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W-I-P: Storm Over the Pacifc

All those letters! It's like playing Silent Hunter. ;)
more letters in :) Japanese SSs and their escort ships which finishes off the IJN, finally. grinding work for me with all those asian phonetics. waiting on Kly for the commonwealth sea units :) but in the meantime, i will start physically assembling the tech tree since i'm armed with the coordinates now :D getting real close to an alpha test, boys and girls :cool:
era 2 progressing. i've had to create some icons along the way...not easy for a neophyte like myself. but they look good, i must say :) will get some more done this week, i hope, and then it's off for a weekend getaway with the family. Kly sent me the first draft of the commonwealth naval units also. so we're getting there :D it's reasonable to assume that i could start testing this beast by june or july. no promises. but that's the way it seems to be projecting.
Sounds very good,
don´t forget to have backups. You know what can happen:sad:
So you are a bit superstitious then my friend.

Lets hope nobody or anything heard or read that then ..... ;-)
hi all :) back from our spring getaway :cool: spent a few relaxing days letting the salt air cleanse the innards :p dolphins, whales, sand, whiskey, shrimp-on-barbie :D

i put in the last tech for era3 this afternoon, Code Breaking. it will be available to all civs except the US. the tech will allow for the only espionage action in the game, viewing cities and their contents. this is just past the midway point of the scenario (tech line 4, on top of the us nucelar ones)...which is apt since code breaking allowed for the USN to land a crushing blow against the IJN at, of all places, an island called Midway :p the US, however, will be able to view cities from the start, sort of like a built-in bonus for them, and surely a reality in early 1942 (u.s. had broken the ijn code by then). i figured i should probably allow for the other civs to view cities as well and this is where it will be unlocked, at the beginning of era3 ('44).

why only one (1) single espionage function ? well, i'll be honest, i rarely, if ever, use any other espionage option, ever, in any of my civ3 games. so i figured to strip it down to the single best diplo/espionage action, viewing cities. this will come in mighty handy to locate enemy King units. remember, this will likely be a mass regicide setting and killing off enemy king units will be one of the victory conditions. all a w-i-p of course :)
Hey EJ, in my ww2 game I use the Steal Plans option also as Magic/Ultra for the US-UK. It has an astronomical base cost so that it can only be used sparingly but could provide an edge when you're ready for a critical invasion. It's a pretty good advantage for the side that's already overpowered, though. Just a thought.

Any ideas on where the Combined Fleet will start off? It seems that in WWII games where the IJN starts close to home, they will concentrate on bombarding China, but when deployed forward they are more likely to become embroiled in carrier battles.
that's the thing - it can be overpowering, the Steal Plans. it gives you everything which just seems like too much to me considering the size of the map.

Battle of Coral Sea will be the starting point. so wherever the ships were as of then, that's were all the ijn ships will be.
i started assigning techs yesterday :) all 4 eras are in. just need to add in a handful of commonwealth naval units, some king units, and then i can start rounding off the rough edges via alpha testing :D that's a few weeks off though, at the earliest.
i started assigning techs yesterday :) all 4 eras are in. just need to add in a handful of commonwealth naval units, some king units, and then i can start rounding off the rough edges via alpha testing :D that's a few weeks off though, at the earliest.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
happy monday everyone :)

got all the tech assignments done this weekend, save for the last naval units that haven't gone in yet (commonwealth). started giving cities pre-placed buildings. US side done. i also added in the 'king' units into the files and spent a good deal of time researching the nuances of the regicide and mass regicide game modes for civ3. it is a little convoluted imo and the designers left some things on the table (what else is new?). however, i think i have a scheme that will work and sort of snuff out the issues that are attached to the un-modded regicide modes. of course, all alpha atm. but here's what i got:

each side will start with a few king units, somewhere between 2 and 4 (roughly). US and Japan will get more to start, probably 4. additional king units can be had as well, all by way of the battle created unit (ie no army units in this one). i was going to tag japanese fleet carriers with the king flag but i am not gonna do it right yet. want to try and keep king units as land units for the time being. i may try it out (carriers as kings). but not yet. each pre-placed 'king' will essentially be a great military leader. now, this is a little confusing since GMLs are what is spawned on the lucky elite unit victories. so i wrestled with the semantics some over the weekend. anyhow, navy, air force, army, and one extra one for the heavyweights (probably the emperor for japan and oppenheimer for the US). i've been going back and forth in my head re pre-placing these king units or to allow the game engine to randomly place them. leaning towards placing them myself to avoid any possible quirks. so each faction will have these special units on the map to start and will have to protect them as part of the mass regicide mode. lose all of your king units and you're done.

now, onto the shortcomings of the regicide mode. many of you know how it works : the AI will not use king units in the manner in which we all wish it would. the AI hunkers them down into the capital and puts hordes of units in there to protect them. the king units never leave, really. this and the fact that king units are at the 'bottom' of the stack, always. so this is sort of annoying and predictable.

to try and get around this, the annoying king unit behaviors, i'll try the simplest solution available : remove the 'King' AI strategy trait in the editor. i'm almost positive that this is what makes the king units behave the way they do. and if i remove it, and sort of treat it like a regular ground unit (with a/d values and most importantly, the offense and/or defense flags), we may be on to something :) it's all a wip. so nothing is set in stone. i just want to try and find a way to make it work, make it simple and not over-thought, and to get around the shortcomings of the programming. wish me luck :D
'Leader' (king unit) vs. 'war hero' (battle-created unit) might be a good juxtaposition.
that's not a bad juxtaposition :)

finished off the pre-placing of city improvements the other night. so i pre-placed the order of battle for the Coral Sea engagement to see how these first turns unfold, how the AI reacts. had to bone up on the actual battle as well. my first runs weren't really what i was hoping for (some poor AI reactions). i'll keep tinkering. i may not be able to replicate it to the T. but i will try my best.

i've also been trying to smooth out some of the rough edges like the starting economics, starting science, food allotments. have gotten Australia done so far, Japan and US too. tweaked some things on the map also.

leaning towards going with 3 types of transport units : a base TR with the highest capacity, slower speed, a 'fast' transport, available only in Industry areas, faster (obviously) but with lower TR capacity. third one would be a Landing Ship which would require Pac Islands to build. will probably flag as sinks in ocean, low capacity, med speed. not sure altogether on stats or this third type. leaning towards it atm. just need to comb through it some more.

lastly, here are some cool screens that Balthasar sent me showing the interface w-i-p :

city screen
Spoiler :

in-game map with mini map and buttons
Spoiler :
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