TSG70 After Action thread

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Welcome to the TSG70 After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

- What did you do with the free policy at era change?
- How many cities did you build? How many did you end up with?
- How did you use religion or spying to your advantage given BNW? Are these element more of a factor, or less?
- What Social Policies and Ideologies did you select and how did they support your goals?
- How did diplomacy go with your neighbors?
- Were your UA, UU and UB helpful in achieving your goals?
- Were any AI runaway's in your game?

Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences (please state if the game is a replay).

Would be interested to hear any thoughts on game setup. :)
After 150 turns or so, I was able to estabilish my empire with 2 cities and a stable gold income and positive happiness... but I fell waaaaay behind any other civilization in the game, even Spain which got crushed by the assyrians from early on.

I retired that game and ended gaming for tonight. It was a decent attempt at a difficult I really never have beaten, and tomorrow I'm trying again with a more aggressive game from the start, fully skipping religion and going with either Tradition or Honor, not Liberty.

Best place for first expo seemed to be NW of starting location, near the mountains - double Wine, double stone, a sheep and a horse, so pretty decent place overall.

Moderator Action: Moved this to the After Action thread because you retired from the game, so it seemed more appropriate in this thread. Good effort, it is a tough game. :eek:
Game: Civ5 GOTM 70
Date submitted: 2013-10-03 02:15:24
Reference number: 29808
Your name: glory7
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1570AD
Turns played: 224
Base score: 3175
Final score: 7215
Time played: 11:09:00
Submitted save: glory7_gotm70_t224.Civ5Save
Renamed file: glory7_C507001.Civ5Save

#1 screenshot is the turn (t222) I finished internet (2 GS + rati finisher + 1 faith GS). You can see that there are only 3 other civs remaining... and brazil and maya had only 1 city left.

I mistimed GM production but fortunately my 2 faith GM were enough. Gave one city to Brazil and DoW, and moved GM in for concert. Same for Spain.

I rushed visitor agency with GE (finished it at t223 as I forgot to buy it a turn before...) but it was not needed. tpt was 626 at t223 and when I got visitor agency it was about 700.

SP: full tradition - consulates - aes open (had to choose one before renaissance) secularism - free thought - scholarism and culture diplomacy (all patro except the last one) - aesthetics - order up to factory bonus - aes finish - order 34% bonus - etc.

Religion: 1c 1f from wine - tithe + pagodas (should have chosen religious community) - 15% growth when not at war (again, I was at war all the time after 5 Xbows rush.. clearly dumb choice) and itinerant preachers.

Started with tradition 4 cities. There were no wars and lots of DoF... I DoFed with 4 civs too. And all civs were building wonders like crazy. When I observed that 4 civs were going aesthetics, I decided to take wonders and great works by force. used first 2 GWs to get consulates and secularism faster. Used first GA for Golden age.

Beelined dynamite after education. After univs, I built workshop + barracks and units. started the first war (with maya) when I got 5-6 Xbows. I even got heroic epic at cap, which was totally unnecessary. With 4 RAs + GS for fertilizer + oxford for dynamite, I got dynamite at t150. I went for Maya as I had to kill both brazil and india who were culture runaways and had like 7-8 wonders each. I didn't even built amphitheater and just built units. Archaelogists? well, I will "hire" foreigners.

Artys + UUs destroyed them quick, I think I cleared all main cities of Maya, Brazil, and India by t190. After building 10 artys, I built opera houses and hermitage so that I can move plunders to my own cities until resistance ends in the captured cities.

I captured 7-8 archaelogists and used them to build landmarks and dig artifacts. I think I built only one archaelogist myself, at the very end of the game, as I forgot to delete it from the production queue. I made like 3-4 great works total (1 writing and 2 arts I think) and captured the rest. Same for wonders - I built only one wonder by myself - Eiffel tower at cap.

Spain was #1 army guy so I bribed her to backstab byz and indonesia. Spain almost killed assyria and faced border with me, so I made sure that she was busy fighting other guys. I gave/sold unnecessary cities to Spain during the whole game. I eventually took all caps except Madrid. I didn't even go war with Spain and focused on weak guys who got lots of great works and wonders. You can tell from the score that I took more than half of the world and got 90% of the wonders.

