U.S. Credit Rating Downgraded.

Typical ridiculous argument. The Citizens for Tax Justice estimated that between 2001 and 2010 the Bush Tax Cuts resulted in a 'loss' of $2.1T, or $2.5T with interest. So even taking the high end number, do you honestly want me to believe that the reason our debt is so high is because we 'lost' out on $2.5T in revenues in 10 years? Because that would be foolish.

The big problem is entitlement spending, especially social security and Medicare, but God forbid Democrats ever touch those.

Touch, yes. Rape them away just because the Republicans are willing to destroy the middle class to win an election? Forget it.
Unabashed, unwarranted optimism.

Well, that's what S&P was basing their original projection on. If you have a problem with that, take it up with S&P or the CBO.

Anyway, reading the comments on CNN and Fox had me lol'ing. Just a few days ago, Gallup released a poll in which 58% of Democrats favored the debt agreement (28% disapproved) compared to 33% and 26% of Independents and Republicans favoring it, respectively, (with 50% and 64% disapproving, respectively). But if you read the comments on those sites, it's a lot of "Blame the GOP!". Ah, fickle people.

Touch, yes. Rape them away just because the Republicans are willing to destroy the middle class to win an election? Forget it.

What are you talking about?
I'm amazed the lengths people go to in order to defend the President. He had control of Congress the first half of his term, and still failed to alleviate the trauma.

My only question is this: how much longer are you going to blame the government failures on the Bush tax cuts? Two years? Five years? ten?

Give me a break.

He was too busy working on his healthcare plan.
I'm amazed the lengths people go to in order to defend the President. He had control of Congress the first half of his term, and still failed to alleviate the trauma.

My only question is this: how much longer are you going to blame the government failures on the Bush tax cuts? Two years? Five years? ten?

Give me a break.

To be fair, the Democratic 60-seat majority was an illusion - Ted Kennedy wasn't present for most of it.

So really, they usually only had 58 or 59 most of the time, and 59 was very brief as well.

As such, the Senate was gridlocked.

You need 60 Senate seats to govern with absolute power in America, and Obama didn't have that in reality.

Even if he did, the Democrats are not some massive monolithic bloc anymore than the USSR and China, both being Communists, were friendly. They each represent diverse interests. On paper, the Democrats have a lot of power - larger membership, frequent rule of Congress - but in reality, they are so riddled with infighting that they rarely get things done.
He was too busy working on his healthcare plan.

An healthcare plan which will increase the U.s debt (which has cause their downgrade) by 3-8 trillion dollars and which most small U.s Business will not be able to afford,
An healthcare plan which will increase the U.s debt (which has cause their downgrade) by 3-8 trillion dollars and which most small U.s Business will not be able to afford,

But the Republicans are the only people that seem to be at fault...
So what happens when Moodys and S&P don't agree?
But the Republicans are the only people that seem to be at fault...

both party's are doing the same, the problem is in most country like Australia we have one party which likes to spend lots and we have another which likes to save pay off debt and so on the problem is both of the american party's like to spend lots not dont really like stopping the spending cutting back or in other words TOUGH LOVE
So what happens when Moodys and S&P don't agree?

S&P will probably reinstate the U.S.' AAA rating sometime next week amid tons of pressure from various governments and financial institutions. Or, people will just ignore the S&P and continue to treat the U.S. as it has a AAA rating.
So what happens when Moodys and S&P don't agree?

Moodys and S&P we caught asleep (caught off guard) when the U.s recession started, to me they lost all their credibility but the Chinese Credit rating agency was not caught off guard by the recession and was the first to downgrade the U.s i wouldn't be worrying about Moodys and S&P just at the moment
Naive question: who or what gives the S&P, Moody's, and Fitch their power?

It's not power per se. It's basically a financial service to use some sort of formula to rate products. It's essentially the same thing as an investment service. E.g. Meryl Lynch rates corporations, just like any other investor. The theory in some eyes is that the Investment company has better formulas, experience, etc.. so will predict correctly.

Same thing all the way back to ancient Greek Oracles. If you have faith/conviction, you will pay for that service when in need. Investors want to know where to place their money to make a profit, and some choose to believe the word of an investor service such as Moodys/S&P.

What's interesting is who rates the raters, especially if their formulas differ? And who would you give better credence to base on the rating scheme. But obviously you can't penalize them for having a particular system of logic to downrate/uprate. It's just free speech and business. And you don't blame the messenger just because the message wasn't one that you want to hear.

And Ahovking brings up an excellent point, but I wouldn't hold it against them forever. Was there evidence that they failed to complain before the housing bubble because of political collusion?

They symbolically downgrade each other.
:p :)
It's not power per se. It's basically a financial service to use some sort of formula to rate products. It's essentially the same thing as an investment service. E.g. Meryl Lynch rates corporations, just like any other investor. The theory in some eyes is that the Investment company has better formulas, experience, etc.. so will predict correctly.

What's interesting is who rates the raters, especially if their formulas differ? And who would you give better credence to base on the rating scheme. But obviously you can't penalize them for having a particular system of logic to downrate/uprate. It's just free speech and business. And you don't blame the messenger just because the message wasn't one that you want to hear.

But why are they such a big deal? Couldn't I create the madviking Bond Rating Corp. and start rating nations' bonds?
But why are they such a big deal? Couldn't I create the madviking Bond Rating Corp. and start rating nations' bonds?

Sure but like Walmart, can you grow it up from a mom and pop operation? Got something to sell the competitors don't already? :) :)
Touch, yes. Rape them away just because the Republicans are willing to destroy the middle class to win an election? Forget it.
Take a look at what happened to entitlement spending in Greece. That is what will happen in the U.S. if the deficit spending doesn't stop--your precious social programs will be raped away anyway. Not by Republicans, not by Democrats, and not by the Tea Party. It will happen no matter what. The only thing anybody has any control over is whether those programs get cut or crash completely.

The Republican solution will be less damaging to the poor, and holding Obama hostage was the right thing to do.
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