Viva Trópico 2: A Pure Politics NES!

OOC: This part of the update is going to be all in English, I don't want to translate all the answers into Spanish.

Before the debate, a draw was done to determine the order in which the candidates are to answer the questions. This draw determined that Mr Dovah Kin will be the one to answer the odd questions in first place, and Mr César Oleastro will answer the even questions in first place.

(The candidates nod and prepare their notes)

This is the first question: if you are elected El Presidente, which is the first thing you are going to concentrate the nation's efforts into?

(Dovah Kin smiles)

A Power Station with which to light up the streets of Tropico.

And you, Mr Oleastro?

If elected as the representative of the people of Tropico, I will focus on developing a stronger military in order to defend our nation and secure our future. Once this is complete, Tropico will be able to build and grow to our hearts' content without fear of damning outside influences. Once Tropico is safe, then we are able to move on to other important issues, such as housing, employment, and medical care - which I will also address early during my employment as Tropico's leading civil servant.

Very well. Now, the second question. Mr Oleastro, how do you plan to combat the housing problems Trópico has?

(César Oleastro thinks hard)

Housing in Tropico is a very serious issue. Unlike my opponent, who has made it clear to me he wishes to deport Tropicans, both natives and past immigrants, in order to make space, I wish to cater to the needs of all Tropico's current residents. I will see to the construction of housing projects which will provide shelter to as many Tropicans as possible. In addition, I will ensure all housing in Tropico is subsidized as to allow even those who would be unable to afford rent to have a roof over their head. I believe inexpensive and effective housing is exactly what Tropico needs.

In addition, my planned construction of a military base will see to it that soldiers and their families have guaranteed housing. This will free up residences in civilian housing developments, meaning more people can find homes without worrying about us soldiers taking up space.

What is your opinion in this matter, Mr Kin?

I don't plan to do anything. Housing will be solved once everyone is at work. With unemployment down and productivity up, we will be able to afford the luxuries of a house for every Tropican.

Interesting answers. Third question: Mr Kin, how do you plan to combat the lack of jobs in Trópico?

I plan to increase the amount of agriculturally based jobs and the overall amount of infrastructure related employment for the nation. Specifically my administration will focus all of its efforts into 100% employment for the Tropican people. That is one of my top priorities.

How about you, Mr Oleastro?

(César Oleastro shakes his head)

Unemployment in Tropico is crippling! We need more jobs and we need them immediately! As I stated in 1951, I have a plan to drastically increase employment by establishing a new, extremely profitable industry in Tropico. This industry would create more jobs and provide just as much income, if not more, as the oil industry established under Vásquez. Should this industry prove to be highly polluting, I will make sure to enact policy to counter said pollution without destroying jobs. In short, I will see to it that extremely profitable industry which employs vastly more people is established here in Tropico.

In addition, my expansion of the Tropican military will see to it that men with a highschool education have other options for employment. Not only will this employ many Tropicans and provide them good pay, but it will free up jobs for Tropicans without a highschool or college education. This means more options for employment for all Tropicans, and the availability of more job openings in previously fully staffed areas.

Fourth question: Mr Oleastro, what are your plans in regards to the demands for an army to protect Trópico?

As a soldier, I see the defense of Tropico in a way not many can. Our army is undermanned, underequipped, undertrained, and generally incapable of fulfilling the duties we have taken oath to carry out. Correcting these problems and forming a more capable military which can best serve and defend the Tropican people is of the utmost importance. Without such a military, we Tropicans can easily fall victim to any number of foreign influences which wish to do us harm, and I would rather die than see that happen! A stronger, more capable military means a safer Tropico which is free to exercise its rightful sovereignty.

What do you believe about this matter Mr Kin?

I plan on focusing on the development of a modern, but modest military force. I plan to develop ties with the United States to keep our army competitive with all of our neighbors. I will continue initiatives put in place by President Vasquez. I believe we should focus on building our economy rather than building a military state.

Good. Now, fifth question: Mr Kin, are you pro-immigration or anti-immigration?

As all are aware, I am pro-immigration and freedom of movement. Let our shores be flushed with the people of the world searching for a better life, and all the economic opportunities this brings. Look at the United States and their own history, they were built into a power on the back of immigrants, and we shall be as well.

And you, Mr Oleastro?

I am an immigrant, plain and simple. I was born in Cuba, and while there, I saw the injustices that foreign influence can bring. However, I am not in Cuba anymore. Tropico is my home, and home is more important than anywhere else. While I support immigration to Tropico, I feel that the needs of its present citizenry, the people of Tropico, take priority. Before immigration can even be considered, we need to make sure there is enough housing, food, jobs, and other essentials for all. To open our borders without having adequate housing, job opportunities, and plentiful food is to dig the hole which is Tropico's problems even deeper. In short, no immigration will be strictly controlled until Tropico is physically able to take on immigrants.

