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Turn 167


Chasing Time
Aug 10, 2004
As the most important turn in the game so far, turn 167 deserves its own thread. Of course, if we get the save, and KISS has already declared war, then all bets are off, but would they really declare on someone strong in their Golden Age?

Anyway, I expect to play this turn very slowly and carefully to avoid any mistakes, so I thought I would start a thread and update as I go along, so people can comment, especially if there are key decisions to be made during the turn.

Once the save comes in, I will try to post when I anticipate being able to play so people can try to be online if they want. Hopefully, I will pick a time that at least our Defense Minister will be able to guide me.

The first thing I intend to do (unless someone objects) is investigate Senilityville, Effing Whomping Rower, and Wilde Side. I don't think we need to waste money investigating any other towns.

If the admins could confirm that it is OK, I would like the first person who gets access to the save to investigate those 3 towns and post the screenshots here (but don't do anything else, of course). I will definitely duplicate the investigations when I play the turn, but by posting here early, it gives us time to talk about KISS' defense as a team first.
I was suggesting in this post similar without reading the above properly :) ... so will ammend.

This is the logical first move, because if these target cities are mega-defended we may need to alter strategies.

Great Idea about having the first player to access the save post the screenies :salute:

Unfortunately due to me not being at home until about 18hours-ish ... and the fact that my g/f's computer would serve better as an outdoor garden ornament ... I will probably be unable to help with this :(

If the attack is feasible then you should send the 'declaration of war' along with the save. (just incase I am unabale to send the message in time).
I think it should be noted that KISS has now sent the save to Dnuts, and did NOT send us a declaration of war when they sent the save.

This hopefully means that we have not been attacked and can continue as planned.

However, they could potentially still send the declaration or not send one at all.
Chamnix - Did you PM the admins to get an OK on the screenshot thing?
I can do it if you don't have time.

Hi guys,

Do you see any problem with someone opening the next save once it arrives, investigating 3 KISS cities, and posting screenshots of those 3 so we have time to discuss them before I play?

When I play for real I will redo the investigations so our gold is spent - the only point is so that our team has time to input on KISS' defense.

Our discussion is here.



RM's response:

That is okay, as long as you investigate every city that you get a screenie from when you actually play the save.

That certainly makes things easier.

Now – a note on strategy…

I would like to argue that unless the defense in Senilityville are truly overwhelming, we should stick with the plan of hitting there first.

If the battlelogs we got from TNT are any indication (and I know our new members are not allowed to say for sure) then KISS is relying pretty heavily on MedInfs. They don't have the technology to upgrade them to anything else – so I'm expecting to see a lot of them.

It seems like it would be a good plan for us to go ahead and try to smash as many of their MDI as we can on the opening turns of the war… and thus prevent them from attacking us.

I'd much rather face a 4.2.1 unit when we're attacking with Cavalry, then defending with a Hoplite or Musket even.

Strategically – is that a bad plan? Should we be avoiding KISS's strong spots and burning cities in the weak areas?
Or do we let our hammer stroke fall on their main force?

I'd argue that we should go for their jugular. Once we crack one of KISS's frontline jungle towns, and lay rail through the jungle, our Cavalry can rampage through the soft underbelly of the KISS empire. If we can decimate their frontline forces and open a hole though the jungle – KISS will have more vulnerable towns than they can possibly defend.
From that point on, KISS is faced with the impossible choice of weakly defending all their vulnerable towns, or leaving some non/scarcely guarded.
Momentum would be heavily in our favor.

Now – if Senilityville is weakly defended – then we should be able to accomplish the plan Chamnix laid out with minimal force, leaving plenty of Cavalry to pound the KISS MedInfs wheverever they are lurking (if we happen to find it via our investigations… and I agree, KISS most certainly must have the weight of their forces divided between Wilde Side, Effing Whomping Rower, and Senilityville).

Other thoughts?
I got the save!
We weren’t attacked!

