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  • Hey, hope you are well! Your art is awesome! Would it be cool if I use some of your Olmec art for an "Earliest Civs" mod I'm making for Civ4?
    Please let me know. Thanks so much :)
    Man I have some problem with Patch of religions when the mod start have some problems with Buldings and the tecnology Granary have error.Please help i realy like this mod!!!!Thanks!!!

    Sorry for my Bad English!!!!!
    The militaristic trait dont function in the version of RoM 2.9 have some problem or wrong I am?The civilization Pirates dont function,I belive becouse the militaristic Trait have problem.Please help!!Thanks
    when i play ROM with your moduals an error about the events keeps comming and it fills up the screen. Its really annoying and i can see. Please help.
    How have you been? I have a question. Do you mind if I tweak around with your religion mod for RoM? This will only be for my style of play, and I will gladly correct some of the spelling for you. Unless you gave me permission, I will not share any of these changes with anyone else. I just have great appreciation for the work you've done, I'd easily pick up from there for you. Take care!
    Request for RoM Religions.

    Hey, I was thinking about all the religions you did and well, I'd like to put in a formal request, if you don't mind. ^__^

    I was thinking about more Futuristic Religions... Like, I have a more developed idea if you'd like what I show you but the General Idea of Religions would be:

    Transhumana: This is an ideal that would form a religion, we make ourselves Evolve, yada yada yada...

    Universalist: This has to deal with Extra-Dimensions, and that we are all United in Timelessness.

    These are the two I've really thought hard about... let me know! ^__^
    Your RoM modmod's are very, very good!:goodjob:
    I very like the new civilizations and religions!:lol:
    Thank you AAranda!:)
    Hi Aaranda
    congratulations for your work
    I am not being able to download religions and buildings mods for 2.71 RoM
    I think mediafire might have deleted it
    could u please upload it again?
    Hi AAranda, I like your MOD for RoM. I have a question: Hi, IgorS. A question: How to put many Civ MOD in only one. For example, look this picture. The red point are Civ MODs.

    This picture has a bad resolution, but I'm going to write the Civ MOD in the picture:

    Inuit Empire, Mapuche Empire, Mexican Empire, Minon Nation, Olmec Empire, Pirate Empire, Siamese Empire, Taino Empire, Toltec Empire, Tupi Empire and Venezuelan Empire.
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