WW II December 1941


Jan 25, 2009
Leeuwarden, Holland
This mod contains several maps to start from: 1914, 1939, 1941, 1943 and 1960!

This scenario is based on dacubz TTT Modern Alliances. It is an update from my TTT Modern Alliances New 1914 version


Version 1.8 is ready!!!!

Spoiler Download version 1.8 (September 20, 2020) here: :

A lot of changes. Mostly gameplay. I took the unit limit off, so units don't have quantity restrictions. But i made units way more expensive. I hope that makes it harder to defeat the AI. Added some new units.

I did not test it a lot so feedback is welcome. Especially feedback from unit cost and ai coping with that.

Special thanks to bartdanr for help with the 1914 map. You really done a great job with Religons and leaderheads.
And thanks to m1woljtek for brainstorming and testing.

Spoiler Version 1.7 :
New version includes a new June map from 1941. You can play barbarossa as the nazies or hold them off as the soviets. Removed almost all of the commando promotions to make it hard. Unit placement is not the most accurate like december 41. Ai tends to mix it all after a few turns anyway. Estimated strenght and order of battle.
Further some minor changes. Less healing to make it more difficult. You (and the ai can build more city fortresses and anti tank defences.
Communism can sacrifice people just like slavery.
Captured workers can be turned into hammers.
Added ww1 and ww2 unique artillery for Germany.

Spoiler 1.63 :
New update 1.63:
Clean install, erase the previous versions and then install 1.63. Not savegame compatible!

Removed Blitzkrieg National wonder. All training camps have to be built seperatly
Some techs increase naval speed
Fixed some units and unit arts
Radio and GPS promotion +10% strenght
Sniper cannot pilage
More default attack subs and supercarriers
Drafting costs only 1 anger
Stug stronger and some anti tank strenght
Healing units heal slower, speed reduced, cannot have blitzkrieg promotion

Spoiler Version 1.62 :
Reduced costs for M4, T34
Tiger speed to 1, due to break downs
Ministeries added
1939 map, made some changes, small expedtionary force, city fortifications in soviet union, harder for germany to conquer, i hope
Promotion battelfield Radio, and GPS
Modern healing unit
Healing units vehicle speed -1, attacking is a bit more difficult
Seawolf and russian sub class added

Spoiler Version 1.61 :
A small update with some added units and minor bug fixes. With help from Oliwan!

added stryker apc
fixed car and consumer goods factories
military police animations fixed
fixed free jet promotions. They had the wrong radar promotions
apc's corrected strenght and gave them pinch(infantry), ambush(armor) and engineer brigade (amphibious ) promotion.
usa modern inf. added

Spoiler version 1.6 :
New 1960 map
Some new units : Special Forces, Avro Vulcan, Type99 (Special Thanks to Oliwan)
Fighters/Bombers and Jetfighters/Jetbombers are not the same unitcombat anymore
Jetfighter/Jetbombers have their own new promotion tree
Jet fighter/bomber sounds added by Oliwan

Spoiler version 1.5 :
version 1.5
new map 1943!!!
new building: Lighthouse
New unit: u boat XXI
New late game promotion and tech: Joint Warfare
some buildinginfo changes

version 1.4
Spoiler :
New buildings: Courthouse, Library, levee, several military export factories (hurricane, mig21, t34, F16), Consumer goods factory, modern car factory, Aircraft factory (can't build planes without them anymore)
Bonus: Car, Consumer goods, export units
Promotions: Multiple target Acquisition I,II,III, MP, Laser Guidance

Biggest change: Removed commando promotion. Made it part of the Blitzkrieg doctrine.
2nd Biggest change: Intercept and evasion percentage is lower. Radar becomes way more important now. It gives a bonus to both intercept and evasion.

Artillery can cause damage to 50%. At first it was 0%,to force the AI to use barrage, but the AI did not use artillery anymore.
Late WW2 and post WW2 techs cost more

Units: Military police, F-16 export, Export Hurricanes, Merchant freighter !!!( To cash in some additional gold), Tornado for germany, italy, Australian Spitfire,

Highways cost more time to build

tech: Modern Consumer Industries

Scenario 1941: USA navy is immobile for 1 turn, same goes for german land based units.

