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Who failed Anakin Skywalker? *spoiler a bit*

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Oct 29, 2003
United Earth
Who failed Anakin skywalker? was it the Jedi council, the chancellor, obi wan? Who?

All ideas welcomed. :)
I think it was the public schools.
Careful you will be accused of anti Americanism. You can get a month for that!
HamaticBabylon said:
You will be accused of anti Americanism. You can get a month for that!
No, you get arrested under new terrorist laws and tried in a military tribunal, being found guilty of the most awful of crimes - not liking america.
Anyway, anakin was not failed by anyone, he just wasnt cut out to be a jedi following orders and being peaceful.
farting bob said:
No, you get arrested under new terrorist laws and tried in a military tribunal, being found guilty of the most awful of crimes - not liking america.

I meant banned for a month on CFC! ;)
HamaticBabylon said:
Careful you will be accused of anti Americanism. You can get a month for that!
Anti-Americanism isn't a crime where I live. It's kinda trendy, actually.

(That, of course, is also Bush's fault.)
*taking the topic seriously :p *

I think he failed himself. He couldn't control his anger, he gave in to the dark side, it was his own fault really. I think the scene where he kills all the sand people in episode 2 is really important in showing how that aspect of him was very strong and could surface in times when he was feeling very emotional.
I agree with the Comrade, he failed himself. He was to selfish, greedy... a little too ambitious.
MrPresident said:
George Lucas. Should have written him some better lines. Also, a few more scenes with a naked Nathalie Portman couldn't have hurt.
That would have made it much better. It was to sanitised.

Anakin failed noone, because it was written in the script. :p
Padma, she didn't give him any :(.

Poor fellow, can't blame him really, can you?
Errrr...do i need to explain to you how someone gets pregnant.... :p

That was there last time :sad: .

He was forced to turn to the "darkside" after that...
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