I proposed world's fair and that was a big mistake - should have proposed international games instead. I didn't expect this to end this quick. Had to win it so that others won't get 100% culture bonus. Combined with the golden age (used great artist), I got 2000+ culture per turn. Could get another policy and I also had one saved GW, but not needed in the end.

One of the best Gotm I've ever played. Thank you very much for a great map, staff!


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I retired on turn 216. I was doing ok, starting to catch up on the tech through spies and RAs. Then Pacal DOWed me on the turn I finished taking Assyria's capital. My artillery was no match for his modern units, and he was decimating me.

I'm really not sure what I did wrong on this, I seem to fall so much further behind on tech than others do. I'll be interested to try to replay using other folks strategies.

And I must be doing something wrong earning culture. I had a pretty ideal first 100 turns, but I don't get SPs anywhere near as fast as Tommy's Poland guide says I should.
Social Policies: went full Liberty (which is unusual for me, but really wanted the Settler), then 2 in Patronage (to be Friends with all the City-States), then full Rationalism.

Befriended all the Civs except Indonesia and Assyria. Currently in a VERY long war with Assyria (as is Gandhi), but they have Gatling Guns, Cannons and Rifles so it is very slow going. I finally researched Dynamite for Artillery and to obsolete his annoying Great Wall which prevented me from attacking him 100 turns earlier.

The only Wonder I built (so far) was Pyramids. I needed some extra workers, and at lest 3 City-States wanted me to build it.

T120 Edu. T132 Astro. T175 Radio (Oxford tech for Ideologies). T202 Plastics.

I captured 3 Assyrian cities once I had Artillery units, including the size 32 capital Assur... 16 turns of Resistance is really painful.

T231 Gandhi completes Apollo Program. The following turn, Gandhi enters the Information Era while I am still 1 tech away from the Atomic Era.

T265 Apollo. Could have gotten it quite a bit earlier, but I was still having delusions about trying to win via Culture.

Gandhi was pulling ahead so I DoWed him despite our excellent relations. I was hoping to get Brazil and the Maya to attack as well, but they never agreed to go to war with India even though they had both denounced Gandhi. Not sure why that is. Possibly since India had the largest army they just feared him too much?

In hindsight, I could have won a Space VC if I just ignored the Culture VC altogether, and just focus on trying to win regardless. Trying to force Culture was a big mistake in my game.

I think the only way to win a Culture VC on this map was to do was glory did and simply kill (most) everyone. That was actually my plan going into the game, but Assyria's Great Wall made me back out. Also, Pacal's cities would have been very hard to take due to their placement.

I was about 12 turns from winning when Gandhi won Space VC.
Lost before T100. Had two cities, on my way to starting NC at T75, but Assyria attacked.

Started the game by stealing two workers, one from Maya another from a City State. So was at "war" with these two for the first 40-50 turns or so (although no fighting), then another City State declared on me (I'm sure there was a reason, but I'm not aware of it). The Maya attacked and after several turns I asked for peace. Then about 10 turns later Assyria attacked and captured my two cities in short order.

When I saw Assyria's troops approaching my borders, I started checking with other Civs to see who would be open to a bribe to go to war with them and distract them from me, but no takers. It didn't help that I had no real money to speak of.

Need to manage the early worker stealing better. Also learn to balance the pursuit of "education" tech with military tech. I was over extended on the top part of the tech tree when the Mayan troops started attacking, and as soon as I started researching the bottom tree (military) the Maya seemed to back off a bit, by moving their troops away it seemed, but I still asked for peace.

Now off to find another deity map to play.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 70
Date submitted: 2013-10-05 15:22:35
Reference number: 29824
Your name: WxDan
Game status: Conquest Loss
Game date: 1862AD
Turns played: 301
Base score: 454
Final score: 454
Time played: 4:30:00
Submitted save: Casimir III_0301 AD-1862.Civ5Save
Renamed file: WxDan_C507001.Civ5Save

- What did you do with the free policy at era change? Managed to fill all of Tradition, Aesthetics, and Rationalism, along with Consulates before I got to Ideology.

