What is your favorite thing to do?

Sex with attractive women.
Getting paid for a job well done.
Genuine compliments.
Dancing to music.
Eating a really good meal.
Anticipating victory.
I find that it varies throughout the day.

I really like exercising, eating, sleeping, thinking, joking, discussing, typing, reading ...

... I don't have a favourite, just a favourite at the time
Sleep, period.
Must... resist... making juvenile joke...
Top 4:

drink beer

Order depends on how tired I am, wrether my wife is present, and the time since my last meal.
Sleeeeeeeep. Especially when i'm tired
Eat indulgently. Especially when i'm hungry.
Talk to/mack on chicks.
Play some fun video games.
Listen to some good music.
Work out/weightlift/play fun sports.
Read some delightful books.
Watch some awesome movies.
Be happy.
besides sex, and playing civ???
well i actually like to indulge in PHO,which is vietnamese noodle soup. to me this is my Heroin, the first time i had it, i got hooked.
Listen to music
Play soccer
Have dreams at night
In terms of non-girlfriend-related activities I'd have to say rugby.
I love sailing. There is nothing more peaceful to me than sailing over to Blake Island by myself and spending the night in solitude on our beautiful boat. I listen to music, read, relax, fish a bit, lay out in the sand on the beach, anything really.

It is ultimately peaceful for me.
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