ZPNESVI: Nesse, the Chosen City

To: Alya
From: Lucan Family

After closer review of your presentation, our elders have agreed that it will be mutually more benefitical for us to sign such alliance. We welcome our new brothers!
To: Alya
From: Lucan Family

After closer review of your presentation, our elders have agreed that it will be mutually more benefitical for us to sign such alliance. We welcome our new brothers!
Good then, we will send you resources for the trade and defend your traders with our troops.

Ok just to make sure
Whats going on in Nesse right now is:
*Trade with sea-empire of the north opens
*Clans prepare to attack the wolf barbs
*Still debating on help to red barbs against golden barbs
*Debates on building a second wall
*Debates on exiled ones.
To Alya and other Elite Clans

You insist on your demented version of history. But lets move beyond that. We still advocate the development of the outlanders as a means to develop the rest of Nesse.

It appears that no one is willing to allow for a head of state other than our allies. We see this as foolish, but it would be better if some of our agenda were agreed to than none at all. We will leave the role of Imperator to be debated upon in the future as a possible emergency leader; after all, democracy is slow, and potentially detrimental to military action, where speed of decision is valued.

We take severe issue with Alya's creation of a House of Elites. It seems that Alya is more tyrannical than House Challoan; where we advocate rights and interests of the outlanders, Alya wishes to oppress them. We cannot count on the elites to represent the interests of outlanders and Nessers. Those classes should not have to count on Elite support. They should be able to support themselves and represent themselves. No House of Elites should be created.

So we agree to your Senate, and each clan will be allowed a representative in it (but they do not need to elect someone from their own clan; if they want, they can elect someone from another clan to represent the interests of their clan). However, elections should be yearly, with only a third of the senate being subject to election each year (so two years for a Senator will be election-free, and the third will be an election year for that particular senator) [this is emulating the United States senate's method of election, in case I'm confusing].

We also think that a judicial system should be debated. A civilian triumvirate will be appointed by the Senate to interpret the laws enacted by the Senate. Once appointed, they have to perform an illegal act to be removed. Their term will be for ten years, without reelection.

And as for Orange Clan, it appears that we've been severely misinformed by someone. Orange Clan should be hired as mercenaries to fight against Wolf, but should not be allowed into Nesse. We ask that Orange Clan fight alongside Fire Clan.

OOC: Someone is either confused or slightly dishonest. Could be me or someone else. Appologies to Orange Clan. Hopefully that can be ignored. That was not cool.

Lesson learned: don't count on other people to do your communication. Do it yourself.

Link to video.

EDIT: I've created the Syndicate of Clans for discussion between me and my allies. No more playing games with PMs. I stayed up till midnight because of them. Those invited, please respond.
To: Alya
From: The Hooded Order

Concerning the attack against the Wolf Barbs, we will try to send some members of our order in that direction. If they come to you in the nick of time, consider it good luck.

Brother Jospeh, son of Michale and Piper, walked along the road. Occasionally he would pick up stones and branches, look at them critically and put them down again. He walked with a large oak staff in his hand, although it looked like he had picked up a large, thick branch form the forest floor and declared it useful. Knife marks were etched into the bark, with no real design. More like doodles.

He looked ahead. To his left was the city of Nesse in all its horrifying glory. From his vantage point on the hill he could see boats in the harbour and the people milling around like ants within its streets. Outside the walls, land was being cleared. To his right, farm land and open ground stretching to the river. Ahead was his destination, as such as the Order used the word.

The House was it's name amongst the Order. They didn't go for naming things. They were taught at the Abby, people lived in Cottages, Villages, Towns and the City. That was it. Others named things. No more than a few weeks had the Order claimed it as a place of healing, and it was already full.

Tents had grown around the House. They were mainly for those who could be easily healed, broken bones and simple ailments. Inside the house were the more serious maladies.

Walking through the tents, Jospeh heard the cries of those getting their bones set and wrapped. He wandered around the place, entering tents seemingly at random, helping those within where he could with the meagre supplies he carried on his person.