Very good answers. This is the sixth question: Mr Oleastro, do you hold yourself to traditional values or prefer to engage in progressive thought?

(César Oleastro seems confused)

Would you mind simplifying that question? I fear that it was too vague.

(Manuel Pardiño Turando covers his face, Marta Mariscal Fuentes decides to aid him)

I think that the question refers to whether you support keeping the old values or adopting new ideas.

(César Oleastro looks at Marta, nods gratefully)

I see myself as a bridge between traditional values and progressive values. While I believe in socialist values, I still regularly attend church and believe strongly in the values of Catholicism. While I am a practicing Christian, I believe secular schools are part of the backbone of modern education. I feel I cannot be pinned to either traditional beliefs or progressive beliefs, because both are vital to a modern and just society.

What is your opinion, Mr Kin?

Traditional values and progressive thought are not mutually exclusive to each other. My stance is that all thoughts towards the future should be dominated by the morals and traditions of Tropico. All clear thinking people should acknowledge the existence of God, and moralists such of myself ought to be also aware that we do not yet understand all of God's mysteries.

Interesting, seeing the similarity between both candidates' answers. Now, this is the seventh question: what do you say to those people that accuse you of planning to ruin Trópico, Mr Kin?

I say to my detractors that we need only to look at the smoldering ruins of Eastern Europe, the horrors perpetrated by Stalin's Russia to see what communism has in store for the world. We in Tropico watched as the world tore itself apart in the Second World War. There has been enough tyranny, and a vote for my opponent is a vote for the worst sorts of Stalinist dictatorship.

Thank you. And you, Mr Oleastro, what would you say to your detractors?

To those people who have been falsely informed or otherwise believe I am out to destroy our beautiful country, know that I truly wish only the best for my countrymen. My goals for Tropico if I am elected, are my attempt at appeasing, not only my core constituents, but all Tropicans. I doubt my opponent can say the same. My ears are always open to all of Tropico's people. On my platform, I have carried goals and supported ideas that represented every faction's desires. I don't openly alienate any faction, and I never wish to attempt it. I am willing to look at any ideas Tropicans have, and will seriously consider them as long as they are beneficial to the nation. That is the job of a civil servant, and that is what I wish to be.

Good answers, both. Now, the eigth question: which is your stance in the current international political climate?

If I may ask this... what do you refer to exactly when you say "current international political climate"? There are too many nuances in that question that I could answer.

(Marta covers her face, Manuel is looking at César as if he had grown a second head)

I am referring to the climate in general, to the tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Cold War, not to a certain specific point of it.

This Cold War that "rages" across the globe is horrible for all. The United States and the Soviet Union both strive to dominate the third world, of which Tropico is a part of. While some nations, especially some of our Latin American neighbors, become part of the American or Soviet spheres, Tropico must not. We cannot allow our nation to lose its sovereignty because of fears instilled by superpowers nor can we be corrupted by their dirty money. We must carve our own path, blaze our own trail, and avoid an American or Soviet future...and ensure that we live a Tropican future.

It is a good answer. How about you, Mr Kin?

I believe that internationally we should be firmly sided with the United States of America and Europe. A victory in the ongoing Cold War by the Soviet Union would be a disaster for the world, and ultimately end the freedoms we hold dear. Communism must be halted in its mad expansion across the world, and forced back by the united democratic nations.

Indeed. Now, this is the ninth question: Mr Kin, what do you expect to have done when the time for the elections arrives again in four years?

My main objectives for the next four years are first to provide electricity for the Tropican people. Second, I plan to establish all the essential components of government, such as a police force, a firefighting unit, and a hospital, in order to care for the Tropican people. Third, I plan to dramatically expand Tropico's agricultural production in order to reduce food prices at home, create jobs, and expand our presence in the international markets. Fourth, I plan to do my best to protect Tropico's environment, while undetaking a beautification project of downtown Tropico. Lastly, I intend to grace Tropico with the most magnificent cathedral in the Caribbean. I believe that we are worth the creation of a monument to our religion and that God deserves the finest house we can provide.

And you, Mr Oleastro?

If I am elected, I guarantee Tropico will have a military of adequate size and strength, with the ability to properly defend Tropico and its citizenry. I will also bring employment up to a minimum of 80% and see to it that at least 80% of the population has affordable housing. I will export more goods to markets abroad and make sure there is enough of a diverse food supply to feed all Tropicans. I will make sure the will of the Tropican people is met and will make that my priority over all foreign wants. I will make Tropico great using the ideas of the people and I will be as good a civil servant as any man can be. You have my word.

Now, this is the last question for both of you. Mr Oleastro, which are your greatest hopes for Trópico?

My hopes for Tropico? My only hope for Tropico is that it is better off tomorrow than it is today; and I will work tirelessly to make sure that happens.

And yours, Mr Kin?

