What would you do with 10 billion dollars?


Steppin' up!
Aug 3, 2009
If I had 10 billion $'s I would buy a nice house, pay off my families/friends/reletives debts, invest, spend on something (or things) nice, and save the rest.

What would you do?
i would buy the oakland raiders.
Invest 8 billion in stocks with a goal of 5% yield, or 400 million dollars a year. Oh boy, can you say "bubble"?
Invest 1.5 billion in bonds and other long-term commitments.
Spend the remaining 500 million on a nice house. Probably live out my greatest fantasies and dreams with it (traveling the world).
I'd probably let it rot in the bank cuz I'm too lazy to do anything.
spend $200m on all the boring stuff (house, summer home, car, pay off any outstanding debts, etc.
Sock $100m in TIPS @1.5% real yield for a $1.5m yearly income

spend $200m on getting a money & macroeconomics working group going, similar to the NBER in Cambridge and the Milton Friedman Institute in Chicago. Headquarter it in New York nearish to NYU and Columbia. Get some high-profile people on board like Gali, Woodford, Gertler, etc. Do everything possible to stimulate research that integrates the money & macro literature and the finance literature.

spend $4.5bn on various small- and medium-scale development projects - ye olde malaria nets, basic medicines, &c, for the bottom billion. Use a bit of that to start the funding of medium-quality institutes of higher learning in Africa, seeing as the emphasis so far is saturated on primary and secondary schooling.

Use $5bn as starting capital for a microfinance venture that stresses medium-scale finance: larger than the tiny microenterprises that employ 1-2 people but smaller than industrial-scale projects. There is a big gap that needs to be filled there.
Buy luxury apartments in Tokyo, Honolulu, Minneapolis. Also, a custom-fitted VIP jet and luxury cars with chauffeurs in each city to shuttle me between and in the cities.

I would donate $1m to the Libertarian Party, $2m to the CATO Institute, $2m to the Reason Foundation, $2m to the Japan-America Society of Minnesota, $2m to marijuana-legalization efforts in Minnesota and the U.S., and $500k to defeat Minnesota State House Representative and thief Phyllis Kahn.

I would found two TV stations in Minneapolis. The first would air entertainment programming selected by me (mainly reruns of 70s and 80s game shows) and the second would be channel that airs right-libertarian news and commentary. I'd probably set up one station in Tokyo that airs bi-lingual programming from both of my Minneapolis stations.

I would buy a small supercomputer from Cray and a top-of-the-line monitor and speaker system. I would also take some of money to fund projects at smaller game studios like Paradox Interactive and rewrite some classic games that need updating (Chris Crawford's Balance of Power, for example.) If I can get by whatever legal requirements necessary, I'd also donate $10m to みんなの党 (minna no to), a new pro-privatization party here in Japan.

I would buy a movie theater to show classic movies from the 1930s to the 1980s. This, like so many others, would not be a profit-driven venture as tickets would be priced at $1 and snacks at similarly low prices.

I would buy the rights to set up Wendy's, A&W, Dairy Queen, and Culver's franchises in major cities in Japan and Hawaii.

I would buy my mother houses in suburban Minneapolis, Honolulu, and northern California. I'd pay off the debts of all of my good friends and family and buy them new cars, electronic equipment, or houses. For a few, I'd also give them enough to retire on so they don't have to keep working.

I'd buy the school I'm currently attending and fire the head of the foreign exchange program and cancel his pension. I'd then have the school rebuilt with new staff in its old location in the city and destroy the new building via artillery bombardment. (One of my friends suggested they remove its foundation and hire a bunch of helicopters to pick it up and drop it into a volcano. :lol:)

I'd also hire private tutors to help teach me Japanese and bi-lingual Japanese speakers to translate some Japanese software to English.

That's all I have for now, given that the rest of the money would be saved and invested in various conservative and moderate-risk ETFs, bonds, and whatever the guy at Charles Schwab says. :p
Spend it all on hookers and cocaine
If I had 10 billion $'s I would buy a nice house, pay off my families/friends/reletives debts, invest, spend on something (or things) nice, and save the rest.

What would you do?

You don't need $10billion to do these things. You probably don't even need half a million. So that's 20,000 times more than you need.

If I had $10billion I would raid markets.
Deposit some into a safe, interest-bearing account to set me for life.

Move into all sorts of businesses geared toward sustainability and environmental friendliness.

Build my own "green" town.

Deposit more into an interest-bearing account and start a scholarship fund to send intelligent, but poor children to college.
Pay debts, buy a new house here in Melbourne, donate some, invest some. I'll save the bulk of the money for after I graduate though, then I'll really think about what to do with it.
i would buy the oakland raiders.

Why in the heck would you ever want to do this?

Music, lots of music, and books, lots of books.

Then...I dunno, do all those things I've always wanted to do but have never been able to due to fiscal inability?:dunno:
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