- How many cities did you build? How many did you end up with? Built 3 cities, eventually lossed Krakow (to Monaco, grrr), then captured Coba from the Mayans, then lossed them all.

- How did you use religion or spying to your advantage given BNW? Are these element more of a factor, or less? Stole my way back into Tech parity after being knocked down by the Maya/Monaco earlier in the game.

- What Social Policies and Ideologies did you select and how did they support your goals? Trad/Aesth/Ratio and then Autocracy, because that was the only one that wouldn't put me into nasty unhappiness. Everyone else beat me to Ideologies.

- How did diplomacy go with your neighbors? Ok except with the Maya, and in the end Assyria.

- Were your UA, UU and UB helpful in achieving your goals? There not bad, but I can't say they helped with my goal, since my goal was to not be conquered.

- Were any AI runaway's in your game? Not a huge advantage, but the Mayans were definitely the top dog.

I've never beaten Immortal, so I figured this would be ugly. Settled 3 total cities, then developed some defense because I was worried about Assyria. We became friends, so I switched focus back to science until the Mayans started hovering around my borders. They waited several turns to attack, but I couldn't pay anyone else to distract them. When they came I fought them off, but Monaco was their ally and forces on that border were not prepared for an endless supply of XBs and Pikes. Monaco burned Krakow to the ground.

Eventually made peace with Pacal and set about repairing my crippled lands. After I hit artillery I took Coba from Pacal and made peace. Three cities allowed me to build up my infrastructure. I stole my way up the tech tree and was almost even with the leaders. I had long given up on the culture victory, but thought Science might be possible. Then Assyria and the Mayans both DOWed me and my defenses were completely inadequate to stop them. I had neglected military to build up my cities.

Overall, while I'm disappointed in the loss, I was happily surprised to make it to Turn 300. I'll get some practice at Immortal after the patch and be back to deity soon. ;)
Game: Civ5 GOTM 70
Date submitted: 2013-10-05 17:12:47
Reference number: 29827
Your name: Monthar
Game status: Conquest Loss
Game date: 1750AD
Turns played: 260
Base score: 533
Final score: 533
Time played: 5:44:00
Submitted save: AutoSave_0260 AD-1750.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Monthar_C507001.Civ5Save

As soon as I met the Mayans and Assyrians I knew this would happen.
I'm embroiled in one awful war of attrition with Assyria. Have pretty much not moved an inch for 67 turns. Yuck. That guy is worse than Germany with his endless waves.

Pacal has been unseated as the king of culture by Brazil. I am researching Fertilizer, and we know what happens when you experiment with different mixtures of that stuff. Artillery is my only hope as I have beelined straight from Education.

I am still dead last. Well not dead last, as that spot is held by Theo, as she is dead.
T110 image:
Spoiler :

So from T110 to now this happened: Lost Krakov to Spain, she razed it even though it had marble, 3 copper and Sinai. OKAY u mad woman! Assyria resettled it later.
Just about when I free'd Kyzyl and took one smaller city from Spain next to it. Then I took also Valencia which was next to Wroclaw to the north (and lost both of my close to +range promotion xb in the process).

T188 now: I just got mt first +2 Tourism from an Archaeological Dig, yay~! Also Oxford finished to grab Radio and be first for the Ideologies (after having been caught stealing Electricity from Brazil;
lied and gonna keep stealing though as it will take 35 more turns for the next tech (lvl3 spy) and by the time he wants to kill me I need to kill him anyway too). Meanwhile he just declared on Pacal who himself
declared earlier on Gandi once (and 2nd time just 10 turns after they made peace for 5 gold per turn from me). [Everyone is plotting against me btw - probably since I still got weakest military.]
So the Maya are probably doomed which is kinda bad as his religion has Sacred Sites and without that dominating/spreading to me I won't win CV for sure. Anyway, I'm still alive and in a decent diplomatic position (Assyria probably won't attack me).
Must kill India and Brazil though. And then Gaja will win. So I guess he needs to die too... just no idea how that is supposed to happen (not to forget that even Assyria will win Science or Diplo about 150 turns before I could win a CV too).