My greatest hope for Tropico is to be lit up as a shining beacon of prosperity, freedom, and enlightenment across the Caribbean. Let us outshine the world with our brilliance and dazzle tourists with our beautiful landscapes. We have an island that we can and should be proud of, let us share it with the world!

Very good. This concludes the first part of the debate.

A great applause sounds in the square.

Now, both candidates may make a small speech of about five minutes. Please, Mr Dovah Kin and Mr César Oleastro, make your speeches.


Dovah Kin
+1 Nationalists
+5 Capitalists
+1 Communists
+2 Intellectuals
+1 Environmentalists
+2 Religious
+1 Militarists

César Oleastro
+4 Nationalists
+2 Capitalists
+2 Communists
+1 Intellectuals
+3 Militarists
Greetings people of Tropico,

As you all know, my name is Dovah Kin, and I am running to be our glorious President Vasquez's successor in the upcoming elections. I thank those of you who have come out and supported me in this campaign, against the rising threat of Stalinist tyranny over our nation. United together we can preserve freedom of action and growth for the people of Tropico and build a brighter future outside of the bonds that are international communism. Outside of the hype and dispute among the rabble of usual political commentary and rhetoric, I come before you today to present what I shall do when elected President.

As I have stated in the past in my letters during President Vasquez's reign, I have often advocated the creation of new jobs and employment over the construction of new housing. My views on this matter have not changed, particularly with the leaps and bounds made in housing under the President's term of office. Therefore, I seek to create a larger variety of jobs while improving the infrastructure of our island. The key point is the creation of a new power station, to light up our streets and businesses with the glow of the twentieth century. Let Tropico stand out as a beacon in the Caribbean, as a light beckoning to foreign business and tourists as well as a symbol of our pride as a nation!

My second major priority as President is to establish the workings of a modern government in Tropico. I believe firmly in the creation of law and order upon Tropico, preserving the sanctity of our morals while containing those who would seek to corrupt and overwhelm them. To this end, I fully intend on establishing a standing police force, trained in all modern methods of deduction and investigation. Crime should never go unpunished in a moral society, and the police will act as our standing presence to deter and apprehend those deviants who may seek to take advantage of good, hard-working Tropicans. A police station and force are only the stepping stones to the next logical expansion of Tropican infrastructure and development. We are woefully vulnerable to natural disasters and fires in our current state, and I intend on creating a Tropican Fire Department with all the modern tools required to keep our children safe in their own homes. Safety is the name of my second priority, particularly to keep ourselves and our children from coming to harm.

When my term of office is over, I hope that one of my greatest accomplishments will be one also of faith and morality. Our great island is worthy of more than a simple little church, but deserves a great cathedral, a monument to faith and religion. Therefore I intend to complete the construction of a new cathedral by the end of my term of office, as a welcome new addition to the Tropican skyline. This of course leads to my third priority of office. While heavy industry is a firm foundation for the development of any modern society, we must not forget our roots and the inherent beauty of our island. Tropico is a gem among islands, and we must keep it that way, a task which requires our efforts. To this end, I will be halting the expansion of heavy industry in favor of the creation of new farms and other environmentally friendly enterprises. This will include the eventual establishment of a tourist trade, once our other basic infrastructure is in place, as well as an increase in agricultural exports. All these efforts will create a plethora of new jobs and get the average Tropican back to work.

My last statements for today involve my opponent, Cesar Oleastro, and accusations his supporters have levied against me. The United States of America is indeed an important topic to be considered by any Caribbean nation. They are the most powerful nation in the western hemisphere, and perhaps even in the whole world. Therefore, what does Tropico gain by standing against them? The Americans are the defenders of the world against communism. I should state that the communist scourge even now sits over half of Europe, China, and the world. The bleak tales of life emanating from the Soviet dominated countries are lessons to us all. Oleastro stands for communism, for Stalinism, and the removal of individualist enterprise and liberties from Tropico. A vote for Oleastro is a vote for the destruction of our very way of life that makes Tropico such a jewel in the seas.

Viva Tropico!
This is getting interesting. I like the new style; it allows for a longer, fuller campaign.

A couple of questions to the candidates:

César Oleastro,

You are obviously very pro-communist, but also preach about the dangers of foreign influences. What is your attitude to the Soviet Union? Do you support them and their government?

You also claim to be religious, which is strongly against the teachings of Karl Marx, the founder of socialism. If I may quote his well known saying; "Religion is the opium of the masses". The absolute insanity of this statement is clear to all intelligent men, however, you still support this man and his teachings?

You claim to support "a new, extremely profitable industry". Care to elaborate on what exactly that is, that will produce so many jobs and make so much money for Tropico?

Dovah Kin,

To what extent will new immigrants be allowed into Tropico? Although I support you, I do not mind telling you it worries me to see new men coming in while we are still trying to gain jobs and housing.

To what extend will you allow American influence into Tropico?

