What would you do with $1,000,000,000?

I have everything I need and I already find it difficult to even spend $500 in a year on myself, so anything more than that is incomprehensible.
I have everything I need and I already find it difficult to even spend $500 in a year on myself, so anything more than that is incomprehensible.
That was the idea when I started the thread. I remember that old show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous with Robin Leach, and of course as a kid I thought “wow! Look at that mansion!” and so on but now I just don’t even consider that a remote desire... or remote possibility! :)

I think the biggest upside would be that people would start calling me “eccentric,” as opposed to whatever it is they say behind my back now. :lol:
That was the idea when I started the thread. I remember that old show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous with Robin Leach, and of course as a kid I thought “wow! Look at that mansion!” and so on but now I just don’t even consider that a remote desire... or remote possibility! :)

I think the biggest upside would be that people would start calling me “eccentric,” as opposed to whatever it is they say behind my back now. :lol:

It would be great to have a super-duper fast computer because most of my mathematical work is to do with finding faster ways to compute fluid flows, or to solve certain equations numerically.
OTOH, I spend 99% of my time in a text editor, either writing LaTeX documents or computer programs, so it would be an expensive ugly doorstop for most of its life. :)
I have everything I need and I already find it difficult to even spend $500 in a year on myself, so anything more than that is incomprehensible.

You sure?
I had just rented a car for a week, cost me 470€, so I can easily think of ways.

Right now in Cannes. Made a pic of some yachts I saw, sent it to a friend who was involved in the construction of yachts. He estimates 10-35 million. And I have not yet asked if that is a lot or not ^^.

Late EDIT: apparently that is cheap. You can get yachts up to 500 million.
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the de rigour or whatever the hell the word is whether your yatch can take an Harrier . ı know , because that got a post of mine somewhere else deleted and started one of those frequent conversations on why ı should be banned . You know , me kinda knowing why would have anyone ever develop an overly large droptank gizmo that will hold a blonde who is extremely necessary for all the secretarial work to be flown at Mach 0.8 plus for thousands of kilometers . Only one so declared was owned by Maktoum of Dubai , before America decided on turning UAE fully into action and whatnot .

ten to thirty five should be available for any Joe and Moe .
Invest a large chunk, give some to family that need it, buy a gaming computer, probably stop working current job and just do projects when I feel like doing them, and coast. I'd dump part of the proceeds from dividends or whatever into charities.
mmm-kay , like this

times when the Peace Dividend supposedly starts to hurt . Some brilliant people in the UK come together and start producing images like this . Very few of the Russian or similar threats but it how the West prevails etc , etc . Target audience is not the English schoolboy of course but rather the Arabian monarchs and Kaddafi , too . Contribute to the industry , get flashy pictures for your local media consumption even if you will never need PR for elections and we will spend your oil wealth for you !

bah , do not care for the pathetically small thing here but she is above the frogman . The actual thing you won't be seeing is a life size mural thing on a wall , a blonde , red jacket and skirt , sport shoes because heels might get into holes where you will attach the chains to secure the Harriers , because ain't she always practical since 1970s (and it is a proper trolling with style and scale) The Emir of Dubai , the most westernized of them , horse racing and all and he could afford it , contributed and had his yatch fitted accordingly even when the end for Harrier was in sight and doesn't that make 'em anxious and angry and full of hate ?

well , here is what people might do with a billion of yours , a nice book you could buy for 15 Pound Sterlings .
You could pay 100 members of CFC 50k a year to drink beer in NZ for 50 years and have 750 million left over.

:beer: :grouphug: :cheers: :high5: :agree:

This is easily the most brilliant idea yet. :salute:

And hey, we could all be Civ7 betatesters!!!
as apparently not many are biting , the latest should go in spoilers...

Spoiler :

now , obviuosly site owners are capable of knowing lP numbers and whatnot to block undesirables , a place elsewhere has a private forum where proffesionals can exchange ideas and pictures for proffesional purposes . Never minding an email or PM in the forum to get yours idiotly banned , you know , elsewhere . lt was just a fleeting image , more possibly to show they were steppin' back from the brink ! Oh-kay , something appropriate then . So , they went around and told stuff and those Arabs , despite what r16 might be regularly saying about them , are not that dumb . Oh , they would pay their "taxes" as it were , but who would do the actual work ? This of course works as a reminder that they might not be that accomodating if the Whites keep mocking them to their faces . Because they do have the power to think and what not . Norman Conquest was the answer , Norman Augustine being the CEO of Lockmart at the time when the end of the Cold War cut the contracts , making it much easier to buy companies to monopoly aims . As Stealth was the future god and Lockmart was the only one with Stealth knowhow , Lockmart to win any competition , sell your shares while you can . Thus the fanciest thing on board was navalizing the EFA , called Typhoon these days . Actually in mid 1980s when it began it would the sole responsibility of Dassault as France was the only market for conventional jet for carrier duty . They couldn't agree so the French had the thundersqual while the Eurofighter got heavier and stuff . And then the Berlin Wall fell and there suddenly was lndia . Which could find a use for carriers and could get one from the bankrupt Russians and stuff . Naturally had military jet business ever involved logic , the lndians would have bought the Rafale in mid 1990s and might have been fielding something like 600 these days . But , no , it involves rather more than that , influencing foreign policies of seller countries and , well , those who had rejected conventional carrier duty suddenly found themselves staring at the lndian market , a decade after declaring there would be no need for a "hook" . Despite the flight control system of the Typhoon was installed on the F-14D and ı can always get myself banned elsewhere on how it cut down the prospects of Tomcat ever matching the Eagle again , one American company was approached to navalize the Eurofighter . Which had comparatively larger dimensions and weight , making it possible for Dassault to claim if it was bought by Paris it would mean the end of the French Naval Aviation as it wouldn't fit the carriers of the size France could afford . The effort being on the cheap , as befits the strong party with history on its side and the weak that might need protection from like evil Lockmart .

hence the mural ... was ...

anger leads to Dark Side , it is true , but only in SW that lightning will come out of your fingertips . Real life is more mundane but could also lead to trouble , like people who might talk in a language you will be made to understand .
such drastic solutions only leaves more options to be what was supposed to be ? And also they be wronging you again ?
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