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Tomatekh's Kyivan Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise) for VP


May 31, 2015
Kyivan Rus'

(Requires VP4.2 at least for full compatibility)

Download Here

Leader - Yaroslav the Wise

UA - From the Varangians to the Greeks

:trade: Trade Routes with :c5citystate: City-States generate +1 :c5influence: Influence per turn per each owned :trade: City-State Trade Route (up to +5).
Gain 15% of :c5gold: Gold from diplomatic deals with other Civilizations as :c5greatperson: Great Merchant points, :c5culture: Culture and :c5science: Science.
Rivers extend the length of :trade: Land Trade routes as if they were roads.

UU1 - Druzhina (replaces Knight)

Unlocked at Chivalry
230 :c5production: Production Cost (+15%)

25 :c5strength: (instead of 24)
4 MP

Can Move After Attacking
Penality Attacking Cities (33)
Zakhysnyk (Protector):
+1 Sight and +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength when within 2 tiles of a Great Person Unit or Improvement (lost on upgrade)
Knyazhyy radnyk (Princely Adviser): Gain 33% of the :c5strength: Combat Strength of defeated Enemy Units as :c5greatperson: Great Diplomat points (kept on upgrade)

Remove No Defensive Terrain Bonues

UB1 - Veche Hall (replaces Chancery)

Unlocked at Education
300 :c5production: Production Cost

+2 :c5food: Food / :c5culture: Culture / :c5science: Science
Land and Sea :trade: Trade Routes gain +25% Range
10% of :c5gold: Gold from :trade: Trade Routes in City is converted to :c5greatperson: Great Diplomat points
+1 :trade: Trade Route Slot for 5 Veche Hall constructed in your civilization
+25% :c5production: Production toward Trade and Diplomatic Units

Grants Promotion Royal Signet for Diplomatic Units in the city in which it is built
+1 :c5gold: Gold for every City-State Friend or Ally, and additionally +2 :c5production: for every Ally
Spoiler 4UC Compatibility :
UU2 - Serdyuk (replaces Musketman)

Unlocked at Metallurgy
300 :c5production: Production Cost (-8%)
-1 :c5gold: Gold Maintenance
Lose no XP or :c5moves: movement when bought with :c5gold: Gold

22 :c5strength: CS / 30 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
2 MP

Naval Target Penality
May no Melee Attack
Withering Fire (Lost on upgrade)
Hetman Guard: Adjacent Land Units gain +20% :c5strength: Defense (Kept on upgade)

UB2 – Sich (replaces Bastion Fort)

Unlocked at Navigation
600 :c5production: Production Cost
+10 :c5strength: Defense

+5% :c5production: Production toward Mounted Units for each different Luxury Resource traded (max 30)
Grants Zaporizhian Osaul Promotion for Mounted Units in the City in which it is built (Bonus Movement after crossing Rivers, generate :c5gold: Gold per turn based on their Level while in foreign territory and can pillage without cost)
+15 City’s HP per CS Friend or Ally, and additionally +1 :c5culture: Culture for every CS Ally
+1 :c5greatperson: GG point by Major Civilization with which you are at war
All religious building (build by Faith) in the city +1 :c5science: Science

Reduces the city's damage taken from attacks by 2
Military Units Supplied by this City's population increased by 10%
Allows the City's Ranged Strike to ignore Line of Sight
Garrisoned Units receive an additional 5 Health when healing in this City
Empire Size Modifier is reduced by 5% in this City

Spoiler Unit Promotions :

(All Rights Reserved to original authors)

Original mod Tomatekh's Kievan Rus' (Yaroslav)
  • Leugi: Leader screen.
  • janboruta: Leader, UB1, and Civ icons
  • Danrell: Unit graphic
  • Andrew Holt: DoM voiceover
  • Tomatekh: All code and art otherwise not listed for the original mod
From TarcisioCM’s Sicily (Roger II)
  • Janburta and Danrell: UU1, Icon and 3DModel
From RawSasquatch’s Zaporozhia (Bohdan Khmelnytsky)
  • RawSasquatch : UU2, Icon and 3DModel
From JFD’s Zaporizhzhia (Ivan Sirko)
  • Sas : UB2, Icon
Adaptation for VP
  • Jarcast : Design, Coding (With Capital C), UU1 Icon modification, Great source of motivation
  • Hinin : Design
  • Gwennog : Design, Coding, UU1 3DModel modification, Promotion Icons
Special Thanks :
  • Jacarst: For relaunching this project right after a discussion and providing the whole structure of the mod in 2 days :crazyeye:
  • Whoward69, Adan_eslavo: Lua sources and inspirations
  • HungryForFood: Lua API wiki
  • Astérix Rage: Icon and Screen dimension guide, toolbox and manual for all artistic parts
  • VP teams for all bug fixing work and to improve VP again and again
Old adaptation for VP by Gwennog
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Obligatory praise of the addition of my country.

A minor nitpick though. "Zakhysnyy" (захисний) means "protective". "Protector" would be "zakhysnyk" (захисник).