What are your main plans for increasing jobs?
Dear El Presidente,

The doors will be opened entirely to new immigrants, but I believe we can trust in the simple rules of supply and demand. I find it unlikely that when jobs and houses are not available, that large numbers of immigrants will swarm our shores. Let the market dictate the ebb and flow of migration. As for the Americans, I don't intend on letting them run our nation, but I see no harm in allowing the trade of American goods for those who can afford it. Similarly, the Americans showed their worth in the Second World War, and I believe we can stand to learn from their military. Therefore I see a strong military tie to the United States as well as economic ones. I plan on increasing jobs through both the development of government institutions such as law enforcement and firefighting as well as the development of new sources of agriculture.
El Presidente,

I am very well liked by the Communists, yes, but that does not mean I support the Soviet Union. As a Socialist, I approve of many of the policies that are used in the Soviet Union. I'd like to bring policies such as these to Tropico because benefit the people as a whole, not just a select few. Just because I like policy used in the Soviet Union does not mean I wish to have the Russians themselves dominate our lives.

As far as my religiousness is concerned, it reflects my opinion that every man be free to exercise their right to practice religion, or to not practice religion. I believe religion is important, but not so much that it must dominate society on its own. It serves as a guiding hand for morality. For example, greed is a sin, and those who control powerful businesses are sinners. These most corrupt of capitalists are religiously immoral. The idea of combating greed is one of the main reasons I am a Socialist, and the concept started as a purely religious belief.

The industry I plan on supporting is one which I will keep to myself. To make it public would give my opponent an incentive to stray from his campaign stance. However, I assure you and all Tropicans that this industry's development will be extremely effective at creating jobs and increasing our nation's exports.
I have been conscripted to take part. If it's not too late to do so:

Christofoor De Vries (Lord of Elves)
Player Occupation: Engineer
Player Education: College
Player Nationality: Tropico
Nationalists: 3
Capitalists: 1
Communists: 0
Intellectuals: 0
Environmentalists: 0
Religious: 0
Miltarists: 0
My brothers and countrymen!

I am César Oleastro and I am the candidate running in this election who does not wish to see our nation overrun by foreign powers and their greed. I stand for the will of the Tropican people, not for foreign capital. With that said, I eagerly await your votes in this upcoming election.

If elected as El Presidente, I will see to it that we Tropicans rule our own nation. I will strengthen our military as to provide security from foreign threats and to help keep order at home. I will drastically increase the amount of jobs owned and operated by Tropicans. While doing this, I will also increase our export profits which will bring more money to Tropico. I will see to it that homelessness and hunger are only mentioned by historians, not by concerned masses. I will make sure the basic needs of every man, woman, and child is met before luxuries are instituted. The fact that my opponent does not address all these issues is deeply concerning, an his goals paint a dim portrait of Tropico in four years.

Imagine, walking down the street and being harassed by foreign tourists and fatcats who see our land as nothing but their playground. Look to the skyline, where the Presidential Palace sits in the shadow of an American corporate headquarters, where the real power in Tropico lies. On a hill sits a powerplant, a monument to behold...but the lit windows of a handful apartments only make the shacks and shanties that house most of the people easier to see at night. American GIs patrol the streets and violently put down any demonstrations made up of Tropicans protesting the lack of basic needs. Is this the Tropico you want? A vote for Candidate Kin is a step towards this future.

I see Tropico differently in four years after my election, however. I must tell you that this picture is beautiful, and I hope you, the people of Tropico, allow me to paint it.

Viva Tropico!
Developments of influence:
Dovah Kin
-1 Nationalists
+1 Capitalists
-2 Communists
+2 Environmentalists
+1 Religious
+1 Mililtarists

César Oleastro
+1 Nationalists
-1 Capitalists
+2 Communists
+1 Religious
+1 Militarists
OOC: To paraphrase that loveable rogue Bender:

"Hey baby, want to, kill all commies?"
There are several people in what appears to be the bridge of a spaceship. One of them is sitting next to what looks like a joystick, presumably the controller of the spaceship. Another person is checking several panels that probably tell the people in there something about the world they have just travelled to. A third person, who wears glasses, is standing next to a computer screen, where the face of a man can be seen.

"What can you tell us about this planet, Leo?"

"Well, it is somewhat primitive," the computer replies. "There are no satellites in space, computers use vacuum tubes instead of transistors, most electricity is created in coal and oil power stations... There are signs of nuclear weapons being used recently, but, save for two places, the other explosions were done in uninhabited places, so my guess is that those were nuclear weapons tests."

"These guys are mad," the guy next to the panels replies. "Don't they know that so many nuclear explosions can eventually attract the attention of the ASBs? If those think this planet is easy to catch, they are toast."

The man who spoke with the computer shrugs. "Not much we can do. And, if that happens, I am sure Ian will send us back here to break the ASBs hold in here. Is there anything down there that might be useful for us, Leo?"