So let's see in what kind of trouble/hell picking a Ideology first is going to get me... First of all it seems like I'm not getting to pick my Ideology this turn but next turn... awful.
That mean's my free Poland SP ca'n not be a tenet. Even more awful: I had gained a regular SP on that turn as well, so I could have gotten 4 Tenets. Back to reality: only 2 Tenets for me -.-
At least Cultural Center comes now at kinda the right time (just before Museums and Broadcast Towers will be build).
Anyway, I went for Order as I think Iron Curton will be quite useful. And with +38 happiness currenly I might even get to use the Tourims tenet from there. And I've actually not yet researched Industrialization, so
I might actually be able to use the Factory tenet for the first time ever to build factories in half the time. Autocracy would have been a decent choice too imho. I somehow have the feeling though that Brazil and the others
are more likely to join in on Order than taking Autocracy (and I don't feel like using Tanks here, thinking of Bombers and Winged Hussars (maybe some Artillery too)).

Used a GE for Eiffel Tower. Got 2 workable Landmarks from the ancient era. 3 more dig sites are reserved (blocked) by 2 GGs and a captured Missionary as there are plenty of "friendly" Archaeologists roaming the
continent while mine pop only every other decade. My caravel (searching for the rest of the CS) has spotted 2 more dig sites on one tile snowy islands, maybe I can get those too?

Btw, a Pagoda was bought in Lodz from the Indian Religion. Due to many Spanish Missionaries planlessly wandering around instead of converting me I was able to at least temporarily convert Lodz to Catholicism
with enslaved missionaries and buy a Monastery and a Cathedral there too.

Ideologies: me Order, then 2 Freedom, 3 Autocracy and 1 also Order. The latter was the Maya... those that have war with India, Brazil and soon me. Not so great. All my happiness buffer is gone,
so the tourism tenet for higher happiness is pointless as well (didn't even pick it yet though). Got Hotels and well... still not even Exotic to a single civ. I'm pretty sure it would have been
better to not go for any tourism at all and instead just wipe off the whole world except a single capital and then wait some hundred more turns to win with all the stolen tourism over that last left civ.

First Bombers arrived (not for me yet). I'll have to kill stuff now though... I'm afraid though that they'll all jump on me once I'm going for one as
they're all friends with each other (me too, obviously I'd wait till friendship runs out, but even without backstabbing they'll most likely all turn on me).
Didn't touch Spain any further at all though as with 60-70 strength cities and mass units I wouldn't have come far.

Made peace with Spain for 40 gpt.
Paid 18 gpt to Assyria so he declares on Pedro.
I've managed to get allied to a handful CS and upped my tourism to a point where Brazils ideology doesn't influence me with 2 "ideology hammers" anymore, so unhappiness from that went down to only -7.
Currently with more than 40 happiness I've now adapted the +34% tourism to less happy civs. It's kinda pointless I guess since I won't win culturally (or at all). My troops have all picked up Altitude Training (lost my close to lvl9 Winged Hussar though as it greedily hunted a Spanish GG) and I'm ready to put up some bombers now (since I'll have Radar in about 30 turns (or earlier if I burn a GS)).
Might attempt taking on the Mayans now and then move further with Bombersupport over Brazil and probably India too. That's the plan... I already know it won't really happen because I'm awful at Deity warfare.
edit) As I expected I didn't attack anyone :D

After thinking I might sneak a science victory in here, suddenly the UN came up and without realizing I had 26 votes due to CS allies (before it was the UN I only had 8 votes).
So I reconsidered it and instead went for the Diplo win here. With Polens UA I was getting 2 more Policies from that point on due to entering 2 more Eras - that lined up pretty nicely
so I could actually complete Rationalism for the free tech (=Globalism) which would give me some extra votes for Diplomats.
1 turn before the vote (T269) I had about 2500 gold, used it to ally a few more CS which brought me up to 40 votes (33 needed).
However I decided it would probable be safer to declare war on Pedro and Gajah so they couldn't steal all my CS allies with their combined treasury of more than 20.000 gold!
So it's 38/33 votes now and I'm gonna hit end turn... worked:

T271 Diplomatic Victory.

120 turns in I thought maybe not getting eliminated on this map can already be considered a little achievement, now I even won...
Not Culturally of course; but mind you - that is absolutely impossible and I'll be damned if someone actually managed to win a Tourism Victory!