version 1.3
Spoiler :
Fixed oil resource issue. FE: Oil III is now for units that require oil I or oil II and of course oil III
Added 2 china's for the wwII scenario's
Fixed a few other issues

version 1.2
Spoiler :
Artillery and some naval units now have ranged bombardement (tip from Tigranes, help from who else isenchine)
Some changes on the maps
Torpedo bomber can fully destroy naval units, -100% on land units
Update on the 1914 map included
Spoiler :
* OilII, Oil III, Chemical resource, Diamant and rubber are on the 1914 map. Not in the exact place as the 1939 or 1941 map.
* Unit sight +1. Mainly because of conquering cities just by moving units through cities (Thanx MC!)
* Although savegames are compatible, because of the sight change units dissapeare in shadows. So when playing a 1941 or 1939 savegame before this update: WAIT until you start a new game.
* Added normal cavalry for the 1914 map with an upgrade to late cavalry.
* Added Roosevelt for 1941, 1939 map (Thanx academia)
* Trucks and Mine layers buildable in early game now
* WWI units available
* War declarations fixed i hope. Open gameplay and no declarations after start
* Added palaces for several nations. This caused problems with trading etc.

Save game compatible

version 1.1
Spoiler :
update adjusted moves now included
Added city forts in 3 Soviet cities and improved some citied, added buildings

ver. 1.0
Spoiler :
changelist 23 june 2015

version 1.0!!!!

* New 1939 scenario
* New units: City fortress, Anti tank Defence ( both immovable) ,
soviet guards infantry and tank divisions, german ss infantry and ss tank divisions,
military engineers can transport anti tank defence, trucks can move immovable machine gun units,
cavalry divisions are ugraded, even some unique soviet cavalry. ( partly motorized)
* buildings: german laboratory, training grounds
* usa and uk expenses are higher to compensate for their high tech research.
* recon visibility for air units +1, spies and partisans have spy promotion( vis +1)
* no tech trading for all scenarios
* future techs: modern farming and modern industries: can build: modern farms and modern mines,
lumbermills and modern workshop
* New promotions: Elite promotion for major countries, spy promotion, mortar battalion
* added 1914 scenario, from the original TTT mod. I do not support this scenario but it will be fun to
play from 1914 with the large tech tree.
* music added, plus the air alarm from road to war

Changes version 0.9:
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
version 0.9
a lot of changes:
Larger tech tree, added some future units. More in next update!
Fixed Belgium in africa, added african nations as vassal of UK
Promotions such as Woodsman, radar, radar guided searchlights, recon, anti tank
New bonus: Coffee, diamond, oil, oilII, oilIII
Units: satellites, m1a1 and a2 abrams, challenger I & II, Some elite units/divisions
Carrier planes and none carrier planes, steam catapult carrier and ski jump carriers

Oil change: Regular units can be built with oil or synthetic oil. Heavier units require oil II and late game units oil III. Obviously oil III is more scarce than regular oil
version 0.7
Bugs with crashes fixed!
There is a scroll barr for the civs thanks to isenchine
civics can now be changed
reduced naval movement

Content of the scenario:
Spoiler :

version 0.7
47 civs
Skilled workers, Workers and captured workers. All with different working speeds
Goods Factories, needed to expand cities
No medical promotions, limited ambulances and medics available. Healing is slow or impossible without them. Only in cities with clinics and hospitals. So you have to plan your moves.
Added Highways, a bonus for towns with highways
Infantry can build trenches, bunkers, bases
No airlifting
Limited airunit capacity, need to build airbases. Towns and mil. bases can hold airunits
You can search for subs with a limited number of searchplanes and ships.
Filled up many cities with buildings.
Difference between carrier aircraft and non carrier based aircraft
Civs are divided in different categories for building infantry. Normal, medium and large sized number of infantry divisions available
Many accurate generals, still many too add
Engineers to build routes, defences and bases
WW I units not available, maybe the 1914 scenario will return in an update

To do list:
Spoiler :

New tech tree
elite division
improve accuracy on number of naval units. It needs work
Improve accuracy post WW II units

October 30, 2017, delete old version and place new version in the mod directory

Special thanks go to dacubz for the base of the scenario and aob86
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hi skyfire
i started to playtest this scenario as Japan, and there´s a HUGE issue here!!!
the americans completely annihilated what i assume is my fleet that is supposed to attack pearl harbor. because... i asssume the scenario starts before that, correct?
i know that this might be related to the turn order, but i strongly encourage you to do something about it.
it simply defeats the purpose of turn 1, from a japanese perspective.
So far im very impressed!! However the partisans need to go asap... they attack from where i have troops and it takes way too much time for them to attack every turn and they do nothing but lose every time they attack. Maybe 1 or 2 but there is like 20 or more of these per turn it just makes a long game longer.