"Well, the alcohol seems to be very good, but the porn not so much, this is a relatively conservative world, they are in the middle of a cold war."

"Damn," the bespectacled man swears. "We should leave, then." He pushes a button. "Dave, how much until the Shift Drive is ready?"

"Another jump? Dammit, Doc, you know how hard the drive takes having to shift twice in so little time."

"How much?"

"Give it fifteen minutes. More if those two idiots you put here mess things up."

A CLANG! can be heard from the other side of the intercom. Then a sigh.

"That's one hour, man."

"OK, I guess that we can stay here for an hour."

"INCOMING TRANSMISSION!" the computer says.

"Who the hell has found us?" the guy next to the joystick says.

"No idea. Patch that through, Leo."

The face in the screen is replaced with a green line that is shaking.

"Hello, gentlemen," a deep voice says, and the green line shakes harder.

"Damn, I hope this is not a The Outer Limits knockoff."

"Hardly," Green Line replies. "I know about you and your crew, and I have a little job in here that I am sure might interest you."

"Tell me," the bespectacled guy says.

"It is easy. I am the overseer of a small island in the Caribbean, and they have just finished voting for their most recent elections. I just need one of you guys to go down there and announce the results of the elections to the people."

"What do we get for that job?"

"A metric ton of booze and porn."

"How can I be sure that those are of good quality?"

"The booze comes from the best distilleries of history in this world, and the porn... would you mind changing the sound so that only you can hear it?"

"Sure." The bespectacled guy puts on a pair of headphones and connects them into the main computer. Just a few seconds in, he starts to drool at what he is hearing. It takes him some time to recover from that, and he unplugs the headphones. "It's a deal!" He pushes the intercom button. "G.Bone, prepare the teleporter with the coordinates I am sending you. Oth, go to the teleporter, you need to go to the Presidential Palace of Trópico and say that Dovah Kin has won the elections with 72 votes, 54.96% of the total votes, as opposed to César Oleastro, who only got 59 votes, 45.04% of the total votes."

"Why me?"

"You are the only one able to behave sane enough to do this without starting to kill people around."

"HEY!" it sounds, not only from the intercom, but from the other people in the bridge as well.

"OK, Doc, I'll do that."


OOC: Well, that's the new update. There is the result.
You may send orders in when you are able to (BTW, this is interesting, it's the first time EQ will be able to send orders to me instead of the other way around, :D)

Also, whoever gets who are the cameos the soonest will get a reward!
Player Name: Chaim Potok
Player Occupation College Professor
Player Education: College
Player Nationality: Israel
Intellectuals: 3

The Professor is in
Nuestro Nuevo Presidente: ¡Dovah Kin! (January 1st)
Indeed, my fellow Tropicanos, we have a new Presidente! He might have been born in the cold land of Norway, but his heart is warm of love for our beloved nation! Yesterday, during his first night at the Presidential Palace, El Presidente was heard laughing very loud! It is great to see that he is of such a great humour, and that he feels so well about our nation that he can laugh so easily in this time. It is our hope that his plans for our nation will be as good as we hope.

Las Llamas Arden, Y Dan Como Fruto Lana (March 3rd)
For years, llamas have been an exotic being that lived in the mountains of Trópico. From time to time, they came near the city, and everybody that was on their way stepped aside to avoid being hit by their nauseating spit. Now, however, our Presidente has decided that it is now time to stop this. According to our best scientists, llamas have soft wool as good as a sheep's, and all that has to be done is to have them live in a ranch and shear them every few months, since our wonderful climate is such that the llamas will never need their natural wool coat. That wool will surely sell for a lot of money in foreign markets that wish to try new raw materials for clothesmaking!

Inmigrantes Sí, Comunismo No (May 1st)
Our beloved Presidente has published his first law! And it is one that will not please too many people, unfortunately for him. For, through this new piece of legislation, he is angering Nationalists and Communists at the same time. Upon their arrival to Ciudad Trópico Harbor, people will be screened for any potential affiliation to Communism, and sent back to their port of origin if the interrogators believe them to be Communist. According to our Presidente, this process is done to ensure that Communism will not take hold in our nation, although the Communists that already live here affirm that El Presidente is only doing this as the first step towards a fascist-imperialist dictatorship.

En 3... 2... 1... ¡Enciendan las luces! (July 5th)
Today, June 5th, our beloved Presidente has inaugurated the new Tropico Power Plant, destined to be the first cornerstone of our new, more powerful industry. El Presidente states that he hopes that the existence of this power plant will allow for the development of better industries, as well as the construction of other buildings that will introduce greater wealth to Trópico and others. Environmentalists are already protesting in front of it, saying that it produces too much pollution for it to be good, and demand the demolition of the plant and its replacement with wind turbines to provide clean and cheap energy for Trópico.

