What Video Games Have You Been Playing XVII: REMAIN INDOORS!! :D

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Farm Boy

they're all reactions
Sep 8, 2010
I tried to make that and the Goblin King work in the goblindeck so hard. It was too slow. :(


¡Patria y vida!
Jul 11, 2005
up yours.
4 each of Counterspell, Mana Leak, Force Spike, Boomerang, Hoodwink, plus some Prodigal Sorcerers and a couple of 0/7 walls that came in for 3 mana and you would have a core drive people up the wall. Add in a few of the Alpha edition dual lands to throw in direct damage (red) or cheap creatures (white) or whatever suited your fancy and you'd just cause people to start grumnling. It was awesome.
More Civ3, randed another pangaea as Carthage except that I started on the only island outside it. Managing mainland wars is a nightmare; maybe I should just draw down i.e. abandon exclaves and wait to conquer Rome from the Hittites? The mainland's just become a free-for-all. Or save myself the hassle and go back to Thelen Epres Mrel Nelthelrinae, a seriously underrated scenario.
The solution, to return to a saved inflexion point and do some smarter expansion e.g. not take AI-owned farflung cities as compensation after no-battle wars, might work.

Currently I'm facing the interesting dilemma of holding out in the mainland with an army with three Numidians in it and a just-built Knights Templar against Maya-owned stacks-of-doom from the other end of the pangaea.
Notched up 2 more Random-rolled DG defeats myself yesterday, first as the Aztecs, then as the Spanish.

My Aztec start was one of the worst Civ3-spawns I've ever seen, and I only played on because I was curious. My Settler was born on a Desert at the end of a narrow peninsula, with only 2 adjacent land-tiles: another Desert, and a Gem-Mountain (I also had a coastal Fish, whoopee). When my BFC expanded 10 turns later, I got access to a Grassland across the water (about 10 tiles' worth of Worker-moves away from Tenochtitlan), and a Marsh south of the Mountain. Four tiles south of Tenochtitlan was a 1-tile lake — surrounded by Jungle (with 2 Banana!). And I forgot to switch off Culture-linkage, so my neighbours were all the other American Civs (oh, and this turned out to be a Pangea as well). I lasted 50 turns, because the Iros plonked a town next to the lake just before my first Settler was built.

The Spanish start looked a lot better (coastal, river-adjacent, Grassland + Hills + Forest + a few Mountains, room for at least a 1st-ring), until I discovered that again I was on a Pangea, neighboured by the Romans (south), the Indians and Persians (west and southwest), and the Greeks (northwest), with the Ottomans (west of Persia), Mongols (west of India), and Scandinavians (west of Greece) rounding out the roster. I got Horses by the skin of my teeth, just beating the Indians (who built SoZ) to the punch, but lost the Philo-race by 3T. And when I tried to capture that one Indian outpost 20T later, my meagre Horse-force died on the spot, or retreated, only to be killed by the 6-Civ dogpile that Ghandi initiated within about 2T of my DoW (he brought in the Persians; the Jerk brought in pretty much everyone else).

Oh well, back to the drawing-board...
May I persuade you to play the abovementioned Thelen Epres Mrel Nelthelrinae and/or The Rood and the Dragon? In the latter I've already discontinued a campaign as Lindsey on Thegn difficulty.

Farm Boy

they're all reactions
Sep 8, 2010
Ah yes. Force of Will. When tournamenting became a 6 hour session of "Mother May I?"


Super Moderator
Dec 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM
Oh that's fair. Keeping it fun but feeling like you're awesome is why games stack up visibly unfair bonuses so the opponents are strong but dumb to fight against once you're comfortable with it. It's nice to be the champion. But yeah. Same game over and over gets stale after a while.

I played Magic the Gathering back when. 4th Edition? My friends weren't insane collectors but they had more cards than I did for putting together their "super serious decks" that we'd take every once in a blue moon to a type 2 tournament. I looked through all the winningest decks and realized all the really good versatile control cards were the expensive ones I didn't own. So the longer any game went on the less win conditions I had and the more they had. In every deck they tried to build to be good. So I went for speed.