He finally found another of his Order in a tent, teaching people from the city below how the benefits of laying willow bark on a wound outweighs the problems, such as a screaming patient. Jospeh approched her.

"Sister, I am Brother Jospeh, son of Michale and Piper. I have come to aid the House."

"That is good Brother Jospeh. I am Sister Glennis, daughter of Marleen and Gayle. Your aid is appreciated"

"I am here to take over and make the balance"

"You want to speak to Sister Jodee. She has been here the longest, and she fears the roots are starting to grow. She will be pleased to walk amongst the Outlanders again. I believe she is in the house."

"Thank you Sister." Leaving Glennis to her pupils, Jospeh made his way to the house. It was tall, to say the least. It looked like a screaming face. A dark screaming face. But it served its purpose.

When the Order explored the house properly, they found it went down further than it went up. Some of the lowest levels were flooded by an underground stream, but it didn't look too bad. It was a source of water, at least. The rest of the cellars were used as store rooms for food, water and medicine. Wine and weapons had been found in some cellars. They had been given away in the city, the weapons mostly stolen by a group of thugs.

Sister Jodee was in what was a drawing room on the ground floor. Many of the rooms had been converted into wards. Where people went depended on space and if they could walk up stairs. All except a room on the ground floor, where the Order slept. There were some small rooms where people belived to be dangerous to other's health would be kept.

Jodee was tending to a man with horrible rashes over his skin, attepting to stay sat upright, but the rocking about suggested he was failing. He also periodically had muscle spasms. Sister Jodee turned when he came in.

"Ah, Brother, I was just looking at this poor man. He has difficulty swallowing, rashes that cause eminor irritation, periodical spasms, can't walk straight and and when he can, he find himself too tierd to do so. What are your thoughts?"

"Well, has he been bitten by an unclean animal?" The two turned their hooded heads towards the man.

"Y-yes. I am a deliv'ry man by trade and *spasm* I was bitten by one of the city's stray dogs while deliverin', sirs." The man looked pleadingly at them.

"Well," began Jospeh, "I would say he has Jurkovich's Malady."

"Oh dear, he could be like this for months before it goes down."

"What! But my family rely on me to feed them!"

"But it's a simple treatment. Don't you have any Eye of Fugah? Even some Leuga's Toes would halve the time of healing."

"No, our stocks ran out. No one has been out of the House in days. We shall have to get some more. Very rare in these parts, you know."

"Indeed." Jospeh thought for a moment. "Actually, I have a lot of paste of Duverney Flowers with me. That may not cure the illness, but a tiny bit rubbed on the rashes and eaten for breakfast would manage the problems, at least until it died down. All he'd need to do was take on lighter deliveries."

The man perked up at hearing that. "Excellent," Jodee said. She called over one of the volunteers and told her to take Jospeh's supplies and put them in storage, then bring up a certain amount of paste of Duverney.

"So, Brother, I assume you are here to take over from me?"

"Yes, I am Sister. We do not want your roots growing too deep. But you have done good work here."

"Thank you. I'll just show you the most important ward, then I'll get my thimgs and go. How is the road?"

"Good. Winter is drawing. The Bear is bringing the warmth into her home. Although there is talk of our need in the west some time soon."

"For war I assume. I shall warn any of the Order I see on my travels. You know how word spreads. Here we are. The Plague Rooms.

They were in a cellar. Not one connected to the main cellars, but seperate. It was fielld with occupied beds. No one healthy was down here. Only the Order came down here, thrice a day, all five, to check up on everything.

People of all genders, ages and classes were down here, but mostly the poor. There were no doors to the rooms that seperated those suffering form different illnesses. Some were lying in their beds, some were weeping softly. At the end of the main corridor was door. "To a hidden opening on the hill. We do not allow sufferers from any plague through the house. Too dangerous. We don't like it, but there is no other way."

They went back up to the Order's room, to help Jodee with her stuff, which was her sickle, basket and staff of elm. She bade goodbye to Jospeh, who wished her well in her travels. As did Sister Gennis, Brother Rey, Brother Santo and Sister Lahonda.