Medicina: muy buena, muy bonita... ¡y muy gratis! (September 21st)
Tropicanos! Our beloved Presidente has just inaugurated our first Hospital! Staffed with doctors, surgeons, pediatricians and obstetricians, it is the perfect place to go to if you have a grave illness! Of course, the clinic is still there, and the Presidente recommends that people go there if their illnesses are of small discomfort, like colds or migraines, so that the hospital doctors are free to do everything that is grave enough to warrant a stay there! But that's not all: El Presidente has decreed that all healthcare is to be paid by the nation, so that no Tropicano can be cured without the size of their purses standing in the middle!

¿Será la falta de universidades el final de Trópico? (October 12th)
The construction of so many buildings in the last year is bringing to the mind the lack of people that are learned enough to work in said places, such as doctors or engineers. So far, we have been able to get through thanks to the hard work of the few people that have studied in the university, but it is no longer enough, for the great number of new jobs that require high studies is increasing very fast. The Intellectual Club, formed by the most intelligent people in the nation, are now asking El Presidente to have a college built, so that more people may gain better and greater knowledge about how the world works.

Recordando al Presidente Vásquez (December 4th)
In the anniversary of the elections, El Presidente has decided to honor his predecessor in the office, Presidente Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez. In a fastuous ceremony that lasted for several hours, El Presidente Dovah Kin personally opened the gates to the new Ciudad Jardín Presidente Vásquez, where all Tropicanos will be able to stroll while breathing the pure air from the trees, and then unveiled a statue of the former Presidente. Many people have applauded this initiative, although the Communists are grumbling about it, since the money spent in the construction of both elements could have been spent in something else.

International Events
  • USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine, is launched from Groton, Connecticut.
  • Liutenant Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser becomes premier of Egypt.
  • The Dien Bien Phu battle between French troops and the Viet Minh starts.
  • Bill Haley & The Comets record "Rock Around The Clock", starting the Rock & Roll Mania.
  • Brown v. Board of Education: segregated schools are ruled unconstitutional.
  • Alan Turing dies at the age of 42.
  • First atomic power station opens at Obninsk, near Moscow.
  • The 1954 FIFA World Cup is held in Switzerland: West Germany beats Hungary 3-2 in the final.
  • Texas Instruments announces the development of the first transistor radio.
  • The Algerian War of Independence starts.
  • The first kidney transplant is performed.

4 new adults + 5 immigrants = +9 Population
+1 Nationalist, +2 Capitalists, +1 Communist, +2 Intellectuals, +1 Environmentalist, +2 Militarists
New Buildings: 1 Llama Ranch (+2 Jobs), 1 Power Plant (+8 Jobs), 1 Hospital (+6 Jobs), 1 Garden (+1 Job)
Available Buildings: Nightclub (people like to go here, needs electricity), Casino (people bet money here, needs electricity), Cinema (for a great night with your couple), Sports Complex (here, your people will be able to enjoy their favorite sports being played), Nuclear Power Plant (a more advanced power plant, feeds 10 buildings at the same time), Airport (brings more tourists)
New Exports: Llama Wool
New Laws:
  • Law 01/1954: revokes Law 01/50, and opens doors to all immigrants without affiliation to Communism.
  • Law 02/1954: Healthcare becomes free for all Tropicanos.
New Jobs: Gardener (No Degree)

+1 United States ("A smooth passing of powers is good to see.")
-3 Soviet Union ("Your constant insults towards the Great Union will not be forgotten.")
+1 Europe ("Democracy is good, but beware of dictators!")

Dovah Kin
+1 Nationalists
+1 Capitalists
-1 Communists
-1 Environmentalists

People of Trópico: We want better educational facilities!
Europe: It is interesting, for sure, that you keep insisting on not giving your people the education they need to progress.
Soviet Union: Dammit, Comrade, where is that rum! Don't you realise that we need it to forget the awful times of the Great Patriotic War?
United States: Why, oh, why, do you keep us from tasting the wonderful Tobacco of the Caribbean?

Spoiler Power Plant with Docks on the back :
El Presidente's State of the Island Address : January 2, 1955

Greetings fellow Tropicans!

We have had a successful first year as my reign as El Presidente! Our streets now light up with the glow of the Twentieth Century, as the new power plant hums with potential. Furthermore, our new llama ranch offers fresh employment, as well as a way to contain the growing epidemic of llamas marauding across the countryside. I'm sure that our new llama herding specialists will be more than capable of taking care of this infestation. I care for all of you, as a people, and a nation, therefore it is my privilege to humbly do what I can to provide healthcare for all. Using the electricity provided by our new power plant, I have financed the construction of Tropico's first hospital. Our staff of well-trained medical professions will take care of your every need, at the expense of the state. A healthy Tropico is a happy Tropico! Lastly in terms of construction, we have seen the dedication of the new Ciudad Jardín Presidente Vásquez, a place for the relaxation and recreation of the people of Tropico. Furthermore, it memorializes the reign of Presidente Vasquez, and all that he accomplished in a mere few years.