The deck was "cheese" instead of "meta" in the lingo of these days, I guess. "Sly" in the lingo of the days the followed shortly after then, gradually becoming "rush" then "tempo" if the cards had been of quality. But they weren't good cards, so "cheese" it was. We called it the Goblin Grenade deck and it was straight burn. It was twitchy and had to draw right. It under allocated land cards and was the only deck I knew so tuned, because to draw more than four generally made it run out of gas and lose. Almost anything could disrupt it. A couple creature removals. Land disruption, discards. But those weren't generally early game cards in popular tournament rounded decks. Those all revolved around periodic resets so they could re achieve lock combos if the game got out of control. But man, when it drew right it was cooking with nitro glycerine. It usually worked well enough to be dangerous. Best case scenario turn 3 rolled around and it finished spending all its mana, all its cards, all its creatures, and all but one of its own lands, but it could wrap up dealing 20 cumulative damage. Turn 4 was more normal, and by turn 5 would happen if it didn't misdraw and completely fizzle. Which it could. If your deck was designed to lock its combo on turn 5 and relied on resets to recapture the pace, it doesn't matter when you've already lost. My friends got very tired of dealing with that deck. It was about 60 cents worth of cards and it became a stage in tournament testing any deck they built long after. If it couldn't deal with the goblins when you knew what their trick was, then whatever its other merits, it was too slow.

Almost beat a guy in a type 1 tournament running the power 9 back before those were whisper worthy cards. Nuked him down in the first game because he didn't respect the noob. Almost got him in the 3rd game. He got saved by a Kird Ape, a good first turn card with dual forest/mountains in the game. It forced a lightning bolt that I needed to win. Fun though! Eventually Fallen Empires cycled out of Type 2 and everyone was saved the experience.

Game AI can be too good. Chess is a done game on the highest levels, it's dead. Go too.
Those were the days! I usually played white decks and I particularly loved Hand of Justice.

Farm Boy

they're all reactions
Sep 8, 2010
Muh muh muh Lord of the Pit!

I always wanted a situation in which I played a Demonic Horde to also be a situation in which I would tap them to destroy a land instead of, well, you know. Smashing the opponent directly in the face with a Demonic Horde. Which was basically a near 100% of situations.


Nov 1, 2008
Latvia, EU
I've been playing a bit of Slay the Spire, and finally just beat the Corrupt Heart for the first time. I don't know how I'm going to do it with a non-poison character lol...the only reason I beat him was because I was able to stack up almost 300 poison on him.

congrats! you can do the same idea with ironclad, stacking up strength.


Super Moderator
Dec 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM
Muh muh muh Lord of the Pit!

I always wanted a situation in which I played a Demonic Horde to also be a situation in which I would tap them to destroy a land instead of, well, you know. Smashing the opponent directly in the face with a Demonic Horde. Which was basically a near 100% of situations.
From what I have heard, the game is a lot more complicated now. It was simple and elegant when it began. Richard Garfield's design was beautiful. Wizards of the Coast put it all together with such great art. :love:


Shades of the Sun
Oct 10, 2007
I wouldn't pay Valve for toilet paper if I was dead out and they were the only supplier on earth.


My Civ IV Chinese have made peace after a limited nuclear war (limited in that we have nukes and they don't, and also in that I only fired off maybe a half dozen tac nukes over the course of the war). My continent, unified under glorious and enlightened Chinese leadership, stands against the evil hoards of Charlemagne. We tried to stop him from conquering the last holdouts on his continent, the noble but backwards Zulu, but alas Shaka capitulated leaving my army stuck with no city to shelter in until it captured one, ironically from Shaka. Then we were forced to burn down three additional cities just to fend off the benighted hoards reminding our new city of their cultural origins, and crush numerous waves of HRE infantry backed by tanks.

