TSG63 After Action thread

Hammer Rabbi always posts a thread about the opening moves of each Game of the Month. I keep getting killed. Technology is crucial. I see how to correct a lot of early mistakes I make from Ribannah's TSG63 -- the importance of dealing with immediate opportunities and keeping things synchronized.

I got a general idea from the move list but it was only when I replayed Ribannah's game I saw how Copenhagen had to switch from Default to Production two turns after the second citizen arrives. That means that on t16 the Worker is built and uses a turn to get to the nearest Sheep pasture just before Animal Husbandry is completed on t17; and the city has two extra turns to grow. Beauty!

I'm also grateful casualplayer asked how to complete the Great Library in 14 turns. For extra hammers building the Shrine has to be timed to coincide with the completion of Writing. Production, Technology and Policies have their schedules adjusted into a virtuous cycle for just-in-time completion.

What I have to do now is try some earlier openings from the TSG compilation to see how well I understand what I've learned.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 63
Date submitted: 2013-07-04
Reference number: 29282
Your name: Finnrat
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1040AD
Turns played: 164
Base score: 1035
Final score: 3234
Time played: 3:58:00
Submitted save: Finnrat_TSG_63_turn164.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Finnrat_C506301.Civ5Save

fun game. I really enjoyed the UA, but never built any UUs. When I learned Steel, I didn't build land units anymore.

The start was interesting. First I thought I might be on a big continent and feared that if I settle in place, that I'd be limited to only having water access to the east, so I settled on the tile to the south west. Next turn I notice that the island is already over to the north, but I still think that spot was good. Probably even better than settling in place.

I managed to build GL in T45, GLighthouse was built in T58 before I could even start with it. I didn't build any other world wonders.

I went for Compass before Education, so I could built Galleasses earlier. Got Education in T122, Navgation in T138 with Oxford Uni.

I took Palenque with 2 catapults and 3 CBs and 1 Trireme in T108. This army went for Edinburgh (T152) and then Thebes (T162). The 4 frigates + 1 caravel went for Addis Abeba (T147), Delhi (155), Sukhotai (T164). A third fleet with 3 frigates + privateer went for Karakorum (T163).

Religion: was 4th or 5th and Gods of the Sea was still left. yay! I didn't manage to found a religion. At later times, I found a faith ruin. how useless in this game.

Diplomacy was basically non-existant. For all civs, I only had enough time for 1 trade agreement before attacking them.

I very much loved how catapults could disembark, set up, and fire in just one round. It took a bit of learning to do this well.

spying: only defended against foreign spies.

thanks for the fun


edit: Game got stuck when Boudicca asked me about the troops at her border. I loaded autosave T131 and ended up stuck, I loaded autosave T130, played it rougly like the first time and got stuck again. So I loaded autosave T130 again and declared war myself before she could corrupt my game.
t165, frigate rush

extra city at 6 iron after building oxford

3 x tradition and 2 x commerce

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