A member of the Order musn't let the roots grow too deep.

We agree on the senate idea. Each clan will vote for one canidate as they see fit to speak in their name. If a certain senator is voted by more then one clan, he will gain the voting powers of more then one clan.
As for a single ruler, we think there should be two rather then 1 to keep the balance of power.
As for judges, yes we find it highly important.

The only thing we really don't agree upon is the idea of a dictator running the country above everyone else. A senate would do just fine.
OOC - how will the election be? It is rather obvious most will vote for themselves? Or will daft choose what each clan votes for?

The house of elites was meant as a way to handle business in Nesse quicker. As you must know by now the elites hold the military forces and most of the economy of Nesse, and so they must discuss before going into action.

Outside the area of government (for now a senate and judges would be enough) we wish to remind everyone of the business at hand.
Several clans, mostly outlanders, have requested we deal with the wolf clan. We must do it and do it swiftly. While the Alya offer most of its troops to the war we have no good generals. We hope one of the more militaristic families could take this job for the time being.

We suggest all elites will unite most of their armies (leaving some for personal matters and as body guards) for the next five years into 2 Nesse armies that will each be led by on of the fighting clans. This two armies should quickly mount a defense around Nesse and the outlanders realm and the other could attack the wolves at their villages.

Other then that we agree with Challoan that if a wall is built, it should be built further from the city then the current new housing zones to leave room for expansion inside the walls. We also believe that we need to build garrisons and guard towers through the outlanders realm to help defend the area more easily.
Alya is going to see to it that the trade with the sea-empire is done quickly and without interference, we will support financially the creation of the new house zones outside the walls and guard towers creation around the outlanders realm. And as stated we will give most of our troops to the war against the wolf barb tribe. As a side note we are financing the fiddlers.

DAFT - I still don't really understand how to send orders... for now my diplomacy should pretty much show what I am doing.
Announcement from the Fiddling Clan

As interest in our vast stocks of glue were minimal, even after the price was dropping to literally nothing, we have reinvested our resources into projects that would put this quantity of glue to use instead of dumping it in the sewers like some of us wanted to do. We are currently experimenting with lamination of various materials in order to create a stronger composite that might function as a far superior replacement to current military technology. Prepare to be blown away by the new Fiddler Arms and Armor Laminate Research and Development Laboratory, currently occupying the basement of our compound. Given the redirection of resources into this project, and hopefully some investment from our fellow clans (who, so far, perhaps are incapable of noticing the, quite possibly, accidentally invisible members of the Conclave), we might have these new pieces of equipment available in the next few years.

Signed, 'Galigus Fiddler, Speaker of the Fiddling Conclave'

@Daft: Redirect spending into four parts. 1/4 resources to lamination research, 1/4 to cement mixing research, 1/4 to lens and telescope improvement, and 1/4 to transmutation research. Can you tell that they're multi-taskers, yet?
OOC: Bil, your guys are just crazy awesome. Like the Alchemist's Guild in Ankh-Morpork.
OOC just with too much glue. I am supporting the fiddlers, in return of course for the sharing of technologies.
Oh Dafty. You and your addictive side-projects. Hope you'll take latecomers.

From: House Ìademos
To: Noble and Good Elites of Nesse

I am Laban Ìademos, humble, unworthy, supine scrivener of House Ìademos, formerly of the vile cesspit of Zantis. I bow myself, nay, prostrate myself, nay, utterly abase myself before you!

Why, you might be asking of yourselves, does such a brazen foreigner with strange robes and manners of speaking address your eminent magnificences in such a way? It is truly because of my sad fate. Only TWO ships of the many once allotted to me have fled across the ocean, carrying me, and a scant three servants, six sons, two daughters, and only FOUR concubines. Indeed, it is a sad fate for I, but from sadness can stem only greater joy, can it not?

