will toku trade techs?


Apr 2, 2008
I'm working up from Monarch to Emperor and have a question about my current game. Settings emperor, continents, normal map and speed. Random leader/civ got me Gilgamesh. I'm on a continent with toku and wang. I rushed toku and captured his capital, leaving him with a couple of crappy cities on the edge of jungle. Since then I've followed the liberalism path and have gotten GL and NE. Still having a small army it was inevitable that Wang would decide to get after me and he has. I beat off his initial thrust and now I'm happy to allow him to beat on me, him losing units at a rate of 3 to 1 while my vultures advance through the promotions ranks.

Still, I know I'm in a tech deficit and would like to get a few in trade. I don't have enough military to take any cities from Wang right now, but I do have Aesthetics and am a few turns into Alphabet (which wang has and toku doesn't). I also know that Toku has techs I don't. Based on various things I've read here I'm trying to decide whether the following makes sense.

- accept peace with wang
- trade wang Aesthetics for Alphabet
- trade Alphabet and Aesthetics to toku for some techs (I know he has Iron and Metal Cast that I don't have)

Does anybody know what the likelihood that this will work is? I guess I don't have enough experience to determine whether civs that you've been at war with (and who are just a pain, like toku) will trade techs.
If Tokugawa isn't pleased with you, not even a chance. I've had Tokugawa pleased with me, and he wouldn't offer to trade away Aesthectics (in the 1400-1500s, mind you) because "[he] just didn't like [me] enough."

Even if he loves you to death, he probably won't trade Metal Casting if not many other people have it. "We don't want to start trading away this tech just yet."

In other words, don't count on it.
Toku the Toad doesn't like to trade his techs away. I can't honestly ever remember trading techs with him. It's hard enough to just get him to agree to Open Borders.
If he has techs Wang and you don't have, he won't trade them because he will feel like he has a monopoly on them. If he has one Wang has, and is pleased to you, and is on a good day, and pigs has wings, you might have a chance.

But you'd have better odds trying to steal them with spies.
I've actually once managed to get Toku to trade techs. But chances are low he actually wants to trade - even at pleased, he won't trade any tech that isn't widely known by then.

But in your case, not a chance. Toku is probably still pissed because of the war and you won't get him to trade anything if beneath pleased.
Thanks for the feedback. Its as I suspected and I'm planning to steal a few techs once I get Alphabet. Will I get it from Wang for Aesthetics? If not, is it still a foolish plan to remain at war with Wang (he declared) when there is nothing for me to gain other than unit promotions and his wasting production on units?
actually Toku tech slow like . .. .. .. . so why bother trade him for the first place :D
I would go for peace with Wang Kon and reopen the borders so you at least get the chance to do some trades.

Aesthetics and Alphabet are equal in beaker cost, so it might work. If he doesn't think it is a fair deal, research 1 turn of it and he might turn around. Only thing is, I don't know whether Wang Kon would want to trade it away.
Steal them. Toku only demands techs from me, he'll never trade them, so I steal them.
There's 2 situations where he'll trade with you. you're the only one who doesn't have the tech he has, he'll trade it to you (this can be abused in isolation with him as he'll think you two are the only 2 civs in existence) and he's at least pleased.

He's friendly with you (all civs will trade every tech they research as soon as they research it unless they're using it for a wonder if they're friendly with you).

Overall Tokugawa is the worst trade partner in the game.
it was inevitable that Wang would decide to get after me and he has. I beat off his initial thrust and now I'm happy to allow him to beat on me

Yes its best to beat off wang during the initial thrust.
Every game that I have Toku with, I just pretty much ignore him. It's not worth the effort to get in good with him.

Although there was one time when I was alone with him on a continent, I never warred with him, but he asked to be my vassal. Just came out of nowhere. :mischief:
I got toku to friendly for the first time ever in my last game, but mainly because we were the same religion and i was actually running merc.
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