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What do you think of Halloween?

What do you think of Halloween?

  • I really like it

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • It's a good excuse for a party

    Votes: 16 32.0%
  • It's fun for kids

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • It's a good excuse to annoy people

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • I've grown out of it

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • I don't care either way

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • I really don't like it

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • It's just a commercial thing

    Votes: 19 38.0%
  • I disapprove on religious grounds

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • I just disapprove (please say why)

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • What is this Halloween of which you speak?

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


is just a
Retired Moderator
Jan 16, 2001
the United States
Just 13 nights to go before Halloween so it seems a good time to post a poll about it.

Around this time of year, my American wife starts getting withdrawal symptons because in England, where we live, Halloween is a much more low-key event than in the US. To compensate a little, she runs a Halloween website, and every year she adds new stuff to it, and every year I write new Javascript and compose new music for it.

For those of you that like Halloween websites, take a look:
Evilea's Halloween Graveyard .

What do you think of Halloween? Is it fun? Is it boring? Is it wrong? Check all the boxes that apply to you. (And add your age and location if you post in the thread.)
An over-commercialized holiday with religious roots that hardly anybody recognizes anymore. But it gives way to one of the greatest days of the year- the Day After Halloween. ALL BAGGED CANDY ON SALE!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :D
It's an excuse to get drunk and vandalize things to some people....but for me it's a good excuse to get drunk and freak the crap out of little kids
hah, I do that every day of the year ;)
Yah, but on Halloween you usually go to the effort of dressing up for the occasion, as opposed to running at them screaming with a rake in your underpants
In the UK people just don't really care. At least nobody I know gives a damn about it anyway. I think it's one of those commercial 'give us cash now or else you'll look left out' North American things ;).
Originally posted by Becka
An over-commercialized holiday with religious roots that hardly anybody recognizes anymore. But it gives way to one of the greatest days of the year- the Day After Halloween. ALL BAGGED CANDY ON SALE!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :D

Heh, I do that on Easter Monday. It's amazing how overnight all those easter egg prices can fall 75% :D.
I'm still disapointed that Canadians don't celebrate Guy Fawks day....I really want to sit in front of a big burning effigy of a guy and get drunk
I've never like halloween. As a little kid I was a pirate or a pumpkin every year, I liked the candy at my house better than the candy I got roaming the neighborhood, I was cold, and it usually rained. Now I hate it even more because I have to sit at the door for all the annoying beastly little kids who are scary enough WITHOUT costumes to come and stick their grimy grubble little hand in the candy dish and take half of it and then run away.
Halloween is a good excuse to score free candy, BUY candy at significantly reduced prices, and do vandalism; TP the whole neighborhood and bombard with eggs. :mwaha:
Originally posted by Orioles3386
I've never like halloween. As a little kid I was a pirate or a pumpkin every year, I liked the candy at my house better than the candy I got roaming the neighborhood, I was cold, and it usually rained. Now I hate it even more because I have to sit at the door for all the annoying beastly little kids who are scary enough WITHOUT costumes to come and stick their grimy grubble little hand in the candy dish and take half of it and then run away.

Well, you don't neccesarily have to even open the door. :rolleyes:
I don't care what people think, TP is not a weapon of war!
I grew out of holloween, I'm 18.
I don't like it, not for religious reasons, just on the grounds that snotty brats in my neighborhood pick up everyone's pumpkins and smash them in their driveways, not to mention road signs taken down, houses egged, trees with toilet paper, mailboxes smashed, etc.
This year I'm prepared for any dumb-ass punks who think egging is cool. I think me a couple people may go cruising with my potato gun just to scare the crap out of these little runts if they think that they'll be causing some trouble. Ahhhhh the sweet sound of vigilantyism (sp).
Halloween? What Halloween? Nah, nothing much around these parts except for the odd expat or two and some organised activities by TV or something.
My neighbor is very religious and more than a little stuffy. He refuses to allow his two boys to trick-or-treat. Breaks my heart every year. I'm sure they get over it, but still has to be a bummer. I just hook them up the day after.

Funny thing is his oldest is the worst hellion in the neighborhood. Busted him for snagging $60 out of my wallet, lol. I wasn't sure until I was complaining to Hussein, the guy at 7-eleven and told him whom I suspected, and he told me that he knows what he spent my money on, lol. Freakin' Yugi-O cards, which his dad would probably go into immediate cardiac arrest if he know they were playing around with.
What are Yugi-O cards?

Halloween? Not in my building. I think kids are scared to trick-or-treat here. Usually the day just comes and goes. However, I was recently in Virginia with my sister and her kids, and she was getting material ready to make costumes for them--she likes making homemade costumes rather than buying those cheap mass-produced action-figure-of-the-day costumes that lack all originality. Our parents did the same for us as kids too.... Anyway, the whole spirit of the thing sounded fun, the kids were excited, and I wished I'd decided to go down and see them over that holiday instead of when I did--it's always a fun time with kids and all.

One thing I remember though growing up--that bag of Halloween candy would last a long time then. We kids didn't just get candy whenever we wanted, so we hoarded such large amounts as we got on Halloween (and Easter) to last awhile. These days, with this generation, it seems that kids eat all kinds of sweets and junk food just about whenever they want--my sister's kids included--without the same kind of discipline, so a Halloween bag will be gone in a week or less, no big deal either. I don't know why that is, but all that sugar CAN'T be healthy--unless I suppose you're investing in an insulin factory....
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