Just curious if you will add Destroyers and Battleships to the Nazi empire they seem to only have freighters and subs
some additional thoughts:

-in general terms, it seems to me that the naval units have many movements per turn... some of them more than 20? i mean, with some units i can cross the entire pacific ocean (from japan to US), in just two turns?
-cavalry is useless... is that the idea? i know this is ww2, not ww1. but anyway, strength 5 seems too low.
-japan starts without steel/fuel... really? i mean, i´m in the middle of ww2 and can´t create any new tanks/aircrafts, until i build the oil refinery national wonder?
i strongly believe that all the "big nations" (let´s say ussr, uk, usa, france, germany, japan) should already begin the game with those wonders.
i´m ok with the tank factory restriction, but you need to buy the goods factory first... which is extremely expensive!
hi skyfire
i started to playtest this scenario as Japan, and there´s a HUGE issue here!!!
the americans completely annihilated what i assume is my fleet that is supposed to attack pearl harbor. because... i asssume the scenario starts before that, correct?
i know that this might be related to the turn order, but i strongly encourage you to do something about it.
it simply defeats the purpose of turn 1, from a japanese perspective.

Yes i'll have to look into that. The scenario for this front is supposed to be right after pearl harbor. So there are no ships left in pearl harbor. The us carriers were not there. I'll place the fleet closer to usa and take down movement point for ships. A large part of the ships is stille based on the 1914 scenario from dacubz. So it needs some attention.

Thanx for the feedback. Keep going. Japan was the only large nation i did not test yet. So the fuel en steel problem was overlooked.
So far im very impressed!! However the partisans need to go asap... they attack from where i have troops and it takes way too much time for them to attack every turn and they do nothing but lose every time they attack. Maybe 1 or 2 but there is like 20 or more of these per turn it just makes a long game longer.

Just curious if you will add Destroyers and Battleships to the Nazi empire they seem to only have freighters and subs

The partizans come in real handy for yourself. If you for example play as su, you can destroy rails to stop germans frommoving in. There are just a few hospitals in the nazi part of soviet union so they have to depend on fresh troops and medics to heal. Slowing that down my idea was for the soviets to win. Just like the real thing. There were many soldiers from destroyed division that joined the resistance. And they were pretty effective.
Unfortunally the AI doesn't use them as i thought.
-cavalry is useless... is that the idea? i know this is ww2, not ww1. but anyway, strength 5 seems too low.
Yes they are quite useless. Left overs from WW I. There were nations like SU with cavalry divisions, i'll look into that later.
-japan starts without steel/fuel... really? i mean, i´m in the middle of ww2 and can´t create any new tanks/aircrafts, until i build the oil refinery national wonder? i strongly believe that all the "big nations" (let´s say ussr, uk, usa, france, germany, japan) should already begin the game with those wonders.
Taking care of that in the next update.

i´m ok with the tank factory restriction, but you need to buy the goods factory first... which is extremely expensive
Playing the 1914 scenario i noticed cities were evolving way too fast. Even in Siberia. For real only a limited number of cities grow with large industries.
I'm thinking of great engineers to build the goods factory at once. That opens up possibilties.

Ceep giving feedback, it saves me a lot of time for a new update.

Anybody encountered the USA bug yet?
skyfire: sorry for not saying this before, but i really appreciate your effort!!
i understand that putting together a ww2 scenario in a huge world map is an extremely complex task.
so, i just wanna encourage you to keep it going! i feel that you are pretty close to obtaining a really fun scenario here :goodjob:
Playing the 1914 scenario i noticed cities were evolving way too fast. Even in Siberia. For real only a limited number of cities grow with large industries.
I'm thinking of great engineers to build the goods factory at once. That opens up possibilties.
mmm... what about reducing the cost of the goods factory? i´m not against your idea, i just feel that the price is too much.
i´ll keep on playtesting japan and let you know if i have any other comments :)
its just so long when ever nation does nothing but i need to wait for the "partisans" to attack me from same location everyturn just to get destroyed by my armies.. maybe if u made the partisans random?? then it would really create havok! lol

the AI does your mod no justice i can easily beat them with the resources provided. if need be i can supply saved games.

the russians are a joke ive handled them...

maybe rig the countries friendships better? i mean portugal is mad at me for not going to war with sweden?? lol
turn 24 is the last playable turn as Germans and then it crash. ive tried multiple times goin back in my saved games changing things slightly ect.. and as the partisans attack on turn 24-25 it crashes on the exact same attack sequence.

damn those patisans... :p
really want to continue this and im sure the partisans are the key please let me know how to remove. thank you
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