V2.5 Beta Testing

My late game still crashes the next turn. (And please comment on the hero of the sword located in Chen with 2 generals attached, no buttons are available and whenever you move him it'll crash too)

To make your save game work, open world builder, choose edit unit mode, select the unit Sun Ce is attached to, then set it's experience to 1, then return. It should not crash any more, but don't move that unit.

As to the move unit crash bug, I think I have fixed it, it may has something to do with that Huang Gai attack then crash thing before.
Hmm, I'm getting LOTS of CTD's with this latest Beta... perhaps I applied it wrong? (I downloaded it and copied over the previous beta). As for feedback, heroes seem to get executed far too much by the AI. I see the Cao Cao AI regulary excecute Zhang Liao and Xu Huang upon capturing them. It's just odd seeing two of Wei's five top generals die in every game...
Uploaded beta 4. Download at the old address in the first post. Start a new game recommended.

0.299: fix: fix CTD we hero dies in combat
fix missing diplomacy text for new rando leader
fix bug when a captured leader hero surrenders
rule tweak: lower chance for hero to die and be captured in combat
lower chance for captured hero to escape
lower chance for AI to execute and release heroes
Component: Better BTS AI update to 0.81


You did right apparently, these problems are now fixed.
I'm sorry, but I downloaded the new beta and I'm still getting crashes when army heroes get defeated (this time it was Liu Bei/Zhang Fei's Danyang against a Yuan Shu archer).
I got a python exception while browsing the Demographics screen, in the Top 5 Cities/Wonders section.
(forgot to take a screenshot though :()
I've noticed that I don't get a random hero when I win on defense or via the Yellow Turban trait. The screen pops up, and I can select the perk, but no hero ever appears. It gets quite annoying when this happens in the late game when combat points take forever to accumulate.

I have confirmed that Bug.


Please check to see if there's any python error log in your log folder. Should be located in My documents\my games\beyond the sword.


Accumulate enough XP with attack works fine?
Yep, attacking works just fine. It's just defense and other non-attack methods that don't work, the counter simply resets when it hits the threshold that way.
I have no English text when doing diplomacy.

Fen Cong doesn't appear to have a leaderhead (picture all black).

I need a save game for each of these bug, because I tried but failed to replicate the first bug, and the second one involves a random hero, whose name is random so I don't know which portrait he should be using.
Ok, this may be a bug, or it might be my interpretation, but the Stong promotion doesn't seem to give me an auto-win. I'm assuming it's supposed to give you a free win without taking any damage though. I used Zhao Yun to attack a barb warrior, and I still managed to take 15hp damage... if it just means that you can't lose the battle then I think the promotion requires some serious buffing, because if you already have the 3:1 strength ratio you only have a 1% chance of defeat.
@stmartin: I wasn't able to reproduce it and the PythonErr.log was overwritten. I'll try again :)
I need a save game for each of these bug, because I tried but failed to replicate the first bug, and the second one involves a random hero, whose name is random so I don't know which portrait he should be using.

Check Peng Zhao.


  • Cao Cao AD-0202-October.CivBeyondSwordSave
    407.6 KB · Views: 110
Raize said:
I have no English text when doing diplomacy.

I need a save game for each of these bug, because I tried but failed to replicate the first bug, and the second one involves a random hero, whose name is random so I don't know which portrait he should be using.

It only occurred the first time I ran it. The "agreement" options were all empty instead of displaying text.

Upon restarting the mod, the problem disappeared. I frankly wouldn't know how to replicate it.

Perhaps it lies in initiating the language setting for the mod - maybe the first time someone runs it, the language isn't set to "English" and so a default blank gets displayed, but from the first close/reload onward, English is set and thus it uses the proper language strings.

That's just my guess.
By the way, this is more or less a balance issue, but it occurs to me that you don't always want your sovereign leading an army. Sun Ce, for example, with his Conqueror promotion. If he forms an army, he has no personal unit. With no personal unit, nobody can use the Conqueror promotion and though the overall army might have +1 strength or some such, this isn't strong enough a benefit to overcome the power gained from a Conqueror unit. There is a strong disincentive to use Sun Ce as an army leader versus a legion leader.

It's a little counter-intuitive to think that you might not want your strongest leaders at the head of the army.

I'd suggest giving the army leader a personal "honor guard" unit, so that they don't disappear as an entity.
By the way, this is more or less a balance issue, but it occurs to me that you don't always want your sovereign leading an army. Sun Ce, for example, with his Conqueror promotion. If he forms an army, he has no personal unit. With no personal unit, nobody can use the Conqueror promotion and though the overall army might have +1 strength or some such, this isn't strong enough a benefit to overcome the power gained from a Conqueror unit. There is a strong disincentive to use Sun Ce as an army leader versus a legion leader.

It's a little counter-intuitive to think that you might not want your strongest leaders at the head of the army.

I'd suggest giving the army leader a personal "honor guard" unit, so that they don't disappear as an entity.

Yeah, I completely agree with attaching the army leader hero to some unit. This may be hard technically though. Too bad the Civ4 engine do not allow two unit attach to one unit entity.

BTW, the leader hero's core unit promotion is supposed to pass along to the army 'guardian', which is the first selected member hero's core troop. Doesn't it work this way?
my fort improvement appears as a red blob

Same here. It is extremely likely that either that graphics path is wrong or the graphics are missing. An easy fix.

Also, Elite Rider promotions are not appear for my Cavalry Legions. Since they appear in the Unit Promotions section of the pedia, I assume this is a bug.
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