Which natural wonders should we have?


Jul 26, 2013
That we have "El Dorado" and "The Fountain of Youth" but not the Iguaçu Falls in Civ V is a huge shame, I'd love to see it in Civ VI! Are you guys hoping for anything in particular?
I'm still surprised things like the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest and Niagara Falls never made it into Civ 5.
Whichever natural wonders, as long as it aren't those fantastical ones, like the Fountain of Youth, Solomon's Mines, etc I'll be happy.
I really dislike those.
Since we had Krakatoa in Civ 5 (so there's a precedent for destroyed natural wonders) I would absolutely love to have the Pink and White Terraces - given people would travel half way around the world on holiday in the 1800s to see them, it seems to fit the definition of a Natural Wonder pretty well
I really hope no El Dorado or Fountain of Youth. They are quite immersion breakers.
I'd like to see Lake Baikal. It's an amazing natural wonder. In fact, it is considered the world's fifth ocean.

Lake Baikal – World's Deepest Lake

Baikal: The oldest and deepest freshwater lake in the world
Lake Baikal, the world’s oldest and deepest freshwater lake, curves for nearly 400 miles through south-eastern Siberia, north of the Mongolian border.

It lies in a cleft where Asia is literally splitting apart, the beginnings of a future ocean.

More than 5,000 feet deep (1637m) at its most profound, with another four-mile-thick layer of sediment further down, the lake’s cold, oxygen-rich waters teem with bizarre life-forms.

One of those is the seals’ favourite food, the golomyanka, a pink, partly transparent fish which gives birth to live young.

Surrounded by mile-high snowcapped mountains, Lake Baikal still offers vistas of unmatched beauty. The mountains are still a haven for wild animals, and the small villages are still outposts of tranquillity and self-reliance in the remote Siberian taiga, as the forest is called.


One of the world’s oldest geographical features (formed 25 to 30 million years ago), magnificent Lake Baikal (Озеро Байкал) is the highlight of Eastern Siberia for many. Summer travellers enjoy gob-smacking vistas across waters of the deepest blue to soaring mountain ranges on the opposite shore; rarer winter visitors marvel at its powder-white surface, frozen steel-hard and scored with ice roads. Whether they swim in it, drink its water, skirt its southern tip by train, cycle or dog sled over it in winter or just admire it from 2000km of shoreline, most agree that Siberia doesn’t get better than this.
Banana-shaped Baikal is 636km from north to south and up to 1637m deep, making it the world’s deepest lake. In fact it’s not a lake at all, but the world’s future fifth ocean containing nearly one-fifth of the planet’s unfrozen fresh water (more than North America’s five Great Lakes combined). Despite some environmental concerns, it’s pure enough to drink in most places but use common sense. Fed by 300 rivers, it’s drained by just one, the Angara near Listvyanka.

The Galapagos islands,
Mt Everest,
Ha Long Bay in Vietnam would be nice to see, as well.

Ha Long Bay is located in Quáng Ninh province, Vietnam. The bay features thousands of limestone karsts and isles in various sizes and shapes. The bay has a 120 kilometre long coastline and is approximately 1,553 square kilometres in size with 1969 islets. Several of the islands are hollow, with enormous caves, other support floating villages of fishermen, who ply the shallow waters for 200 species of fish and 450 different kinds of mollusks. Another specific feature of Halong Bay is the abundance of lakes inside the limestone islands, for example, Dau Be island has six enclosed lakes. All these island lakes occupy drowned dolines within fengcong karst.

They need to get rid of El Dorado, the Fountain of Youth and the King Solomon one, then add in as many actual natural wonders as possible.

Would love to see the White Cliffs of Dover now that we actually have cliffs. :D
They need to get rid of El Dorado, the Fountain of Youth and the King Solomon one, then add in as many actual natural wonders as possible.

Would love to see the White Cliffs of Dover now that we actually have cliffs. :D

ooo yes, also I hope they are more interactive than Civ 5, in Civ5 they were like modded mountains, so I hope for forests and things, that they act like what they are
Giant's Causeway
The Three Gorges
Zhangjiajie (mountains seen in Avatar)
I'd add Pink Lake to the list. Would look cool on the map at least.
I think a good natural wonder needs to have long lasting cultural impact on societies round it, almost becoming defied itself. It shouldn't just be a cool natural formation.

So holy mountains fit in very well. Nile delta would be a cool one for the impact it's had on food production in the area.
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