With our one beachhead city like a thorn in their side I don't have to worry about invasions on my own continent if Charlie should want to restart hostilities so I think I can cruise to a science victory and get off this rock. If he tries to start trouble again I might forego restraint and unleash my entire arsenal of ICBMs.
Your "Do it!" post reminded me of this:

On a related note... I've just learned the hard way why the Civ 6 Genghis Kai Giant YNAEM Earth Map has the "WARNING - Unstable in Late Game!" warning attached to it... which I totally noticed, and foolishly ignored. :shake:

I've now reached the late game in my Immortal run with Rome and I'm crushing it... on my way to my choice of Domination, Cultural or Science victory, after what was a very challenging and satisfying game on standard speed. So now I've just snagged the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty along with a golden age and full-on started colonizing North America in earnest... in other words... the dream game...

So of course the "Unstable in Late Game" finally decides to rear its ugly head.... :sad: Essentially I can't play past the current turn without the game crashing... making the above gif especially apropos... Just consider the map-bug the Predator and me the Governator. :cry:

I guess this is as good an excuse as any to reload to a much earlier save and try to squeeze out a domination win before the late game bug hits... or go back to Civ 4 :mischief:
Apr 2, 2013
Your "Do it!" post reminded me of this:

On a related note... I've just learned the hard way why the Civ 6 Genghis Kai Giant YNAEM Earth Map has the "WARNING - Unstable in Late Game!" warning attached to it... which I totally noticed, and foolishly ignored. :shake:

I've now reached the late game in my Immortal run with Rome and I'm crushing it... on my way to my choice of Domination, Cultural or Science victory, after what was a very challenging and satisfying game on standard speed. So now I've just snagged the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty along with a golden age and full-on started colonizing North America in earnest... in other words... the dream game...

So of course the "Unstable in Late Game" finally decides to rear its ugly head.... :sad: Essentially I can't play past the current turn without the game crashing... making the above gif especially apropos... Just consider the map-bug the Predator and me the Governator. :cry:

I guess this is as good an excuse as any to reload to a much earlier save and try to squeeze out a domination win before the late game bug hits... or go back to Civ 4 :mischief:

Not as frustrating, but Civ IV is on my irritant list at the moment. 24 turns before the glorious Chinese interstellar mission reaches Alpha Centauri and Charlie, who has had his butt handed to him three times already, decides he wants to have another go. My conventional forces can pretty much whip his ass anyway, but from the time they finished their various space ship parts my industrial powerhouse cities have had nothing to do but build ICBMs. Get it through your head Charlie, you don't really want to fight. I don't want to fight either, come down to it. I was tempted to see if I could just punch end turn 24 times but if he managed to take the three cities I have on his continent it might be enough for him to tip a Diplo victory on me. Maybe after his people start starving out in their post apocalyptic wasteland...


Stone \ Cold / Fish
May 19, 2009
Inside My Skull
May I persuade you to play the abovementioned Thelen Epres Mrel Nelthelrinae
You don't need to persuade me! I helped playtest it, although admittedly I haven't replayed since @Nathiri tweaked it.
and/or The Rood and the Dragon? In the latter I've already discontinued a campaign as Lindsey on Thegn difficulty.
I was very much impressed with the design of TD&TM — and also very much enjoyed winning my second attempt (Emp-run as Ethiopia) last week, with >21000 VPs (thanks, Obama Timotheos!) — so yes, my next mod-based solo-game will probably be a run at TR+TD.

But yesterday, to reassure myself of my epic-skillz as much as anything, I started another solo Standard-Random Emp game, rolling the English as my Civ, on what looks like a cold dry 3byo Continents map. I've got a fairly substantial range of Hills/Mountains to my west, Tundra at 2nd-ring distance to the north, and the other 4 5 Civs on my continent (Iroquois, Mongols, Persia, Ottomans, Mayans) to the south. I haven't met the Babs or the Celts yet (I assume they're off on some minor islands), because I've been too busy fighting Hiawatha, who (along with everyone else) has been intent on marching his Settler-pairs across my land to found CraptownsTM in the barbarian-ridden wastes.

