What wonders have you seen with your own eyes?

Which wonders have you seen with your own eyes?

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Of the poll choices, i've seen 3 - Stonehenge, Notre Dame and The Eiffel Tower. I live pretty close to Stonhenge.
Seen the Hagia Sophia and Pyramids...is it me or is there an tendency for the World Wonders in CIV to be American?
Cookie Crumbs said:
Seen the Hagia Sophia and Pyramids...is it me or is there an tendency for the World Wonders in CIV to be American?

Yes, but as America is the main market for CivIV can you blame Firaxis?
The Great Apple said:
I too have been to Buck Palace, and live in Oxford, so I could hardly fail to miss the university.
Is "failing to miss" the same as "succeeding in seeing" or am I misunderestimating your intention ?
This thread puts the wonders in a whole new light ->
Some of the modern wonders really got notthing "wonder"
about them and shouldn't have been included ;-)
sand said:
does anybody claim to have seen the manhattan project.

It's a good question. I've been to Los Alamos (where they built the bomb,) Oak Ridge (where they refined the Uranium for the bomb,) and the Trinity Site (where the detonated the first atomic bomb.) I'm far too young to have actually *witnessed* the test at the Trinity site though.

I don't have many, but I do have one that nobody has mentioned here: West Point I saw the inside of it for 4 years. :lol:
I spent three years working in the Pentagon when I was in the U.S. Navy. Nothing particularly wonderful about that building.
Nobody seen the angkor wat? Is that the overgrown ancient temples/pyramids in the middle of the indian jungle? Or am i mistaken?
Perfect_Blue said:
I actually got to climb the pyramids for a minute, until the man with the gun told me to come down. And then I had to bribe him, but got to take a picture with him too. Egypt was interesting...The Beduins (sp?) have some decent grass :smoke:

I had much the same experience, though I thought the Beduin grass was rather weak...
sweetpete said:
Nobody seen the angkor wat? Is that the overgrown ancient temples/pyramids in the middle of the indian jungle? Or am i mistaken?

You're a little mistaken. It's an overgrown ancient temple, but it's in Cambodia, not India.

I've been close, but never got there. So I haven't seen it. Although I have seen a LOT of ancient temples, overgrown or not.

Anybody? Angkor Wat?
I've been to the Pyramids, they really are great.
sand said:
does anybody claim to have seen the manhattan project.

i've sorta seen it. fermi's original reactor was at the university of chicago, where i went to college. the reactor is long gone, but under the math building was where some of the uranium was refined. i've seen what's left of the pipes for carrying uf6 gas to the centrifuges.

fwiw, i've also seen what's left of the oracle at delphi. the main site is just rubble, but there is a tholos -- a domed ring of columns -- nearby, just like in civ. :)
Willowmound said:
I had much the same experience, though I thought the Beduin grass was rather weak...

Ok ok, tis true. But it was nice after not having smoked since we'd left the US. I mean, sitting out in a camp under the desert sky, looking up at a mountain, and smoking free grass. They lit litttle candles all over the mountain, it was beautiful. Ah.....
Perfect_Blue said:
Ok ok, tis true. But it was nice after not having smoked since we'd left the US. I mean, sitting out in a camp under the desert sky, looking up at a mountain, and smoking free grass. They lit litttle candles all over the mountain, it was beautiful. Ah.....

Free! We had to pay. Oh well. Better stop this conversation now, or the moderators will get narky (now there's a pun!) ;)
So far, I've only seen the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame and the Parthenon. The latter was probably most impressive, mostly because it is so old, and because I'm somewhat fascinated with Ancient Greek culture.
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