Welcome To Our Worlds


Searching for the Holy Grail
Jan 21, 2003

Dear Friends,

If you want a scenario filled with Airships, Analytical Engines, Land Ships, Ironclads, Automota, Time Machines, Forgotten Worlds, Interplanetary Romance and more then this is the place for you.

Our current focus is on Steampunk World - an alternate Earth scenario incorporating & exploring ideas from the other ongoing projects. This is the scenario that got the whole project underway. Take a look at the progress update.

Other on-going projects in the steamworks:
  • Lost Worlds is based on a Map created by Balthasar:
    Spoiler :

  • explore a steampunk Africa

  • room for everything from Verne to Lovecraft. Not to mention Agartha and a steampunk Area 51. Did we mention Alice vs. Pellucidar?

  • an interplanetary romance meets the edisonade

  • Intrigued? Can't decide what's up in the picture? wondering what's steampunk about it? Search using the scenario title & chemistry as terms for another clue.



Steampunk World
(alternate Earth)
IN PUBLIC BETA. We Want You! (for testing) http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=11601525&postcount=1


Era 1: beta status
Era 2: under construction.
Era 3: planned
Era 4: planned

*All eras complete
*Map (including terrain) complete
*Interface complete
*Resources complete (beta)
*Units Unit list complete; Units needed (see list).
*PediaIcons in production
*Civilopedia barely started. Want to help? We Need YOU!
*Buildings complete
*Techs complete
*Wonders complete
*"spaceship" (Time Machine) barely started
*Playtesting & Debugging underway on alpha version.

(steampunk Africa)
  • discussion thread opened
  • map designed & at refinement stage
  • factions pretty well defined but still getting worked out
  • unit lines getting worked out - searching out the many units already created.
  • tech lines sketchy but in construction
  • everything else conceptual/blue sky


  • steampunklostworldstitl.jpg
    127.4 KB · Views: 1,495
thanks guys. I hope you will both find time to contribute some ideas. Have a read of some of the other threads and post some comments.

Thanks again.
Hey, would it be possible to have some sort of short introduction (a link perhaps) about the mod you're making? I personally have no idea of what is this mod going to be based on. A series of books? A movie? A tabletop game? Your own imagination? :)

I think I know what kind of mod this will be, but I have no idea of the background...
It's based on my own imagination but I wouldn't say it was original in anyway.

I am drawing influences from lots of different places such as actual history of the Victorian Era (mainly from a British perspective since I am British); from the Flashman series of books (even though I have only ever part read one of them); GURPS Steampunk: an RPG from Steve Jackson games; Jules Verne (I bought Civ Chronicles so I could get my hands on the Jules Verne scenario that came out the Civ 2 Fantastic Worlds). Oh and anything that comes up in Google. I am also drawing inspiration and ideas from fellow civfanatics so anyone is free to post ideas.

I do have some boundaries though. There will be no magic in my scenario but there will be some weird, alternative science. There might be among other things Martians, Captain Nemo, Lost Worlds and secret societies.

In a while I will draw up the background stories for each civ and post this in the Civilisations of the World thread.
Read Phillip Pullmans "His Dark Materials" saga, it's a alternate-reality-hopping sort of thing. Gyropters (helicopters), Amyronics (Electrics), and several other things are mentioned in them.

They're also great reads ;) My favourite books ever.
They're heavily shifted towards the anti-religious spectrum, and they're like a modern re-write of Paradise Lost. I love them :D
Just found this subsubforum (I'm not used to looking into the Project Development subforum). I'm definitely interested in being of assistance to this project. I'll try to be aware of developments, but at first I may need some reminders (PM) to look over here. I see that you guys are onto many of the same sites I tracked down in my quest for tech icons. I'll try to get some of the icons I'm working on (well over 100 in some raw state) that I previewed for King Arthur done and posted, to whet people's appetites. I've got quite few images for weird units, some of which I see you've also discovered.

If you don't already know about them there are two movies from the early 1960's worth looking at for Steampunk ideas: Master of the World (Vincent Price as a Verne protagonist/villain with a cool Airship) & First Men In The Moon (A Wells scientist gets there & deals with Selenites animated by Harryhausen)
Blue Monkey. Check your PMs ;)

Selenites - you may just have discovered my secret 31st civ in this scenario.
Actually, my secret 31st civ were Martians but Moon men will be more appropriate since I'm replacing the space race victory with a Journey to the Moon and Back victory. Selenites plan put a halt to man's ambitions to travel to the moon but their experimental space craft has crash landed 'somewhere' on Earth. Can they repair their craft and its destructive cargo in time?
Might I also suggest the Girl Genius Webcomic? The tag line for the title says it all: "Adventure, Romance and Mad Science" What more could you ask for?

It has all kinds of crazy contraptions and frankensteinish monsters (which are called constructs and are animated via wierd science, not magic), electro-mechanical-clockwork-steam robots called Clanks and other crasy stuff.
Does anyone have a copy of Balthasar's interface graphics? The poor guy lost it when the file server was hacked and he doesn't have his original files.
That's cool. I'm sure if you can rescue even some of it he would be grateful for that as would I. Would you be able to upload it to the file database?
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