We've been skirmishing for centuries (with a little help from my 'friends', the Mongols and Persians), but after our third (fourth?) war ended (at an ungodly hour, considering it was a school-night!) with him conceding goodies yet again, I think I've finally ensured his eventual defeat. Although WW forced a halt to the most recent hostilities, I extracted (full-cost) Chivalry from him in the last PT, and am close to finishing research on Gunpowder (which no-one knows yet: despite 6 Civs on one Continent, tech-pace has been fairly slow due to the inhospitable terrain, not to mention all the wars in which I've embroiled my neighbours). So in 20T time, Salamanca is going to be visited by a substantial stack of Knights + Trebs + Pikes or (with any luck) Muskets. If I have Metallurgy by then, I might even sell it to Hiawatha before my campaign begins, to ensure that his WonderWalls get trashed... :evil:

I've been quite lucky in this game, though: I got Spices and Furs near my capital, and both Iron and Horses during the mid-Ancient, whereas Hiawatha never had access to Horses, and only secured his first Iron just before he went Medieval (that town recently flipped to me, which was delicious!). The Jerk has never had Iron or Horses either, which has made him far more amenable than usual — and also my next target. So while my Iroquois conquests simmer down and re-grow, I'm planning to use my existing Mace + Treb stack to mop up the few Persian towns north/west of London, which are mostly still at Pop1-2, and only guarded by Spears/Archers.

Edited for derp
Last edited:


Purple Cube
Oct 11, 2008
You are doing better than me if you are at "it's not that different from AP." I abandoned my first assault before I was really satisfied that my joystick mapped properly to the controls.
It could be because I am using a mouse and keyboard and could thus kind of, almost copy the mapping. But I still have that issue where for some reason flying is just physically exhausting for me. There is just something about it that leaves me physically, not mentally, tired. I've newer experienced anything like that in a PC game.


Shades of the Sun
Oct 10, 2007
I've been trying to start a new game in Civ 6 on an Earth Map (I prefer Earth Maps) where I play as Americans, but start in Ireland and try to emigrate to North America (one of my favourite ways to play Civ)...

BUT!! I can't figure out how to edit the map in World Builder to move my start location from North America to Ireland:mad: Its so frustrating because it used to be so easy to do in Civ 4 [pissed]

If anyone has figured out the Civ 6 World builder let me know.


Dec 16, 2008
I just picked up Neverwinter nights and since I'm studying Spanish, I'm trying the Spanish installation. I think it has audio, so maybe it helps with listening skills as well. My level is tourist, so it might be interesting.
Apr 2, 2013
I just picked up Neverwinter nights and since I'm studying Spanish, I'm trying the Spanish installation. I think it has audio, so maybe it helps with listening skills as well. My level is tourist, so it might be interesting.

Y'know, I'll bet reading the Civilopedia from Civ IV in Spanish would help me a lot, since I pretty much know what it says...


¡Patria y vida!
Jul 11, 2005
up yours.
For civ3 players: I am Egypt, I have Iron and Horses, a bit behind in the tech race. I need to conquer the peninsula I'm in: four civs roughly equal in power, all with fewer than 10 cities, all with iron and all but one with horses.
I am one turn away from building either the Colosseum or the Mausoleum of Mausollos. From now on it'll be a long slog of conquests and the civs outside the peninsula are better at building wonders anyway. There's no place to settle.
I also have 2× incense, 1× Gems and 1× Wines.

Maya Egypt

(yes, the four civs meet roughly west of the centre of the peninsula)

Which of the two wonders should I choose right before starting a military buildup?
You don't need to persuade me! I helped playtest it, although admittedly I haven't replayed since @Nathiri tweaked it.
You should make up for this.
tjs282 said:
I was very much impressed with the design of TD&TM — and also very much enjoyed winning my second attempt (Emp-run as Ethiopia) last week, with >21000 VPs (thanks, Obama Timotheos!) — so yes, my next mod-based solo-game will probably be a run at TR+TD.
The design of The Rood and The Dragon is good, but the atmosphere is the best part of it, I think. The soundtrack is one of those which I actually set to play on VLC or Winamp outside the game: it's that good.
tjs282 said:
But yesterday, to reassure myself of my epic-skillz as much as anything, I started another solo Standard-Random Emp game, rolling the English as my Civ, on what looks like a cold dry 3byo Continents map. I've got a fairly substantial range of Hills/Mountains to my west, Tundra at 2nd-ring distance to the north, and the other 4 Civs on my continent (Iroquois, Mongols, Persia, Ottomans) to the south. I haven't met the Babs or the Celts yet (I assume they're off on some minor islands), because I've been too busy fighting Hiawatha, who (along with everyone else) has been intent on marching his Settler-pairs across my land to found CraptownsTM in the barbarian-ridden wastes.