The corruption of that vile Sea Kingdom, filled with the smell of rotting fish and evil deeds, was too much for my noble heart to bear. I protested at the excessive levies and duties that the despotic tyrants of Zantis charged upon my noble notaries, my magnificent mercantile manipulators, my aggrieved accountants, my practical profession of parchment! My punishment was exile, complete and abrupt. Only the forfeiture of my considerable fortune allowed me to escape with some few family members and household goods.

In short, I and my ilk are scribes, trained in linguistics, in writing and reading, in the creation of tax records and government documents. We are familiar with many of the cultures and languages of this sea, and are pleased to aid any future home in any endeavor involving eloquent expression of effusive etymology. And indeed, we can guarantee* a profit of ten percent per annum!

The city of Nesse has a certain raw vitality lacking in the indolent and inert cities of the north, and TRULY it is a far greater bastion of civilization than that 'Kingdom' from which I have made my retreat. However, I could not help but notice when choosing the destination of my flight that your city lacks a literate class. You have no bureaucrats, no actuaries, no official diplomats! Please, allow my family to take up these functions, and we shall serve you obsequiously on your harbor and in your market square.

With the steadfast efforts of my sons, we shall organize trade duties and submit them to your treasuries. We shall serve as your emissaries into foreign lands and ensure that your taxes are in order. Of course, a minor stipend, similar in form to perhaps one tenth of any foreign fees and tributes, and some small allowances for subcontracting, in addition to a solid medical and dental plan, would be more than enough to allow for the purchase of a meager cot and a crust of bread upon which your humble servant and his humble family shall subsist. Some terms and conditions may apply.

I sincerely hope my protestations are not in vain. Hail Nesse!

*Guarantees subject to market conditions.


House Ìademos: Thlayli
Type: Nesser
Speciality: Scribes
Description: Fled from the Sea Kingdom under dubious circumstances, the scribes of House Ìademos have come to bring the glorious era of taxation and bureaucracy to Nesse…by whatever means necessary.
House Tuxenius: tuxedohamm
Type: Nesser
Speciality: Blacksmiths
Description: Under the banner of the Hammer and Anvil, House Tuxenius is known for the intricate jewelry worn by the best of the elite. Most the weapons and metal tools can trace their orgin found throughout the city can trace their orgin back to the forge of a member of the House.
Orange Clan orders:

if we get paid - and by "paid" we don't mean a pittance, we require pay equal to that the Elites pay their foot soldiers - we shall send up to half our strength as mercenaries against the barbarians.

The rest of our strength (or all of it, should our mercenary demand not be met) will be put to work on building a palisade structure on our current lands. The material will be wood (speaking of that: Anonymoose/Drezden family: we're willing to buy wood!). The defense should be large enough to include a smallish village (I want some room for the clan to grow), as well as a potential future keep structure.

I realize this will almost certainly not be finished in one turn, and that's OK. I just want to start it as quickly as possible... who knows what evils of the world will need to be walled out...
The House of the Horned King believes that permission should be given for Nessers to settle outside of the city walls, to alleviate overpopulation and sickness. A second wall, smaller than the first, should be built some distance away from the city.

To The House of the Horned King
From The Thoung Clan( or... whatever lets just go with this name)

Even though were street fighters we agree, not because of kindness, but because we sorta have to. If premission is givin, we will be the first to settle outside the city wall for our protection of our clan's health.
if we get paid - and by "paid" we don't mean a pittance, we require pay equal to that the Elites pay their foot soldiers

I think Élite foot soldiers are "paid" in food and board. Professional armies don't exist at the moment.

If premission is givin, we will be the first to settle outside the city wall for our protection of our clan's health.

The Dicchus Clan FULLY AGREES with letting the Thong Clan live outside the city walls. As soon as is humanly possible.
To The Dicchus Clan
From the Thong Clan

We know why your agreeing with us. Its because we're street fighters isn't it? Well, as long as you agree with us its fine. Can we have a trade/war alliance with you?
To the Thong Clan
From the Dicchus Clan

No. Challoan are not street fighters but if they proposed living outside the city walls, I'd agree in a heartbeat.