Now, the legislation I have passed through my first year as El Presidente has been focused upon creating the type of Tropico we'd like to leave our children. An open society, of freedom and democracy, not to mention hope for all the people of the world. To this end, restrictions have been lifted upon the entry of immigrants into Tropico, with the exception of those who possess less than desirable political affiliation. We will not idly allow foreign spies to infiltrate our people! The establishment of free healthcare is essential to our nation, as we seek to create a healthy and happy work force for all Tropicans. Tropico now enjoys the finest healthcare per person in the Caribbean! Rejoice in this, as we are the envy of our neighbors!

Now we must turn our eyes toward the future. This year will be another year of radical change and growth, developing the glorious potential of our island. Agriculture will be further expanded and developed, creating new markets for Tropico overseas. Furthermore, I seek to institute a proper and civilized system of law and order upon our island, creating both a police station and armory from which to base civil authority. I have looked to God for guidance, and we must create a judicial system beyond the mere whims of myself and future presidents. Therefore I have worked late many evenings to create and establish a new system of laws based upon the basic tenets of morality available in the Bible. Lastly, my final goal for this coming year is the creation of a college for the people of Tropico, a new center of erudite learning and achievement.

Together, dear Tropico, we advance onward to a glorious future as the Light of the Caribbean. I vow to build a true nation out of Tropico, establishing the basic infrastructure needed to achieve glory and stability. First will come employment and infrastructure, then will come homes, then comes true prosperity and growth for all the Tropican people!

Viva Tropico!
Article in Periódico de Trópico, a politically neutral local newspaper. This is a reprinting of a letter sent in by Vásquez.
To Presidente Dovah Kin, and all who are interested,

I applaud your wisdom in the first years of office. I write this letter by electric light, newly installed. I am sure our new electricity will not only greatly improve the quality of life on our lovely island, but also create many opportunities for new jobs and industries. Our greatly improved healthcare should also be a great boost for Trópico, propelling us forward in this new Atomic age.

However, I still fail to see the logic of allowing new immigrants when we have so few jobs. I am willing to see it through, but encourage employers to focus on hiring natives, to make sure Trópicons have enough jobs.

Although honored by the new park in my honor, I question the logic of building it when many troubles still plague Trópico. Perhaps our resources are better used elsewhere?

That said, I still approve of your policies, and look forward to seeing what the new year brings.
To El Presidente Dovah Kin

Thank you, El Presidente, for helping bring Tropico to the forefront of progress. With your building of the power plant, Tropico is bringing itself to the forefront of progress, showing the people of the world what it means to be Tropican.

I also applaud your stance on immigration; without immigration, our beloved presidente would not be here.

El Presidente, all I'm really asking is that you stay the course; continue providing Tropico jobs, and we shall see long term progress for our beloved nation.

Glory to Tropico! Glory to El Presidente!
Nuevas Leyes, Antiguas Normas (January 3rd)
The law in our beloved nation of Trópico has been somewhat arbitrary since Generalísimo Santana took the power, and put everything under his direct control. This year, Presidente Kin has decided to put an end to that, and published an edict. Through this edict, El Presidente has put forward his idea for the development of the Justice Department of Trópico, with the establishment of civil and military courts and a justice system based out of the Ten Commandments. Many people have applauded this move, but some complain about the influence of religion in its development.

Cuerda Academia de Policía (February 5th)
So far, the laws published by El Presidente had been impossible to enforce. Until now. El Presidente has ordered the construction of a Police Station in Trópico's Downtown, so as to reduce crime levels as much as possible. Considering the recent wave of crimes that has taken place in the city, because of people that have taken to stealing in order to be able to pay for the few apartments that have been built, the police department has been deemed essential for the security of the people of Trópico, and many have given thanks for it.

No Es Broma, ¡Tenemos Universidad! (April 1st)
El Presidente has heard the call of the people! Last year, the people complained that there weren't enough learning institutions in our beloved nation, and they were asking for better learning opportunities. Now, El Presidente has decided to give the people exactly that. The Universidad Nacional de Trópico is being built right now, and expected to open the doors next September, when the school year starts anew. Thanks to this, now people will have no reason to complain about their lack of education to find a better job!

¡Feliz Día De La Patria! (June 16th)
Today, El Presidente has declared Trópico's National Day! People are expected not to attend their workplace, unless they work in the Pub or in the Presidente Vásquez Garden, and to enjoy a whole day of festivities. Pubs and the local beaches are expected to be full in this magnificent summer day, especially when, at 11 PM, the fireworks start, illuminating the night with brilliant multicolour lights! Please, enjoy the day, because I know I will do that!

Muerte Al Reincidente (August 7th)
In a move that has generated much controversy among the population of Trópico, El Presidente has decreed that any criminal that reincides in their crime will be hanged in public as punishment, so that the last thing they see is their victims and/or their victims' relatives looking at him as his brain slowly dies from the lack of oxygen. Many have complained about the brutality of this method, although soon El Presidente reminded them that, if they dislike it, then it is better if the people do not commit crimes. Allegedly, the protesters left for their homes without a word.

