Turns 160 - 169

Why will Epsilon's inevitable attack on someone have an effect on our technological position?
If they attack Piffle, we could catch up very quick, but it won't happen. If they attack Loco, it will have little effect. If they attack Aloha, we will lose our most important trading partner, but depending on the situation we might be able to keep up. If they attack us, we're screwed as far as tech goes. That was my thoughts at least...
The turn is 3 hours old now an there isn't too much to discuss so I'll just play later tonight.

The two barbarians are in range and should be killed quickly, Piffle keeps shodowing our galley and against all odds our hilltop mace man has been killed. Loco's axe sacraficed himself, then the bow took him out without injury. The troops in the woods might as well wait and heal up now.
I did mention that it wasn't a good idea to leave the Maceman out in the open, it's a very big risk for little gain.
1050 AD

Next turn we sail south again with 6 camels. Finished a missionary in Polynesia and started another to convert Pennsylvania.

Our war plan was to integrate Loco's cities to resuscitate our science rate and it looks like that may be too little too late. With Piffle and Epsilon so far ahead a space race could be their plan because a war would be just a waste of resources for them.

So for a plan B what are the chances of us secretly building the UN?

I didn't feel like posting screenies tonight, but if there is anything you'd like to see I'm sure I can do it tomorrow.
So for a plan B what are the chances of us secretly building the UN?
How would the UN save the game for us? It's not like anyone would vote for us as winners, and besides it may just as well backfire and give power to Epsilon.
UN votes are based on population. We are #1 in that category and about to capture a few more large cities. Then Aloha may support us rather than loose to Epsilon.

It’s not much of a plan yet but I'm just trying to figure out what sort of strategy we should peruse after the war.
The UN won't be of much help, I'm fairly sure. There's no way we'll get enough of the vote with Epsilon and Piffle around.

And don't hold your breath for them going for a Space Race. I'm almost certain that they'll use their technological lead for easy war. (I would.) ;)
The turn is here but haven't played it. Loco has a catapult and longbow set to hit our stack next turn. Built a cat in Reading too.
What's in the stack in the forest underneath our Mace? I'm fairly sure that they should be safe though, so don't worry. One catapult can't do enough harm to let the Longbow win any battle. :)
WB backs that up Parkin. They probably have more on the way, but so de we.

Our camels land in 2 turns. We are already well on our way to compleating the next wave that will take Reading.

With Loco busy beating up those dudes in the forest and probably rexpecting us to reinforce there Pensylvania shouldn't be too tough.

Found Delhi, when it come stime to take it I think we should raze.

They have sent an axe the long way around, we'll take care of him in due course.
Make sure you kill that axe.
We'll see what we will do with Delhi later.
The Axe poses no threat unless they have a Galley somewhere nearby (very unlikely, impossible if they don't have a canal city). A single Camel Archer will be enough to swat it away when it gets too near.
Oops, sorry I didn't notice this before but Loco got Gunpowder last turn.
Oops, sorry I didn't notice this before but Loco got Gunpowder last turn.
That could potentially create trouble. How much is on their bank account? I sure hope they don't have the gold to get several muskets in place before we attack the next city.
They have 112 gold and GNP is 67, however I don't think any units upgrade to muskets. Mace and longbows skip that step and upgrad all the way to Rifle.
Of course, you're right. I completely forgot that no units upgrade to muskets... :blush:
Yeah, nothing upgrades to Musketmen. And they no longer have the Pyramids so they can't get Universal Suffrage to gold-rush units either. Good news for us. :)
Aloha has gunpowder too!

Bananas connected now.

Next turn worker finishes in Magadan want another settler? Settler settles site 10 next turn what is our first build?

Camels land on the stone resource and ships can come back to load up for the Reading assault. We finish a camel, longbow and catapult next turn. Set production to Caravel #2 and two catapults.

P.S. I’ll be packing Tuesday then leave Wed morning and travel all that day. I’ll give a shout out some time Thursday; hopefully their computer can play Civ IV.
I'd like a worker in Magadan.
Do we have all happiness resources in our area covered and hooked up? I think that if we want to settle another site, it should at least have a unique resource.
Another worker? I don't know about that, we have 7 now and most of our core tiles are finished. We can build a barracks and use Magadan to build troops. That way we can maybe build something else in Ploughland or Glassport or maybe a monastery, we'll be needing missionaries for a while still.
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