of starships flying too and fro.

“And this, this is the First Interstellar Economic System. The trade within this system, anchored by Space Mall Tac Home, has a value greater than all the production of Typhomorphin, for countless generations.”

She smiled, “We have yet to reach a limit.”

The map continued to zoom out, and then a region to the south east begins to shimmer.

“There are more, more than just the Tac and Huruun. More opportunities, more growth.”

She gestures and they zoom into two bright blue stars, and the image shifts, so that they lie in the fore ground, a vast array of alien worlds behind it.

“This is the mission of the Trans Tacci Nebula Partnership. To look beyond the possible, to reach out to the edges of the galaxy for more opportunities and more trade.”

She lifts her hand, letting the image fly up, and up, growing until it fills all of the ceilings above the conference room.

“By investing in us, you are not merely investing in the future of Skitarii, but you are investing in YOUR future. Our Esteemed Owners will receive the first choice of the innumerable opportunities. Join us, to grasp the future!”

From TTNP’s CEO, Gyr-03 : 73-Tro
To the Torrhenian Confederacy, To the Kul’Hari Collective

With Tac Interpreters on First Contact

Greetings, fellow spacefaring peoples. I represent the TRANS TACCI NEBULA PARTNERSHIP, a subsidiary of the SKITARII MERCANTILE CONGLOMERATE. I wish to establish diplomatic relations with your peoples and am eager to lay the groundwork for trade relations between our peoples.
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