What would you do with $1,000,000,000?

I present

Elephant at Night

Spoiler Gift for Synsensa :
It's a mind-boggling amount of money, and so I just don't know. It's so much that I could spend in ways that I think of as completely whimsical and be richer at the end of the quarter merely because of the interest.

It wouldn't matter if I had chains of houses. It wouldn't really even matter if I bought yachts on whim. In the time it takes to pick out, sail in, and then get bored of a yacht, enough of the capital has recovered that it doesn't really matter that you did it.

I have a variety of humanitarian science-based research agendas that I would actively and overwhelmingly pursue, and those would take up a very large portion of the idle income. Other than extra spending on security as appropriate, I would probably lead a modest lifestyle. Who knows if I would need to spend millions of dollars a year on security? I might, I don't know what it's like at that level
The first thing I would do is move to somewhere where the roads were good enough to drive my shiny new Lamborghini Aventador without smashing it up (can't do it in this province). I think I would build a nice house in the country with a couple of huge fish tanks. I would travel too. I think I would like to go to western Europe and see what I have missed. Maybe I would move home to Ireland and build my house, but I would have to learn to drive all over again. :lol:
The first thing I would do is move to somewhere where the roads were good enough to drive my shiny new Lamborghini Aventador without smashing it up (can't do it in this province). I think I would build a nice house in the country with a couple of huge fish tanks. I would travel too. I think I would like to go to western Europe and see what I have missed. Maybe I would move home to Ireland and build my house, but I would have to learn to drive all over again. :lol:

I've been watching Top Gear and they did an episode with supercars in Paris.

Completely impractical for day to day use lol.

I wouldn't buy a supercar. Maybe a tank or 10.
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I've been watching TooGear and they did an episode with supercars in Paris.

Completely impractical for day to day use lol.

I wouldn't buy a supercar. Maybe a tank or 10.

What can you do with a super car when max speed allowed is something 100-120 km/hr ?
Be the fastest when standing next to each other at a traffic light ?
Go to Germany ?

Still... when I saw a Maserati when driving so much on motorways... I just made sure I came close with my window open... just to hear that sound :)
I'd cry.
I ask this because I was thinking about what I would do, and more specifically, what I wouldn't. I couldn't see myself enjoying a mansion or an expensive sports car.

These are few things I'd actually buy.
A reasonably large house with lots of land would be cool but as long as the house meets few of my basic needs it doesn't have to be a fancy one but a functional one. A suitable garage for hopefully several cars but more likely old & cool than new & expensive.

Retire. Travel. Slowly spend the money on political attack ads. Eventually give most of it to charity.

I like the simplicity of this and if I shared the general location with Cutlass I'd be more likely to go this route.

What can you do with a super car when max speed allowed is something 100-120 km/hr ?
Go to Germany ?

Yup, there's the greater purpose of Germany to exist besides there're tracks open for publicand with that kind of money here in the middle of nowhere one could get an own track to enjoy. Also, the top speed isn't the only speed one can enjoy a car but I agree that whether the top speed is 350km/h or 400km/h makes very little difference.

I'd also buy a lower league football team - it'd be like playing Hattrick in real life but rather than hunting trophies I'd like to provide proper facilities etc for a team or few I have social connection to.

After that I'd give a comfortable sum for relatives & some friends to relieve them from daily issues of money or lack of it to get by. Put some money aside for the rest of my days and setting up few trusts to preserve as museum, national park or whatever the places where my parents are from. The locals surely would be able to sort out the detail.

At this point I'd still have some 700-800 M left which should be plenty for various charities.

The interesting part here is that while not likely to get anything close to that much money writing this started my mind wandering far ahead making more or less detailed plans on how to spend the money. Probably after an hour I'd have a very detailed Excel sheet for the purpose and now I'm wondering for how long would the money saved for donations would actually last.
So you can put it in tax free municipal bonds and have 3% as your annual income.

I would do something like this. Beyond that I wouldn't change my lifestyle much and just use the money as an excuse to never have to work again.

I'd hide the fact of my new-found wealth from family and friends though, just to keep all the opportunistic beggars among them at bay. As far as anyone outside of my wife and kids would know, I'm still just a working stiff with a regular job just trying to provide for my wife and kids.
You might as well build your own race track. Because why not?

Has already been build in Germany: the Nordschleiffe, the original F1 Nürburgring, before a new shorter one was build next to it.
Everybody is allowed to drive there at unlimited speed.
Though I would not take a Lamborghini Aventador... I am too long for those Italian cars. And speeding with roadsters does not combine... back to the pretty girls :)

I never had the guts to go there when I could easily have done it. Too afraid of myself with speed and I had kids.

I was on bicycle holidays already a speed maniac in my youth. On a racebike with an additional 15 kilo luggage on top of my 90 kilo at that time, going downhill goes faster than those small lightweight Tour de France cyclists. Driving uphill only for the reward of speeding downhill.
I had to stop with my volleyball in my youth because of knee injuries of two minor bicycle accidents. After another and bad narrow escape going downhill with my bicycle and a narrow escape during an auto rally I stopped driving hard.
And then it crept back with my 50,000-80,000 km a year mainly on German motorways. Nürnberg-Munich becoming my favorite stretch.
After evading an accident north of Lindau, ending up driving at two wheels at 180 km/hr... did the horse shoe gifted by my daughters in my car help ?... I decided finally to stop fast driving and planned a bit better my schedules.
I became that boring 130 km/hr Mercedes driver.
Keep 2 or 3 million for myself, give another chunk away to friends family. Use the bulk of it to fund charities/causes/projects/whatever that I like or think look cool.

I wouldn't do anything that would violate forum rules to talk about, and millions of people wouldn't have to die to satisfy my bloodlust, so I guess that's nice :)
The Warren Buffet approach to his children seems best: set aside enough money, well-controlled, that they'll never starve or be homeless, but not enough that they'll not have to work to have nice things. Incentives for improving themselves, and for making the world a better place, too. The same for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Very nice gifts of cash to many of my friends and relatives - US$4999 to most of them, since if I recall correctly $5000 is the minimum to require tax notifications. There's a few for whom I will quietly pay off their mortgages, replace their car, things like that.

A very large house, on a LOT of land, probably in northern NH. A winter home south, not sure where. Another piece of property in a small stable country far from the US geographically and legally, probably the south Pacific. Enough of the billion set aside to cover taxes/upkeep for all three.

Private pilot's license. Scuba cert. Travel for my wife and I.

Then, I'm going full meta. I'm going to start an organization focused on figuring out counterintuitive or otherwise clever ways to improve things. The first thing the organization will do once established is probably to solicit ideas from the public, and "winning" ideas earn winners $1K. Bill Gates already does high-resource good. Elon Musk already does clever-engineering good. I want to initiate think-way-outside-the-box good.

There's also ideas in my head about mind control research facilities (using volunteer subjects that are volunteering because they're really into mind control) and transfolk support facilitiea.
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