We've been skirmishing for centuries (with a little help from my 'friends', the Mongols and Persians), but after our third (fourth?) war ended (at an ungodly hour, considering it was a school-night!) with him conceding goodies yet again, I think I've finally ensured his eventual defeat. Although WW forced a halt to the most recent hostilities, I extracted (full-cost) Chivalry from him in the last PT, and am close to finishing research on Gunpowder (which no-one knows yet: despite 6 Civs on one Continent, tech-pace has been fairly slow due to the inhospitable terrain, not to mention all the wars in which I've embroiled my neighbours). So in 20T time, Salamanca is going to be visited by a substantial stack of Knights + Trebs + Pikes or (with any luck) Muskets. If I have Metallurgy by then, I might even sell it to Hiawatha before my campaign begins, to ensure that his WonderWalls get trashed... :evil:

I've been quite lucky in this game, though: I got Spices and Furs near my capital, and both Iron and Horses during the mid-Ancient, whereas Hiawatha never had access to Horses, and only secured his first Iron just before he went Medieval (that town recently flipped to me, which was delicious!). The Jerk has never had Iron or Horses either, which has made him far more amenable than usual — and also my next target. So while my Iroquois conquests simmer down and re-grow, I'm planning to use my existing Mace + Treb stack to mop up the few Persian towns north/west of London, which are mostly still at Pop1-2, and only guarded by Spears/Archers.
Gifting techs to make enemy wonders obsolete? That's evil!
I just picked up Neverwinter nights and since I'm studying Spanish, I'm trying the Spanish installation. I think it has audio, so maybe it helps with listening skills as well. My level is tourist, so it might be interesting.
Y'know, I'll bet reading the Civilopedia from Civ IV in Spanish would help me a lot, since I pretty much know what it says...
Be careful: videogames like those are more often than not translated to something that resembles the target language but isn't.


High Quality Person
Nov 29, 2006
I just picked up Neverwinter nights and since I'm studying Spanish, I'm trying the Spanish installation. I think it has audio, so maybe it helps with listening skills as well. My level is tourist, so it might be interesting.
That's actually a good idea. My spanish has declined abysmally since I left college.


Dec 16, 2008
Be careful: videogames like those are more often than not translated to something that resembles the target language but isn't.

I might have a few ways to check. One might be to simply ask a nativo on the FB forum if the translation is good. I have encountered a few on the BG/IWD forum. Another would be to simply ask my teacher.

I'm also curious who they got to do the voice-acting.

If it isn't, then well, I picked NWN2 for a decent price on GoG.

Y'know, I'll bet reading the Civilopedia from Civ IV in Spanish would help me a lot, since I pretty much know what it says...

It is very likely there are nativos on this forum.


Dec 16, 2008
It also makes a few things challenging. I think NWN2 is based on 3e rules and a point buy system. I will have to look up again how to build a character. Also, just starting the higher-level campaign might help with character building, because then I can practice building.

I remember seeing some interesting builds online, but that was also a very long time ago. I would guess that game play on Neverwinter Nights has evolved just like it has on Civ 4.

Going back to the subject of Civilization 4 in different languages. It was a pretty big game. How well did they do at getting it translated. Are there people here that play in different languages?


¡Patria y vida!
Jul 11, 2005
up yours.


Dec 16, 2008

It is very hard to tell from your name and location! May I ask where you are from?

And did they make mistakes in the translation of Civ 4 or is there an issue with programming as well as translation?

Another game I can think of is Unepic. It is an indie done by somebody from Barcelona, but I do not have audio for it.
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