To Clan Ìedamos
From the Clan of Dicchus

It is indeed rare that a barbarian such as you acknowledges our superiority. Having people who are good in letters and numbers would certainly benefit the city as a whole, and perhaps if we come to an agreement, my clan in particular.
I invite you to my pawn-shop for a drink or two of Luckius pre-Julii vintage wine and be entertained by some of my dancing girls. Perhaps you may find our Nessan and Outlander girls *quite* exotic. They're certainly quite civilised - and I can't imagine surviving on a mere *four* concubines.
from Alya clan

to Tuxenius clan
Finally blacksmiths! We wish to support you as much as we can so in the coming wars against the barbs our troops will be well equipped with the finest weapons!

to Ìademos clan
We are people of knowledge. While we do not agree with your attitude at the empire we will accept you. Us ourselves were once new comers to Nesse, from all corners of the earth we have come to settle in Nesse. Families of north, east and west banded together and formed what is now the Alya clan. In numbers we are unopposed, a melting pot of cultures. i myself am from the south, but we do have old comers from the sea-empire that have joined us a long time ago, they will most likely enjoy knowing new comers from the north has arrived.

While we wish to keep you a secret from the sea-empire (ooc btw Zanit is just a colony, not their capital) at least until their trade ships have left and paid us we would like to hear more of your vast knowledge. We are seekers of knowledge supporters of science and discovery.

to Thong clan:
We are all for you leaving the current city-walls, until you are ready to be humans.
no bureaucrats

Ahem. The Ninticus Clan likes to think of itself as atleast somewhat bureaucratic in a sense. It regulates what comes in and out of the city, although a lot of it is just searching people and fining them for random things :p Anywho:

To: House of Ìademos
From: The Ninticus Clan

We are willing to allow such a learned and polite people join Nesse. Just please pay the gate-toll as you enter and follow all of the laws of the land and we shall have no trouble.

In addition to our somewhat generic response, the Ninticus Clan is especially interested in the House of Iademos. We were wondering if you scribes would be willing to help us monitor the gates, writing down who or what comes in, who or what comes out, how many people we fine, and things like that. If you take up our offer you will get a cut of the gate tolls just as all of the other gate-keepers and guards do.

To: All Nessers
From: The Ninticus Clan

We believe that the best course of action is to take what tribute the Wolf Tribe is willing to give, and then attack them while they are fighting the boar Tribe. While rather underhanded, they have not shown themselves to be too trustworthy (randomly attacking us and all). And let us remind ourselves that they are merely barbarians. We are superior, and put their land to better use than they ever could have.

Also, we agree that we should ally with the Red Barbarians against the Golden Tribe. A quick victory in the south won't give us too many losses, and with help from the Red Tribe we could easily conquer the Golden Barbarians. While the Ninticus is largely a defensive group dedicated to the protection of the city of Nesse itself, we are willing to send some chariots to assist whomever goes into battle against the Golden Barbarians.

In addition, we would like to announce that the gates of Nesse are CLOSED to ALL exiles. They are nothing but filthy and rotten traitors who would bring plauge and instability with them. With our current food shortage, we cannot afford to let people as lazy and unpreductive as the Exiles to reside in or around Nesse.
@ Daftpanser Can you declare war on another clan? If so...

To the Alya clan
From The Thong Clan

We declare war on your clan! beprepared for we are comming with speres and axes! Prepare to fall!
The Alya would just like to say - we like your attitude Ninticus.

We doubt the wolf barbs will actually give us a tribute, we believe that is an attempt at entering our city and attacking from the inside. Those barbs are evil like that.

As for golden barbarians, that can be left for later.

Good. Keep the gates closed to those damned dirty exiles. They are not wanted within city limits. Let the Thongs leave peacefully thought.

to the Thongs
We thought you wanted to leave the city walls peacfully? May I remind you the Alya will be supporting anyone choosing to live outside the walls, including beasts such as yourselves?
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