Oro Parece, Plátano Es (October 12th)
Many have thought that Trópico has a great quantity of mineral resources in its underground, and that the only thing they need is a mine to extract them and sell it. Well, El Presidente now says that we don't need mines to extract the gold out of earth. Instead, we just need a farm. Because the gold that can be extracted from the ground is not actual gold, but delicious bananas! Lots of people like bananas, both in Trópico and in the rest of the world, so El Presidente has decided to open a Banana Farm, so that bananas can be harvested and either sold out of Trópico or eaten. Either way, the bananas are the gold of our society! (There are rumours that bananas may become the standard on which the Peso Tropicano is based on)

Un Nuevo Ejército Para Trópico (December 4th)
In his last official act in this year, El Presidente inaugurated the first armory of the Army of Trópico, one that had been asked for in the last years by the soldiers of our Army. When asked about it, General Rodríguez answered "We are glad that Presidente Kin answered our calls for an Armory. This means that we will be able to modernize our soldiers weaponry far easier than before, as well as help our soldiers train in a better ground than the Campo de Marcial." However, a person who decided to remain anonymous has claimed "This is a dark spot in the peaceful and beautiful nation of Trópico. There is no need for an army in Trópico, for, if we are at peace with both the United States and the Soviet Union, both nations will surely work to prevent our being invaded by other nations! Destroy that armory, and use the money in more important things, like flowers or dumpsters." Time will tell if these words and actions will have any actual consequences.

International Events
  • The Pentagon announces a plan to develop ICBMs armed with nuclear weapons.
  • The Chinese Nationalists are evacuated by the US Navy to Taiwan.
  • South East Asia Treaty Organization is established.
  • EOKA starts a revolution against British rule in Cyprus.
  • The Warsaw Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, more commonly known as the Warsaw Pact, is signed.
  • West Germany becomes a sovereign country.
  • Disneyland opens to the public in Anaheim, California.
  • First edition of the Guinness World Book of Records.
  • James Dean dies in a car accident at the age of 24.
  • The Vietnam war between Communist North Vietnam and Capitalist South Vietnam.
  • Dr Martin Luther King Jr and other black ministers of Montgomery, Alabama, initiate an all-Black people boycott of all city buses.

6 new adults + 4 immigrants = +10 Population
+2 Nationalist, +1 Capitalists, +1 Communist, +2 Intellectuals, +1 Environmentalist, +1 Religious, +2 Militarists
+2 Criminals
New Buildings: Banana Farm (+4 Jobs), College (+4 Jobs), Police Station (+5 Jobs), Armory (+3 Jobs)
Available Buildings: Wind Turbine (feeds electricity for 1 Building, environmentally friendly), Prison (criminals may be put in here, as well as El Presidente's political enemies), Guard Post (a place where soldiers may stand to watch out for rebels), Army Base (houses all members of the army, freeing space for other people in the houses)
New Exports: Bananas
New Laws:
  • Law 01/1955: establishes a new justice system for Tropico, based on the Bible and the Ten Commandments.
    • Law 01/1955/a: civil veredicts will be decided by an appointed jury of the defendant's peers. Civil crimes are defined as a crime perpetrated by one civilian upon another.
    • Law 01/1955/b: military veredicts will be decided by a court of army officials, presided by El Presidente. Military crimes are any crimes involving a member of the military.
  • Law 02/1955: Death Penalty will be applied to repeat offenders of any crime. Repeat and non-reformable offenders will be executed by hanging. All executions will be public so that the offender can be confronted by his victims and their families.
  • Law 03/1955: June 16th will be Trópico National Day, a state sponsored holiday in which all factories and places of work are closed, except for entertainment and other essential facilities.
New Jobs: College Professor (College Degree), General (College Degree), Policeman (High School Degree).

0 United States ("Interesting choice of laws. We would have liked some tobacco to pass the time.")
-2 Soviet Union ("It is clear that you are becoming a walking insult to the people of the Soviet Union. And we didn't get the rum!")
0 Europe ("While we like that you are organising a fair justice system, using religion as a basis is suspect.")

Dovah Kin
+1 Nationalists
+1 Capitalists
+1 Intellectuals
+1 Religious
+2 Militarists

Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez
+1 Nationalists
+1 Capitalists

Chaim Potok
-1 Nationalists
+1 Capitalists

People of Trópico: We want houses!
Europe: We would love to taste some goat cheese from your lands. Perhaps it might have some difference with the cheese we make in Europe.
Soviet Union: We have decided to improve our vodka industry on our own.
United States: We have made a deal with Cuba to buy tobacco from them, so do not bother to start a sell.

Spoiler Trópico from the heights! :
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