Ward Churchill on Fox News

Gary Childress

Student for and of life
May 11, 2007
United Nations

Link to video.

My apologies if this has already been posted somewhere in OT. Only saw this interview today and just thought it interesting as well as relevant to most all of us since most of us doubtlessly live within what is often termed "global capitalism".

Basically an interview between a Fox News commentator and Ward Churchill who is probably one of their favorite whipping boys after 9/11. I'm sure this video interview was a "big deal" when it came out in September 2014 but of course I missed it at the time as I don't keep up with such things very well.

What are others' thoughts on this?

Suppose I need to pay my rent. Suppose I were also a talented individual who could make it on Wall Street and so I get a job with a financial institution making money by helping to keep the financial wheels of global capitalism going. Would that make me a "little Eichmann"? Would that make me little different than whatever minor "technocrats" in 1930s-40s Germany who helped kill millions of Jews by lending their expertise and ability in keeping the trains running on time for the Nazis?

Is global capitalism evil? If it is, then where are the boundaries of responsibility? Are only people who work in financial jobs on Wall Street responsible and deserving of retribution or are all of us somehow "tied in" with it? To be fair to Churchill my understanding is that he does hold himself accountable as well for living in the US and being a taxpayer. He essentially believes (if I'm not mistaken) that it makes him a "legitimate" target as well.

Thanks for participating in this discussion. I would make it a "red diamond" discussion but it is a relatively toxic subject and I don't want to stress our mods out with having to closely moderate it, so I have not made it a "red diamond" topic. Please just be thoughtful in your replies.

I wouldn't call "global capitalism" (whatever that would mean) evil. It merely is indifferent to anything beyond profits.
I wouldn't call "global capitalism" (whatever that would mean) evil. It merely is indifferent to anything beyond profits.

In the end maybe we are all just "pawns" in a bigger game, even the king and queen are just players on a chess board. But who or what is the one making the moves, causing everything to happen? Is it "God", "nature", or the "illuminati"? Or maybe it's Richard Dawkins' "selfish gene"? There is a lot of violence and destruction in the world. Would be nice if everyone could just call it off and have a truce. The world is sort of a depressing place right now in many ways (at least to me). :(
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