... all glory to Glory. 7.
(even though I guess it was more of a conquest victory^^)

Here you can see how impossible a somewhat normal culture attempt is:
Spoiler :
I really went into this trying to go for a Tourism Victory. At turn 150 my goal was survivng. At Turn 200 my goal changed into Science. And just on around turn 250 I then switched to/realized Diplomacy would be safer and faster.

PS: All went for religion heavily. They send out Missionaries like idiots, but not too me. No one ever attempted to convert me (there was some natural spread of course, but no actual conversions). Quite disappointing.
So I finally got my first Deity cultural victory, AND I finished my first GOTM! Score!
I'm quite pleased with my game, although I made A LOT of mistakes. I should probably have warred more than I did, but it just felt that getting the hammers for a proper war was impossible while trying to get all the cultural and science buildings... How do you manage that?
Spoiler :
Screenshot of my empire at the turn of my win

Things I believe I did right:

  • Managed to get Uffizi, Louvre and Eiffel Tower.
  • Made friends with a couple of key AIs, and then denounced the Mayans, making my friends denounce them because of the "People we like more than you have denounced you" and "You have denounced a person we have made a friendship agreement with" diplo modifiers. This resulted in that my friends' friends denounced the Mayans and suddenly EVERYONE denounced and warred the Mayans. Also, this stunt gave me 6 friends for RAs and a casus belli to attacking and eliminating the Mayans which were my strongest cultural competitor at the time. All according to plan.
  • Grabbed the Mayans capitol by using Volunteer army and surrounding the city. Ghandis and mine aircraft did the heavy lifting. The city had 8 GWs, SC, GL, Boro, Parthenon and tons of other stuff.
  • Settled Wroclaw on the coast to the north, which made possible naval trade routes to Indonesia, India and Spain. My trade route to Jakarta netted me 34 gold per turn already in industrial, so all this money made it possible to buy some of the buildings I needed instead of hard-building everything.
  • Stole every single one of Assyrias landmarks and remained friendly. Such a forgiving guy.

Things I believe I did wrong/did not work for me
  • Failed my city snatch of Tikal by accidentally attacking the city before I was sure to get it. Ghandhi then sniped it the following turn. Judging by the city's cultural borders, it had some pretty sweet stuff, which instead went directly to my cultural rival :(. That took at least 10 turns off my victory. It even had a possible landmark next to Lodz that Ghandi just stole.
  • Did not generate enough faith to buy more than one GM when I hit the internet. If I had built my temples and Grand Temple at the industrial, I could have had enough faith for at least one more GM.
  • Never got around to propose the International Games and I missed the free social policy from Worlds Fair by 20 production. So basically I messed up my WC game something horrible.
  • I lost PT to Ghandi with one turn left. :mad: And i had 2 RAs coming the next 3 turns and I JUST picked the 50% from rati... Damn Ghandi...
  • I stopped signing RAs too early, since it became apparent that I would need airports to deal with Ghandi, and as such I had to hard-tech my way to that.
  • Accidentally lost a possible landmark next to Lodz to Pedro because I had opener my borders to him. For those of you keeping count, that's two lost landmarks in the same city.
  • Lost Sinai to Assyria around turn 34... Not much to be done about that though.
  • I might have mismanaged my BO when I hit the industrial era. I had to choose between Archaeologists, Public Schools, PT/Louvre/Uffizi/Hermitage, Factories, GWBs and Museums. Archaeologists and factories lost the vote, but I could probably have taken some of Ghandis/Pedros landmarks if I had hurried with them.

Still, I think it went quite well, and I am proud that I managed a (somewhat) peaceful CV on this map, with only one short war (about 10 turns and I was pretty much just vulturing). I am still at a loss, though, of how to manage the BO in industrial era. There are just so many things to build...

