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WW2-Europe XXL


from CIV1 to infinity
Feb 20, 2003
Northern Europe
Here it is, I finally finished it. This is a scenario of WW2 in Europe. It uses the PTW and Conquest WW2 units, which are therefor needed.

There are about 400 cities on the map, and 26 CIVs. Please read the txt file to know how and where to place the files and the units. Human players can choose between the Commonwealth, the US, the Soviet Union, the Third Reich or the French.

Starting the game the first time takes about 80 min on a 2.66 GHZ CPU with 1 GB RAM, loading a saved game takes about 2 min (Firaxis!!).. turns then take about 10-15 minutes...

The main problems left are of a diplomatical nature, since one still isn't capable to set the diplomatic status (locked alliances are in, but that's just not enough), and the fact that the AI destroys cities.... I recommend, that once you have chosen your CIV, you go into the Editor and allow it to build settlers before starting the game...

I changed the rules in mosts aspect, major changes are in the txt file. The most important change is that they are no Settlers... this is as much a realistic feature, as well as way to keep the game playable, since the AI would otherwise just build too many cities...

This scenario does not mean to be absolutely accurate in its details, I however tried to place the cities in the right places, give them the correct local names, and correct population. It should be so far historically correct as that Germany and Russia are able to smash Poland and the Baltics,... I tryed to make it possible to lead the war as it actually happened. I recommend playing at least on Emperor level.

you can get the PTW WW2 units from:
CCJ39's CIV Site

Please read the Readme file, installation is now different:
just extract the Content of the Zip file to your Conquest/conquests folder, then copy the additional PTW and Conquest WW2 units to the scenario's Units folder... that's it...

LATEST UPDATE, thx to CELLKU for all the work on this:
Aeldrik's WW2 Europe XXL CellKu Update
(just unzip in the Aeldrik ww2 folder and overwrite when necessary)

Minor Update: version 1.06b (just replace the scenario file from 1.06 with this one)

Aeldrik's WW2 Europe XXL v1.06b

Here's the latest version: v 1.06 uploaded 11/03/04:
Aeldrik's WW2 Europe XXL v1.06

changes from version 1.05:
-added Waffen SS for the Third Reich, strong in attack, able to see invisible units
-all foreign images now replaced with flags
-stronger British defence, slightly stronger Soviets
-New Resources needed for andvanced Tanks
-New placement for Uranium resources
-Added lots of new units
-Added missing entries to the Civilopedia and Pediaicons.txt
-Added Builging graphics

Here are the saved Game of the first turn: (a lot faster to load...)
Third Reich Emperor Level (version 1.06)
Soviet Union Emperor Level (version 1.06)
Commonwealth Emperor Level (version 1.06)
France Emperor Level (version 1.06)
United States Emperor Level (version 1.06)
Italy Emperor level (version 1.06)
here also some pics:


  • pic1.jpg
    97.1 KB · Views: 19,918
Sounds interesting, but I dont have these ptw unit files,
any idea where I can get them ?
Originally posted by aeldrik

Starting the game the first time takes about 50 min on a 2.66 GHZ CPU with 1 GB RAM, loading a saved game takes about 2 min (Firaxis!!).. turns then take about 5-10 minutes...

This looks terrific and I'd really like to play it as there was no WWII Europe scenario in Conquests, but I just can't play something that takes that long to start and that long for turns.