And a few questions:
What does Withering fire do?
Do multiple Hetman Guards stack?
How much movement does the Osaul give?
What is Kiev replaced with?
A minor nitpick though. "Zakhysnyy" (захисний) means "protective". "Protector" would be "zakhysnyk" (захисник).
Thank you very much, I will correct. If you see anything else, I admit I relied on different online translators, nothing beats a speaker.
What does Withering fire do?
It's the promotion of cossacks: 25% Chance to force an Enemy Unit to retreat after taking :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Damage. If the Unit cannot retreat, it takes 50% more damage than normal.
Do multiple Hetman Guards stack?
How much movement does the Osaul give?
Crossing a river costs only 1 :c5moves: Movement.
What is Kiev replaced with?
Zagreb with compatibility to adan_eslavo's CS Leader for VP by Jarcast.
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Very cool! Does the UA stack with the same bonus from Statecraft? I assume that you only get the Diplo-deal bonus from gold you receive rather than gold you spend? And does it take 5% of all of the gold of all your deals added together, or from each individual deal?

Lastly, what's the formula for the Sich's Mounted Unit Production bonus? Does it count Luxuries received as well as those you're trading to others?
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Very cool!
Thank you.
Does the UA stack with the same bonus from Statecraft?
Yes with the Policy Trade Confederacy and the Tenet Treaty Organisation.
assume that you only get the Diplo-deal bonus from gold you receive rather than gold you spend? And does it take 5% of all of the gold of all your deals added together, or from each individual deal?
The code used is pPlayer:GetGoldPerTurnFromDiplomacy(), so it's gold earned per turn minus gold spent.
Lastly, what's the formula for the Sich's Mounted Unit Production bonus? Does it count Luxuries received as well as those you're trading to others?
Not sure I can answer you, the formula is from @jarcast2 :blush:.
Lastly, what's the formula for the Sich's Mounted Unit Production bonus? Does it count Luxuries received as well as those you're trading to others?

It includes both exports and imports: for example you sell Coral and import Cinnamon => +5% x2 = +10%
Bonus does not increase if you trade multiple copies of the same luxury. Only one instance per luxury counts.
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What is the music fix? Is this something I need to look at doing for my civs?
What is the music fix? Is this something I need to look at doing for my civs?
Maybe some if they contain ModSupport with Civilization_JFD_CultureTypes.
This part:
-- UPDATE Civilizations
-- SET SoundtrackTag = (SELECT SoundtrackTag FROM Civilization_JFD_CultureTypes WHERE CivilizationType = 'CIVILIZATION_KIEVAN_RUS_MOD')
must be removed or changed otherwise it empties the SoundtrackTag of the value you had loaded.
This mod looks great! one problem, when I load it on the newest version of VP (even with no other mods), I don't have access to the 4UC components. Is this a known problem or is something wrong on my end?
This mod looks great! one problem, when I load it on the newest version of VP (even with no other mods), I don't have access to the 4UC components. Is this a known problem or is something wrong on my end?
They require the MUCfVP mod to work, so if you have only VP mods enabled they won't appear.
If you stil have problems, delete the cache folder then when you enable the mods make sure you enable MUCfVP before the civ.
v.3 online:

VP4.2 Compatibility and some modifications
  • Use MajorBlocksMinor to not have the City-State in game
  • Change part of the UA. Now gain 15% of the :c5gold: Gold from Diplomatics deals with other Civilizations as :c5greatperson: Great Merchant points, :c5culture: Culture and :c5science: Science in the :c5capital: Capital.
  • Sich has +2 :c5gold: Gold and :c5production: Production base Yields but give only +10 City Hit Points for every City-State Friend or Ally.
Can I access an earlier version that works with VP 3.7.11? I like the civ, but I hate what is happening to VP in general in the last 12-15 months.
Can I access an earlier version that works with VP 3.7.11? I like the civ, but I hate what is happening to VP in general in the last 12-15 months.
Have you tried with 3.7? I admit that I don't really remember the changes on the VP versions but it should be compatible.
Have you tried with 3.7? I admit that I don't really remember the changes on the VP versions but it should be compatible.
I tried that last night, but the civ didn't show up in the list of playable civs.
Have you got an older version that might work with 3.7.11, that you could put in a dropbox or something?
I just noticed this part of UA is uncoded in the last version:
Rivers extend the length of :trade: Land Trade routes as if they were roads.

In case you should add this in KyivanRusVP_GameDefines.sql

Probably I forgot to add it. :crazyeye:
I just noticed this part of UA is uncoded in the last version:

In case you should add this in KyivanRusVP_GameDefines.sql
Probably I forgot to add it. :crazyeye:
It’s funny, we had the same thought together, probably following PDan’s proposal. I'll fix this quickly :lol:.
It is interesting to check if VP devs tied the "Rivers create City Connections" bit from Songhai trait to RiverTradeRoad = 1.
That'll imply also Kyivan Rus' would establish city connections among cities on the same river. 🤔
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