Will this game RUN (as In I dont care about graphics at all) on a win Xp with 256 MB


Oct 28, 2005
of ram ? By run I mean like 20 FPS

or will it give me a stupid "you dont meet min. requirments , You wasted your money" message ?

I dont care about graphics at all. if I have ot run it on super mega ultra low , or replace defult textures or somthing I dont care.
When you say you don't care about graphics at all, you need to clarify - some of us are having graphics problems that mean we can't see the game, which renders the game fairly unplayable, but it still RUNS...

I think you're going to have more issues with whether you will be able to play or not depending on your graphics card rather than with the amount of memory your system has. Detail your system specs, someone should be able to give you a better answer.
The machine I'm posting from (at work) has exactly 384 MB of RAM. Civ 4 did actually work on it. I wouldn't say it "ran" however. More like a brisk walk or a slow jog. The smaller the map was, the faster it went.
my graphics card is a nvadia (the problemed ones are ATI right ? ) and although its not good (only DX7) it still has 128 MB.

my processor is a AMD 2600+

GeForce 4 440 MX ... not much
Depends on your video card, however since, you don’t have 512MB of RAM, I am guessing you probably don’t have a good enough video card. This is not a 2D game, it will not look as good on a min system as on a better one, and when I say wont look as good I don’t mean frame rate problems. There is a good chance for example that the units might appear a nasty shade of blue or something.

On the positive side, you could probably upgrade you computer so it will run well for 100 to 200 dollars. Most likely you will need, more RAM and a new video card, if you tell me your system specs, I can point you towards some hardware that will fit in your budget.

Edit (it should be able to run, but that’s all I’ll say)
Long Axe said:
Depends on your video card, however since, you don’t have 512MB of RAM, I am guessing you probably don’t have a good enough video card. This is not a 2D game, it will not look as good on a min system as on a better one, and when I say wont look as good I don’t mean frame rate problems. There is a good chance for example that the units might appear a nasty shade of blue or something.

On the positive side, you could probably upgrade you computer so it will run well for 100 to 200 dollars. Most likely you will need, more RAM and a new video card, if you tell me your system specs, I can point you towards some hardware that will fit in your budget.

Edit (it should be able to run, but that’s all I’ll say)

Geforce 4 Mx 440 , a DX 7 card. Windows says It has 128 MB of ram
I dont know motherboard / soundcard (sound is less important to me than graphics , if the speakers can make a hearable sound Im fine)
AMD 2600+ processor
256 MB DDR ram
Windows XP SP 2
56x CD drive (this is actally a spec I beat...)
Upgrade your ram and you should be golden, I would reccommend 1 gig. You should probably be able to swing that for $100. The geforce 4 440mx should be ok. All the other specs you provided look fine.
I'm experiencing very little difficulty running it 256 mb and Windows XP and an ATI Radeon 9200.

After a couple hours the game starts to move really slow, but I just quit to the desktop and then start the game again and it runs fine again for a couple more hours. (I'm guessing that's the memory leak I've seen other threads talking about).
Just for general purposes I would recommend 512mb of RAM for xp. Yeah XP will run with 256 but not very well. I managed to get the game installed and playing on a machine that had an intergrated video card and only 256mb of system memory but it was painful to play. Now that the render issue is straightened out I have it on my main system with a P4 2 gig proc, a gig of RAM and a video card with 256mb and it screams. Just a few hiccups during the victory movies which I'm sure they will address in a patch.(hint,hint);-)
Scizor2120 said:
Geforce 4 Mx 440 , a DX 7 card. Windows says It has 128 MB of ram
I dont know motherboard / soundcard (sound is less important to me than graphics , if the speakers can make a hearable sound Im fine)
AMD 2600+ processor
256 MB DDR ram
Windows XP SP 2
56x CD drive (this is actally a spec I beat...)

Some people are reporting problems with the Mx 440, it's the bare bones needed for the game by the looks of it. You might want to consider upgrading. And you should definately get more system RAM! XP alone uses up almost 200 meg. Your processor is fine though, above recommended in fact.
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