Here are the screenshots…
(Imageshack not working – so used photobucket)

Units in Senelityville:
Cavalry = 6
Longbows = 2
Cannon = 2
Muskets = 2
MedInf = 4

Units in Effing Whomping Rower:
Cavalry = 2
Longbow = 1
Cannon = 2
Muskets = 2
MedInf = 2

Units in Wilde Side:
Cannon = 1
Musket = 1

So there we have it!
I still advocate hitting Senelityville (For reasons outlined in previous post)
I’m very pleased to see how few Muskets they have! There are a lot of units there… but they’re mostly offense units. Let’s kill them on the defense!

P.S. My domestic Update may not get done in time – but the builds are pretty straight forward. Just Cavalry, Cannons, and a Barracks in Phi Beta Kappa… if you play the turn before I post orders, just go for it Mr. President!
Senilityville ... 53 gold

Cavalry ... 6
Cannon ... 2 + 1
Longbow ... 2 + 1
Muskets ... 1
Maces ... 3 + 1

On Mountain - S of City
Pike ... 1
Workers ... 5
* All Veteran unless stated

Effing Whomping Rower ... 53 gold

Cavalry ... 2
Cannon ... 3
Longbow ... 1
Muskets ... 2
Maces ... 2 (one is Regular)
* All Veteran unless stated

On Mountain - SE of City
Pike ... 1
Workers ... 2

Wilde Side ... 43 gold

Cavalry ... 2
Cannon ... 1
Longbow ...
Muskets ...
Maces ...
* All Veteran unless stated

UNIT Stats
Cavalry ... Att - 6, Def - 3, Mov - 3
Cannon ... Att - 0, Def - 0, Mov - 1, Bomb - 8, Range - 1, Rate - 1
Musket ... Att - 2, Def - 4, Mov - 1
Mace ... Att - 4, Def - 2, Mov - 1
Longbow ... Att - 4, Def - 1, Mov - 1, Bomb - 2, Range - 0, Rate - 1
Pike ... Att - 1, Def - 3, Mov - 1

X-posted with Gen_W boy are we eager or what :lol:

Looks Good Guys :salute:
I definitely don't see anything there to make me change my mind about attacking. A couple notes...

Where are all KISS' units? We know they have many more than that - I guess they really don't trust the Nuts and left many on BI, or still have many en route home. Those 3 towns combined don't have nearly enough to explain KISS' being average to us before our upgrades.

I agree that we still hit Senilityville and shoot for Dunderhead. However, Wilde Side defended by 1 musket?! I think that as long as we capture Dunderhead with at least 3-4 cavalry remaining, we should take Wilde Side as well. Since the jungle is still up, we can keep that town instead of abandoning it at the end of the turn.

Unfortunately, there is no road from Wilde Side to their saltpeter. We won't be able to chop their saltpeter this turn, but by taking Wilde Side, it gives us a possibility of taking Apefish and probably disconnecting their saltpeter next turn.

They built a fortress N-NE of Senilityville? Why? I don't understand that...

It was nice of them to found the town of Jungle Boogie - we can add that to the list of towns to raze to push them toward war weariness. And actually, maybe we can hit their saltpeter from that direction.

Bottom line - I think all systems are go following the original plan leading to Dunderhead. The only "change" is I'd like to get Wilde Side as well - I was thinking that would be too much, but since they are not really defending it, I would go for it as long as we accomplish our primary goal with units to spare.
Regarding Fortress ... could have been a slip of the keys and must stay since to remove would also unroad it.

I agree with what you suggest :salute:
I'm relieved they haven't attacked!

I'm thrilled they haven't loaded up the towns with military!

But I won't be able to check back for another 12 hours.... To Victory!
Playtime will be sometime after 2200 GMT tonight depending on when I get home from work. I'm hoping to start this turn early because I'm sure it will take a while, but I will try to accomodate others if they want to be there for the "action".
That fortress could be a strong hold of some kind. i suggest investigating Swampland, to check the defenses there (especially if we are planning on attacking through that way (i cant quite remember))
I should be available then, off and on. I expect the turn will take a while, especially if we're discussing our moves during the turn-playing.

Also, I agree with Chamnix that we need to take Wilde Side if we can. I was shocked to see that it is so poorly defended. Let's hope they have many other towns like that.
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