Stats are below:
Name: Civ5 GOTM 70
Date submitted: 2013-10-05 16:26:25
Reference number: 29825
Your name: Enniwhere
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1770AD
Turns played: 264
Base score: 1522
Final score: 2926
Time played: 8:09:00
Submitted save: TSG70_264_CV.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Enniwhere_C507001.Civ5Save
Ah, this game is very big challenge for me. I decided to retire in my first attempt, at T125 because I think that I made too many mistakes early on. I let Maya expand in a most sneaky way, one city right next to me.. should have blocked it somehow, and DoWing now would flag me a backstabber O-o. Second problem was science which I felt was a bit too low. Since I tried a Poland Deity game (on Pangae) a few days ago where I came extremely close to winning my first Deity - basically lost due to 1 badly planned Musician!!! Omg! -, I think that I can do better than this.
So I will try again and see what happens and I'll look into some guides as well :)
So I finally got my first Deity cultural victory, AND I finished my first GOTM! Score!
Congratulations and welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM! :thumbsup:

So I will try again and see what happens and I'll look into some guides as well :)
Best of luck, it is a good way to learn. Keep up the good work. :goodjob:
Enniwhere: Super well done. How you pulled off a true CV in the face of the AIs selected in this game is an incredible achievement. I'd like to know how you ran your game (i.e. general paths at the beginning, etc).

I'll be surprised if someone else can replicate this (without war-mongering the world), but anxious to see.
Enniwhere: Super well done. How you pulled off a true CV in the face of the AIs selected in this game is an incredible achievement. I'd like to know how you ran your game (i.e. general paths at the beginning, etc).

I'll be surprised if someone else can replicate this (without war-mongering the world), but anxious to see.

Thank you so much!

My first thought was to go Tradition into Piety this game but since the Assyrians grabbed the only viable city spot with access to Sinai so early, that thought quickly turned sour. I did get very lucky with my ruins: 2 extra pop, 1 culture, 1 gold, Sailing(!) and 1 faith after getting my pantheon (which was Festivals by the way), so religion still seemed viable. My huge stroke of luck was the fact that I found no less than 3(!) barbarian workers and one barbarian settler if I remember correctly, but they came just after I robbed a CS of theirs and rush-bought one, so I kinda got overwhelmed, and gave the two that belonged to Antwerp back to them for 90 influence on top of the +10 from pledge. I then proceeded to block one of the workers with my border + a scout near a barb camp, and sure enough, 20 turns later a barb spawned and recaptured the worker, and then I "freed" him again for 45 influence. Didn't get a second chance at that trick though :mischief:. I think a lot of my success early game is because I managed to get Swords into Ploughshares(Still had a dream of peaceful CV) and Tithe and cranked out early food trade routes to Warsaw, making it quite the beast. Krakow was also an amazing city because of the 3 stone and the 3 pastures and ofc the mountain.

I decided against piety after speeding through Tradition, because everyone seemed to go nuts about the religion, and I probably had no chance at getting World Religion when nobody had mine. So my Medieval SP went into Aesthetics and I stared making writers and artists like there was no tomorrow. Eventually one of the writers bulbed me secularism after the Renaissance SP opened up rati.

The thing that made my victory possible, however, was probably my denouncement of Pacal, after assuring that he had no declared friends. I have never seen public opinion sway so fast and so effectively. I mainly did this because he ofc stole every good culture and religious wonder and had like 20k culture at the late renaissance :eek:. And of course the "we have denounced the same people" modifier which gave me 6 friends right at the time of Education - which I beelined and got around T107 I think. Everyone collapsing on him coincided within 10 turns of me picking Volunteer Army and marching superior troops right in for surrounding his two remaining cities. And I didn't even get diplo hits because everyone hated him, and most were even at war with him. Gandhi believed that "We have fought a common enemy" :lol:.

I spent Oxford to get to Radio right after Electricity so that I would have a good shot at getting ET (made it in Krakow so that it would get the +33% culture after PT was ninjaed by Gandhi) and I could be the first to get Freedom - making my Foreign Legion rush possible.