It's kind of like a fine wine that's been aging for over a century... you know it's really good yet you can never ever drink it. :eek:
I hear ya... I remember the days of 286 XT's and 5.25 " disks. Now you can't even blink without hardware standards making a huge leap forward. I'll download it and try to load it up for a look see although I only have a lap top and it gets overheated rather fast. Anyhow, from the pictures alone it's clear you've spent a lot of time and creativity in designing this. Well done.
Now I finished loading, but he exited cause of not finding the arts for "British Infantry". I downloaded all the wwii PTW units posted by LouLong and copied the files from the pacific wwii folder.
Any idea where I might get this art files and maybe more needed files ?
@ Dedin: I checked the thread, the British Infantry is not there for download, but you have it in the ww2 pacific folder from Conquest (called ANZAC Infantry, copy it from there in the right folder with all the order units, and rename the folder to British Rifleman, that should do the trick...
here is a list of all the folders one should have to play the game, check it first before starting the game again:
Allied Carrier (Conquest)
American Rifleman (PTW and Conquest)
British Rifleman (PTW and Conquest: Anzac Rifleman)
F4F WIldcat (PTW and Conquest)
FW190 (PTW)
German Rifleman (PTW)
Heavy Bomber (Conquest)
Italian Rifleman (PTW)
Japanese Carrier (Conquest)
Jet (Conquest or PTW ME262)
Light Tank (Conquest)
M26 Pershing (PTW)
Nuclear Bomb (Conquest)
P-38 Lightning (Conquest and PTW)
P-51 Mustang
Russian Infantry (PTW)
Sturmovick (PTW)
Tiger II
American Anti-tank (PTW)
German Anti-tank (PTW)

for more details on the units, please see this thread:

this should be a complete list of all the units needed for the scenario
BTW, you may have wanted to make the units on the Maginot line immoble. You could use a turret (somewhere in my WWI unit packs, although it is more a WWII unit, these packs are in the "I Am Paking A WWI Scenario" thread), but any unit that is not immoble, and has any strategy flag could be sent into enemy territory by the AI. They are mainly used to pillage. It would be odd for the French to abandon the Maginot line, in order to go pillage Germany, and defend other cities in the North. Other than this, this looks great :goodjob:!
Hy Gogf, those units are immobile... I created an immobile Infantry unit and an immobile Artiillery unit and used them for the Marginot Line and othe places, since I was well aware of those problems...
The point also was to only use units everybody who has PTW and Conquest already has.
Well done, very nice job. However they're are some things..

1) Lots of mispelled words in the editor. Some units, civs (nouns & adjectives) as well as techs are a little off. It's alright because English isn't your native language by the looks of it, I know how it is.

2) There's 2 or 3 cities in Germany which can have the 'ue' in their name replaced to 'ü'. I see all other German cities with diateresis (sp?) over them except for the ones with the 'ue's. 'ü' is alt-0252 just to let you know.

3) Why didn't you use the PTW anti-tank units rather than the TOW infantry, I thought that was rather interesting.

A lot of the city names are different than English standard ones, I like that a lot because a name in it's natural form is always much more correct than in another form. However, these Russian cities are kind of funky. What language are they in?

Well anyways great job. Perhaps you can post some save game files to shorten the load speed, it takes around 40 minutes for me. Oh yes, and are all those settlers and king units blocked off in the northeast needed? If not it would do a lot of good to reduce the computer speed. Well thanks for the scenario, I find myself spending many hours playing it. :)
1) please tell me which ones, with the correct words, and I'll correct it.
2) I corrected the German cities, I started writing all the names in a standard american alphabet, and only changed it later, I guess I forgot to correct those....
3) I was just lazy... but I will add them for the next version
4) The Russian city names come from a French and a German dictionary, I also checked in a dictonary to get the names of the cities at that time since they changed a lot by now.. If there is someone from Russia reading it, please correct wathever mistakes they are,...
5) The Settlers and King are derived from the Idea of Phoenix, this makes it possible for a CIV that has no city to still be around, meaning its units will go on fighting. THe kings are not necessary, but they don't really slow the game down...

I will add saved game Files of the first turn, but it also takes a lot of time for me.... I'll add the first one now...
Hey again,
starting of the scenario worked for me now.
But when I tried to change production in "Pilsen", the game
crashed with the following report:


Missing entry in "Conquests\...\Conquests\WW2 Aeldrik\text\PediaIcons.txt"

I guess it has something to do with the infaltrator guy ;)
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