I think the key is to just play a CV like you would a SV: grow your cities like there's no tomorrow and buy the science buildings if that gives you 10 more turns with one of them. I attached some random screens of my empire from my saves. Didn't expect that anyone would be interested in a writeup, so never prepared screens of the good stuff :crazyeye:

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T168 right after Oxfording Modern Era

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T200 right after vulturing Mayans. Tikal was sniped by Gandhi :cry:

EDIT: Oh and of course Wroclaws placement ended up being a gamechanger, even though it took a while to get roads up there and getting the harbor+cargoships going. That city alone netted me like 160 GPT in the late game, which was used for a lot of loans for science and culture buildings when needed.
Got Dynamite on T191, which helped cut through Assyria. But I don't know where that guy gets all his units. Every two turns there would be about 3-4 more riflemen / GWI. I took Assur with pop of 36, so now 18 turns of unrest. There were no GW inside, but a pile of wonders.

Brazil is showing signs of running away, is going culture, proposed the Standing Army Tax, and THEN went Autocracy. :crazyeye:

And so the lines have been drawn:
  • Autocracy - Brazil, Isabella, Me
  • Order: Indonesia, Maya
  • Freedom: Assyria, India

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But things are not looking good. Brazil is my best good buddy, he's on the other side of Pacal, and he's got loads of bombers.

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Pacal is next. He doesn't have any oil.
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I will not submit this one because i reloaded a few times. It was my first cultural game since BNW(yeah 'bout time :lol:). I was in learning time and since that i missed a lot of details through the game i decided at some point to reload and make the best from my actual knowledge. I did reload at some turns when i realized that i can stop an archeologist from finishing a site and done it when a museum is built, for example. I didn't know about the agressiveness of AIs when they reach Archeology as well.

I decided to stay peaceful for learning purposes. Thank god scholastism(+20% science from the turn 105) has been a lot useful. I even got 50% RA boost from Rationalism(combined with PT) before moving to Freedom ideology. Cpt rate was quite good too with Sistine.

Strategy used :

Tech path : Scientific Theory--->Archeology--->Plastics--->Radar--->Internet

Observation :

I was building public schools so i delayed Archeo as a tech but also the archeologists because i built them after PBs only. First big mistake. Brazil and Ghandi spawned them around the moment where the first archologists have been out of town. I easily missed 6-7 sites. I completely forgot about Louvre. A secondary city would have built PT instead.

Thay may explain why i reached 576 tpt only.

I went for Radar before Internet. Another big mistake. The Internet bonus and the tourism NW(with all hotels built) where much more powerful. 2nd big mistake. I'm awared of the sell and DoW trick to not waste turns for GMs but it wasnt necessary. I got 4 GMs, 1 for a slot, 1 from Broadway with only 3600 tourism and 2 more with 5760 tourism. Burned all the 3 GMs to India. Had wait a dozen of turns for Brazil to naturally be influencial and win the game.

So it's definitively better to go like this :

Archeology--->Scientific theory--->Plastics--->Internet--->Radar

With this tech path i would have save 20-25 turns. With more tpt and earlier i would not had wait like 15-20 turns waiting to be all influencial(Internet turn 218, should have been 215 if i hadn't forgot about a lone gs hiding behind a unit...) and better retain of GMs.

Can someone explain why i suddenly jumped around 750 tpt for some turns before end(guess it helped but i don't know where it came from)?
Got Dynamite on T191, which helped cut through Assyria. But I don't know where that guy gets all his units. Every two turns there would be about 3-4 more riflemen / GWI. I took Assur with pop of 36, so now 18 turns of unrest. There were no GW inside, but a pile of wonders.
I replayed the game a second time and the Assyrians (with their 3 cities) were able to pump out what seemed to be 3-4 units a turn for over 50 turns. It wasn't until I got Artillery that I was finally able to take it. In the meantime, I did rack up a ton of XP on my units though.
Hey well done glory7! Nice way to get a CV. I was thinking about getting BOTH units and Wonders...so you let the AI doing the dirty job for you? Quite interesting. But with proper management i'm pretty sure that you can do around that time peacefully too. You only need to don't miss the important wonders i guess. But you didn't care this time isn't it! :lol:

I rushed visitor agency with GE (finished it at t223 as I forgot to buy it a turn before...) but it was not needed. tpt was 626 at t223 and when I got visitor agency it was about 700

In my game this NW was pretty good. My capital was very tourism centric with all these slots available. Other cities only had a few. In your game you probably had scattered tourism across your numerous cities. That may explain the ''useless'' level.
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